Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAV, JUNE 22nd, 1961 8c-s' Puy! Save 24c- Fancy Qtrality, Heinz - 20 oz. Tins o oma t o juice Best Buy! Save 5c- Fan1cy Quality - York - 20 oz. Tirs CRAMCORN Best Buy! Save 16C- 4 Varieties - 48 oz, Tin ALLENS DR-lwINKw2 Featu re. Saveý 16c - Catelli's Cooked - 15 oz. Tins Champpion- Save 16c - Dr. Ballard's - 15 oz. Tins Featurel Save 23c - in Chili Sauce with Park 15 oz. Tins CLARK'LS DBEANS Best Suy! Save 5c - Fancy Qualit y "-"'el"ManteB!S FR;eýU!,T COCKTAIL, Kl 20-oz. Tins 3for$4 QOrono, Ont'. 8for $ 5for$1 4'for $ 7for$ 8for$ 7for$ ive 2 6c - Pop-up 400,s eenex àTissues pkgs $A SitsPremnium - Swveet Pickled Co"OTTAGE ROmm>'LL8A; 1HALVES l 9 witsSkinless7 PIREË MI U M FRAINKS FRý IE E lb tuua w. uW Remember Our Appreciation Bonus Thraugh Mlonth af June Red and1 White is Offering You "Shadoy Seam" Full Fashioned Hosi- ery. First Quafity- Assorted Sizes i PAIR FREE FOR CASH REGISTER RECEIPTs toTlALLING $50-00. Start Saving To-day pound cello 49c, U4c Red and White Homogenized - -ýave 16o- 9-oz. Tumbie PEANU FBUT1 ER 4 for $1 Wagstaffe's Assorted - with added Pectin Save 25o 9-o'z* JAMS & JELLIES 5fo Rte£ & White Instant - Save 14o COFFEE 8 oz jar $ Choice Qualty - Save 26c - 20-oz. Tins TOMATOES 6 f or $1 Supreme Sweet Mixeci . Save 35c PICKLES 16ôoz jar 5 for$ 1 -.PhQbnej 1211 I~~~~ KEDLNW Draina Festival îIENA NE S Receives Two Newl fMr. and Mrs. Elmer Mumford of n e t 1MeCord, Saskatchewvan and their L.n ries ForSe t i two chidren, Gerry and Elaine, are vi.ii- with hier parents, Mr. and Again we have more news about iMrs. Spence Gordon. tLhe Drama Festival to be held on vThie schiool children ýare going on- four successive nighits in Septernber, t 28th 29th ndon0a -1i) Io Hamilton on Friday of this2t,29had3h at thle Orono, 1- eek. LTown Hall. iMr. a-YÏ Nd rs. F. Miiller anid three da'ughters are Don vacation in iiSouth I Mrs. Jacuk Stapleto n has -been ooigafte-r her grandchiidren, Terpry, Cindy anid Deanna while their motlher, Ms.Dean West has .en in thie hospitaL. They are now ClJarke Districtf L.O.L. are holding thieir service in, the Kenidal United 'Church1 on Sundlay, July 2nd,. at: 3 o'lc.Members wýil m1-eet at the Orngiall at 22:30 .m. The Kendal Blandi will be in attenidance. ,Mr. and Mrs, Young and their son- Ott Of 0fshawa v.Sited on Sunday evening with Mrs. A. Swarlbrick, al- so her son, Ross Roughley. Mrs. A. Swarbrick was a dinner guest with, Ivrs. ChaM. '1hompson, -Arthur and Mabel on Sunday. jMr. John Patton visited Mr. and Mvrs. Wmi. Geary on Sunday. Mrn and Mrs. Mm. Turansky and three daughters spent Sunday at Presqu'ille Point. 'Local News Mrs. H. Duvali s a patient in the Sowmanville Memorial Hospital. Misses Jud y Vakk and Lynni Bail-, Iey spent Thursday in Oshbawa. lene and Try spent Sunday at Rice Lake. Mrs. Neil Moffat and son David of Peterborough are visiting with Mr. ajiandAMrs. Wm. MUoffat. Mlrs.-Gerry Duvail is a patient in tk.e Bowmanville H-osp)ital.. Pre-Sehool Children 2-6 Yrs. Enrolment SThe Recreation Comimittee. r holding another reg-istration for the Summier Park program for thie c-hildren 3 to 6 years to-night, Thurs- day, June 22nd iii the Orono Mfvuni-1, cîpal Building from 7:30 to 8:30 pm.ý Initerested mothers wîll be able to enrol their chîl1dren in a four Wýeek program ot crafts, colou-ring-, story [-time and playtime. .i 1The children will be under compe- tent supervision at ail times during the haurs from 9 to il1:30 a.m. If the w,,eatLher is bad the classes will be held ln the MUunicipal Building. Those chiildren wishingi to take -wimnmingý lessons will be able to join the Red Cross Swîvmmning class as well as the Recreation program. Th,ýe registIration fee has yet to be set and d1epends onithe number of chlrnparticipating. It will, ho,.w- ever be kept as low as possible, To date fifteen children are enrol- led but to be, able to progress wvith this muchi needed summer programn at least thirty children must be en- rolled tn the class. Next weeks issue o! the paper wili carry fu11 information as to, the cost and who the supervisor and helpers will be. Building a flouse? or romocdefling your present one then contact Floyd Nichol1sontI Phone 2191 Orono i SWALTER FRANKo McQIJAY and KIDD oREALTORS-n 4~. Yi77,Church St. nvill MA.3-3393 Alread y entries have ben receiv- ed from Lindsay and Woodvllte,. both of which are newconiers to the Festival. To these are addecl en- trants from last year, Whitby, Pick- ering-, Orono, Bowrnanville and Oshi- awa. 1lIt is hoped thiat together these wifll add excitenent to the Festival, and IW!th., those entries stili to corne a igger and better Drama Festival will resuit over those of previous ye a rs. We have ail popular sizes of Kodak Film. first choiqce of beginners and experts alike. And be slure to return your exposed rolis tous for prompt developing and lcirgé-size prints. St'utt's Phalrmacy OR-ONO TINSHOP F10 WER VASES FOR THE CEMETERY Orono Tinshop Wili Be Closed Front June Sth to June 23rd R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario ILL "Miss Orono" Dance Orono Town Hall FRIDAY, JIJNE 23rd Music by the "Cavalie-rs" Choosing of "MISS ORONO" from the finalista of the Prelirninary dance by Mrs. Aldwinkle, Wa,'nan's Editor of the Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. $2.50 per couple AD M ISION Lunich wiII be serveçi $2.00 foI students at RIDaWNITE - CHIQUITA D.AN ANAS AUCTION SALE Fyfe's Imported Antiques CRONO ARMOURIES Saturday, Juste 2,4 Sale commencing at 1:00 p.m. 200 lots of Antiques consisting of Period Fuirniture, Stirling, Decorative China, Choice Glasswvare, Sheffield Plated Silver, Clocks, Brass, Copper, etc. This is another fine shipment. Ar- ticles wiII be on display Fridlay, June 23rd from 2 ta 9 p.m. Ev- erything wilI be sold with no reserve bid. Catalogues on request. Ter s c sh, H. BRUCE, SN IDER, Auctioneer Phone 195 Odessa, Ontario (Private line> N N N N N- N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N N s N N N N N N s N N N N N s- N N N N N s v N N N N s N N 'N N N N N N N s CORNISH'-.S B . ....................... 14L L 1

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