Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jun 1961, p. 1

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JUNE lT8th fect. This iniformi-ation, he. times that the pool aeiseielsewhiere ini ex 1se at the 4e bar over damage1 1, i aseietati iikard wl,ý) ber 0 f1pe-inlti anti Gordon tnmber et po years. oys uncler 8 years, i vith the bighiest fer, boys undcer 12 Newcastle, Nevtonlville , Clarke ChamwpsAtd IJy Townsip Public $chools and the c~~ it h o numbe(r of Newaslepulk Sconsw=s helI p ds ra ccste 53 points. on Friday afternoon in 1the Orono ?o rom QA l, ewtoinvjle - 1 ComuntyPark. The imeet =s3 ; RrlCareUnion-12 onetdby students of every ponts. schuoo and! the park resounded to Folin are thle individual ev- the, chesand .hustie fte et . e ,Vn iers' at the anntual Clarike The f0i day, which is a day-long TownshAip Fielur Day. event, a-as threatened at, tim-es wth-RAC ES rav% wihhoweverheld Off aliow- Under 8, Boys: Duglas Rickard, Ing ail the Sport events to be CoM> ecsl;rde i lsoni, 3rowns petci PhlpNuhl.Prt Granby. ln tue urban scoo dvision in Udr8.GirIý: Irçýne Kîmibal whuu flc Oonoand ew ,ast? ? ,tGraniby; 1Marilyn ïMort'on, Sixth schools competed, theNewcastle Ue;1 enylloVrwns Scàhoocl took a decaisi-ve victory with Under 10, Boys: Bruce Alidretid. a total point sumn of 53. The Newton- Lksne ob Foster. Kendal; ville contigenttlook top honours in MenoRienstra, lKirby. the awo-roorn sch oli division whlle Uner 10, Girl: Ruth Scott, Clarke Clarke Union toppeti ail the rural Union; Janet Hfartffrd. Newtonville; ,scizools wivth a total of 241 points. CrlieMajer, Newcastle. The f 9llwig are the chamnpion Under 12. Boy: Gordon Alin, wininers 'in the various age groups: 1Newcastle; Bruce M»Donald, New- Highest Boy under 8: Philip Ni-, tonville; George Bellamy, Leskard. choIs, Port Granby and Eouglas Under 12, Girls: Beverly Rickard, Rickard, Newcastle tieti. Newcastle; Doris Aldred. Enterprise Highest Gir undcer 8: Marilyn Linda Thomnpson, Leskard. West, Lockhart's. 1 [Under 11, Boys: Gordon Cowling, 1 istBoy under 10: Bohby Fos- ClAarle Union; Bruce Mercer, Orono; ter, Kendal. !Gary EHuggins, Newtonville. Highest Girl under 110: Rujth Scott. Under 14,. Girls: Linda Groeen- Clarke LUnion. woodl, Sixlhi Linie; Mariene MAiller, H1g-s1 By ndr.2: Gordon Ai- New,'castle; Laurna BuIrle'y, Kry lin, Necastle Untier 17, Boys: Briamn Ishii, Hihs irl under12: Linda Clar1ke Union; Gorlon Sûimpson, Or- TLomp_'ý"son,]Leskard. on;.Granit Wade, Newtonville. Highest Boy under '14: Bruce Mer-i Under 17, Girls: Ruth Sharron, Car. Oron. OroQ-no);Maen Pelletier, Clarke Highest Girl under 14: Ghristini Union; Donna Kimrbaîl, Port Granby Maartense, Sixth Line and Marlenel STANDING BRO),41b JUMP ~iiEe Newcastle.1 Under 8, Boys: Philip Nichols, Hi1,hest Boy under 17 Fotin~ort Granby; Joe Bézubiak, New- SrpoOrono. crastie; Bradley Wilson, Brewn's. HhetGirl under 17: Ruth Shar- f ]Continued page 2. Loc al Horéés Enfered Ini the park. Tfhe Board were (I .mous in the decision to prosc offenders who do damag-e and s in tl4ie park area. The Board ai publishi a notice to the effect deiiÀaction wîll be, taken in eof damnage to Park propert w'\eekeni iri nmust stop(l r n1llitee 15 t( ýer of wn1od who is operating the booth. whenit i is officialjly opened on Fl over the to take- strict measures to stop dlay, June 23rd. Added costs have-, se hi edn an d dainiage of the Park arisen througli thec faot that a muêb -id A coi- propei-ty. larger area was fenced iin than Grý ,thergur On a review of the financial po- iginially, plainned. Th-e cdeficit also 1wa i he com. sition of the new pool lt is~ expected c-tudes articles and items for the op- . V. Home-1 hiat the Board will iack about $1800]j eration of the pool this summer. G -Volumne:22, Number 14l June l5th, 19631, Oronio, Onitarýio Womîen Piay Vital Four Newcastle. Oshciwa Gardeners Role In CRSS Boys InijuredndOrnoP"ni SSix Bowmra n ville anti Newcast1lA d O o o P c i anti wh]at is your husbanti's teenagers were admittedti f the exact job titie?" Oshawa General Hospital before 12 11oon1 on Wednestiay suffering unde- On Saturday afternoon, June 10 I te the startin.- point the chîltiren No, this isn't the $64,000 question. ermnined injuries after a car in twelve members 'of the Orono Jun-. were gîven small bags of acorns ta itl's one of the key queries. in tb which they . were riding struck a ior Gartiener's Club met in the Park. plant. Sheets of descriptive inforrn- national census quiz whîch wîll- be'tree in Oshawa.1 About forty chiltiren frein thn Osh-lIation were aise given eut regardiiig 4.50,00 hue h eeon egi nag l'n Most seriously lajitred -was John awa Club, under the direction of the establishing -of the Fiorest Sta-. 4.50,(fl huseold beinnng uneBentley of Bowman-ville. Also injur- Mrs. Earl Santiford anti Mrs. Russell tien many years ago andi nursery 1. Theaaer will pravide a fund ed were Scott Rudeil, 15, Alfredi Al-. Haywarti, arriveti by bus practice. of information greatly neetieti by dreti, 16antiJoaCaninghaan of both geverament and iadustry. Newcastle anti Paul.Barclay of B>w* Promptly at 2:00 p.m. the Orono Due te, the raip' anti wet grass thea Census officiais aile quiclk to point manville.1 ! group, witih Mrs. Faij-brother anti Orono ami Oshvawa .greups left the eut that women have a vital role .te ae ei tehno,1, Mrs, Schminit lcharge, anti the park and enajoyed races in the Cent- play in the census - in tact, irioesLews tepensa, 16,0 Oshawa group, walked to the For- muaity Centre. Those f rom the Or- partant than mens During daytim eNwcastle, the driver ef the car was esr here they were met by Mr-, ono Cartien Club winning prizes ia hours, womea will answver the elm thrown through the wiatishîeld ofetrye-tecradijr Gorhamr who acteti as guide 1er a varions avents were: Chris Jorgen.- sus taker's kaock more oftea than h a ni nuei tour, He very capably describeti the sen, Annette Jorgensen, Marilyni men; while the husbanti is at workÎ. lt is beleiveti that the youths were stp Iog hc h re ou- aby.DrtyDnoAi r t-hc wife will suppiy the information enroute te purcliase outlçoard moter tepthraeughfwficr te rs twg o -iTmblJyceDootyAulepner EAn net only for herseif, but fQr'the test parts when the mishap occurret. im tiithey ae f our easahie ch aott Juye le xanmder.ill aldw. eof the famnily as wvell. Damage te the autemb)1le a was as- te many places. Healase demon-lFollowing a peanut seramble a l>lc- Be-Lieoftisrlei cmun-timateti at $1,000.00. strateti thIe differance batweea nic lunch, was eaten, free pop andi Bcausg etwof th role l a im species of pines, etc. On returniag ice creain being supplieti. anig between the censush's atamnr antmembers of her ftamily, she wiîîl enier. usha "ai neeti several facts at lier fingertips ager"? That, toa, is an inatieqiate inclutiing hier hushand's earnings1reply. The right answer coiti be Horses- Featured Guernsey Cattle Join anil occupation. ".credit manager, emfpioyinent mnail- The annual Millbrook Fair wa s ager, sales maniager" or 'office h1elti an Wetinesday withi a large A Woujd you sayV, offhaniti, that yaur m-an1ager." crowd attenïtlllng l'le tair was the Ebbt fn husbaint is "a machline operator i Clrk"tea, shouflti be dlefîneti 112 edition ef the fair in the coin- ExibtAt rn air But there are many kintis -f mch1- more clearly, as "acýcouinitg clerk, inunity. me oeratrs nd sch n anwersales clerk, stock clerk, receiving Featureti forte day wýasalrg is too. vague. The correct respanse ý-cr, shipping cek, e exam-ple. parade through the Village contain- EahyrteDrai Cnrl couti e "ilingmacin epratr, Frein past exper'ienIce, census )f- i1ig four four-horse tLeamYs, antique *grcultural Fair is Bigger andi lathe operator, buli-tiozer operator"ý ficials kniow rn any hlousewives de c.ars,, the Orono Bandi, anti a1kost of Betrath 91Fi st en or "swn-a on perator,11 for net know thýleir usan'sexact job puiblic sclhool chiltiren. 1Bte n te16 ari otcn exaniple. itie They suggest thiat you ask Aniother outstaniding meature tecpin A great many new feat- ures will atid in-terest te this yaar'a Or perhaps heý's an "engineer?" hum* tolnih. By so dcoing, you wilîl the fair wvas the entries of 7i4hre an emk toeo h eii But what kinti of engineer? A usejful greatlY assist cens"us tak ers i rw em, togrdigcasat i Distirict1. Thie fair this year i-t te ans5wer coulti be '-Iivil englrreer, 1 4l9 a acurate pict1i'eetfCmiada's jnany other 1helrse classes in the h et- ntretas etme statien;ary engineer, Diesel engineer,\working force. tlvaiç-us divisions anti breetis. 7,c ai 9 ntithre Tacco Coembr- p)etîýtion will be h-elti on Fniday. Sept. Sili anti will feature the To ac-. Lîberls A poin 1coQueen anti the Tieîng CorinpeUi- O ro no e wrfictet m â% Â ns. Mr. P. G. Newell bas ar's j angeti for speciai films on Tebacco ,Executive To 1nterview Horticultre At show Pt P hetew--rb o rou gh Meet *1n g l3e bein g loaneti by Kli fg 'IPrbcnrilep r2AIA!facCo. of. Orono. E. R. Lovekin, of Newcastle, Pres- itient ef the Durham Counity Liberal1 Association. announceti today t hel Executive have nameti John MT James o)f Bowmanvîlle, publisher of the Canadliani Statesmani anti formeri M.P. for Durhiam', as Ch airman et a Candidates Corinlttee for ,Dur- ham Counlty. Mr. James anti bis commnittee wili interview prospect- ive candiÉats for the forthl-coinglç 'fetieral election anti report shorl-- ta, the Executive. Named to Mr.1 James' Commnittee wvere representa- tives frerin each of th 10 municipal- ities fremi 5urham. AlilInvfted T6 ës's- Citator emÉtàY On $aturday, Junie 1Oth, the an- flower. nual Hort icultutral1 District M/eetilgi A num-ber of piano selectionsi 0f special interest to the hors?,- was hield in Peterborough. Àpproxi- were rendiered and a short business mlln,,are thae $100.100 Heavy Horse. mately forty menrbers from -Orolo n eetingl was condlucted by the pres- Stake and the $100.010 Lighit Horspe aittended either by bus or car, leav,- idenlt, r enL .1 nte ei- Stake. Plans have been inalzed ing- the Town Hall corner at 1:00 natition of the District Representa- wvith Mýr. Ralph Larmner for tbe ig 1.. tive Mrs. Jean Long, Mrs, F. Ste- 1 Guernsey Shiow on Saturday, Sep- phiens of Hanwood, Ont., was elected tember 9thi and the 4--H Cluýs 1have On reaching Peterborough, reýgis- to3 takýelher place. plannied special exhibits. tratii took place at St. Paul's, Presbyteriaii hurch andi then the I' Orono HorticultuLral Societyî ex- group were conductecl on a gUîcled tended an invitation to District l to The Fair B'oar-d hope to hiavýe Mr. tour through Canadian General El- hold their annual meeting in Orono JaIck Thyý,nne "The K ansas Farmyer" ectric Plant. This proved interesting-nx year. This was enthiusiasticall1y to entertain the grandstand croiwds te-th mn utth ldis n heaccepted. on Friday andi Saturday with song partyhuee butm se lades 'the -Mr. John Clark of Toronto was ani dance. part sufere fro soe fet. the guest speaker andi in bis usual At 5:30 a delicious cold turkey'efficient maniner spoke on bis tniP The Fair Directors wish to sin dinner was serveti by the ladies of 1 to Romne andi other cities in Italy crely thank ail those who turned the St. Paul's ehurch. FEaclb manberIand sirnwed pictures Of samne. His uft to th-e Wo'rk Bee o~n Wednesday received favours of pocket sve'stjk was iwost interesting andi every.Jie Th ortewnrflwok and pans iIth the ladies also rai one journeyed borna feeling that it~ accomplisheti at the Fair Grounds. ceiving a pen in thic forrn Of ai hati been a jmc>szt enjoyable day. - mb r ol2DityA ordemonstratin the R usi M ospôrt Park tni d ce t ver 890100 Saturday , T'.e Orono Chamber of Commerce Oshawa, G. Dolley of Port Hop, be halti in the Orono MunieLpa1 Annu-_al Colt Derby wîll be heiti this Brethour Bros., Sunderland- p' Building on Wednesday, June 21st.oflw th cnousfte lighnddmlsprhu ocým Saturday afternoon at the Orono Sproule,- Lindsay; G. Lowery, D. The demonstration is being ajrrang- Adtivities at Mosport, north pf elos he onoforo the roln ideim l ss our to como Race Track at th-e Fair Grounds. Johnston and M. Cathicart, al of eci by the Ladies Auxiliary 0f the Orono roared into action on Satur- country side. Spectators were seen pnaefrtelis fset o~ The ýafternoon will be packed wlth Peterborou-gh; E. S'hea of Bethany; Orono Scout Group. lTle president, f daythe 1 n ver 8 rtish E mtrse2.atmilevatage pnts r palo thcothers hirî thrn nivte r masy he- plenty of racing as the winning W. . .Beacock, Port Perry; anti B'.Mrs. Bruce iMercer, woullike te dtelt nul rtihEpr . ietakaniwr rprt onr wîhtedie utmk Colt is decideti along with three oth- Samons, Cobourg. have anyone interesteti in the oper- MtrCu cmeiin hoeprfrafiedyo a acn alg nhs24 iiuny. rcsragc er classificatipn 0f races~!ation of this equipinent to be pres- eneti the new race course. This in many ctses hrought aleng their Cars entee' at- ae agc Foujrteen colts are now entereti In, the classifieti races there will ent.. group Of race enthusiasts thrilleti camp stoves or picic lunch. f rom aurprc-e ely R x for., he annual classie andi frein also appear entries. froin Orono. The machine will be demonstrate t o the eleven events which were on' The feature of the day was the Morris, Volve, Minnie Morris Sprite> 'annual Dno Challenge Trophy ta Corvair Oae race providing -tcha runner willb eiei i These being Dr. R. J. Taggart's by Mr. C. C. Harris of Wilson and the card for the day. Dnop.I thýe- hoý,rses are froin the immediate Queen Attornely; Gerali Robinison's Ciousin who suppliedti te Resuscita-1 Many local residents were among race in whidh 25 laps were re- gre atrs oineets, ne i .O arrawt two entries fromr Orono- Bracelet; IlIarolti h-looey's Gus Seottitor when purchasedti t be placed in'i the S8TiOO and were initiatedti t this quireti to finish the race.TiswchagrVoeMnneM- Mr. Lawrence Hooey has a colt, anti Wlliam Reîd's King NibbIl. Orono. It is most important that per- 1sporty nwhch peneti lthe cin ea tu Prscewas wn byLa Torgeno c a is, Corasec. e re tetii. Iof 'P- Cgre Hla l, o eCnesPie wes hc ilgetyicesent, if such equipkatent- I ever marks of.ecoaùng a bigpromno- rath. This winning driver set a lptedie olib oe ihe ~ -Ther entrieS la he Deb w e h flterest of local race fans5. -neit o aea11.tion for the area. T'11roar of me- record of one minute anti.49 sec-1f as they speti aroundtihl-e course. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, For, a full afternopni's entertain- I It is emiphasizer thlat evveryoiwe is tors anti the seceam, of tires was ontis which kave an average speeti The next big event at Mosport _ar3shls 1 olt, Imperlal HLaI, view_ ment bhesu-re to attend the third!tinlviteti to attend thiis tiemonstration M-ost evIdéent as the- cars speti af abouft 80 -miles per- heur. This will be hieti on June 24th when the -ng-te Chamber trophy. -alnai colt tderby this saturtiay, w1hich wi111 commence at the hour arounti corner after corner over actualiy means that at tlimes the Players 200 International will bring, M alyanti 1E. Vance, both OfAJlne l7th. lffS8:30 p.m. a most initeresting track whisýh.fol- car was travelling well over one a record crowd te watch. -~ Cot Drb -~ORNO SturdayJun t s- s- s s s -s- s- s' -s s' '-s s -s- v s s s s- N -s s s -s s- -s --s -s- -s ',s -s-, a 11f e Above are pictured ftôir New- castle boys who) played a big part in their schiool wvininig the chamrpion- ship at the Annual Field Day h leld in Orono. Thiey are,, lef t to right, George.Lees, Gary Forget, Do)uglas 'v ;4,ý ý

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