Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1961, p. 3

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CaliFarnia Satin « 163 Size SUN KIST ORANGES 3dozl 9 Lusciaus Na. 1 - Heaping Quart Basket Ripe PEACHES qt 25C Crisp and Crunrchy - No.IGr Cucurnbers 2 for 29Ce Garden Fresh - No. 1 Grade 20 oz. Ceiba New CARROTS 2 for 29c Ontario - No. 1 Gradle Iceber LETTUCE 2for 21c .Be Sure Ta Enter Our Free Dag Gontest When Shopping This Week-End Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 32 oz 67c Treesweet Grapefruit - 48 oz. Tin Juice 3 for $1O Regu ar - Chubby Kleenex Tissues 6 pkgs 95c Surf - 18c off pack Detergent gnt 63C Birdseye - Beef, Turuey, Chiaken Frozen FPies 4 for $1.00 Cubverhiouse Choice Cream - 20 oz. Tin Corn . 4for73 Red & White Instant Coffee Orono, Ont. 8 oz jar 99C THRiviDuY, 4UL.Y 6th,,1961 KENDAL NEWS Deer And Moose Huntihg Mliss Ruth -Gordon hadi an opera. tion for appendicitis last Friday in Season A nnounceci Bowninie Hospital and Is -nowi reovrîgOpen seasons for hunting deer 'lhle open season for moose iiiý Th1 acLs fKndlWIe'sI-and moose in, Southern Ontarilo that part of Ontario south of tLhe stituite wenit by miotor, to Lindsay to'have been announced by tche Mon. Frenich and Mattawa Rivers wl shpand then to Ernily Provincial J. W. Spooner, Minîster of the De- run concurrently with thie deer sea- ?aýrk for a picice supper. Thiis is parti4ent of Lands and Forests, son fron- November 61h, to l8th. a v'ery 1lovelyTspot %with lots of wide This, area which iniirudles thojse, opnspaces an'd finle sandy beaches. The dfeer s-eason for the northern parts of the Lin dsay Forest, District There were v-ery few Amrericans a(western pats Of the Province mentioned' in the precedingý- para- ther (,el)if t \7ýI th Ofwere established for a three year graph, has had moose seasons Jr, JuIy. enifiwathForh fperiodwhidh expires after the 1961 ever increasing kili, -the moose herd A nce vcn tok lac onFriayseason. Details of this three year has continued to increase and ta A nce ven tok lac onFriayschedule are availaËble from any of- expand its range. National cellIo pack TEA BAGS 50 bags 39c Liquid Cleane LES fOIL 32 oz 79c Liquid Cleaner LESTOIL 16 oz 47c Hostess Twi n pack 1Potato Chips 14 oz pkg 69e SuhemTeaTyme Lemon L ime LAYER CAKE only 39c VALV " wH-CKDËEAT Freshi Shankless PORK- SHOULDER ROAST lb39 Branded, Tender, Juicy BEEF RIB' STEAKS lb 1 69c Extra Lean FRESH --GROUNO BEEF 2lb 89C Leani Siicecl PEAMEAIJED BACON ilb 69c Heinz. 11 oz. Bttie Ketch up 2 for 45c posIUitithe roadest possible ex-r periencýe andi knowniledge in bothl Caniadian andi woi'ld co-operatbive movements. Mri. Goodfellow said thathnw Co-opecraltiv-e Branlchl would havel the responsibiiity of providing ser-J, nssist presenit and future co-opera- Éives to operate a sound andi success- fui business under democratîc con- trol by its menibers. The, Minister emphasize that the Branch wý,oukld work in close cýo-operation with the Co-operative Union of Ontario. !Io q q Bumilding a lbuse? ar renmodellingc your present one Vien contaci Phone 2191 Orono HYDRO CUT-OFFý In order to safely carry out essential-work, it will be necessary ta interrupt aur Hydra service on: Wednesday, JuIyi 2th from 1 2.00 noon to 2.00 p'.m. We regret ca-a peration. this incanvenience and request yaur ICRO0NO RYDR E. DENT, MANAGER IIIIL~ Phone 11î21 r 177 Churcýh St.g Bowmanville MIA. 3-3393 ORONO TINSHOP Is a good Inlcsfflût Proteets your home, ~i ~ overs ïin one coat, Resists crackn and peelin R". E. LOGAN, Prop. Phione 11816 Orono, Ontario EXTRA- S-PECIAL EEBrick of Sunspun Ice Cream with the purchase of 2 packages af PillsburY FR FoCheryor..ieat e L îe jgl98C Fheryodr..Pinrel ean.Angce o Lîii.- James Edward O'Meara lias been appointed Director of the *ranch effective August 1, 1961. MVr. O'Meara is_418 years of age and received his early edlucation at the Ottawa Collegiate Listitute and his B.A. and -M.A. deg-rees fromn St. Francis Xavier University, Anitigon- ishý, Nova Scotio, a university notedj for its partiuar interese inlex- tension and training Within the co- operative movement. .i During the Period 1936-1938, Mr. 1 O'Meara acteci as assistant field or- i ganizer, St. Francis Xavier Univers-( ity for Co-operatives and Creditý Unions. FrQm 1938S to 1955, lie was employeci with the Economics Div- ision, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, on Market Researchi on Co- operatives andi Credit Unions. This period was interrupteci durilig World War II with active service1 duty f rom- 1942 to 1945. In 19.55 Mr.i O'Meara joineci the Unitedi Co-, operatives of Ontario in educationalý and organîzational work and also' countlies of Essex, Kent, andi Lamb-' ton. Si.,we 1959,, Mr. O'Meara h.qS been employeci with F.A.O. of thie United Nations in Rome as a Co- operative specialist. MVr. O'Meara brings to the new Act which would include the Co- operabtve Loans Act, anid the Co- operative Tru'ckig legisiation which is presently included'ip the On- tarlo Milk Industry Act, as well, as other legisiation affecting co-ýopera-1 tives. TO ADVIERTISE lienMr and Mrs. Reg EIIiott were and Forests. UÂ- ~ i.Ld1O The moose season for ieie-- presentedi withl a beautifu-l chair' -(of the Province) only will therefore and hassock on the occasion 0f,their For thatt portion of Peterboroughib twenity-fifth Wvedding anniversary.- County lyîng south of No. 7 hîghway 'eopen again in 1961 according ta Music was provided bY the Farrow. the deer season will be from Nov- th!e Minister. In past seasons the- Lowery Orchastra and the eveniing ernber 6th to llth, (one week). $26.00 special moose-deer combina- was spent in dancing. Shotguns only will be permitted in tion licence Was the only one valid tlke townships of Ennismore, Smith, for moos 1e in this .-cheduile. In 1961, Sunday School and Ch-.urcli will be Douro, Drnmmer, 'Belmont, North hunters may hunt moose in this held at 7:30 p.m. each Sunday dur- Monaghian, Otonabee and Asphodel area on the regular $10.00 moose ing July. in Petetiborough County. Parts of licence. This change will no doubt Sory o hartht te oîvs rethe above are changes from regu- be we lcomed by many hunters who again pl-ayinghact the losr lations of past years for the area [objected to or who could not afford agfi heplaongth fc ift une 50k s that hunters are asked to please to "gamble"1 on the former $26,f2, note. licnce CO-OERAIVESBRACH Fortheres of he inday Fres ~.Moose, seasons ini northern Ontar- C O -O E R A T V E S B R A C H F r t e r e t o t h e L i n d a y o r e s i o a r e a JÎ o in c lu d e d , in t h e th o e ee ESTABLISH ED District, that is, in the County of lyear scheduie. For local details brun- Formation of a Co-operatives, Haliburton, in Peterboroughi Coun- ters are, asked to eommunicate wt Branch within the Ontario Depart- ty north of No. 7 h-dghway, and in the Department 6e Landsa andi For- ment of Agriculture is annonuced by ^parts of Victoria County north of jests offiee in the area in 'Which they Hon, W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of the Monk Road and including Som- expect to hunt Agriculture. The new division ta in erville Township the deer season answer to the request of the Co. iWill, be from November 6th to :L8th,________________ operative Union of Ontario that in the regular two weeks season. 1creased services bc Provided by the 'Departmen.t of Agriculture to assist 1 I P Y jin the further development of theI PA 'S co-operative movement i the rv indicated that consideration world ince.. be given to a new Co-operatives 1-

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