Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1961, p. 5

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ORONO, WEEKLY 1TIMES - rHURSDAY, AUGUST lth, 19411 Insect Repelcird g ~STkCK - LOTION - LIQLJID - SPRAY Stutt's Pliarmnacy S PHONE 168-J ORONO f We wiII be CLosing This Saturday Night at 6 p.m. leacb At Orono, Show and ttie success of their aCt, 4ù 'a iia" 1 6 ve d gwk~faue the irre-spoilsible ulown Tommy Ilaiiïeford, prompt- es Jack Arthur tu invite themi to G raci l st cidt S o w 'ttirake p art in this year's show. The Thýeronis the unbelievable French ccngact, are to appear. So is tho 0fjail- the showýs in show business stage. eeda Wally Dean. Canada's nly -ýonce n properiy bec called the Hley! Mr. Policemian opens the' famjjous gymniiastie Ernestine Russel bigst show on earth. The show show aind features one hnrdad~i1b nhn ihohrCiai wit1te biggest cast on1 t1.L biggeýst ýflfty of Toronito's Metro politan po1b an entertainers inicluding Joey Hoi. stage in entertain one of the big- iceenand plcwmn They Wmi1l ingwoth.Presidling over the gest nighty audlience is not to bei bejoined by the fast stepping Can-,wlîie evening's cetrainment 'Nin ,and in New Yor,lHliwodLas a Metc , e ongest hune of 1precis-l )be Pee.Mwsas your host. -- Vegas or anywhere in the Uited ion-1dancers in the wold. The Giry s anexr bonus fouLrteen ý1961. Sttsbut here in Toronto, Caad.)f (Canada, la thirýty m1_Cinte hghi Chvroet B'el-AIr Sdncars are CaleaCaadan i is the eveniflg entertaning musicaltriute to the bîggvnaa one at each GrandstndUsho and a feature of develoMnt.nf Canad, wili be an- vnnîpromne th anui andin atoalEx ohe hghigtof tpis year's show. iigJakAtu in cetn hiîinand is stge )ightljy x This show sto)pper is bsdo01 ti1auon n atatcso the opn 1irAgust lsth to sep. eantacom viposed by r. LesiaUCe aceimeofCroadas iist amousi tebr2n1(, and ifi' ite biggestl Cl rand Willbecstgedand dirededjleri cai phronaitie.MAan and showi ail the world. 'y AWla Lnd. Teens Aplenty is anBlnche lund are choreograph'ing Sacruing nimsiclcmedy type nm- výal, dace umbrs.Midge Ac- This year JaQ Arthur, te showsbevwich wHIiuse teenagers ane, uc"im responsibi e fr the drilling producer and Canada's Dean of wi1fauesvri u1adn fteCndetsadla hro whcfrom begý--Inning to end, \Vill othepr large scale production numj- l wl again Cir et th-eorhsa bea a thriliing spectacle. The enor- beh' r which has a Montmartreatand ha, copos d darn rms1sage will befild Aihsome jmosý,phjercand, as well as PsCpecaliysm outstancin~g nusielpiece five hundred performvers wwli acsueste Canadettes in a high, for Canadiana 'C1. Stuart McuKay tae part in this colourful xtav- ickinig Can Can. - n.o ot nirc' ed~ gaz.,7ivehýgihy original musical tetia otm einr a prouctonnumlbers wl make 'up Amnong the speciaty acts are: again created a Wardrobe wih Caain 61, and to top the even- Victor Julian and l is Pets,-one'of iil be breahtakng in lts original. !ng the R.C.MP. m«Iipesnt theirHcworld's noSt ceebrated d"g ity maid beauty. Mvr, acayhas ïnentînly famnous Msialats. Thle Gorge H11arnneformd Fam'ly al s deined the îmany sets for the Ride, These spedaUcrpouto nln internationally aclaim-ed prod(uction. Le-n Casey, mwellkn n numbers are tbe most ambitious Equestrians. Last year they aphBC-,poucri Associate Pro- ever presented on the Grandstand ipeared in the Evening Grandstand dcr Tiiere is no doubt that this year's ~ p~oO ~ ~Evening Grandstand Show lias the c appearance of being Jack Arthur'S SCREENEDAIN morast original and most lavisi- show 1(,to(date and it will certainily live ap COM ORTto its namne - "The biggest Show in fi ~~FOîR OUTDOOR LIVINGaithWod" g EnskiI!en Girl To Miss K. 'Waddell retuiried from Bowmnanville Memorial pital,, last week. home }Ios- Mr. and iMrs. Wm. Carma.n, Michael and Mark spent the Hoi- Miss Eleanor Heard of Enniskil. a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ený hias been hired by the Orono Carmran Sr. at Picton. Public Scbo(-ol Board to fi1 thie va- cnyleft thiroughi the resigniation Mr. and Ms Ross Talo and of Mrs. F. E. Lycett. Miss Heard family o(f Ottawa visited wvith his was ehosen from one hundred ap- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. plicntswhoapplîed for the posi. tion on the Orono staff. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simp)son- Miss H-eard will teach Grades 2 and famnily returned home Satur- and 3 while Ms Marvin Lun)n will dyatra-eksvcto move up to teach grades 5 and 6 aafea,,.k'vctin which, had been tauglit by Mrs. Lycett. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pears and family The Board rýeeed a(l pplic'ationS spent Sunday with Mr. Pears par- f romn teachers who represented e- ents in Orillia. ry one of the ine teadhier's Colieges "-n Ontario.,- N11%anid Mis. Paul Rutherforda Thie leve ling of the school grounds Kingston spent the weekend Wthi has been completed and reseeded. r and M-ýrs. S. B. Rutherford. Thîs work bas greatly impr-ovedý the grounds and wil make avail.1 Mr. and Mr-S. Junior West, Mr. able a More adequate area for play. land Mrs. Jack Williamis a nd- Mr. MID-SUMMER SALE CHILD'S SHOES-Size 8 to price $2,95 Vo $4,25 for. . 1,reg - $1,29 LADIES' CANVAS SHOES- Reg- $1,95 Vo $3,45 for .. ý....... $1,00 LADIES' WHITE PUMPS- size 6 Vo 8Y/2, regular $5,95 for . $3,19 MEN'S SUMMER SH09S- Size- 6 Vo 9 with nylon rimmming, regular $6,95 for.... ý..... $4,25 MEN'S JACKETS - Size 36 Vo 40 regular $14,50 for ......... $3,95 COATS - Made in Japan, colors blue and brown, ail sizes, regular $6,95 for.... . . $2,93 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS - regular $2,95 Vo $4,5,0 for ý..ý...... $2,19 BQY'S COTTON SHIRTS - Long i sleeves, ail sizes 8 to 14 years, reg- * ular $4,50 for ,........... $1,0 BOY'S IYENIM PANTS - Size 5 to 6 year-s, colors green and blue, Regular $2,25 for ........ $1,00 SOCL<EES - AIl colors, regular 45e No w 8 pairs for- only....$1;00 Mondlay r i LADIES' and GIRL'S JAMIACA -SHORTS - Ail sizes and colors Regular $3,95 for .......... $2,59 Regular $2,95 for......... $1,95 GIRL'S SHORTS - AUl colors., sîze 8 Vo 14, regular $1,95 fori- $1,25 LADIES' SHORTS - Ail colors, Short Shorts, regular- $3,95-$2,59 GIRL'S SKIRTS - Ail colors, size 8 Vo 14, regular $1,75 for ..ý $1,15 BOY'S and GIRL'S JERSEYS - Ail sizes and coloirs, regular $1,00 Now 2 for........ ý>..... $1,00 GIRL'S DRESSES - Size 1 and 2 years, regular $2,25 for,.....79e SIJNTOPS - Size 32 Vo 38, regular $1,50 for only ... .....$1,00 BUTTERFLY HOSE - First quai- ity, regular $1,25 for....... 59e GIRL'S SLACKS -- Size 8 Vo 12 years, regular $2,95 for -.-.- 59e LADIES' DRESSES and SKIRTS - at HALE PRICE and less Aiso Blouses, We must redu<ce our stock >trong' fEvenîga Frîýday anid Saturday Open Ail bay Wednesday 'I and Mrs. Don Mercer a-re holiday- ing in Philadelphia, U.S.A. Mr. and..Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and family spent a week's vacation at Cobourg. Mrs. Jas. T. Brown and Lyn and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamnblyn at- tenedthe Shakespearean Festival in stratford on Wednesday Of lasti week returning homne on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. Douglas Gainsby and Miss Barbara Bath'ý gate who were niarried Saturday, August 5th, 1961. Guests wi<th Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples and family on Wednesday were; Mrs. Ruby Gay and Mrs. Russell Gay of Courtice, Mr& s' - borne and Miss Louise Osborne ofI Bowman ville, Miss Mona Morrow of Winnipeg and AUlan and Roy Penfound of Oshawa.- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and Mr. John Patton returned home on Wednesday after motoring to Newi Brunswick -where they visited with Mrs. Patton's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Robinson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tolmie. visited in Orono on Wednesd.ay. Mr. and Mrs. George CleviIon and son Chiarles are visiting with IMrs. Rowena Dean. ITES CHUICU Orono Pastoral Charge Mînister Rev. ,B"aI Lorng SUNDAY, AUGUST 13h ÇHIURCH SERVICES Klrb - D45 axau Orono ..>,-,ýý,-. Il a-ni Leskarri.............. ... 2 p.m SUNPAY SCHOOL. Kirby..........1Il a.mi Leskard........1:30 P - LOCAL NEWS Master David Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer, had the imis-1 fortune to fafl on Saturday, break-,- ing lis arm. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cox and Dean, iVirs. Raye West and Barry are holi- daying in Cleveland. Mrs. Ralph Phillips and daugliter of Calgary, Alta. are visiting her siste'r Mrs. Guster and f amily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grady and family visitedi with his mô-ithier, AMrs. E. Grady and other friends in Or- ono la-st week. Miss es Trroy Taggart and Patty atnrare attendinig Guide Camnp a Adlaid Cap, nrthof lHall- Mr.andiVis.A. A. DruI n arevitig e. anid Ms a Long adJyeat itheir 'ottage, Sunday guests with MUr. and Ms Cari Billiigs wer lUi.. and Mrlis. GereCole, Mrs. Jol-ný Sherry of Por-t Hope; jmr. andi Mrs. George Wýebster, Janice and Krn Mrs. R. P. Rickýaby, mrs. C. A.Cuniming, Mr11s' J. W. Jeweil, Mviss Mary Jewv- eh, M\rs. M. J. Wight of1 Bowman- vilMiss Carole Little. Kenidal. Mýr. and Mrs. Jas. Rickaby, Mrs. Heber Souch, Mrs. Hlarry Baîley, iWayne and Lynn. s~'i CANADA'S ONLY IO.INCH SOOTH SIDING! You SOve on both op- plication und mainten., once with MedcIJion GoId Bond Siding when yOU put us on the job. Estimote mnd full de- toile, gIodIy given without Ony oblugotion., ROILPH HARDWARE Phone 143 1 rono, Ontario TIrlS WEEK'S STORE VALUES Bubble Solution, king size, 8 ounce in jar each 19c Socks, Men'sMidway, size I101/Z and l112 Cotton, Nylon reinforced, Pair for ............. 59e Socks, Ladies and Misses Cotton Bobby Socks triple roll top,. nylon reinforced, white, 8 to il Dish Cloths, stock up now and save on Multi- color Dish Cloths, full 13"x13" size Speciai ea 10e or 6 for the iow .price of.ý..... .......... 57e Deodorizer Toilet Bowl, pine iilac and rose scentedt Each only..... .. 15e or 2 for .....25c, Tee Shirts, Boy~s Short Sleeves interlocked cotton crew neck, white only, size 3 4 6 and 8 Each 39e Briefs, Ladi-ee& Rayon, ribbed cuff leg ban-d, as- sorted colors, size S M and Large, -Each.. 39e1 Bat and Bail, "Reliable Jumbo Slugger-" durable polythene, sanitary, ha-m'ess, bail and bat. . 88e ORONO 5c» TO $1.00 STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS n .4 n N 'N N N * N N N N N N s 'N N N N 'N N N N N s N N N N N N N N s N -4 N N N N -4 N. N s -s 54 N N s NI 4, s s -4 c' Medallion GoId Bond Siding wiII moice your home the Most beautiful an yout block ensd it viii incrtose ifs roluetoo. Colt os tedey.

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