Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1961, p. 8

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-K K K K K K K K K K K -r c- r- k K 4- r K r- r-. K K r K c- r- k- K -4 4- K r- 4- K K J-. r- r- K K K r- K K r- K K K K K K K K K r K r- K K K -Jr K K 4- K K K K r K K 4- K K -4-- K K K K K K K K K r M K M r k M r M K k c- k k K r in Canada $1.50r In IIS.A, $,250 Published ecvery Thursdlay at the office of pbiahr cfbaig herchl ren ,ý! taghhe art of swimmi;ng a,-,nd equaflly The lca Rd ross hsotie aal n elqai liedinstuctess ho !.e tahigin accordance with the Canl lied insrcrs h ilb ecrgl codnewt the -can-. adia Re Cros sa ~ads hîs ate Assciaionwill tests the ebirnfoiioing the course of isrcin~The Course is f0 com- ~mneon July 3rd and conitinue during thle mnlth of Juiy. Fur- thier priuasar salbeon pg hs~~ Thie children wi]I find Ithe Orono Parka eeiv o ntit ihis sunliur with te swuimminig lessons and tlhe p lanned activities b)eing or-anized by, a fuil-t'!ime recreationaI park supervisor who-- wvill be at He park during thle monthis lf Juily -amid .ugust, bot ,wiIl be at the 1pa-k drn the. morths of July and August, botI moring l",and atrno.Th-e opportunit 'y for, the chlfdren tis year sumnmer points to -a busy one, and onie'plann-ed for enjoyment. OLD TYNE CALLERS DANCE NEWC&STLE COMMUNITY HALL OR9NO WEEKLY TIMES Autlinrized 'as S'on Ciýs~ mail, Plmt Office DePartmret, Ottawý Esft>Yhedin193jbvR.p . orresfer, Ro C orrse dfo aae Suseipio pybl i(avac NWUNDER ONE ROOF .... th.e Canadian Imiperial Eank c-of, Commerce is a joining together of two long-established bariks, The Canadian Bank of Commerce and the Imperial Bank of Canadia. The let ters C.i stand for a g-reat number of newT banking advýTntag-es. [4he'y .stahd for the Courtey ad Id1try of 15,500 mnienandwmewh > geuie hertlnst ee you better. They st-and for Captlad ntive to help anins evelo Caaa' asaltniaThysand, for Cnda Imperial Bar"ik of Commrerce, aviros and grsie f orce UinCanadian b-aning.10 Vii1t he anadiari.Imlperial Bnkof Commerce soon.Pesntorf uture \ sto ecan be assuredof te inest ban-king ýservice, umotcourtesy atï s sstance. CANANP1MPERI-AL EBANiýK 0 F C MMPiRC E lth day ofMai 1961, are hereby niotifie-d f0 send to thie undersigned, Executor's or their Solicitor, On or, before the Third ,zday of July 1961., their name--is 'a1d1addfresses and ful paricuarsof their dlaims and the niature of telscrte (if anfy) heldby hem ulyverified byst- Immediaely(afetesaid Thirdý day f Jly 161,the, assets of hiel said dcae i b e disfrlbuted among the pensons entitled theref o hain egard (loaIyý to thle disofý ichii-I the Executors or the udr <gnd Silctunshah then have iDated at( Orono), Ont ario, this -12-fbj day of June, 1961. RO(Y HOOEY CORNISH, Port ýPerry, Onta-rlo. -WILLLUMCORNI'SH, Bnwmanvile, Onfanlo.1 Executors; W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontai-lo,! Solieitor for the Eeuos DEAD FARM STOCK Hîghest prices, for Dead andl Dis- abled farm stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario Ph,-one Markhaim 1160J, Collect 24 Hlour, 7 da Srvce Peae al anyime Onari GoernentL-Uc eneC 10261.p Saturdays and Wednerdays by appoinfrtents omly PHONE 1471 ORONO DRI. R. .1. TAGGART \ E rEFR 1NA fiY S UR GE 0 Rl'.JutvI O R ýn Pq 1U IV 1N1f Lv t. q 11r_ I. i: Apply wing In Hote, Pont- Old ymre Calleirs AssOciation, Tenders wil berceedbth poo. ourmiesnorh f ospi (l Danue. NwnteCommunity Hall, lundersig-ned unil June 29thforiar onfiihay3. riday, June 30,. î9cil pentry and plum1-binig work at 1; Maae Ad utch Jr. b-p, Tornto Ol 1ym -rcetr. Parsonage, Church Street, Orono., HOUSE FOR RENT Ffencles,90D 23. edr a e smitt1ed for ete AnegtromBik o ith Admi-ission $1100. i orpart of the lb. W rnust bh- bnthoomandailcoaenieces Sqaredane frfun. c-p) donie (durinig the mnth 1ofAust LsFrdyngfat 1030 .mc. a srwer upr) onWdedy e.B A* Trustees oywernarejaktor sweat- J'n 8hf.v5rm ntialaeOumro n uite Chrc erwa sen h'otngout streef ser1výedi ligts itha BB.guni. 1He had a Admiissioî dis 12;chlrn FOR SALE biyce'adwas ridirig around the 1 n udr71_zc. &_M. Combination Tde south en"!d ofthe Village 'where ti iakep thi aei mrd aein goo condtion.Phon inidnthppne.If is teinten-b- 2-P-12.ac chre"f ayoeis flyrcg ekr oa' soito nie cmitigthis type of damn- ana uprwil edo a FOR SALE tfi of the Or1ono Hydr,ýo to press. raJn 4h Fresh cûtfoerfr Decoration Oroo ydo letre omisio M nu.Cl et sldsrw-Dy pnfor business every dayv Manager, E. Dent bernes and cake, exc ept Sundiays. ____________________ Amisin:Adit $1.25; chldlren C. dle Mooy, Fiower and Plant N OT IC E 5v.Supe ,ill be served from 5,G'ower. ie at fTi as TO ES DNT 0 T1).m. f iii al are- served. b-p MIotel. Phone 188Oronlo. a- TOWNSH-IP OF CLARKEa tliw FRSL A uicipal Duimp bas been estab- Evryon welome t a tra-ci,1 ar fOR AnLgCoErHv lished a t the Properfy Of Mr. Robert 01berry estila tffShlo91 Ch0urc hone10rs 0fstaning1 love Hay Hicks in Lot 16, Concession 2. The on Wednesday, Ju l 5r161co- hoeiroo a6ra- enigat 5:3, ..uti i r said location shah be kept open for served.'FRSL garbage dfisposai on Mondays, Tuies- ,Ll days ad Safudavs fo 8 Aduitos S85c; Children 12 and un- Crib bedl and miattre-ss $4.00. 5ý p.m. _Mr Hicks shii be responsible dr5ca- Phne17,Oo.ac for, ail occuirrences and matters ar- D.L.L.Reno Associatiofl's An- EOATO A ising ouft of tlb.e operation of the said nuLal pienie in Lakeview Park, Osh- Decoration Day at the Orono Cem- locationi as a place for garbage and. awýa, On Sundayi,,, Ju-Ile 25th from et ery wilî be heid on Sunday, June refuge disposai, a-e il a'm. Ail fre employees wel- 2f.1-- t 1, E. Mlilîson, Clerk cýome. a-p 25t11-- Township of Clarke.1 ____________________ Thle Clarke Districet Orange bodge NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC wil attend the Kendai United [N THE ESTATE 0F MINNIE The Orono) United Church Sunday'Churich service on Suinday, July 2nd MAY CO-RNISH laf e of the Village Schooi pien-ie wrn bWe held af Orono ait 3:00 ocok Brethren are- to of Orono in the County (if Du-rh;amr,, Park on Th-ursday, June 29th from m rceet at the Kna Orange Hall at Spinster, deceased: 3:30. Both young . and old are in-22:30. Kendal bardiin attendance heAilaersosthvig aims againsMa vite i f0 attend. ap- -b-pth EsaeotesidMniMa a-- Coîih h, d ied o tn toroabouit the OGronco nt Lawreiioe C. Masou,ý B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3.5688 Horne MA 3-55M3 IW. KAY LYCETT, L'A. i Eaorister - solicitor ln the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. IMAIN ST., ORONO Telepho'se 138 Oroio L. J. S K AlFE Lycett's Irsuraace offie P.O. Box 68, Oro-Io Phone 127,1(' 1eNe'î"rRv'Al IlsuraC E FRED LYCET OFFICE MAIýN ST., ORONO Phoine '12516 Res. 11713 JACK REID Auictioneer and Valuator Specialize in~ Farin and Fujrnitture Sales Conguit -me for ternis and dates DOUGLAS SIMPSON Phone 5 r 18 Orono- Phone 1413I Furnitur'e Finishedi & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworking Painting - Interior & Exterior fiaîmItoos ginisuranope in ail its pBranChles 0o Auto, Package and ComIpost B Bu rglarly, L i a bi iity,MNia riýneo Accident and Sickness, Winrd, gBolier, Fidlelity Bond, Etc:. Sadie rHailtong g Phone, Orono 1I gFtRS ,-"-,TGAGE tOANS - oronc T TE )J ACKO Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail ulue and at reasonable rat., Communicate with hlm at Pori Peiy, Ontarîo. monuments and Family Memorials Our quality anid service leaves nothirtg to be desired Ask thenpersori who bought f rom us- a nleighbour, friend or relative The RU¶TER G~N~ 73 Ontario Streetý - PORT HOPE Lrgst.Dîsplay in Southeri j Ontario" Oro-no 1Electric PHONE129Q t CONTRACTon- Fr - FARM.an4 UOUSE WIRING Free Estimnates Prompt anid Guaranteed Repaire to !0 Knds of Electria-~~n - and Apîlian - -ras-Motors - W, at r - V *Radlop - $tr te z. n Frïday, June 3Oth 9:OO--12:30 Admission $1.OQ SQUARE, DANCE FOR FUN Phone 10616

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