Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1961, p. 3

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Nutritious - New - No. 1-- 3 lb. PoIy Bag TEXAS CARROTS. Ga rden Fresh - Large Bunches GREEN ONIONS Feature Save 6e Natorial - 50 bags TEA BAGS 39c "NEW" Supreme Homogen- ized - 3 lb. pail Peanuit i3utter 99C~ Premium Offer Suri Chief UMBRELUAS Clamp on Chair, Boat, Baby Crib etc. Red and White colour Regular $7.95 Value $3.98 with $5.00 order Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf Sliced Bread 19C 39e 3 for 19c 0SHOULDER ROAST b 37c Fres, Boneless POitýK BUTT ROAST lb 490 Meat Loaf Feature LEAN MINCED BEEF 2 lb SÇc AUl Beef STEAKETTES lb 59o SwMINDESS nBACON swift's -B>' the Piece PRIEMIU-M ON Go O ron o, Ont. lb 75e0 lb 3-3e s Phone 1121 Village Best Bu>' - Save 5c - 1 lb. Pkg. MONARCH -MARK"'GARINE -.3 for 79c Best Buy - Save 14c - 15 oz. Tin HEINZ SPAGHETT i Best Bu>' - Save 12e - il oz. Bottie DEL MOeNTE CATSUP Best Buy - Save 17c - Treesweet - 48 oz. Tin FANCY GRAPEFRU!Tf JUICE Best Buy - Save 14c - 8c off Pack PINK LIQ'UID VEL gi Best Buy - Save - Mix "'Em" or Match "Em'l Peas 12 oz. Peas & Carrotý Kernel Corn 12 oz. - Spinach 12 oz. pkgs. Bairds Eye Frozen Vegetables Best Bu>' - "A H-appy New Method eot Keeping SI i-i -Ch ocolate, Vanilla, QUOTA BY QUAKER. Finest 'Florida Marsh Seedless GRAîPEFROUIT, 48 Size for49 Snappy, Fresh, No. 1 GREEN BEANS 5 for 79c 3 for 47c 12 for 57c iant tin 77c s il oz. - Squash 14 oz. 5 Ifor $ 1.00 Banana- Tin 69c Feature Save 29c.. loc.. offi Pack- 12 oz. Pkg. Nabisco Orbits 2 for 29c Feature - Save 7c York Brand - 20 oz. Tin Green or Wax MEANS 3 for 49c Feature - Save 9c Aerowvax , self polishing Liquid Wax quart , tm 79c Feature - Save - Sta-Flo - 3c off Liquid Starch 32 oz boulie 23c PORT HOPE CLUB WINS INTERNATIONAL AWARD The Port Hope Kiwani, Club ýha ~ 1 ne won international recognition for t-ta CeIreIIUIUUUU In Juneachievements in 1960. The rt Hope club has been named runner-ý 'r'*i 'vjljUp for clubs with memberships o, Th"le (OLltario St. Lawrence Devel . o1.ls LH olduUp 31-45 am-ong ail Kiwanis clubs in t!hh 1,))epmen Commission announcé that-A t United States and Cana-da. I eofficiai opeing ef Upper Can- rnIte pt ddai Village and the St. Larence- Mýr. Archie Glenney, owvner and Tepn thlitntisCegr Bay of Quinite Parks Systern On' operator of the Texaco Service Sta-Iis Hîardin, Montania, followved byth June 241th. This evTent has been an- tien on Highway 115, foiled an at- Port Hope club. tem-pted hold-up Fri'day night a't his ticipated for somne years by the-station. ___ people of eastern Ontarilo and in- A would-be hold-up artist ap- 1deed, ail the people of the Province. proached Mr. Glenney as he sat in STUDY AI RPORT SERVICE IN4 Ihis car h tin.Temnak PORT HOPE, COBOURG AREA tfper anaa Vllaein Cryslev ed for his monev to wýhch Mrien Uppr Cnaa Vllaeney replied that he hiad none.Th Repreýentatives froni Port H1ope,> Farmn Battlefield Park, near Morris- thief had a knife and taking a swipe Cobourg council and the-H-arniltonl burg, is the re-creation of a typical at Mvr. Glenney cut his hand. On Township planning board visitel 19th century community, faithfullv1 blowing the horni of the car the as- teOhw ipr eetyt td restored and reconstructed frorn sailent jumped in a waitîng car and homes and buildings of the area. made his escape. At the time both the feasibility of establishing an Mr. Glenney's wif e and son were in airport te seývice the areas around The park is a 2000 acre memorial ta the station. Port Hope and Cobourg. the Battie of Crysier Fanm, a de- - cisive battle of the War of 1812, de -___________________________________ termiingil Canada's destiny -as a-. la jmember of the Comimonwealth. ) Colourful and imipressiveg c mnonies will mark opening day. A- mnong the distinguished guests will be Field Marshall Sir Gerald Temp- 1er, representing the British Army,' and Major-General T. P. D. Scott,. representing the Royal Irish FUI-' liers, formerly the 89th Regimnet of Foot, wichI tooký part in theï battle, a ranking officer froni the. Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regi-i ment, formerly 49th Regiment of Foot (whlich iUnit aise participating inr thie engagemnt), an)d comman-ý dinig officers of ail Ctidani militia Unit deneldedfrom those units> wlio oullthe flc-Battlé of CrysIer SFam. Further iiiighits of the opeIning day ceremionies will iniclude a dis-I play of tactics used dluning -thlýi Battle of Crysler fanm, presentedj by thie famed Old Fort lenýry Guard Ji andl the opening of thic British and11 Canadian Courts of Honour fin the Meinori21 PiiildIinpxwith ren- tions of regimiental colours. In Upper Canadla Village,. follewing the officiai oping il.,varilus xem-1 bers 0f thie Ontarlo) Cabinet wýilI vis-it Simcoe House where the first, meeting of the Executive Coundil of Upper Canada was held 169 years The St. Lawrence-Bay of Quinte System is adminîstered by the On-i tarie-S t. Lawvrence De-velopment Commission, G. H. Chales, chair- man. The Commission was set up by the Ontario Government ln 19,55 to )reserýve historic? sites and buildings! hreatened with destructioni throg the constuction of the St. Laýwrence I Pow\ýer Preject and Seaway. This will be a day of great pride for the people of Ontario. Th e x-ý tcnsive pregram of the Onitario.St.!i j Laiwrence Developmieht Commission, will preserve the heritage of the Province, and wlill mirror for this - generatioýn and these to come, the, lives and dleeds of our forefathers. Ad vi sor y Comrttlee (Continued from pa-ge 1) f A technical dîrecter is being soight fer the newA PorÉt-Hope vo catienal scheel. The appiointee, whe'- is te asumne dutyv on September 1 will exe-rcise supervision ovr h e buLiIlding a ýnd equipping of the school during ostutin He %%'11 aiso e b xe tedtead-' vise thie board and picpl P. J.ý Bigelow' on erganiizatien, p1iann'îng of'ecour-ses, engagingl staff and other technical rnatters. WVhen the school is completed next year, the technical director wilassLume normal dluties of shopi SThe vocýatienal adlvisory board Ïs censidïering the followinig shopis: mn1ýahine, wýoodw'or.k, dr1af gut mechaicselectric, diversified oc- cýupaitions and a inbe-r yet to be The six LDurham -iCenty district hig shol boaird nmembers new are Dr. J. . McUCreery, (chairman, Por op;W. E. Tranmner, Port Hpe, public sho representative; E. M.1 Creighton, Port .Hope,, separate school1 representative; R. M. Pater- son, Newcastle, United Counties rep- resentative; R. I. Fallis, Cavan; andi1 L. A. Parker, Bowmvanville. ORONO TINSHOP F10 WER VASES FOR THE CEMETERY, * Orono Tinshop WilI Be Clcsed From June 5th to June 23rd R. E. LOGAN,, Prop. Phone 11816, Oronc, Ontario ROYALBwmnil N/TA'. 3 - 5 58 9 THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY AT 7 and 8 f30 ý7 ~GOOD FAMILY PRO1GRAM ' rthe Love of Mike'P in color, starring Danny Bravo AND "'Young. Jesse James"t M1ONDAY to WEDINESDAY, Complete show, 7:30 01k atThe Al Top of TIi eStair bl MAIN FEATURE AT 8 P.M. Harley's Body flop King St. E. MA. 3-2301, Bowmanville, Ontario WE HAVE TWO LICENSED &i#, I BODY MEN TO SERVE YOU i FARROW - Frank MAHEW INO JOB TOOBI NO DOWN PAYMENT ON BODY WORK AS LOW AS $1000 PER MONTH OPEN FROM 8 ta 6 N N N N N 'N N s- N -s. s N N N N. s, N N N N N N N N N. N N N s 'N .5 - N N N s * 'N N 'N N N N N N s 'N N N N s N N s 's N 'N s' s N N N N s 'N N N N N N N N s '-s 'N 'N N s N N N N s N s, s s N s s N N 's 'N 's s, s t N 1-~ l23c Delightful - British Co[umia- Exta Fancy iNESAPF-"Ar"'PPIE 6 fr 39 c FRESH PORK i s - Il

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