Orono -Ga Fair On- Orono Ma For Wednesday, The Annual Ohamber of Coin-1 rnerce Street Fair will be in f ulli swing on Wednesday of next week, Atigst 16tit. with ail the activity taling place rlght on te Main Street of -lite Village. It is the foiurthi annual suoh event to be held in! Orono by the Ohamber. Titis year the billlag includes a Pun Lan-d with bot aduit. and kid-, dies rides which will include a FersWieei and, a Merry-Go- Round. The Kiddies lan-d will open at three ln the afternoon and con- tinue on lato 'laVe eeig There is also to lie the usual games wiit som e new ones, states the manager Mr. Dane Found, and also a massive bingo for tebingo players. Adding o the activities wvili be the appearance of George WVade,. an-] his renciwned Corn Huskers who will provide te music and te cails foýr the dancing to blieled on the Street under the stars. It's to be' rounid and square dancing as you, like il, witit George doing the cail- inig as onily he can. Of course the annual draw will again feature the 20th Century Travel Trailer wh4tch is to lie drawn somnetime around eleven o'clock. The Chamber is charging an ad- mission o thie street fair of 25e foýr which you may dance and take part lante other activities of the evening. Be sure to lie present o eajoy Vite fun aad meet your friends. G. B. Rickarcl Tops Field Competitions Thie foilowîng are the Duritnm Central Agrieultural Society ne- sulis of Field Crop Competit-ion. The Judge was Mr, J. Baker, Hamp',D on. There were 18 entries and prize monley totalliag $150.091 wil libe paid to the first 12. G. B. Rickard, 95; Francis Jose, 93; Donald Staples, 92; Carlos Tamblyn 912 Ivison Tamblyn,' 91; 'Johin Rickar-ýd 89a½_; John Cruiek- ,siank, 8ý9; A. L. Blanchard, 881/2; H., Bruce Tlnk, 88; Geo,çrge W. Car- son 8711-'; R. k'. Steveas 87; J. W., Boydt 861/:-; R. D. Morton, 86; Rus-1 seliOsîorn,-K51/'î; Gray Bros. 85; Rolit. Chaiters 841/2; Clare E. Alia,, 81; Erne,ýst LUGilIbaak, .; ki y TUre 1961, Orono, Ontario uin Street August l6th Paving Cou ntyRoad Bowmanville Man EastOf KndalKiIled At Crossing Eas 0f KenAal BowanvilemanWý,as killed, Pavig oeraioýs ar wel udera, CNR f reight train althVie Stint-I avionga opera o tio ae el uder son Ave. level crossing. Thene is no' between I<eadal and Garden 1Fu i w rsga l lecosn. Tite joli is expected Vo lie c Uite Blake Short, 63, 102 Scugog St., in~cm abot woweks was ieaving a field on itis farm a- bout 2:30 p.m. where he itad just been checkinig somne iay, according Witc,-n titis sretch is finisited, ilt to his family. Police report ho was wvill provide pavement from Kendal ,ui gsui nSito VtnVt o igitway 28 îeavîng about titree train, eaught te front left corner miles unpaved o Kirby alt ighway 0f itis 1958 model car, wrecking iV 35. i o pletely and killing te driver.! Tlite train was bound fromi Mon- treal Vo Toronto and was on te Tite present contract liy agree- mnain lino cf te CNR. ment lietween te Ontario Dopan - Mr. Sitort was bora ia Taunton ment of H1-igitways and te United Ho lived ia Bowmanviille for 40 Coui-ies is bein'g compieted as a de- years opernting a farm. velopmeat road prai oct. Surviving are itis wife, te foýr- mer Birdie Burke, two sons and tree daugiters. According Vo reports, thiere is 1a possibility titat te United Counties f irst for te single road race. will seek an extension lante a grep- Wmi. Watson o! Oronlo was one ,ment o include te reinaining Of telhors e judges althVie Pair and Viremie srtetV'iri ] report a bJig unout of L-erses and toil i will likely lie noxt yearIspectators atVlite Brightton annual loforo work- is carried out titere. Faim. Tepaviag is being done liy Brennan Paviîig. Perpetual iropr LasVf year, te Counties paved a streteit of titis road lietwea Higit- u o o way 28 o Just west o! Gardon FH1l1. Dean's Hi, Vwo rmiles west of The catti0 show of te oncl Gardon Hill itas akent on a aew FPair is lieing given prominence look -- ft's green. Womk crews are titis year and new additions are- pesently finishing soddiag liotit alveady~ confirmed aitd well la haad sides from. top Vo liottoin. Vo plaY ieir part larite Vwo day Fair. To cotuplete titis work, iV lias Clsss reset for Sitofthoriý - been estimrated liat 415,000 Vo 50,000 Alierdeen Angus, Hereford anc square yards of sod will h.avo been Cmeca ateiitebe lv used. Thte job started about four iin weeks ago. Thte president, Mr. George Carson infoi-med te Times office lasi Theo sodding contractor is F. woek tat a special tropity had beorn - Saunders, Sod Supply of Nowton- preseated Vo te Pair Board Vo ie Sville. awarded Vo t0 exitillitor sitowing teliest Hereford herd Whiich must nr. Saunders explained tat sod- conýsîst o! one bull one year or d (ing sucit areas serves two purposes over Plus four femaies. Titsis a 1 I addition Vo adding o te attrac- new ropity an d is sportsored liy 1 Vveness o!fte roads and hîgitways, Mn. Milton Coraîsit in memomy o . itV aise serves as a binder Vo prevent itis brother D. Lancely Corniisi. Mn. ,top soil being biowa away liy winds. D. L. Cornlisit was one ocdte fins- Hereford lireedens of Durlitan Abna1 aniaspoiddgo County. Theite now trophy is a per- i Abndat Fan hS PoýTied oodpeVua Vnepity Vo0lie Iwon enchi year sod. i atthe Oro-a Fair. Chamber Illuminates Village Highwciy Sign Fourteen imembers of the Orjono M -cLaren sid that it was possible Chambet o f Commerce m iet on thiat the dientist office would be Thursda.y -eveinig at the Onjtarlo3 fully\1 equipped. Trading Pos,,t for their regular Discussion followed on the cent- -monthly meetIiing. Final prepara- ralization of commercial buildings tios veremale iD-,, heannali-on te Main Street ln the business Street Fair alongwîth other Cham- lsection. This was proposed by W. ber of Commeprce business. IH. Carmnan and fully supported by Mr, H. Dulvaîl reported that tJhehe enitire Chamber. Further action Qronosg at the souit0of te Vil- wiIl be taken in this matter.- Mr. lige hiad beenlihe andi was ai- Carman also brought before the ready illumînated at night. In titis Chamyer tite fact that Orono0 was connection .R Forrester stated that issinig on the numerous Hi1ghway a-rrangemen-ts were being mn-ade tcG signs that led to the Village. A o-btain indiviýdual ietters- so thiat cormnittee of Wm. Reid and Dr. R. the comingeven orion tf) the J. Taggart was appointed to see sign could be utiized fto a.greater what ,couldb oeVohv rn catnt.Wih idivdul lttes t1sg- erected by the Department wilbe poqssible to advertise a'I Un ite ývarionsighw ays. coig eet ateVilage. Thie Durhamn, Northumberla~nd, MrGoron atsn, haimanof astngsand Renfrew Tobacco As-i th rierda ormte, e iatlon is o liegiven anhour portd tht reura war nowbe-ary iernersi nthe Char.hter. gini tocone a.Th!e president was asoappointed as! oeo'fit-e Judges lfor the Tobacco->ý Quieen contest to e 'held at thei being finaced ]fcïom a beq uesýt to the w,Àeruoe1n hr-e1cf î Cths s es7intocarury out w !, -n aaet~ C be would again îpnor Vh detitadthat1 therel udas put in charge of -iîù king the a- bespcefo n-ptm'rst. M. rangementsil . -C Iante,,Dairy Cattie section titere is Vo lie te annualBlack )ïid WvhiVe Show,%, one witicit has over the past years been of mo)st importance to te suiccess of Vite exhibition. Theý Black and Whtite Showv willibe fiteld tiis year on Friday instead of Sat-. urday. Local breeders willibe com- peting for te eoveted honour of being Premrier Breeders at te shoix. A new class added this year is te Big 4 Guernsey sitow witici will lie ield on Saturday afternoon. Thtis will lie te firstimetat titis show it as been held athVie Orono Piair and its ,attraction willibe equal, to titat of te Black and WitVe. Flore agcain titere are many honouqrs Vo cope for te to-p lireeders. La al],Vt cattloemen are noV Vo Shower For.1 ]Bride-To-Be IA miscellaneous Shower wa5 held for Miss Shirley Vagg, bride-to-be, and daugitter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Va.gg. Orono, Thuîrsday evening, IAugust 3rd in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono. The Hall was decorated very Iltastefully for te occasion an-d Shirley received many beautiful gifts. Abouet f ifty friends and rel- atives were present. IServing lunch were the itosýtesses, Mrs. Emma Luna, Mrs. Bernlice Wood, Mrs. Gloria Adams and Mrs. Joyce Cowan. cLocal Horsemen A t Brighton Fair Local1 horsemen attended teu eBrightton Fair on Saturday and re- nturned with a goodly amount of *tepurse money la the race depart- ment. Harold Hooey driving Gus Sc-ott took a first and second in the two LGera1d Robinson, driving his 3- year-old Colt, Mighty Renownl-, cap- e ped tihe top position In both heats. d Wm. Reid displayed his speed in ithe road races and came home wjtti a first for the team event and a ,y Fresented To air For tierefords HiIorse Show Big Attraction â!j At Thte Horse Show at Vte Oronio Fair is always one of te biggest n!features of te annual exhibition) and titis year would lie no exception Some revisions have been made ila tle classes in te view of improv- ing te turnout of itorses botit in Vi te ieavy, liglit and pony classes. Iaii teheavy Ihorses tere is tVo be again te classes of Clydes Per- cherons, Belgian, Commeria ad o f course Vo two and four horýse -* teams, Tite latter are always a, big feature of te horse show and~ a g-ood turnomut is expected titis Yeari, -Also Vo encourage itorsemea is'Itle $100.00 stake for botit heavy andl Iight itorses. Tite grandstand show.,inig of Caýjr- niage and Roadster eamis and sinigle wîll digt iose attendingI witi t ieir cliass and speed a-s tey show la front 0f te graadstand Tite pony classes have been ex tecnded titis Year witit greater in- centive being offered titg exitibi- tors. Titis is aiso true lahite Eag- lisit and Western SaIddle classes aind itere agala ttis sitould lirîng out more Vo compote for te prize mioney offered at te Oronio Pair. Titis great itorse shlow will lie iteld on Satuird.ay afternooa, te iasV day of te Vwo day fair. 1eV Vitorse moen outclass hem at Vite Orono Pairtisyer Many Fa.tures At Orono Fair InDoeti Science Division Hav ye sen te 1961 Pnize Lîst Domsti ScinceSection, of, the Dunam Centa Pai? If lot, to wil e o urin-1-tenest Vo loOk1 itownran entiesyou canmake tereingbakng slecienof anly, ampe'i yenmhave n'mvea wn afcrst chooe fnm l makngout your eiVylst of BcdP.iêý - -Cakes and aumerousoterdeciU fds There is a special prize of ý500 for tieGrand Chamapion Ca-,ke aad nî aso riGrand Champion Pie, t;id $3.0;J to iieReserve Grand Champion. Titre re$1000prizes foýr Bread', and Rels and uns etc. Do fccl ree o cota L Ite sec- retLvMrs L'ss ilbntor te Ta <~ n, fr a prizelisVt oday. PS Rfnîeraionwilil be sup-' aYe lv Onoo lElCi for ail able fods. Al entres Vo li l chre ~VieArrn In omr nite by 1200 I 'ciock non Tiursdlay, Sep ebi e -7it.- Pitcher's Duel In Third Ganie 0f Playdowns The titird game- of the Orono- Port Hope piaydowns played in Port Hope on Tuesday evening de- veloped into a pitchiers dueil be- t.ween Stone 0f Orono and Mike Harrison of Port Hope. Th.e victory went o Port Hope in the bottonl of the seventl7twiten John Shetler i rq+,--.nlv o hortistoi witlh a advanced on a single by N. Wakely.. Ray scored the wvinning rua çith the hrow-down to short by thl O)rono catcher, John Shetier. .Rolnnie West playing third fac the Orono Xeam camne up witili uM4 sound plays and figured in a boiMý play lante second inning. runner on bcfti first and thr1 hl iefuti an fthisi 4se runner at third w;as on his way series is beinig played lante Oro>nG home at te time thte play w8.s Park to-igit eommeneing at6:5 being exeeutedi and scored te win-! ning rua. Final score rested at '113i« ii rO for, te Port Hope players. Tite i1gi W v gaine was te best played lante league titis year and provided aý AturOr, o n Park great deal of good bail on te parýtý of botit teains. Its Vo be Indian Day at te Oron.>1 Park on Frid¶ay when te citildren Stone on te imouad for Orono eýf the Village wvill Vake part in tis gave up only three hits with seven niew veniture> for te playgro-undt.t strike outs. On tfite Port Hope, new venture, Thte Indilan Day is be- mound Mike Harrison gave up foaurinilg arranged by tec- layground itits and took five strike' outs. Titej Superviso)r, Miss, Mary Lyna Bailey. gamewns rea due beteea ite Instructions have already been giv- Vwo hurlers and was most interest- enVt' illra ie r fmk ing or ite anspresnt.ing Indiaýn iteaddress and costumes. Port Hope lante fîrst ianing The chirdren, will make their own, scored witen Brown drove out a1 attire and prizes will lie given fo.r home rua for'te only hit of te tite best costumes at te Pow WW ianing. Stone did not allow anoth-er Evý,eryonie is invîted, Vo Vake part la Iiit until te bottoin of te eventh te day only b(eng asked Vo be witen -vwo itits followed la succes- racsue sion.incsue In te second frame Beato>n put Tuesday afternoon twenty-tvO- Orono on te score board wiVh citildren found mucit pleasure inaa a single counter. His single basellhike and marsitmallow roast, Th* itit put hlm on f irst and lie ad- treek lead te groupVc te Wilmiot vaaced on a walk Vo D. Lycett, an ICreek, west of Orono, witeretie error and a single hi' by Keith hut a fire and roasted rnar9hia1- West. Orono seat mea on bases a- lovs. A few wet f eet were reporVed5 >gain lanlite fourtit and sixthv and and« it was itard Vo determinied, seventit but were unabie Vo advance whetiter tiey we're by desire ord- titem Vo counV at te home plate. fauît. Orono errors ailowed Port Hope to p-lace ruaners on, bases but tey Ithe children are asked Vo keep aài wer'Oe aiso itel& from s'coriag aV te ,eye on te bulletini board aV Vite pl1ate. In te bottom of te seventit ark for furtiter eveats la c!onnee- wit thVie score ied aV one al!, Ray tien witit this program sponsored Wtakeiy took first on a single andic by te Orono Amateur Arlefie, A New Era Begin3 The neýw two-room Kendal area Publiac Sonool Public Sechool pupîls lante Sixtitcostucedala cost of 9,0.. liae. Kendal and McLean's areai TI ý eontract states tilat te sctol wlhave a nepw sciool Vo attendj is Vo be completed liy August 20Vh tiis comning Septemnber. Tite scitool 1 vwiýic will brin-g it lato service la Ys nom- under construction n liea- f plenty 0f Ime for September. A da] and is a new modern Vwo-room j arger titan aecessary lieating and s, ool. Titis scitool wili serve te' pIi-t-bin:g system is bsing insaiie area of te Sixtit Lino,tedal and lante new building la anticipation McI(Lean's whiclit weýre previously of futur'e expansion. served by titee individual scitools verted into dweWlngs. locates l inte VirD-areas. Tite titree dscitoo>s ,have beenl Thte elimination of te tree soîd-d lwe t!ndertawd will lie con- scitools Vo one is ite first successful move liy te Car e TwnsiP Titis year te enrnmnt l in M Scetou Area Board Vo consolidate new scbool is exPect-ed Vqrea pulcscitools witii Us area.Some 1from 50 -Vo 60 -p.,lis. Ir. 1MManl pis resident oulside of Vite'Keni- will le C-0 Principal 0f- te sciool dal ajrea wiJ-i le busedV Vie neW wt lbeà-e~Kn iing -Ëe icnc oin la endal witici is bcing 1 econd Vlato f te staf, 7:- N N - N 'N N t-' N -N t- 1' N t, t- s s N N N t- N N -N N N t- -' -N N s S z s N N -N N s s N t, 't z 22. rn ý;Nimhpr :26