£~ / 'N 'j- Jury Servke And Its 1imporl-.cice Wanit to be a king for a daoy, aweek, a moxstLh? Wn to hiave the last word? Want to be kntown a)s a man ci good chai-ac,,ter and ýso'uld judgment? Who wouln't jumnp t the ProspCt? Buit just tell a purson he's ieaHled up for jury dluty and ae how fast he starts I1okling irouind for ecss Why? lI the opinion of a dlisting-uiah- e1 Massachusetts jurist, Judge Felix Forte of the Superior Court, I'S because too Many peo- Pieý just don't aýPpreCiate what jury eduty is ail about. Tliey have, lie says, littie Con- ception -of the power of a jury, cf te utter,.finality of its ver-, dit r tha Ut ju14ry CILity, in hiS wards, is the very "foundagtioni of cur American Republic." Yet, lie says, "No higlie-r form of public service is known, none demanding more consientious, ô7evOtioai te duty, -or more abso- liste disregai-d of ail considera- tions exeept that of doing jus- tice according to Iaw, titan thle work of a judLge or a juror." ¶Vhen Juà-dga Forte faýceS a jury e-f 12 persýons, ash lie h een 4<oin9 now fo-r 22 years, he tells thons t-hit the jurer "m-uaidrv fm isthiought every considl- crtono race, colo-r, re-ligicuis or frat-ernal aff1iation, friend1ship, * sYmpn-thy -or iikirgor d4s-lkle of rartiEýS or C Ec-1 'ei 'He must -not be affectecI by îIe weaI'Lj or paverty o! Parties, er bY iheïr p-)sitio'n ln the cen- muiy'Anjý any juror wvho shows such fai'ar, lie tells themr, h "refto b bcelher judge or But iz pL-aji tact la, Sarys -Judge Frorte, fat"tco m.any quali;ied, c-,aPab e citizens who 9 10171d ser7ve o-n juries Seek :to He 1lias the fig ires ta back u Plis contetio. a Asjudge of Ltee$21,O Erin-k's trigl - biggest cash xobber-yti Amea. jean histoiy - tue suinyuin&ned 2,0O0 jurOrs, O! these, 524 were chailenge-d by *ithePr Prosecutilc ' aor defense. "To get 14 jua ors," lie says, ,l 0.xam-ined 1,700 ipcrsons", Someîtimes whgE askingtac he excused, a e o will even leigu deafness. When i hat hup- »elns, Judg'e For-te says he jusi dropDs his voce very 1w a"nd zays sonethl"ng like, "1Your wife Must hiave taoM you te ,&y that.", If the an' heaaing if; actu- 41lY meute, lie wdlii hur-tout, "'Oh, no, ahe didn'i, yo- n on- Sat, lîw provides a liaI, tn LeeI u engili, Of rpersoas who suyb.e xeu»ed if tihey 5 e M'est. Ilbebgi.ns with physicians, Minlstonç aknd teachert, laid runs Îo railioad cOon Mduotors and light- Th. gzreategi apathy, Judge FPorte aayi h. fids, àa anong *hbose wbio baik t he ina,ce1.I aaciflewrhesEmîlle Tire! i *OhetOhrSta-nSciene ,Monitor. R. cal!: jury service t1eci- Uffl s Meet important lvty ;n 9*acetinie."It'S justice l'inh *àpadllgl PPhe Bays. -Wbt f eb. mali Or womart wIiO les1't b&hIkah liii. cali, k,0*rVeA whibnlIy, even le* ee PGnt «behug "1Qekeed uP" %'$r weoi3s ýt eatîme? 1If, becoa zp2e tandiprch 9uslee" systh juidge."H et mofgoversilen'c WhJch h oou gelnIino Cieur vway" He Joamis'Uhoah althougil à jndg' Vnrdict le subWetho rc >won. -1-dcorrectio-n by i *Uperior jutlges, lte _verdict o! 014C, Jury lmfna In eenifhI a eusesilaies anIis critica. Even sucri enthu-. siaýsts as Judge Forte admit that it iaJsow, tiine-con3sumr-ing, ex- pnie($5500 a day), andc-,vaste- fui o! jurors' tinte as tliey wait in tee jury room te lie called&' Neverthe-Iess, te more experi- once he lias wtl juries, lie says, te more lie admires tee systent. Fron thte lifSe experience of-a cross section «Yf citizens frolu alilwalks o!;itfe, he clairmi, cornes forth verdicts. whieh "ýconte nearer tee truth titan anïy systens I knowý." "Ail thee iw, ail the witnesses, Oui- constitutional guararute, due process of. law,' lite, liberty and property - ail go fMr n iaught," siay s Jucige Forte, -if jurai-s fuil Vo follow their con.- science in doin.g their duity." Wite citizenis re-alize tee su- preme impiorta-nc2e of tit-is woýrk, he saays, tliey will quit shirk ing thi-eir duty when te jury cal! cornea. Ho Gambled High And Now He's Gon, 1 Shrewd and courageous, with an intuitive sens. o! timing-a titnowbucký, ln tact, 10 lthe likes, of Bet-a-M\/illion Gates-specula- ion Bernard E. Smith i-eacted in- stantiy ta ncws cf the aiock-màr- Iket crash in 1929. "Sèli 'ern, seli everiythiugý,," lie storrned- b hi.s broker, and "sel 'ern" he did, even as the mar-ket nallied, ihen fultered, then tell, thon plunged titroug thlie floor. Within the space of a yean, le lad cleared a rurnoreçi $10 million in short- selling operations, uroused the wrath o! then-President H-erbent Hloover, eurned a nepututian aes No. i beur operator of ail time, and laid .claini eterually to the ftle cf "Sell-'em-Ben" S-iith.' It was a titie-indeued, ail 'e-pi- thet-that Smith neyer relished, for tite image it depicted was that o!flte ruthicas trader, lient noV on btrilding but destroying, asking no mercy and giving noue. AndI for aIl the trutit o! the in- dicîmeni, "Sell-'emn-Bon" wus juat one of an endiless vaniely o! roaabeit the most noitorlous, that Smith played lu a career that carried him tram the gut- ters of New York tù0 'ite pinnacie cf international finance. The son of Irisht immigrants, lie quit scho.oi ut 12 after ffle death o! lis tather, got liÀs firat job as a $3'-a-week ecrrand 'boy, later advanced ta quotation clerk for a- Wall Street brokerage ai $9 a week, Acting on Vîps, front cus- tomera, lie had built, an original invesirnent o! $100 mb to$35,000 he was 15; by 16, he was, broke agaji, wiped oui in île panic of 1903. He bounced back, bult up another nesi egg of $15,000, fel flai on lis face once more, and bourjced oui of île market, cer- pietely for teL nexi decade. Ini île interim, he worked as a. cap- per-mine miucker, a wartime ambulance driver, aý super auto sjalesman (le once sold $60,000 worih o! cr-s ini a single week>, el-S distributor for aý big tire m.anufacturer. By 1924, however, lie wax ready te Vry te market again. in Vwo, more years, lieliaS $150,- 00(, enough te purchase a seat on the N1lew York Stock Ex- change, plutlthe personai back.. lng of fnnceFercy A. Rocke- fjeleýr, nephew of Jcohn D. Rocke- feller and an old fionS. 1 Lîke *veryo-e ee Smith rode the ýWj M~arkçet unrtIi 1927, when le *ois d èort Pansi le nother for- tu.ne. But le m4aS. good bis corne- back juet ln lime to Cash lin ltet crash. (On. of those le drove ho tle Wall wax hi: faîher-u- law, prime! bucker of ltet J. 1. Cas. Threshing Co,, whom ho gent a gifi reportedly Worth $1- mýyillion.) Att-er Presideni Hoover ascrib- e5 the co-ilapse Vo the malevo- beo! speculuiors, Smnith was cailed before a Congressionaili- quiry as the mosi, belligerent bear ini the nmrket. "You are kaiown a., a big bear raider, airen'I you?" began lthe inquisi'. lien. Nobody ever callecI me liettai bmy face," blusieresi Smith. il was bile ihai alVte rest of the way-a sutandot f. i any case, miit sùbsequleui- ly 'baekesi Frankhln D. Roosevelt for tht Preoidency, and on bteé day lIai Roosevelt was ina-ugur- ateS, le stoppesi s;eliing short. TWO yeaýrs laier, le left 1h. coun- try, set',.urtrading iteadquarterx lai Lonudon <alîlougli h. continu- Od to live lu Bedford Villag, N.TY.), andi became2au uin-~ Vromisiug bul] for litfe, hLast moulli, Sel-em Bn smnitli, 73, dieS in a Houston lios- pit9, .rori complications arising fter a heurt oeain At th& B a CLAS SIFI EO AGENTS 9TOREKIEPERS - DEALERS Write for free copy Sumalier Specislty Catalogue featurlng large aýsaotmenit j: asonabîeinierchaudise. roys Dry. gooda, lHouseware s, etc. Boulafide deal. c-rs ouly. Phlllips Sales Comnpanv 99 Busby St. Mlotreal. BABY CHICKS BRAY bas for prompt shlpmeut, aI uew summer prices. deayolds sund started,, RIRxCR, RIltxLS, NHxBR, Parka 11P7, Anisa Serles 5i05, 424, 434. Order suni- mer broler chiekas now; somefor qulck dellvery. Sec local agent, or vrite S ray $Iatchery, 120 John North Hacm- lton, Ont. * BOYS, AND GIRLS, CAMPS ]8O7S AND GIRLS 8 10 15 eau have s wondcrful one.week hGlilday at our Bmuéesde Camp (near Parisý, Ont.) under experienccd Christian supervision The I ow fee of $14 covers registration, rooni ansd board, swimnilng and other sports, classes wth handbooks, evenlng meet- ings with "Auint Phyllis" Mason the cbillen's friend(, treats, handcraf ta, ins(iaauce and othier itemns. B3oys' week - July 17 to 21. Girls' week, July 24 10 30 For foldeýrs, w-rite the Camp Drector, 1ev. W. IH. àoody, 664 Feu. uanl Ave. E., Hamilton, Ont. Phono FiJton 3.e681 or FUltoni 3-8745. PIONEER CAMPS-MIJSKOKA PORT SYDNEY - 2 separate camps, boys and girls ages ý9 10 18. 'leut se. commnodation. Resident medical staff. Program ni nlüdes treil riding, ($150 per bu. saiilugboatlng. c;inoelng, wa 9-klg covemed wagon trips% crafta and hobbies. Space stili avail- able August 16 10 30 at apecla] rdàte ce $63.00. 'Further Information, Pioncer Campa, 30 St. Mary Street, Toronto U. Phone WA. -4188. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR sale or for ent F nacýk bar with living quartera, cabin withi two rooma sud bath, cinder block garage - on liîighway No. 17, 30 miles west of Peirs- broke. Write or Phone P. Bovard. .1. 1, ChallkRierOnt. Jj. 4-3485 lDeep River, L ITDnumnber of active and part- lime ditribujtorshlp.s are avallable wiîth a prQgresalve establisbied Ontario lni- ltece comipar n nowexpandlug.Epe- suce not essenitial. Compiany will] or ganize. MUinimnum $2,000 capital rcqulred. Excellent prospects Appolntmneut only. Boxý 235. 123 181h Street., ewTomonto Ont. OPPORTUNITY for an active person with office ocr construction experience bt parflcipate Iu a year-round resort business. hMinimum 5$3»0 0 equired for an unllmiltedl future. BON 238, 123418th Street, New Toronto, Ont. ON4E HOUR Martinizing Franchise OPPORTUNITY BE your own boss lu modern, wdll de sigu cd, franechlsed, I-boum Martinizing 1dry eaning. plant; produce finest 9uallty wlth begt service; compîcte pub- .lec acceptance bas resulted f-rm nation- al advertlslng plus local merchandisint sud sales promotion. 1 MARTINIZING wlll help the ightman or wornan gel establlsbed sud provide a trainlng program t10 makze sure you are a capable operator. Cash re quired $8,000, balance may be financed FOR complete deLfa1 contact WVMý Hartaci WA. 2-2912 for appointnment or c ail cplQect. Better Cleaning and. Laundry Equlpmnent Incorporaled 1260 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Descriptive bro- chure will be sent upon requcat. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK TORONTO CENTRAL locatîin. 42 roonis total, 14 suite apartmeuit building built froni prc-war niaterlails; this extra large building wlll outasat and outproduce most of recent structures, excellent street, yearly rentala close tu $10,000. No problems wth these rentais. $9,500ý cash requlred aud the price ls 10w, ha- cause the vendor left for USA ana has to soeilIL. Cal Mr. T. Warawa, RO. 3-33 E. Kurdydyk, Realtor. 514 Au- nette Street, Toronto. PISHING TACKLE GOING FISHINO ? 5-PIECE spli bamboo uîl-purpose rod, paekaged wth many extras. Paclved lui strong llght-weight wooden box that prevents breakage sud keepa aquip- ment dry. Complete 57.95 prepaid. Hud- sn Sales Reg'cl., Box 1826.- Place d Armes, MontreaL FARMS FOR SALE "OR SALE- 200 acre fan. W. Oasý- tarlo Jersey xnlk contract, bulk icooler. ECxcellent buldinigs, brick bouse wltls ail conveniences. Nçll kept arin. Wlth- out stock $25000, berna Box 237. 123- 101h Street, N~ew Toronto, Ont. 30-ACRE farm, .xceptionsl fan wit# 9 bernsansd large rmachiner>' barn, 2 brick homnes, cil>' covenlences, owner bas won 5 prize certificates for best ptts.Well fesiced, S,&~ &nltorteuetreesfarm Implement as business also Included. Owner re- t,;rngta plonide. Will ssiI on cas *rzms wvith 1 mortgage fo-r balance. F rl $ia 27,500. John Sandy. RA. 5-9870. osepb Bosco, realtor, Si KIng St. E., FOR #AL& - MISCELLANEOUS CO'rONS. plain coloni, 4 yards el.00. Pi5nnted U yards $1.00. Kiddles runulug aboas 69<, Aduits $1.59. Send $1.00. al- ance C. O.D. Sebsefer, Dumm ond ville, QI-e. PORTABLE -WýatPr Softenrs.3sud Puri- fiers $29 .00. Chaise Louinge Cota 515.Barfiecues - $9.95. Tape Re- corderas- -539.9I5. Mlauy other hues. Satisfaction guaranteed or mouey e- funded. Ex-press Prepald. Catalogue. TW-ýEDDLr àME.RCIIANDISING CO. yFERGUjs le, ONTARIO I4ELF WANTEO-MýALE- Young Men WErequin. 40 young men, frme.te frvlCanada; aeatucas essestial. Thisç position ë6fe nunusual opportunity frambitious yugmeu, 17-20. 10 sem -alesinanship. Startiug aalary $200Per mn .AppI>' Cï(ircltion Dept , L. E. Wilson, Bib Floor. 210 Dnundas St. W., Toronto. O .m 5 p.ni. fline of his death, the bulk of tie- "considerable" aSSets of thle great seuao were invested solidly in U.S. Steel and Initer- national NickeL From NEWS- WEEK. HOUSE PLANTS AFRiCAN VIOLETS LSIAVES, Plants, Nevest varletiea. FEE lIaI. Louis. Jobnson, Box 107W. Rudson Helghts, Que, HORSES FLASH! HORSE SALE THE 0h1o Quarter Herse Association presents ils Znd Annital Sale b 76M hcad of baller aidperformnance horstsj con sigucd. These are of top bloodlinem sud Js undoubtedl>' lhe b"a set of horses aven presculed for sale aI auction eust of the Misssippi River. TIME: 2:0 .M.. JULY 1, 1961 PLACE, THE OHIO $TATE FAIRGROUNOS Foilck and Wade, Sale ManaqeLment X. No. 5, Defiance, Ohio Phono: 7-1M1 ilklOW To Use Self Hîypnosis For Health and Welth", Amsziug uaw publication by Dr. Andérsoni Adarns tels how tq achieve happineas, make mors mono>' cure bati habta. Complets. Send $. U.S. or equlvalent 10: Research, 21 Cirele Drive, Springfield, Illinols, U.S-. MEDICAL TRY IT I EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMAATIC MAINS OR NEURITIS SMOULD YRY DIXON'S RIMEDY. MUNRO'S 0RUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA - $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment of dry eczemaâ rasheasuiid weeping akin troubles, Post'a Rczenma Salve illY not disappoiut you. ltching, scalding ami burulug ceze- nia, ase; rnugworm, ppimples sud foot ecznlav.wlll respoud readily 10 bb* stainless, odorless olulmieut, regardlest of how sbubborn or hopeleas tbey seem. Sent post Free on Recelpt of prico PRICE $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1863 St. Clair Avenue Easst, TORONTO MONEY' TO LA OPEN Mortgage Loans on arma, homes, commercial, etc. Fast service, Phone, write, or dro p lu. United County luvestineuts Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St., Toronto. RU, 9-219-5 NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES ealarY Range $306 - $320 required by Meh-opolitan Toronto for Home for thse Aged in Newmarket, Ontario Per.manent sund temiporar>' positions. 40 boum wteek, good eniploees benefita. Apply Superintendent, Green- aicres Home for the Ageci, New- market, or Personnel Office, 387 Bloor St. E., Toronto. NUTRIA - ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA j When purcbaalug Nutria consider tbe followIug points whcbhis or,-anîzo- tion offers7 1, Tbe beat available stock, uo cross- bred or standard typaes rccomimended. 2. The reputation of a plan wich le proving Itacif substantiatad by files ?cf j aalsfled ?rauchers. 3. Full Inaurauce agaluat replace- meut, ehould they not live or lu the oveut of sterility" (alI f u1Ilyexplalned Inu our certifIcats of neit.) 4' We give you oui>' mutations whlch are lu dcmnand for fur germants. 5. You receive rom tbla-orgaunization e guarautced pe)t msmklet lnewriting. 6. ?Membersbip lu our ecxcûJei vsi breeders' association, wbereby oaly purebasers of this stock may partiel. paesInuthe benefats go offere-d. 7. Prices for Breedlng Stoc a&tart &at $20. a pair. Spocial offer 10 those who quïiliy: #0rn your Nutria on ourcoprto basis. Write: Caisedian Nutria Lt4., X.R. Ne. 2, Stouffvillo, Ontarlo. OMPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .IOIN CANADA'$ LEADII4G 5CHOOL Great Opportuulty LearnIlirdresslug Pleasant dlgnlfled profession; good ix ag,-a. Tbousauds of succesaful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System lllustrated Catalogue Fr-e WVrite or Cait MARVEL HAIRORIESSiNG SCHOOL 358 B91o0r St. W., Teronmto Branches:; M4 King st W., IHaiiiitoi 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa JOIN thse new lisebelor Correspondent Club, mail 25c (coin) for Application snd f ull Information. lt'g new. lt's 41f- feront. Colony Club, Agoura, California, lIYGIENic RURgER GOODS TESTED guarassteec, maïled ilu .plsain anrcel, includlng catalogue sud sex boo fs e e wîth trial assortmcnt. 18 foýr 51.0 (insaiq vullty) Westerrn Distrîbu. tors, Bcx 24-T PF. Rcg Ina, Sask. UNWANTED HAIR VANIS}IED away with Saca-Pelo. Sacm- Polo ls different. it doc flot dissolve or remnove hair froni the surface, but penetmatesansd retarda growth off un- wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab. Ltd., 5 679 Graýnville, Vancouver , B.C. ABDV E R TS PItOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLU9 Box JI, *ALT, ONT. Filmsdeveloped and 8 nmagna prints 40* 12 magna prInts 60i Reprints 58* cd. KODACOLOR Developig roll 900 (not Including printÉ). Color Prints 300 each eXtra. Anseo ami Ektaehromne 35 man. 20 ex- posurea mounted lunalides 81.20 Color p rints troni sides 324 each. Money r.- funded In full for inprInted negatives. PROPERTIE# FOR SALE fRtÂNKF0RD. Ont., Otroa2, ailtewaj couvenlences, largea lot neatr Trent River; terms, Contact J .ýN. Summers, Coîborne Ont, or call Coiborne 66, evgs FOR SALE - New Modern Rome over- 1ooking beautIful river; and real oztatc business. Ont hundred mile territory separats office, $27.000, ternis. Write 10: Meter's, Chapeau, que. ALBERTA 640 ACRES West of Edmonton on Jasper lghw2y, Ideai for tWO famlles or one large famliy. Year round work. Puipworod Pulpmiil nesrby. Good demsnd for puipwood at good prices. Start to niak e mionsy first day. Land price from $26l z0 %30 per acre. Ternis cash or ex. change for property nearby. For ln.< formation Write Mri. Frank Bosse, 43- Regent St., Toronto 2, Ont, or phone EM. 6-2689. A,,PPROVALS: ;general, speclalized; tb aduits, send 25e handllnig and refer- suces to: "Stamps"', 368 Delaware Ave., Toronto 0, Ont. 100 MIXED Australlan stamps for 25e. W. supply stanips to f111 your Dornilu, Ion store's tamp albums,. Write Suttoiu, 1"27F tpper James, lHamllton. SUMMER RESORTS ZEE- TUE WONOERFUL SUNSETe AT New Hotel BeIvedere SITTJATED on wlind-swep: bluffs, over. looking 80,000 Islands, Georgian Bay. 'Glf, tennis, flshing, bathlng. Rooma wlth private bath; r00111s wlth private toilet. IAilrooma ,wlth hot 2nd coid rulnnîng water. Beautyrest aîrsss Meals tops. »OOKLET-A. 0G PEEBLES, MGR. PARRY SOUND, ONTARIO PHONE RIVERSIDU 6.5581 ANi RIVERSIDE 6.9m0 SUMMPR RESORTS PINE RIDGE R«ELAX sud enjo>' a vacstlon with a&l the trimminga. Sltuated on GuIl Lake. YüMdem cabîus, lodge on bousekeeplng accomnmodatIon. AUl recreatîenai <aUi- tisa Seundy beach. For Infornatton write R. J. Wood, 111 1 Norland or phone 148154. HOLIDAY IN eonneceemeValle>', beai 0fciRen- <mrev Count>'. Good flshing, beachea,. aI ght-sùeeng.Wite LUGANVILLECHMR OF COMMERCI IGANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANIADA a E à teachers, modern 5-rooni achûol, siu.. ated iu 1h. heart of the town. Duties 4. commence Sept. 6, 1961. Apply statlng Sulfatiens and experlence 10 Fred Cut1;'Sertr-resrrBox,<130, Kingsville. REQIUIPED for H C.S.S. No.,1, Tisdale South Porceupine. TWO TEACHERS AND CHE PRINCIPAL For 6-clasarooni Separate School. J5. V. GERVAIS, SEC.-TREAS. BOX 367 SOUTH PORCUPîNE, ONT TWO Catho11c teachers wa'àntcd tor twc%- rooni achool atR.C.S.S. 18ý, Bosanciuet Township, near Grand Bene, Ont AI'PLY, statlng quaUiflcptloniý experi. suce and siaar to G. Pï.ck. %'. Treai., 1t.1. 2, Grand Bend, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED DY S1IUX LOOKOUT Separate School Board For Grades 4, 5, and 7. STARTING salary for firsl-class certi- fiesta $3,4001 wth yearly lncrement of WIITHI application please state qualifi- cations, experlence and the name and address of your asat Inspector. APPLY t1o: MR. L. C. ROWER, SEC.-TREAS. R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD BOX 338, SIOUX LOOKOUT ONT. TRADE SCHOOLS LEARN Ï.8.M. OPERATION WIRING ALSO KEY, PUNýCH TiYPING NOT ESlSENTIAL INTER NATIO NAL DATA PROCESSING [NSTITijTE 19 RINGST E., IHAMNILTON PPONE JA .81100 UNITED STATES RESORYS MARK VIEW MOTEL 5TH sand Ashbury', Ocean Cit.v N J1 uer everythlig, double roorna, $3 week up, 17t and 2nd floor. modern apartmnents, $45-$70 week. Fr-e parking. Bathlng Phone 399-7414 ISSUE 25 - 1!W1 REGISTERED NURSES Fer 20-bcd, fully equipped, privaIs boa- pililocated In progressive town In Northwestern Ontario. Startinq salary ,$275.00 per month M~iimum te $325.00 maximum for three yoars'i experience. Board and room In modern nursesl resi- donc. le zupplitdi tno charge Excel- lent employa* benef Its. Year-round rec- reational facililtiez. Further parficulars on raquait. Apply to Superintendent WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAI IfIARATHON, ONTARIO with details of expçrionce, àge, avaitabllity, and referreces 'N s.. 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N. N N N N N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N N N N Compare Our Prices ON NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS BREE> YEAST TABLETS- grs. ~100 er Q 500 for 1.50 E]1l'Mc fer 2.79 A*LFA-CLFA LEAF TABLETS.-7 grs Q100fo .50 Q' 100 for 1.95 CI 1,000 fer 3.30 10fr.0BONE WMEA èL TABLÊTS-7Y ½tir.. Q 00frI 0Q500 feF 1.98 Q, []1'000 for 3.50 GARLIC OIL CAPSTJLEà-fu]rI potency Q 100 cfer 1,00 El 300 fer 3."1 D 1,000for 6.93 GARLIC AND PARSLEY CAPSULES i pure wheat gerrnit D 100 for 1.135 [7 500 fer 6.235 El 1,000 for 10.00 NATU'ËÜRAL KELP TABLETS-5 grs. Q100 for .50 D 300 fer 1.JO EQ ,000for 2.7à DESSICATED L1VERTABLETS-.-7½ grs S100 f*r 1.00 Q 500 foâr 3.93 Q1'000 for 6.93 COLD PILESSED WHEAT GERM OIL-3 nn)ï. Q100 fer 1.00 U 800 or 3.9p L] 1000 fer&9 VITAMIN B12 TABET-5niüpgs. Q100 fr .Ah Q5« fsr 3.S0 1,000fr S00 NATURAL VIT. A and D1 CAPSULES-5,0(uitii A:500 D D 100fer .45 E00 fer 30 Q 1'oOfor S.00 NATURAL VITAMIN F-25 1nt units CI 100 for 1.73 E 500 fer 6.415 Q-1 ,000 for 12.9j ROSE RIP TABLETS-75 mg-ns.-50 migms. vitain C c 100 Mor 1.25 [Q 500 fer 9.00 [] 1,000 for 7,95 SOYA LECIHIN-4grs. N -SAFE-b-WEROL-mnm. Q 100 fer 1.75 DQ51«Ofor 7.5e LI1,000 fer 14.00 Q1 1h. fer 1.25 3Qls h. for 4.95 Q\ 163. fer 7.e8 DEBITTERED BREWER'S YEÀýT - O11hk. for l1.75 5 Ik. for 6.95 lOIbsz.fer 12 PO F OENUGRéEK SEiLO-I1w. for .95Q KELP POWOV'E-8 ois. fer !.W0 [" ROSE IPS TEA-8 e',. for 1.253QALFALFA TEA-I ozsafer 1.0 Order with confidente. Absolute freahnesa sured, poency t3? as ed, h1ehest pur ity, depondabl. wilfermIty. Indicato your choit. by checklng box next te each Item deslred. F5li in ani and addr.Isa nd maeil w1th yeur remittance. W. psy postage onAsal prepak; shipmente. AND MINERALSbeky I 11gl Quallty bàkk OeTablet a Day GAYELORD HAUSER n 30 fer 2.50 "lTDI T fe 6 50with cvnery purchas to la0 fer 12.00 f5.0omoe SENTI NEL FJAE-..... . . Kealth Prodiucts Ce. ADIDRESS.. .......-....... 80ý4 Jean Talion st. West, Montreal, Quobec CITY ... -RV Juat cbeck items deslred and nmail entire ad with E)SMCO.,pisotge remitta'nce IQCHEOUE/MONIY 01011 I9CLO$É NOW, secratiy by mcii, JSANITARY NAPKII4S nSfled fis plein Wrapper. ISPEICIAL aubsçriptioen fe. ea wifb sample box z0o (postaqe imc.> PO-NI DISTRI bUTORS 1o94X Adolalde st. P.C., Toront*