Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEÉKLY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST.3s,16 THREE ENGIýNES esad major fire in the bùsinessditt The c ainws r n n1he wouid be difficuit to hiandie, and thýîe WO7H 1,.EEi 1-orL1 lalfof his fire depjartmfen-t'town would realize teeý late n- Lw L N EW S A lil V arieties H av Tha ota depecitedvalu - alf having presented -îthe first adlequate its equiflment was. , Wl -d -ne 1rit ise Pot ep'stheefie ihtn -;,Ife e year. iii, endi vstigfru ine mnth In ssietfi gemn fruits and carL hicls s$150, ounillr Bnso Mr Spder uggste ~ht ta's Choe wtl is aug1h2er Mrs. Klaas Scheo and vegetlabl'es lhave been deve1oped echI Spice,chairi ft 1he f re ght ime bad J11,(slipped bywhn t eud ibr o , A ler iM. Schioenmiaker and forinai'tance: Vinelald researcher ston e. Il aJndC t jnpr oiite od aebe otavnaeous o d p , giamyasohson ieV dr for a spe cific purpose-. Take peaches week in counil ecenly.banew ire engiýnbt fitthtifllIs[ 3f prit M s oiVadrSritVadhv entîoe o pca ss ain the ownshold lanto uy ne, r amîy.0. A. Bradt says at least 5 varietiesl MVr. Sie si hat On ari aw ý1 !( c oerý.two yar.A suitable fire1 prhi tesae r uchsecfaveyLoopreferably sprýea1ing th1,e E .LvkiPeiet XtefGests %with Ms.Brimacombe PRedhiaven is very good for freez- ae ri fiefihîn eheeby a mun.ici- engn would cost about $16,00, e Durham iCounty Liberal Association lat week were Fred and Garfield itg I atesabih-e ýl in mî-uut.Tee aeforI pal1ty after it*1 is -5 years ol1d, and said, thjoug, thîs prie coul 1 r-aninonuced today tfuat a Nominating ri1Ermacomrbe, Mïr. and M\rs. Francis p leachies hv rgtrdclu nlt that twvo 0f, the tewn's fire, gns1dcdb avn h ai qi- Convention will be hield oni Septem- H -all, Toronto, Mr. an-d Mrs. Wm. with an orange background. They the 1929 Bickle and the 19ý39 Çhev- mIenlt in-stalled by a local1 automno-1 ber 2, 1961, to eleet e Liberal cn oisn Orono. ar sal retoewe ie eh ia rolet,ar thrfe val ueless frbldeerdidate 'te contest Durham in the adMs1Gle uie s ago ann r u f£,r bile. dealer. ~~~~~~~~~Congratulations te Mr.'adMs odnJblei, odcnigactel resale. The 1949 International costý-r next Federal Election. iLance Pain, the former Mlrs. Dora pah uti s e eomne able te ge $7800, and at the end( of th!is year, Tefr ensae "] rea-FG 'The, Convention wiltl be.held in Mris nthi arriage Saturday fo reingut t is ote mark d Onie cal its ~~ W* dSrcatdvlu il je$560, abile rOpair, NMr. Spi:er saiJd, but a Necastle,-and Will be adrsSe! ugs, t9161iar te aronge of e ndays t w e on eda rk-i ht r _________________ ______ brte Hnser oabtoal Mri, ~iyUie hrh omnees are freestone and peel easiîy,atrm forxe Miiser f atona Halt vlle Rv.W. K. Housiander offic'- but Vv colour is not as rih 1a ie.l ________________________--___ad Welfare. sripen ata Jon aes orerMP.h adsaaed. the Redhaven. Oipnet comittéQies fore prpos1. e of fia,- Mrs. MeKenna is oecupying the I Envoy is ývery good for freezing Onte the ing persons who wish te stand for apartment belonging to Mrs. R. Best [lie nomination. In the last report on Park Street, formerly occupied j give" te the Executive at the June by Mr. and M.rs C. Graham~. 'Ethree persons had indicated to the Bancroft caîîed on friend in OronoC Commrittee that they were interest- on S' Iy ed in representing the Liberal o udy Party ln Durham. Lively interest in Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tennant are s c E this Convention is expectel as thei building a aew homne on Churchbill Liberals commence a determnined ef-1 street, north. of the Orono Sehool n RET AIL SALES TAX fotd leta mm for 1197on, r ad r. es er toscedMr. James, the last Lib-1 Mr. and Mrs. George West, Tor onoB ___ and Mr. Jack-est an- IS NOW OPEN IN PETERBOROUGH to serve Ilalburton, Northumberlapîd and Dutrham, Peterorough an~d Prince Edward County Retailers,-woeaes auatrr and aîil thers whvbo will be collectIingç itetail Sales Tax,- are cordially nte tovst this offiece if they requiread- tioalinfrmtio. Fori your cQnven-, iene, it is suggested thiat you tele- phone in advance. DISTRICT OFFICE AT PETERBOROUGH 263 George St., Tel. RI 5-2418 DISTRICT TAX ADMINISTRATOR H. ANDREWS REFiNISHING Have your work dfone by experts Phone collect for Free estimates Kennedy Upholstering Ltd. PORT HOPE TU 5-4054 TU. ".3221 perk up witla new ('k i Our ýnew Fail Hats have arrived. ln the selection are high ~ crown cloches, turbans, berets, pilîboxes and profiles. There are ~~ velvets, wool feits and velours in aIl the new Fali shades. Corne in and look them over while the selection is good. cý) Tley are priced from $2.95 to $10.95 Back to Sehool Wear BOY'ýS TROUSERS- Wash and Wear Pants cif goodi quality cotton cord in Inha eýs r0f greeni, beige, grey -ýid blaok. Sizes 8 to 18 years. S8 to ,12 vears $4.25 14 to 18 years $4.50 BO 'SH IRTS- Goo qul-Y Sport Shirts with lonrg sleeves, severzl dein.SIzes 14 ta 18 years. DOYPWI PREA KE RS- V Coýrded çotton, Jackets With knittedi nec;kband and cuffs, ayonne thro hotz[pper fronit. Green or brown. Sizes 2toPried lat............w5 GIRL'S CAR COATS- GeWesuedine coats wvith tw patohi pookets and button front, rayon ined. GoIýd, browrn and green. Sizes 7 tao 12 er.0R O Pric'ed at..... ...-.......$6.9à, er.IR, RO GIRL'S BLOUSES- ,Several styles in Arnel andi Cotton,, thsleeves or sleeveless. Plain shadJes and oheoks. Sizes 7 te 14, years. Priced from. ý..... .....$150 to $2,95 CARDIGAN Finie qujalitv in.terlock-knit Orlon Cardi-gans in a VarietY mf shiades. 2 to 6x, years $2.q5 F2>te 14 years $3.50 to $4.25 Store Opeii MojyArrnstrong's Evennigs Frlday and SaturdAY, open AHl Day Wedcnesýday soni, Timmins, and Mr. ,anad Mrs.i Fred Voegle and children of Dear- born, Michigan, spent Sunday withJ Mr. anid Mrs. E. k. West.. Mrs. George Carruthers and son of Newcastle, visited with Mrs. C. Wood. Mîr. and Mrs. Ainslee McGee and' f amily have returned after visiting -;ï Lioni's Head. D. Lycett To Sing At Royal 1Mrc, Douglas ILycett, Who bas àmeet wihconsiderable success as a pop-j ulrsinger wil appear iii person atteRoyal Theatre, B3owmanville, I duriiing the Labour Day holiday1 we-n.1e will present a haîIfi I heour program of bis songs at thetl Mi-Night Show on Simday, Sep- tomrber 3rd and durinig Jth' Mondayl evening show on Labour Day, .eý picture on the same bill will beý -Wilid in the Country" wIth Elvisi jncluded in his performances wiUi be is popular numbers "Cindy Mýer-indy" and "You Don't Wvant Tc# Go". Both songs were written týy Doug and have been recoi*ýd and are on sales throughou Caniada and1 the United States. I'unorGardena %Judgedt IOn Tuesday eveningý August 22ndi judgees visited once again the gar- dens of members of the Junior Gar- deners Club. After tallying the points, the five judges decided on the three prize winners. These namnes wvill be on vîew at the Horticulture Associ- ation section at the Fair along with the troph'y for the first prize Win- i ner. For those who may not have won the!c Gardon Trophy there is stîli an ojýpprtui-iity te win thie trophy for the -rost points in the Junior Gar- dnClub Showv at Ilhe Fair. Check yorBookiet for It thirteen c(ýlass- es inwhc you mray enter. A point wîpllho given for every entry and! exta pint gienlor' the firstý, seodanddl thidprize wnes Pleasonote:Enie(s will hoac 'ptud frcom 4 to 6Cim.un Thurs- daySoptmbor7. You ar'e adivised tpick your flewers the evenling o fore and stand then in a cool Folnformîatýio3n cal Orono '1777. UNàITEI CHURCM Orono Pastoraï Charge M ini ste r 11ev. Basllonýg SUN DAY. AUGULST 20»' rj.4IPRCH SERVÎ(CES Leskar...............2 .m SUNDAY SGHOOL irIby ... ... ...... il -a.m Leskard ........... 1ý30 p.m- -A Use ijninýg. Thiis mdulsz yelo-feseda nd f ree-- is ready about the trhrd AuguLst. tVedlette and Veteran areý, yknewn as the V's. TheY uarygood for eating and aniniig. They are in seaýsen,- ugust or eariy Sept embe r. an excellent eanning s freestone. These peache-s, ast variety that you wiIlj be 4e in the fail. ution: If you buy p)eacàes; not fully ripe, leave Vhem t emperature until thL-y ncder-ripe peaches will nrQt refrigerated temperatures. pe<aches are ripe, refriger- Y vOUR ïI0O0L P LIE s NOW We have the Text Book Lists for Grades 9 te 12 COMPETITIVE PRICES ON: TEXT BOOKS CLIP BOARDS BINDERS PENS -Cartridge -BaIliPoint LUNCH BO0X and THIERMOS FREEýush-omb-mirror or I.D. Tag with- purchase of $5.00 schooI supplies, while they [ast. Stutt's Pharmniacy Phonie 168J Orono, Ontario w Ir THIS EEK'S STORE VALUES Bub'ble Solution, king size, 8 ounce in jar each 1.9e Socks, Men's Midway size 1012 and 11V/2 Cotton, Nylon reinforced, Pair f or..... ........ 59e Socks, Ladlies and Misses Cotton Bobby Soeks triple roll top, nylon reinforced, white, 8 to Il Dish Clojths, stock, up flOjW an-d save on Multi- color Dishi Cloiths, flull 13ý"x13" size Special es 1Ne or 6j>foir thýelo price of.ý,.... ........... 57c Deodoîrizer ToiletBol pine l-ilac anîd rose scented Eachonl.......1c or2 for.....25c TeeShrs Boy's Shorýt Sleeves interlo-cked cotton c 1ew neckwhite only, size Si 4 6, and 8 Each 39c Briefs, ILadie& Rayon ribbed cuff leg band, as- sote clossize S M anid Large Each 39c- Bat and Baill, Reliable Jumbo Sluger" duhrable poltheeSaniary, hr~sbaff andba. . 8- ORNO5c, O$0STORlEI OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS N. N. N. N. N. f b~ N. s- N. N. s N. N. N. N. N. N. ~ s N. s 'N. j N. N. N. b N. N. N. N. s N. z N. N. 'N. N. b -~ N. N. N. '-s N. t N. 'N. DISTIi<I O FUIUE

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