ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 26, 27, 28, 29P SAVE 10c IGe-A RANGE Dw"RINK 64oz 49cm SAVE ge NEW PACK - IGA TOMATO JUICE 2 Z489c SAVE tbc IGA JAM STRAWBERRY 24 oz iar39 IGA INSTANT 4COFFEE 1 IA SU-CED 24 oz 19C loaf !GA MILD CHEESE EXTRA A Total $3o& lu Bons of $ *2ou Taipes RECEIVE FREE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH IGA BEANS with PORK - 3 20-oz. Tins IGA GINGER ALE - 2 30-0Z. Btties> IGA FORL WRAP - 25-ft. Roîl OXYDOL - 30C off Deal - King Size BECEIVE FREE $2.00 iN BONUS TAPES WNITH 114'ONARCH MARGARINE - Quik - 2 1-lb. Pkgs, RASPBERRIES - Fraservale Frozen - 15-oz. Pkg. NEW POTATOES - Ontario No. 1 Grade - 10-lb. Bag SLICE~D BOLOGNA v TabîÈleri-e12-oz, Pkg. 4 There's a si;mple explanation. IGA purchases these products directly froin leadirig.. -manufacturers.... if_ Nationa-l brands for over 70 IGA sores coast t.jA coast - elimlinates national adfvertising cstabishes its' own quality control - selllng costs are lowered as a resuit. These sa',ings are yours - and youli ap- ppreciate the quality too! l69-c lpkg 69c 1b 33e COMBINATION OFFER WvyEINERS Tablerite Ai IVEINER ROLLS Dempster for pkg of 8 pkg of 8 1A TASTV SUM MER DESSERT NO. 1 GRAD~E EXTA LARGE C CA NTA LD0U PES jumbô &ize tiQe i7à each2 QBRADFORD GROWN GARDEN FRESF NO. 1 GRADE Size 24's Q OEt.ERY 21 FOR il6 C~ ~ 11E ~RFCTDESSERT FOR PICNI SunbanclIed No.' 1(Gracie ,BANANA& 2I1bLi2 c 0 ONLY THE FRESH TA STE BEST - $ize 1131sQ Sunkist ORANGES doz59ecQ B-0, QAPIGOTS Q~T 39cb o g g g g g g g g g g g n gN FROZEN FOOD OEPARTMENT SUNKIST PINK LEMONADE & LEMONADE- 4 6 oz tins CHOICE - 15 oz. Tins IGA Pealches 4.9C 2 for r39c WITH MIEAT BALLS IGASpaghetti. 24 oz SAVE 9cr--1 ,Be ef IGA Stew E VA PORATE D IGA MilIk 15 oz 2for, 2 tailtetins 35r 49e 25e 1' To The Royàl Theatre One Hjundred ïand On-e Dla fans is to be at the Roya Thetre Wednesday August 2 to audyû - Disney Ai-Cartoon Feature FuH 0 of Wit, Charm and Imagination WiII Delight Audiences oha s, geess fer A dligitul ndimaintcie ard-JE fit is at' once simple and ye0 perated by Jack Lees sopisîcaedThe,~oo yTcn-1 ioyr ent two dal atia s Ô P CK -U P & D ELiV E RqY Tsi ~ol'y îabout to amaias PHONE ORONO,252J iwho are linked romanticaiLly afteri. their masters- meet and marry. : presenitly the dalm-atians hiave a________________ [litter of 1.5 puppies. And hlere is' where the trouble starts. An evil________________ witch-like womnan named Cruella -11 Vil hlas ia passion for a' STAFFORD BROS. inade, of dalmnatian fur. When sheg cannot buy thle litter she hires *m n2 ~Iq aroued b th4 terihk~&~c1Wh~~Phone Whitby 552E The entire canine world becomes 318 Oundas St. E, Whitby- the attempts of the police to tind the stolen puppies fail, the world of dogdom goes into action. Bill Peet provided theý story based on the book of the sýjme namre hy Dodie Smith. Il, is frned with aciventures thiat have charm, imagination and ,'itality and some pleasing musical interludes. -Mosti importanit it provides a continu- OUS array of laughter. The finale sees the puppies re- l stor'ed to their parents. Not only' that, -but Ciey bring back a loi of friends. ail totalling 101 dalma- tians. There is a host of Disney talent behin<d the film. Ken Anderson uras in charge of art direction. and production design; directors were, Wolfgang Reiherman, Hamilton S.i Luske and Clyde Geroimi. The music was by George Brunis; or- çhestration by Frank]yn Marks and songs by Mel Leven. Inter-mediate Basebal Tounght FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a 'handfsome, dig- nified monument over the rest. ing place of your Ioved cnes. lt's net expensive. And "eeno this last tribut. wWII ive you endless comfort. SRVICE Ail this for aIo an.nual maintenaice ca~ plus the cost of the oiu you use. Not only is il the finest kind cf heqting service, but temosi eco- nomical and satîsfactory. phione Us Now FCàr Def ails For YoýurBue ORON FUE & LMBER LIM"ITED% ýOrono, Ontario Phone 14816 BONELESS ROUND STEAKS or ROASTS or RIJMP ROASTS' TABER.TERINDLESS S LICED SAB1EDE B ACON EC.NOI~VlCAL AND NL)TRITIOUS 1PORK LIVER sliced SAVE 20C C6LOURÉO u o Q fi . .. ...... . .. .. .. ...... ...............