Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1961, p. 1

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At tieOooH-Te ac n-tenwMsronono aftthe fdance day last Miss argery PTreli, 'Mi",ssby"- s.Aldwinkle (of Oshawa whlo Orono o 90 (ih)cro)wn'theva WiIis.Mis Wiliswas cosnas etWen ]thle five final contestants GyeWiIIisLChos en As Halanew cQueenwa cowedas "MissOrn for 1j961'." This ho-nourj- ,vas hsoedo( isjaleWli dagtrof AMr. ald rs. Ralphl Wills o Oroo, nd a studentt of was sosrdb h rn i Teens. Ifeather Rebýeah Lolge; On June 27t'h, 19631 the Heather Rehleka0i Lodge opened their mneet- .ing la the lisual imner. Holl cali was madle and corne-spondence cideait wilhi.Ter was a splendid attea- ,Siste etyMao introduaced Sis- Mdiss colis 1wa3sAchsen from a 1eriGladysGmb our nw District groupaofrfIve girs tocarrn h i euy Presdentwho hd bee-n in- OrnowAKnfor he ar, by es. tal p eviouly t a1 1special Dis- Jo Adwickl, Wmans Eito oftrit metig hld a te Orono 1.0. th~ ~haa Tm'-~ Gaett. l pr-OF.Hal lathe alternioon. Sister sentig he decsion rs. o Ai-1 lia Matingave a r eport 'on this Vwirickl satd that hWe(dacisi had e cei-ainl ben a iffiuitone he metig whn rpresntat ives*wer conratlaed il hegirs ad lsopfeen îrm PrtHop, Oshawa, Bowmavile ad ortPe-ry.Later Cwe Hi-Teens for sinenmactersaM at a netie tad- ndm the Mis Ornoune.Thse dr. competing in tIe final Mb isssu;n con ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( es-eeSel arbiJan Sse~MlrdRie ae her Ces ing, SuebMajor, Marys eîd nd reort ontheReeka Asemiy Gaye ilis GrndLogewhch se aatend- witi buquet o1 roses,Ithecow an(- the Mýiss; OrOono ribbon. The Hi- Teen- s also presenteci ail the con- testaný'ts wi1th a bouquet as .vell as Mrs. Aldwjinckle. Mr.Arthn 'ur MvcLaren, president of the' Orono Chamber of Commerce, on behaif of the Chamber, presentedý MIsýiilis with a cheque for the sum 0 f $2.5.00. Be also offered his congratulations to the new queen. Thýe Orono Hi-Teens held a mosti e.oal anceWih the musie be- ing provided by the Cavaliers. Thie h;all was tastefully decorated «with p stelsades of streamers andI apple blossors which produced a most pleasi3ng atinosphere. A buffet lunch w/as senved in the basement of the .hall ia a most tasteful mnanner. eaogwihSis-ter Gladlys Gamsbý)y ura lo reportfed on the Mvem. orial Service hield Iin connection with I IVolumne 22, N umber 15Thur-sday, JÏ29h 961 Orono nitarjýo. D minsfte Use 1Recreation Direclor ïlOrono aHigmh School Of iRe uscitaor Start £?rograrfn Monday~ rm to sLse en esday evenig in thef Oronio Commnencing on Moniday. July 3rd P oti ni Municipal Building adnsta t iotere will be -a recreational dJrectorý was field in the use, of the Resus- on 'duty at the Oron<o Park for the- citator whlich is stationied in thie Vil- f(qoowing two months. The directorAi Ij The following are the Orono Hl*ý1i, lage. The dtemoinstrationi was sponi- w organize games, sports and,, w iiprim n viu SchoolPrmtos sored by thie Ladlies Auýtixiliary 9f teach crafts to thnose ,21ildren Whoý ae th1e 01-1on o BOY SUcouts Commîittee at' wish tIo avail themselves of the ser- At ,ighu1 ChoL Grade IX to Grade X - in alpha-_j. present. Amateur Athletie Association. Te1rry Graham, Honours; Kli w h i c c l o e t t w e t y - î v e e r e i c e b e i n p r M i d e h y h e r o n ou r n o n g o ~ n 0 0 b e t c a l or d r V i k Sh a r d o n o u rn . The oýperýation of the machine was Thle gamies and crafts are belinc" 'Mýr. A. Wit1herspooni B.A., .Pinici- blyni, Hono-urs; Arn'old Wa11ac4, demonstrated by Mý/r. C. Harris ,as- promoted for ail school children a fteOooHghShoa-Hnus Jim Wilson, HonoUrS. sisted by the Orono Fire Chief,Mrwh wish to take part at the Orono nlouniced the- appoilinentl of Miss Prom-oteid without conditiQný: Roni Bruce MNercer. In dernonstrating the Park durîng the two month periodl Gisýele Lavergne of Sturgeon Falls, B3est, Anne Gilbank, David Green, machine AMr. HIarris pointed ount the ýThiere ýwill be nio charge for the Ontario, to the staff of the Orono Peggy Hancck, Marie Hooey, Ra]lh, ed-plut tha t mahine hich program orJi enrolmnent f ee. The dlir- HigL Schiool, who will take Up lier Kennedy, Wayne LowCery, Jan, Me7- tioedin roo i oe o'te 1 ectIor wiilI be present to organize the new position beginning this coinng Kenzie, Albert Munneke, Paye Nich. ineinOaosonoftepetter games and provide the e-quipment.; Septemiber.oinCaesedHwrSt1e ,ont- e s te mrtessusa s I rdoi-Th(program willinclude tennis, Ms aegewl etahn ton, TroyTaggart, Francis Tennant11- couMdsbesuccessully uselfor drwn-1 Th Gayle Willis, Stephen Witherspoon,. ing victims and heart attacks a1S softballl, volleybal, football, croquet, Fen h and History at the Orono Prmtdwhcodin:R er hwer as oe forms of0Phock. [t Was cras ae t heogniedgmeSchool replacing Miss Pauline SeIBarrabaîî(Fech;Shirley Broýwn- however, no always 10 percent hkes etc. 'uin Who haïq resig-ned from lthe Mteais; Dvd Cafr successful. Dvd Cafo,, s 1~ The prog-ram -will conmènce each Staff of the Orono School and Who (I-1sory); Roniald Harris (History; He dlemonstrated the machine as djay at 10:00 in the mornling until, has accepted a teaching position in ,ýO Barbara Keast (Hlistory); Gamney avesuscitator and as a inhalator and no n gi nt eatronOtw.Lycett (Frencéh); ydaTrri j outlined thiese uses. The audience starting at1 1:30 until 4:00. -SIIc)Jd ag Egil'. wasals intrutedin reprin a iss Lavergne gratuated from Le Sharon Willis (French). patient Who was Suffering fr o thriem-1. odubb ad ensionnat Notre Dame de Lourdes drwigpirt sn h ahfee sthe programn advances and it 'for Grade XII and completed Grade -COnditioned subjects la 1brackets,ý is found what the ehildreni desire. XIII at the Sturgeon Falls Hîgh must shiow a pass in the following_ At the mieeting it was stated that The games and crafts are for both Sýcho. She gr-adutated withi a Gen- year (Junei( final mark) or the sub- the m-achine is ready for use at anyv boys and girls and evî ryone is Wel- er ' ..f rom WsenUiesty etrpae 1egrls fmrs timie and 15 stored in thie 0-0r.o coe. L.ondon, where she r-najored in Bis- Fire Hall. AIl that is nleeded to get -.1oyada qiaetmjri Grade X to Grade( XI - in alphab- niahiieat he sýen -f 1i ýý Thle director of the prog-rami is 1 Iy n ieqiaetmjri etical ordler: Mary Jane Brough, cident is to cali the Orono Fire De- Miiss Mary Lynn Bailey. 'Phnisophy an ngllsh ecs W aye ile Honours; Cate apeheiorne partmient as one woWld for a f ire. Teporma owstu sai -p'a'vnMleHnus ahrn AUl tihe firemen have been instructed Th o grmasnw e-u s sWilson, Honouirs, in l-? use of tche miachine as hv a M olow: Th(, new Oronio staff miember re- Promioted wý,ithout condition: Ga0i1 nu1mber of other persons lan the VilModa- c ive ite Brýescia Hall alumnil-Allin, Mary Lynn Bailey, Sandra sdhiarhipin 1959-60 and received1 Bowins, Diane Durley, BonieCo- lage. 1~~000-GilIs 6-10SotalheMrJaeFesnshoahp ler, Donna Couvier, Faye Faullknier, 11:5 idBos, ams frPioohcl tde a16 -61 ayFound, Paltsy Jones,Hen 1:0Grl lan vrCrafdts 1Mafa , Denniis Mercer, Daen Tenfty Pupr'ils Take 2:30- -Boys ovei, Voi]eybalil Pbil:e-irryKe'Swarbrick, (a. a f Ë n s c " ,ýk g ë fl P ý i l i ' F iB u tt; o n (i f r e c h on ii(lay v nng June 26th a 1:5Grs6t 0 rqe ayMcMackin (Matheýmatics)- very pleasant Recitl ws ld at, 1:30) Boys Il and over, Crafts Shirleiy Sharron (Latini); Bill 'tapie- the' hiome of Mr. and Mdrsý. M. ý 2:30)-Gil l&oeVheblo Tpn) talsweteymucstdts 3:30-Boys and irs6t10 Tranisferred to Gradle X, JuIa,ý wi1 h thieir motliers, gathered for the Softball. Hawke (History); Philip Loucks closing of the summner term'. Wednesdy: t ( Renh istor) 05 lisaseNfor over thiree hua- Vacied num bers, from Bec.nner dred member's, Both reporIts proved thirouLghl Gradles 1, Il, III, Ive VI anld ver-y înteresting.1 VIII wý,ere enjoyed by ail present ,1 after Which ailsocial lhour w'as spent A Most impressive Memorial Ser- vice was conducted by Sister Mae Allen when roses wr placed on the altar in memaory of nine former miemibers of H-eather Rebekah Lodge Sister Glaqdys Gamsby was called on for a f ew remarlks and stated she wlas very happy to be welcomed so warmily by ber own lodge andI feit it an honour to be oui' new District, Deputy President. After the closing of Lodge even- oine enjoyed a deliclous lunchan socia'ilimre together. ad ro omotion Resuits At The Orono Public School ICarmnan, Erniest Wil'cox, Carol Anne Tireý folloW'ing is thre PromotionitCaldwell, Johin Duvail, Nancy For- repoî t of the Orono Public School. reslter, Donna Gilbank, Caroliiie GRADE 1 ta GRADE 2 Joi nno-n , aid Mann B. iàM- together. I Thôse takling part were: Marie1 Yeo, Lînda McLaren, Cheryil Coat-1 ham, Kathy Coatham, Karen Low- ery, Donald McKenzie, Sally Staples Marlyn- Tanmb1yn, John Duvail, Joyce Long-, Ronda Tenznant, Idska Reins'tra, Ruthe Hlenderson, Janice Rutherford, Elaine Selrmid, Eeverly Tennant, Sharon Barchard, Janet Graham, Judy Tamblyn. Congratulations to Miss Diane- Gilbart oni passing Grade Il Theory with lst Class Honors and to Miss Janet Graham, passing Grade VI piano with Honors, fpupils of Mrs. M. H. Staples. Local Coupile Honot ed - At Presentation A presentation was held in the Orono O)ddfellows Hall1 Saturday evening June 23rd in honour of Mr. 'M "mLj- w Ull INEla ad Aff.. est apieton.-1 BtyDeJong-e, ArthurDWîth Nancy Nixon, Glenda Tennant. Twnyfu ebers of the ditioins in the Orono Park. The from the People themnselves and RonldForeser Wilim Glbnl, Frýieiids, relatives and neighhours1PTeiitborou rnalmena Swim- Park, lie saîd had always been awl-hichi it had in this case. The new Xathryn Gradfy, Karen Hardy, Wes-1 GRADE 4 to GRADE 5 gtee nIpresetedthehapy ing Club did, on Friday evening of )lice place to brîng the f amîly andI pool is here( for eeyn to enjoy ley Kapp, Thomnas Macdonald, oc eAlxander, Anne Annott. couple ith twPal ap Wlast week, amaze those attending that one of the biggs trcin and especiaily the young people who Bll CaldJwell, S'usan Goode, Pamiela 'tptý)tablesas ofe aleoJibti h DoadMann, HShey Mrcr ady1lveJ snFeLwiadtrihea etr ic. h d Officiai opening of the Orono lhad always been the swimnming will now, make useo t.btite Donldaren, e Caol ercer, E-deswsra yM.U ulc.-Swvimmning Pool at the Orono Park. pool1. Times hadl changedl and niew future, will be, the onies to carry StepFhen Mîý/itchell, BMainle Moffat, Dnl ceze ao freE- rýswsra yM.L ulc. This group of swimmers who ave condlitions 1ha- ve to bemnet which la on thie wonk of those who swthis ridg, Frser itch e riat-en- lion, nePrtndge oad rs Hazel and Everett both rephied ex- won acclaim ail over thewolIti case mneant a new pool as the pnoject through. 1 -nn arrd .P - hdhT o ecosed. M. -nuters th-en presented- na rbaet Then,CRnagTen- ctt' JhnRoinon lEaine Schm-id, pressing thieir sincere appreciation. brought to Orono a spectacle ineyer ld IPool wo.d hvert be1 Rcobft Tnnan, R()nclt Tnu- before seen in the Village. Their Thie new pool, he saîd, was a credît;Mn. A. E. West, chairm-an of the anPu TdCtenine WValker, Gary Simpson, Margaret Taggart, M.Nusic w,,as supplied by Mn. John artistry ln the waterwa spectac- 10 Orolno and area and lie hoped that Oron-o Park Board wý,ith engravedl RoetWilson, Robin Winter, Bar- T 1 alr e.TennDnl Scott, bis son and daughter for the ular. the people would be able to enIn oooPtii alcDreey sj '-~swthl which the president West.r.Maevenîngs1cýx entertainment. Calier off Attendance at the Officiai.Ope-1itfor years to0 come. The Reeve eu .r -î *Û4ficially open the was Mr. C. Turner. ing 'was short of Ithat expected due 1 then introduecd Mn.r. kCarruthers, 1new ý7p(Ool ýt,> e public. MVr. West bas GRD aGAE3GRADE 5 ta GRADE 6 È anw Iisse D alig1-I o'Cutý.be-en pe tof thie Park Board G R A D E 2 a G R A D E S u s a n a nt r ell , D al e C l alli c e , d elu n til lsixh wosch o ck . b T h is, h c w e v e rel od idT hlasp e akI nn ge atoiilst oa u d ie n ceieM n for.fo r fte ene n y ee rr . Barow, Nac Brrsaa, EveBoulne GekeLeoge David Dent, Elaine lie committee ina charge. not haît the planned prýograra- Carruthers stated Htl te construic- Agniýiltural Jiepresentative -" Brown Donn Chalice, ayne ou- orresten, Paýul Gerry, Glenn - nins er reen ro Pr wic as eannied on for tiose who tion of the niew pool Was typical of Da .'rý espoke afe od vie jnaKia ik ai e-Glenn Baase, Paul Jon, Hp, Vatolerie,0 t vla oudb d-etho ier, Wendy pMerc, Kale eri- -MreMrae icell, Terry HpTrno avle shaw'ýa, i ted h rn ad i htcudb oetruiacm nb l . h nvnigv -dîcon, im artnr, KnnyPart Mye, Wendyaner, Btett r ecsle etnvhe obourg thiougi reduced in numbers, d1id uinity effort and that tlis pool hadimenit pný,e,eoIedMiss Alim-a Cutteli, - I andedy PBowmanville.es- play a selection and opened the p)ro added muci to) an already beautifulseetr-eaur of the Board, a1 xi , Randy Tanr, Sharn Wil- ttJaie _Rutherford, MVarilyn id______ le.graam with "G ' athe -Queen". 1park. Such venue'hes ,plays cheque coveing the amiouiii 0f tic Jiri-s, DougSa tamn etyWndoIf r S.tatprtl tccB.elp gaton the construction 'f the Euby ake GADE6 a RA'E IC~ CI Y)lu, S1SL .r' Brce t rono -~is also ir'~ pool froinitic Provincial jvr- D~î-IMerer, ou~ ~ ~-~ 2 n~an ctt- ~ ,,- . ~-r;le people on t~'et 'r E 3~ RAI 4 . ~ r ", '.tlrigP g igMn. Walke.y, Rev'onut e s>ch a r---a Mn. Jack Eilb)eck, a rceto'd Caî'o CEc KenedyJ~~-Lex-si,-on S o W~~ f aneTow\nship, spoke wvords of complisiment. Mn. Caruh- ector of the Depar-tmeat of Educa- __ -~e. ~ ,-r. cfateaco-peraion ith --,:I- lion off ered any assistance ofis r r- W]krw ,ed that growti ment in supplying z g-ragj t 'o asist department to the Badi n _id cacr ineNihlnWle.<'j E 3 ta, GRADE 9 o r arr-ai and tlhe condition of the la this cevelopme.,t. It was the way in, the operation of the newv pool 1{rvy arne , Jue cmd GRADE 7 ta GRA DE l Lynda Pears, Dane RogelSrso ' ipo-ia brought pressure to government's purpose toassist such iand o coagratulated th-.e Board on the A ., ~Irakr Ry m AnJonBrat, oen ordon Simpson, Robin Taggart, bear on ia Park Board to do somc- projecîs by supplying a grant. The'jfn olwiiwsnwofcal Wet ,.rl vod ard icel Býst, Gordon Dent, Coleen -FlynniiBryan Tamblyn. t.g1 po'SWmfigçn ntatvh ad utfîrst comi otne ae5 The cliýector lias asl<e that girls and a small darning' needlle. Tis ~ihPu il years andI over are to bring one material will be used on MondaY blyn. abynR9sTm d'uing the craft periosI. Pete---rboro-,ug--h Swm. m"mers Outstcanding Attraction At Pool Opening l.ýi es

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