Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1961, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES A,!uthorizeti as Scooni Glss mail, oOffice Department, Ottawaè Roy C Ï. )orse dtr and Mnaer In Canada $150 Iu U.S.A $2.50 Published every Thursday at the office, of- publication Concert In The Park This Sunday afternoon the Orono1 Park Board with the assis- tance ai the Orono Bani are providing, an entertainmnent feature orthos. of the area to be held at the Orono Park. The programt wiltake the form ai o a musical concert in the park withth Orono PBanti providi t , the music. The repetoire chosen b y the Banti for --his occasion is varieti anti shoulti appeal to al classes of music aRns. The program af music is slatedtu to-et underway at 2:30. The Orano Park Board has just completeti an ambitious pyogram that being the campletion of the new swimming pool * kon wicb. there is stili a sum ai m-oney owing. This amaount at 4resent amounts to araunti $1,000.00. The Board are hapeful ai ,Paying this amounit off 'before the end ai the year. Their ouly source ai revenue is from the use af the new swimming pool anti f'rom Sundfay Car' parking. These two items are so fan providing some of the money which wilI be usedt'Ot repay the loan. The BEoard in promoting the Bandi concert by th'e Orono Bandi are hýopefuI ai seeing a large local audience present this Sunday. Otten local nesidents seek greener pastures for thein Sun- ,Jay picnics anti travel great distances froin home. Hene in Orono .here is one af the best picnic parks in the district plus the facil- Ities oi the new swimming pool. The Board has provideti an a bundance ai picnic tables which are set in the picturesque park. This, Sunday aiternoon enjoy ti setting ai the Ornn Park andt he music ai the Orono Banti along with the new pool anithe athier facilities such as picnicing anti playing fielti. We feel there is no other park as wpll epuippeti anti maintaineti a leel there is no other park as well epuippeti anti maintaineti as iti the local park By using the park Wve waulti also assist ,lie Board i- payinig off their debt. Canada And Free Trade There is coýnsiderablec comm-enlt in] the press anti from poli- itical sources ont the outcomne of the Uniteti Kingdoms joining w1th heCommon Market area of Europe. Many f eel that such a inove h3y the UK would have anl adverse effect an Canadian Trade with the UK anti also affect the present political standing amnongst Tihase ai the Commonwealth nations. Onfly "time, of course, will answer thiese questions but thene is little tioubt ai a degree ai change to be noteti. There seems littie cdoubt that the UK will make such a ,nove ta jGin the Common) Market area anti this no tiout willl came frorn the neetioai increasing, a langer tratiing area for tItis great industrial nation. Free trade areas are seemingly meeting with success anti it is quite possible that more juch areas 3vilJ. be nttueias eompetition for world tratie increases. It !Si mpossiblE' for any country to-day ta hol t t an isolatianist program anti ex- padher tratie. We often feel that tarifis emposeti are a mave xoatsisolation andi perhaps curing- a temparary ecanomic iii tiaes not on the ather hanti prove ta be a long-termi cure. In the present discussions of the UR, joinling the Common Miarket area littie reference has been matie ta the proposai by Great Britain a iew years back at a Commonwealth Conference hýýelti in Quebec city At that time the Canadian government was anrxi0uS af turning much ofilier trade to the UK. It was here t hat the UK offeredt t negatiate Free Tratie between Canada aýn,1i the UK:. Canada apparently turneti a deaf ear an, the pro- posaI anti since that ltime nothing- has 'been heard aif the propo)sa, There 's re-ason ta elv nwthat furthý'er mpi)ïS1î riauti avebeen 1placeti on such 1ldiscussins byC ad ttt ime. If teFreTad1ra1aeass0esl asaperiti lIcnfasîble oto belev0tht re raiewihthe UK oult hav sreias a 1benefiýtG 'oaa nt he aKadpsibyteCm Wr hatthers hin Ixatsfroin th-e highw",ays, antil'n the interesis bt idiver .sýaety anti ai the genjeral appearýanîce i hecunryie e f~li tat decision. TDI Ontario, as we hlave nateti beforeintescouxth ~eprtmnt f Hghwysby retrictingthe numnber ant iGlocaion 'oif signls, has taken steps in the samie direction, but Jit Is stilpas- ~nbeif you Cal, affardt t builti a boig en]ough sigln t9 isrc h 'M G-torist anti teface he ro)atsidle beauty af aurprvne We deplore, therefare, the suggestions matie incmunts about ta be ' Y-passeti by Hîghway 401', that immense tigs b ~piaceti just outside the department's limits, in ordeýr t icm 'vent the rýegulatiopls. Aiter ail, a quarter mile wauld notýq be -le fimiît, if those who esta blisheti it hati not consiereti that a,-n y sinfurther away than that waulti not bc seen. If signis grow, b igger, then the regulations presumably wiilI be chaniget-i ta xtn ,,ne linit even uter PortiHope, Tlhe Orono Lntermlediajtes decisioni- eti tIe Por-t lopeOtaio ast Wedneday ight in port £,-Ope by a close score of 3-2 ini a Lakeshore Leaguet gameWhhwa a real tiriruer au tipe wy. eorge Ge- eral" Jones, .a lefty, threw the first four innings for the winners with, La1Ccaî ,nCOMIIng on11in the fil th ta comi-plete thie game. Bath Part Hope runs ,vere taken oii Jones as hie gave up tour L-its Hie xaiked a pair and ait one bat Ler while fanin.g four. Carleiton was nlcKeci for two safeties, p)assetid o)ne ai got four on strikes. it 'vas a beart breaker for Big MiKe Harrison to lase on the On-1 tario hîli as nie let Oroio Ihave---anly1 three hits. Hie walket i oe whieih gave Ur)IOno (ine wxnining runl anti nie struck oauc seven). Orona openedtihile scoring in thel seýoiiu innîniig. Ciarîes Armstrong led off anti Ianned, Carleton was saf e.at first on Paul Wakely's error [aI sh-ort. Tim Cox adivancedti hm on a sîngle. George Joues flieti out but John Shetler unloaceti a single to plate Carleton. COMING V!C T ' FOR SALE C>r3u Band S t0lay, uly 2f donly tomoithls. emmncin t 213 ~lc ty Wîte, L'ne175 CARID 0F TA I wih toth'nk al m frindsFOR SALE glits ad a rds , also those w' ttcPeas, cInrris andirap hielpeti me in otherwadlrn my say n tv' r'spha. a- Phu~ 231, Oano R.Rienstra, Mrs. Minnie Tyo Dlvrda-p CARD 0OF TI-ANKS ilhankls to Dr. !Mikios, nurses and sýtaff of MeoIlHospital for t& earc during my. illness, also thanks ta relatives, fi ends andi neigblbours FOR SALE PotaItoes, Peas, Ct'ernries and Rasp. e'cries. Phione, 22316, Or-ono, R. Iesr.Wedlve.ap -wosent cards and flowers andiý WANTED TO RENT heJIped !il many ways. a-pj Young -couple with aneP child, want Minnie E. Stutt to~ rent 'smaîî home or ,roulld fjOo)r __________________________ àartentin' Orono thiS September. Cotc er-t Haas, 18 Bond~ St., ALXADR-ttheLlntonhurst Lnsy 8dp IManor, Orono, Onit., Julyi16th, 19611 JIMary Elizabeth Alexander, beloveti WA NTED Wijfe of the late Blake Alexander. A pair of matched horses to rideý 'Age 88 years. Rested at the Barlow ,and drive. Funeral IHome, 0Orono, Ont., until' ApJvPî)toOrono Weekly Tms Tuesday morning, thien ta Kendal Bo 480. b-p Unitedl Church for service at 2 p., ___________________ July l8th, 1961. interment Orono Cemieteryý. WAN TED NOTICE TO CREDITORS A lhorse drawn carrnage. Apply Orono Weekly Times, Box. 0 b-p Por Hpecae ackinth îstIN THE ESTATE 0F ETH EL MAYi TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE otetir o taaee he inte a e ROBBINS late Of the Township Of Application for Buitling Inspector cer strolled and too-ý Second onu ( aîle heCutyo DranJApiplications~ clearly marked for cathers rro, Kll wa tit ..,a /idow, deceased: the position 0>f Building Inspectori catwill beereceiveKeLyythesunde higaed pitched bail, Jones îlhen threw a Ail persons having edaimrs against wUp to and incld ytheMonday, Julyj wild bail on whichi Mercer scored the Esitate of the said Ethel May ut n nldn-MnaJ1v for Port Hope. Neil Wakely scrt abnwho fied on or. about th 1,ý 1961.t ret apyin 1,i- home Kell!îth thLi de second run. llth d cay of April 1961, are hereby . ttngqahicii1, xet notified to send to the undersîgned 1 Ornoscrd worusin th,ýe top Admninistralrix or lier Solicitor On ence and any allier informaition-i Oroio sore ý%î l'liswhich. n-ay assist council. Saiaryý 0f the xxth an they wre goo ifl.before the lOth day of August, be e n ilb aal ,f to ix.nd the ameD o Mr 161, their namies and addresses ha enstadwlb aal eiiougn - and te ane Dný1r_1 full partîculars of their cdaimis mofthly. cer led off withi a single a-id ad- Fuje eal myb rcri vanced tg second on an error, charg- ýand the niature of the securities (if Fuvmther ndeais magbupocre ed to catcher Gilmer. Charles Arm. any) eld 'by thern duly verifiedi by from. the undersigned. strong then ýwalked and Erie Carle- statutory declaration, . B.MILoN3, 1 k, ion advanced bath runners on. .a ]mmediately after the saidld otBx37hro! sacrifie bunt. Tim Cox in belting day of August, 1961, the assets af our a saxety scored the two runners. the said deceased will bc distributedj DEAD FARM STOCK Jones hit to third, Cox was forced amnong the persons entitled thereto' Highest, prices for Dead and Dis- at second and Harrison threw out having regard only to tL.e cIOins ofabled farm stock. John Shetler to end the inning, hc the Adminîstratrix or thel RAY VIVIAN LTD. jundersigned Solicitor shall thenLoutHIOtao Port Hope got runners on third hlave no'ticé. Phone Markham 1160j, oec and ecod i ther hif ith one ated at 01no Ontario, this 24 Hour, 7 day Service. Please Cal ou# but Carleton s4ruck out 1 hd- Mer-161 ntm.Onai oermn i- cer and K1.e1ly ta preserve the lead. 2Ohdyo ul é.aine. Otara1v0n26t1ic Bath teams wenft out in order in' ALMA E, CUTTEL, the seventh. Port Hope outhit the Orono, Ont. vîsîtors 6-3 anti had four micus Administratrix DOUGLAS SIMPSON ta three for Oronio. Donnie Lycett W: %. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ont.,rVo hne11 carne up with the top defensive solicitor for the Administratrix. Ooo-Poe11 play when h-e knocked dnwn Gil- ________________ Furniture Flflished & Refinished mner's dr-ive to second in the first ining i,ýa-i threw humn out. Paperhanging, Woodiworking Fo te inesTi oxhaiflYO C NB0IN Painting - Interior & Exterior. two,- singles 1to dri iabrýace Of ~CAREER TRAINING runs. Fr Prt opeJack Mre haltd i a akadtsnand nda- l AT ANY TIME ________________________ he is;aa BusneCoIllcge U mth 111 dvidual VIi ORONO B-ANTAMIS TO PLAY intuioprmsyut Q li tnta uytm -NEWCSTLE N PLADOWN tamsbas bai clu w lpen in tuis E VE NUiNG CLA S SES7 pladow seiesths Tursay v- TUESDAY and -ÎHL>Ri7îS 0AY f eiu-g, toigh l the ýiVillage aof Q 7:00 *09.00 pm Newcstle aga1insttheNçvaleô CocoSbct enr.There wll e a lapsI f w _______ weeks befo-re til2e csecond gamne SpcClselfo; played as a numirber of theNw- ï-oue-ies -Sitokr catebys wîllbe at scoGutcamap, enAg yît FREE LITrERATURîE COBOURG FIRM f AVAILABLE HAS BEEN SOLD f Ciurtis Pro(1dct td.oa Cobourg 0 10 Sîmi-coe Street N-,orth f hlas been sol iot Canadian Steel-1 Dial RA. 5-3375 o case of Toronto, Wentiell Davis, president ýof SteelcaseInopr te rand Rapids Michligan, a-, nounceti this week. Otto J. Curtis, Wko.- built Up the Cobourg firm from thirc e eplaye2s. presitient of the Cobourg 3perationý to its present 175, will ,,emair.a anti also jain the *,board adre>f ~ aif Caniadiaýn Steeïcase, manufactur- ers ai m-etal office chairs, desks aind allieti products.i U SE luHE21 CLASSIFIE~ g iamnhtoois Sinsurance Service fInsurance in ail its Branches gAuto, Package and Comnposite Poticies , Fire, Farm, Life, gBurglary, Liability, Marine, oAccident anci Sickness, Wind, Boler, Fidielity Bond, Ec Sadie Hamilton -0 o~ Phone. Orono 1R156 FIRS- ',RtTGAGE LbANS A. F. MeKýENZIE, M-D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON' Office_ Houirs 2:0 t 4:200 P.m. 7:00, to 8:00 p.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointments oniy PHONE à471 ORONQ DR. TR J. TAGGART ,vErERinARY SURGEom 1P%6ne 10616- Orono, Oi*. Lawrence C. Mason, B. A. Barrister and Soicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-5553 W !. K&AY LYCETTL. Bareîster - Siicitor- ln theOf fices of R. R. Waddeli Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO S Telephone18Orn L. J. SKMF Chartered Accountant BY APPOINTM0ENTS Lycett's frsurance Office P.O. Box 58, Orono p hon-,e 12516G IIN SURANCE General lusurance SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res.,11716 JACK ÎRID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Coneu.it m- for terras and dates Phone 5rL 8 Orona Auctioneer and Valator CodcsAuc1-on ales of ailim an-d et reasCoablerates Commnkae wth lm t Port Perv monmpients, anti Our quaiity anid service leaves nothing to b4e des[red Ask the person who bought from us. a neighbour, frienti oe reIâtîve The RUJTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 On.tario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dlspl ay ina Sousthern Ontarlo" Orono Electric PHONE 129 CQNTRACTO!H3 FOR FARM Iand 11015E WIRING P. 'TJANCE SALES Promp- and Guaarateed Repairs !*, Kixi: of Electricai q»'ei id Apgllan-x.,- ~ ias .atotors - a ,e~atAr% - Radlor k.> White Washing STABLES andi PUMPING OUT SEPTEC TANKS Bert Tonupkins Phone Newtonvil1e 4721 ~1

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