Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1961, p. 1

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i ~'B'S~" '2?i Voue2,Nuriber 24 T1hurscay -July 2z4ti; 196t , Ur. At The Oron0- Pool1 On Fia.July 2&h th ed Cro.ss Sw--Timnig and Water Safety 1 S Dri ver Firsi p]lanned for the final day. At bt EnerAuus prograin the awards that have been1 earned this surnier wvill be pres- A prominent Buffalo sp ented and gaines and noveîtyraediv, Gerry Brownrout, wiflj' be held. TI4,e races have been first entrant in the "Grand pîanned so that every child who hias ai" sports caýýr races to be partipated in the swdinring pro- -Mosport Park, north ofE gramn will be gîven an equaI oppor- ville, on Saturday, August 5 1-unity ' ~~ ~Ibe rýn ovte tuiy to win a race end a prIz.esiig ovte 'The prograi ôn Friday begins .Other entrîes already at 10 a.m. and will be completed at include Francis Bradley, approximnateîy 1 p.mn. Anyone in- Schon and MKlaus Bartels. a terested in attending the win-p'onto, John Cords of North day proceedings is cordîally invied Jack M4itchell and No-m ta corne. ,Mvontreal. elow you will find listedi the Organized by the Grai nasrnes of the races and ;vhat groups Car Ciub. the August 5 pro Wîl be particiiating in each race. of 10 races is expected to Soute of the naines inay sound for- 1ai entry of more than 150 c eign.sa to find out what is meant ceting for honours to enter bv Semn xrnu will have tr) hp ores- -_.-'. ;orts car1 was the' A Natiou-t e field at Bowmnan- 5. lic will mcceived George ill ef Tom- Bay and Sîier of [dc Valley zgmamine sec a f0- cars con- er the30 1The Orono Band on Sundlay ren- d!ered. a band conicert at the Orono Park whc as enijoyed by local residents anid those f romn afar. iMr.1 Milton J. Tlamblyni leadl the band with the concert 'beinig promoted byl the Orono M-emorial Park Board. - The band played a varied pro- gramfri.ats to marches, over- tures and popular tunes. The mar- tial aires were particularly well received by the gatbe2ýring who shwe heir appreciation through their appause. A complimnent of eighteen band members were on hand forthe con-, cert which was played under the shelter at the park. led Cross 1TSts Intermedicates Have Thi Mrnig Last Innin g Trc Red Cross Swimmring Tests arc, 5iing camnied ouf this week a tt!f;'e ! Oroiýno SwmigPool. on Wcd-Iu i 1. -~ nesday the1f Be inur erc tested 1 y I I'~I~I~TIc Orono Intermec by flic Swim Iustructress, Mrs. mjccJllIs UdUIt IV Club have nef in th Baxer.lse asiugi Is gmoup Jperformances enhance will advauce to Juniors whêere theyl r posit ion ini the leac wil continue nexf ycar. 11%1l Bofl aines were This mnoming, Thursday, a RlCd an es aII defeats for flic local i -;11.-- ýI_ T-de! caf was unden fi Cr~os Examiner will test the Jun- iors, Interinediates and. Seniors on their abiity to swim and inw life sýaving techniques. Saturday tests will be held for the Bronze Medal- lion for whiich a number are striv- inli toy obtain. Results of the tests Uil appear in niext weeks paper. ry E~ite Hamilton. occuçpiesý- the shwPosition. tulnity to get the Xeel of the Mos-1 The champion, aT Lthe year's end, port circuit on Friday afiernoon, ,gets an expense-paid trip to Eur- AUigust 4, wheni practice sessions ope and an opportunity to compete jwill be hield from 12.00 noon until againýst thie world's top drivers. 7.00 p.rn. The flrst event on Satur- Entrants iii the Grand National diay, August 5. is schedledj for 1100 spoûrts car races wvill have an opr m 1". Y The -McGIll ýBakery in Orono wvill change ownership on Monday, July 31'st after beîng owned and oper- ated for the past eight and a haif years hy Mr. A. McGill. The busi- nless has been purchased by Mr. Hank van den Brink of Whitby. Mrm' van den Bmink cornes to Or- ono with thirty years experience as a baker. Prior to huying thie Mc- Gi 1 Ea ke ry lie w as empl oyd at Petei-borough on Thuri the second at Newca day evening. iuble dciate Basebaî-l ricir past twoý ýed their point, ,ague sad registered as boys. The first ,e lights Lu- irsday last and 3st1e on Tues-ý Thie Thursday night gaine saw- the Peterborough club break a 5 ail tie- in the eighth frarne when Renwick took a singlle. adlvanedi to) thii-d and stole home to score,ý the wininig run. Orono held a comrnanding lead in tlhe gaine for the first five ihmings. tlie Vsser's Bakecry in Whitby. The scoring opened for Oronoý, Mr. Pigott, who bo as been thelle i the fîrst hmning when Donn!ie pastry baker for the »ast niu.rber Lycett walked and advanced on hitsi oýf years will continue in the saine by Don Mercer and Eric Cariletoiï, caý,pacity as wil Mm. Bruce Myles This was followed by Chas. An deliveingi baking throughIrout thle strong- who reehped flrst o-n afed ent~~la onGridy.d N\ationat" final event. 1L c ttPo area. er's choice to score D. Lyce$t andi -Ti-s-will be the tl-irdl race met- s E yc t xesigns Mrmlr. and Mrs. H. van dnBik advance both Mercer and «arleton. (1) Potatoi Spoon Race - Seniors Drivers' Association championjship1 N ihýtertredagtr ilJin Beaton also secured a hic't t RAESîn fr he161CaadanRain -x'p*I t1 Continued page 5)t finally score and bring in the fifth.I (2) Over and Under Race - Seniors anlj( as aroused keen interest o J m lI'l3 fO irun for, the local club. TirnCo-x (3) New-,spaper Race:- Intermedliates tbe part of sports car buffs on both L1DrhaJHryLI t5o 0ardasseiwib tel twhc 4)Potato) Foot Race - lntermred's;. sides cf thre U.S-Caniadian border. olwd Ban',Ptroug (5) Pigeon Race - Juniors The Durham District Higli b'larke- School open*,s. it will dmaw 1Hydro To Assist ate ti f as ns.' av te r o (6) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b BiRae-unosTeoeaîlC.ndinRsD.. chapin Schrool Board met July 9' 'nMi- froln Newcvastle and Clarke Town- ono club liftte opportu-ifty ana (7) Torpedo Race - intermediates mutbok nteasneofteCfi.sll.Ti Spebr hs tdtt an eiosLndera Canadian license. littpmn Mr. Reg. Fallis. past Chair- , wîll be partly at Bowmanville and W il Far ispay nocral Jr eaton isd frm howeve (8) Underw.ater Race - Juniors, Ir,- standing for the charnpionship. ait'man presided. partiy at Orono. boag oJrrt a tree-baer iii th termediates and Seniors. present. by virtue of a triple wUt ififhangouût e arii h (9) Novelty Dive Competition- a racing meet at Greenacres last A resignation frein the Board for (4) Bowmaniviile High Sehool will the OonobHutroCommisionth~e bai. Juniors, Intermmediates, Seniors Saturday plus his 4th Place finish health reasonse was readfrinFrddrawv students froin Bownanviile At tieOooHdo - so (1O)l Bobbing Race - Beg-iinn.ers in fhbe ecent ' Player's 200" event' Lycett of Oreno. The Board u n that part of DarlinigtotiFbound- meeting. on Menday evening the Eric Carleton on ' the Orcnoï C-11) Glide Race - egifineis at Mosport, is Ludwig Heimrath of rse sincere regret that M17r. 'cd 'by B1 mnv3e-reko tecomiion onflrecelfflendatioil MOund -pitched the ffrst five fuit O prssdfren-the manager, E. Dent, pass inings for Omeno giving up fout (12) Penny ýlick Up - Beginners Toronto. In second place is Francis Lycett found it necessamy to resign wcst. tf1 Une, on- the north and cd a motion to participate with th-,e hits and taking fine sirik el and Tadpoles.-f Bradley. aise of Toron to, while Har- and the Secretary was aked to Clarkë limé onh' east. rural Qfficc at Bowmanville,' on outs. If was in fhe fifth tlat Idraw students frein al cf Darling- at t'he Orono Fair the forepart of run of the gaine and this 'bclng off a A list cf accounts totalling $1. ton cxccpt fIat part nentioned in September. mere two bits. George Jones wvas T rustees Enga,,g0 -.,,,H y d1ro ."38 er overd fo amnt 4Mr. Dent is te work with te ten brought ento the mound for -' Last year the Board 'lad PUr- A menouandum lad been recclv. Bownanville office on the display, Orono in the -sixth when Erie rar, chse ahus adlo o irtrae .teDeateto d-which will note the nany uses of into trouble wif h c6ntrol. Four chSti e a buenlot onthe parking Departrnentinothedh-me.runs were scored off five waiks and order teé - WV t rV iotoreari ng -thydre l the home.e lo.Telos a be sýdfoIeriteto VctoalTah It was aise Iearned af the meet- sOm loose play. This Peterborough To p e * te W C t W~ Otni s bee~é~ tm VcaionkTacin- hig at transformer sizeshall rally tied fthe scoreat five all.Eric The Orono Police Trustees, on deTkTed it feasible. Afferconsider- the Recreational Commission WilI paritment proposes f0 pay th fe Prbedunetsiied and ase hat- tc W ouoddtesi ocsee then Meonday evening, lheM tihir regular able-disculssion thc natter was left encroach on the new vocatiOnal and $30 a week living allewance Por cf ai treetd soumat te oudhes am e r evntliThe fin- monthly meeting in 'the Municipal in abeya.ce. for future considen-1 schcol. It us planned te relocate the prospective teachers with fthc necrwin ofM nStetsuh ais.bhegm frOoo Te i. Building. At the meeting tle atlôn.If was suggcsted that thiose rink te fhe site left vacant by the essary qualifications attending thebeing worked orn. nng run was scored in the letton Board set up poîîey of operation wariting sudh a service should niale removal of the Hunt hbuse, winter 'course at the Octario C,61- *t score in the nintl although for th-c 1water systen in the sub- application in writing 1te fIe Trtis- Thîe' transportatiýon comini&ttec lege of Educaion. The- minumti ReuisJoncs, fimsfte ba,t led off WitI a division in tue ad beenoasktdeatialpre.itees. qualifications are gr~adeé12 dipkoa r om toniaut In tns mttera reuestwas ade A letter was receivcd from. the ing te prepare a neconciendaflon or equivalen t and 6- - 'S years trade *~Ji etnwsOo& flie Oronio Hydl- te naniage, op. Departlnent o! Highways in whicl as te beundanies for cach high exeîcncewi-fb a maximum age LneJrse~ bG it et n re s iii o nips b erate and administer. The biling1they stafed that the Departmcnf sdliool( flic Board felt t 'at the cf 45. - Student-aid boans up te $500 -ne rs colbte ain he isi orti- andy lelsccuned is alro tJa bary. itbteiflicplate.,-This %was Tliewed by an clecig saloto e oc1b 'f cît that a directional sign at the time lad corne te set up regulations myb- cue at te inimaum al- Nine inofdo fmee this body. The resolut ion aise in,- Oshawa- Counities Read and High- govemning the scheoî wîîch stu' i5 cxpected ta h iiumfIý Nmsinodro ei Tint Cox 'and Keith Wcst 2 for 4 cluded that policy for the sysfemr way 115a intersection \vas not de- dents may attend.) TIc following amy for vocaienal teachens lu Sep- To Grade IX records and Don Mercer wifl-.' a 2 would le set-up by thc Trustees' sirabie since the read wcnt enîy in- bounidaries were recernnendcd and tenmben 1962 will bc $4,500. Any: Ingrid De Sinit H; Donald Rans- for 5. Who have taken over thc sysien te the ncrrtli of Oshawa acd aise as approved by the Board: pensons intercsf éd. becorning a1, ryH Newcastle funned the tables on unden the Local Iruprovenent Act.I thc road was nef cocstrucfed for Vocational teacher should sec Mn. To Grade VII castieon'whethy secredthi eir irs As ail accolints lit connéctinheavy traffic.- (1) Port Hope HigI, School willl P. J. Bîgeiow, principal o! Portý Doris Alldread H; Sharon Perdue catwin in flic s cgtres The is, nvth hesysernl-,av no idraw fromn Port Hope and Hope Hope High School or tIc Principal H, tied; Pauline De Srnit WinCord n h e Tlsayigttrgie This received. final ccsts could not be- ecivcd many favounable coi-on- sh) i.lîorooklca wffl draw ldred ; in anis w. i tc lst frnie. hen ews Jcfinitely set. stated the dhairman. fments on thc painting of the Park- (Mîillbook n th sotî a r cf Ne word lias been receivcd as teTo Grade IV wcasthe aing by ccc runcrd T'le subinission had been sent in ;nng unes lit' the business section o! Cavan adth suh ar flice approval by Ottawa for thei Donna Cochrane H; Robent Voigt two tle ti cing thoe gane 3-2.e to flic Department for flic Winter's tZ Village. G. E. Simipson said thaf aa.Pr oeVctoa ig H; Kayc Alldrcad H; Helen Kcapp tot i n i h ae32 work grant lut as yct ne wontl lad lic received a numerof omlit (3In Septeniben 1962 whec the PrHoeVctinlwn.i; Nancy Francis R; Bruce Francis Osonwsthwninptce been fom-thcoring. in cennectién with parking off the The opcning cenernony -for ftle R. e ecsb wucS a Ini discussing titis water Pnoject Main Street and aiseo on speeding 'undertaken and fIat tIe culvent beJiiw Courtice HigI Sehaocl is being To Grade 111 forNcdtle ak wh lo StOonodid IR. Foreter stated that sevetal ne- on the Village Roads. If the latter extcnded aitflic Main an~d MillSt. plfned for about fhe end If Sep- Millie- Voigt -H; Nancy Pendue 11; K)wever lave the greaten oppor. quests lad been made to conncet to dos not icprovcthe Trustees ar~e intersection. He ase repoe t1 at teleie or tfi ist part f Octo- Jin Francis R. tnte nfi an fdlf I flhe systen by ownes ini the vicin- te again contact thc Provincial flic fieen ad completed panig'e - To Grade Il evie n n thena e o n dbases wel- could loe extended under fIe& Local R. Forrester asl<èd liaftlihe eut- which they intend te use for -thein, rln jcis .Newcastle beft cnly five men on~ J2nprovemcnt Acf if the Board ting of grass alongside the roads le meetings in flic future. W r yJno aan Doris P. Wannlan, Teacler. bases. ii. ~ ~ LL~ t ~ A£ * r~tr~.îc" ~ ~7il~ n i i I~>rt an~'~.aLn«Chas. Trirn scored flic first New- ivotorists impatient A-t 'Jpeniîng Ur, V4ew k'jection ers iieweu i5y JuIIOOSl 0f Highway 401l, East From Port Hope nieanly a nule waîting te drive by Aided by provincial and federal on the ncw îigîwm.ay extension. nenles>f parlianen,flich- warden. inayons e! Port Hope >and Cobourg. Grewving impatilent at speeches o!f te United Counties and 0the tînlt seeinmed interminable in fIe Ontairio Highw,,ays Minis ter F. M. 1 lot sunshlne. sevemal mot orists Ca, s. Thu-arsdiay afterrnooP') cut the shouted1 abuse at Uic pobiticiaxis. ribnto oçpcn off icially. the new Mn. Goodfellewu was interrupted 28 milesrfc of 'higltway -101 le- aiton stage witî a cry, "Shut up -Weeni Port Hlope and Brighton,. an-d hlef' us thneug-h."ý Teeweren't enoughi scissors for Hnkgo!ru fiaybrgî a.lseve te lielp sever the red,'lte an eud AMr. Cass's oatory but whît-e and bine tape so after losing ntbfr h ihasmnse the fusate Mayor Wladyka, May-or l ad Vuned on eue heckler. stgood on fIe rn-it of t-Icl Warden Bruce Ashton on "The peopfle cf these parts have fthceflter end. This enablcd Mm. Waited a g>ood dent longer than Ca--s; Agicultural Ministem- W. A. you fo)r this higlray-A fW min-- GCoo4fýell&w,; Alex Cajrruthjers, MPP iut1e s lonjger woni't mnake any dlif- for Durlian; BcTomsD fne." 1e(satid to the uming fer Nortlumberland, anld Mm, Wladý oorss yka te seven ItheÏ;in tîread .at Soe- drivers dcclined te wait highwý'ýay 4flQ9lef r flic officiai opening whicl-faf., umeil a niotorcade eo! antiqulea uto. Bytibtis fle a !Une of fraffàic1 moibiles and cut nround the lever- llad backed up cast and west for j iaf on flic west beiind banc to get clear cf flic banriers. -Thte twvo Ontario cabinet min- isters arrived by 'lelicopter land- ing on a prepamcd stip cf fIe T!-e,2hig-hway nminister was piped totei plafforin by Port Hope Leg- ion pipers Jin Poynteni and Stephen Kcating clad in kilts. Thc two aise play-ed anlie ffca reception at flic Cohourg- Legion hiall- where Miss Port Hope Icdustry ma'de an dnam'atic cutrauce £lu a Mresbathing suit. Thie speechdes o!f vanyicg lengfh and oratorical skill by Messrs. Car- rýuthers, Thoniîpsoni, Asýýîfo, Good- felow and rrCnss, in tînt on>der were Thle 1,000 cu so spectator()ls Were told that '12enew -,igh-,way cost $12OOQOOt ît ifwas a link le a chainý faciiitating trans,ýpor1t lie- fwveeu WýVindSor and thl-e Quebec! border. FIRST JUDIGING 0IF GARDENS Ou Tuesday evening, July 18thI tIc initial judging teck place cf flic adesplautcd by members of, tle Junior Gandiener's Club. i A l AFe uuunijiirtP~EaE Annexation Of Parts Of Hope And Hamilton castle run wcen Le weut for a twc bagger and scored on Lane's single. This 1e14 up urntil the sixth icning wlien Oroco scomed fwo runs. Chas. Armstrong started flic ally wifl a single. Kelth West scorcd a double te place Armstrong and Keif h scor- cd. whcn Jinf Beafen clouted eout The 1 anethen double. Thtis gave Orono a Te judges, meinlers o!flhe First reading of the annexaf ion' two te eue edge lunflic sixtl. New- BowanvlieKiwanls Club were: y-awte annex parts cf Hope andicastie 'was sconeiess in fhe botton M'vessrs. Chas. Bicklc, Cnanstcn Hamilton fowui-ships wouIld take cf Uic, frarnc. Scott, Jack Menton, Ross Jac.kmrac. place in Septemben, Mayor Miel-1 and ,Wayasi eetya Johin Ingratta. Mrs. Faim- aci ladkIsadnecthe f top o!fli svefiOm brother, Mrs. Sdlimid and Mr. Cabd- lundheon nmeeting o!fIe Board o! lae frc - nses ut wasn well accornpanicd flic judges to Trade executive at flic golf club. u Lnalble te gîve'funthen assuzrancýe te g-ive assistance lu locating fIe Mn. Wayasaid Uic f owu tlheir îeýadl. In fthebottom half Newv- 'homes o! trie children. More flan would lave an excellent case te pre- castle's D. MeýICullouli land Lewis ttvenfy gardeus were judged lu fhe sent befome au Ontarioe Munlicipal huit ouf singlýes follow.ed by two long Orone and Newcastle area.s. The Board hcariug onrflic aunexation. ltbl esoefcnadgv majonity o! thc gardens were weill He said the township ce îsNwn te icvictory. kept and an execellent effort had llad nef yet shown f hein wlling- been made by tUicdhildren. niess te niaine ýýcemmittees te dis-Ooo ie-pChs Am Kee afen hes weds;fle'fialcuss annexation witî town epres-1l h nn u-pCa.An judging will takepae tsefine etaivs.strong teck 2-?for 4 ln the plate as The izes ii anc ace onie pness. ed aifcin iItefwnofi attruoswdt din in Auguisf. board's industriaýl commttee. cx- went f0 KeitLc West and Jin Beaf- lt - $3.00 and The Bowinawvllle ,ouncilI's stand on annexation. Scv- flic plate in fIe absence o! Johi-Y KiwanisTrpy 2nd - $.00 -and' cml weeks ago the counicil voted ShPtierý, cYooD's megulan catcher. Diýplona; 3rd $1.00 and Diplona;1 unauimeusly te procced witî dis- te l aw:arded at the Sptcrniberf1 ussions witîi the nceighibouniing Mr basebail1 action to-niàglt at meetng.Townshiip coui-mis. - flicOrono Park. s s- s 4-' s- s- '4 44- 54 -4 s- 4' lýý

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