Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 May 1961, p. 1

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2, "2, Numiber 10 Thuirsday, May l8Sth, 1961, Orono Ontario Authorizedî as Second Glass mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Subseriptionti Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5C~ sacrmen 0f aptsm WA._eetng rbaricholW ýsOrono Fireworks Display ensAssýociat lin ffOrnoUnîtedt F itfen t Urono 1 ii1lm ý Cas.fei-C uiin FeIhîs Monday, May 22nd The urI-)hum District EligliSchool Sundy u Orno Uite Chrcl as I,1~~L~ ~u ra~ Mr. Bard won its suit agýIinsI IlleC- I ~ îw î HýL . Llen, te president waýs borg District Collegiate Inistitt[ POST FIENWPOVDE A Commuity ýground unAerial atOff C a kigüC ita aiyWe.iI E0 D DRESS 7rwrsDipa ibe Iheld Woshp ascodute b 1evI p ornie Iote eladies pesntlS e he 1urha Boàd wu seeig te the Orono Fuir Grýounds this cering - jgav aspeal or of wecoe t reovr the ýtuitin fe[es fro tes E R vI CE Mndy-e Ingay 22nid Coin BuhLn.Tecor agtea rIn and( Mrs. Cornlishi who Cbrg Board fer, a studenl Joain alncngu durlik. AS mla pst er prprat sletin O astead TeOo rAhe'ýciU A- hadbenabet eermonths sa,1.T~gr îe nHmlon Temr hnsxmlinCn-teOono C; haer ffCmiecechirmae her irt ppaane ecssryfudsthepte finance la Tonhtiutias attended ïthe Pori d'ianis who cangethiradrsSpnrigtevntuwicevr See" y J. l sAie theJunior sodlin n nndeavorIooaieCuIfrna.IopjHghScoias IbeinglmorIe ac hs year w el gVa fe es- n'stvte.Tearaadgon i< jildly iht".po U 1>rait jnueris 1t ig ingof"e h e iglis ic, t-usreeaedbyth Hn.thse IinIlhe urea and hus attractedc 'The truehhome is buastnetabyfth ,,lnds ut b i he "urýt" He ieof, VJýnsa, a 4i csl1gvlteDvtoiimsae er prox iamaiy ý-$50)(0. Il is bý-e(lcJor e noferoffe ostage te Addte tcllefireworkýs dispiuy- wdiibe eld utthe Oroo Mupncipai sriptur-,eailn was fein oh fiite tti upimettn hl etr.Te ae st cmenea1olt iitel s U0verse, IUil onth ohe to eas hltio fesÉ.r, crrspodetsof t'SIcane4Koninntl arKlb hih ia re. h niesof ioebaiiee017:0 'iok h tu mn eesetete I"wa ia nwth urumBur ia ps ofce patro wicng nte jwlbeaexbtofcrsyVi Su'u icuethe fleig ffle esg f for, Mviss May illiso e b adb faddress. Ornusishmbae'iecso PuriiaAni ore ad un T mkeVe al asuces iidla n,îsprugcomets-hth Cbur Bur. etngtatucerin t Dmn-dîply il blod'Susd ïn)h MayJn Fredugiesof r n hihwDl as-ti peiigredu rienhîd T P FreeinBra f ttsisfgrs drSpa strîll ps -naiscelfrshwi î igiii1h ý;1e coladditionoaVie club memthersIoiillliold Men,_ an 0Gasb,!doaugfie e ctvte, rilsfor. sale Wl wtpray er. .... coSs ste the luaintiff Or tiee defeiulutioni moves euch yeur, the Post- ýa"a a1 alreeti benedcivhee tms ff-ouseI dn. asehGnru ii tu arng. raternovel for Orçfîo and wiil be off Mr. and 1Mrs%,. Jam-es Gunsby, li,ý.TIceî--so olSe Drn tebsnssssin tC7Sdat istrGnrlève i e ltcýc edi Osliawu; Douglas Gary Hancock m~~~~. Iust first cern-e iLhoug;ýi dntos 1Drn h bSns esini aentsIhad been amade te permit-off-tlef tvrheditc so ffM. n Ms Gr HnocjIf 'ou have suitable itemis sudi as d1ecided te cater te a wveddinig on tche Russell Honey off Port Hope actef! ilcial change of address curds Vo be Vlae sonof v1. a,ýC jjrs Gav ianock books, dishes, furniliture, touls, alndC 3rd off June the followýiing doininit- for- the plainti'ff and J. C. M. Ger- pested by any mail patron f ree off Orono; M/urray, Bruce Hanicoc(k, son 'tetisbeiwe0datce le e vsapitd vr.H lem off Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hancock, jiirullJoshi rilstiy e u pone:Ms .Aln a, Q.C. for tlie defendunt. charg-e iwhen lie inoved. The Kentinelituls wili supply an 0rno Jniý-ElaineHeurd, dagl- wudb ot rcosyrceived. Mrs. M. J. Tarnilyn, Mïrs. G. Carson,S ietnhofl old car, (mi~nus glussy' siedge hum-r 6ro'no Junic ne u.. Anyne living- sud items are rasked Mrs. W. 1Irwin, Mvrs. B. Long and Miss Muylilves ietnh faThe curds muy be obtained ut a-nymesFranonlfeayneny ~rof r.an rs A eadO ono~ contact- Mirs. R. Taggart in Oronio Mrs. E. Quantrill. mile west off Dale on 'the Dule-Bul- post office a-nd there is ne r-estric- tu'cke a swing uËtlte car te see whatý AnnJoh Prtrdge Oono~ iIllu ur se tht ourdotin-lore Road. tien on tVie number 'wich ml ay be Mxand lMrs. JlnPrrde rn W1 ilit'i eeta:yýi I-ize off a dent they ,cou.d make. Thie nuatien is picked-up plier te the sale. The Corresponding Secretary, moysd.offthe lu ius the po KlhWilliam Forbes Powell, son Mrs. Ir-win reud Inotes of tha-nks Sic lias attended the Port Hope I oy t cu WI se po eff Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Powell, Or- The daîte is hs coining Wýednes- ffreini Mrs. Powvers, Mrs. Stutt and Hligli Sdhooi for, three yearý. IfV-iS Mr aitnsk-thtte]ig-ticlter<assfeyOupen ono; Jo-Anlle Blaîne- Tennant, day ut the Orono Cornmunity Centre~ Annu ari-eBrsn four and one-tenths miles frem tie tory habits off Canadians pose -greatIfor thpir garage, !in the Old Flux dËiughter off Mr-. and Mrs. Gleni Ten- Aise check nlow te see if yen have May -home and seven and five-tentlis probleins for post office mail sort.I'Mili in Orono.- nàiitn, QI-no; John Dean West, son sorne article -which you couid donate, il wus decided te have our annual miles frein the May horne te the Ce- ers who must atter1ýpt te keep up fif Mývr. aid Mrs. Dean West, Orono. thien muake your phone caîl. super on Wednesday, iue2tbugshol iiter-anern ptos letLust Friday evening the Oronor bernies will be sQerved. I JuIdge M. A. Miller said in his - ,iudgement: "The question is whe- iy " uin e C nfeenc OfTwenty-ffive dollars wiil be given te under the circuinstances th,, w f uiteCQ feen e ffor shipping charges for the bales'Port ope sdliooi was more acs- <Tii.. ?UT W TT 121 Tý nW'I.îv Q. q oicemig en veses anu ý;pkUVIJibie wrnîn thle meanîng ofthte act. j VV at'vv .i. rieia Lin vv .n1tDy to be sent to Camp Pretoria. At the conclusion of the business interest- "The words of the act are 'more Tire tenth annual meeting of the the echurci-amonig tihe Inoiians. ing reports were given by Mrs. ace-ssble to the pupîl". It is flot at Quantril!l, Mrs. H. Allen anid Mrs.1 matter off relative aceessibility of Wa'of uin" sit oneec of thete A service of Holy Communion was Irwvin, frein the Pres.2byteiy W.A I the twe sclrools te the pupils in the Wohansch oi ainaa fwashe ld j enductec1 by the Rev. Johin Smith hield in St. A.-drews United Chu ,ae in which Joan lived. It 15 the ýNhtyUie hrhwtiteassisted by eiders of Whitby United Oshawa on Aprill 28th.reaiecesiityeJon a. WtLtVby nttr. Ed.Ohuch wth tell-Churcîr. ~preidet Ms. . E DobsBele- rs. W. C. Ives and a group froin The meeting closed with the W.A., e ville ptesdng. Bowmianville United Chureir pres~- benedictin. TChe tbeme was "Into ail the ented a skit "Vsiting and~ Christian W oddteether." Felowsýhip". Vsiting has becomeen le, lrs. L. Richardson welcomed theïa real part in the pormeoJu~ve l G *Is Sntnc F r randi \rityUnited dhurch which had varied are the channels dlruhr Wilbert E Summer, the 38-yearl its 1ieglnning h in -26. which thre warmth oflovei and -un- nteloabl emt ak old Raglan area fariner, who lasti Worshtip service was conducted by derstanding of dedicated owompn. j tý)acinoer ocal bai e>nt ay we weèk pleaded guilty before Magis- ij Mrs. F. Warckand Mrs. G. Loftlrouse have been carried into the homes1 noato vrtehldywe trate R. 13. Baxter, in Bownmanville' of WstmisterFedeatioý Mr. o theneed, th sic, th lo end 18i thIlat off the-,Orono Girl's Juv- te 35 charges of fraud, hwvolving 1. Giog W estminster FedTo. Myanofdteeey,he clte. o e elie Softbalteain. This group o! $14,8165,was Monday' Senten<èedi -Ua e o eia g H Id hod. n edrl eo'e gi rls under the coaching of Mýr. Jin te five years in Portsmouth Penii-E Dad." s a hels ana TUESAY. Gamsby have entered the Lakesore tentary, Kingston. c useg thi as the sidits annua1 The wvorship service was conduct- league and will play with teains meein, he as pesdentswee1ed by MUrs. Marshall and Mrs. Hor- froin Bowmanville, Oshawva, New- Sumnmers was remnanded last weeki inrdcdand each presented wîth ton of George St. Fedleration, Peter- castle, Port Hope. t o appea r for sentence Friday in Co- a crae The flrst, Mrs. -J. Ml.'Fbor. The topie was "Faith". Sor bour1g, after he admitted obtainingI Wood had und froin Lakee iI hv eelo row) makes us huiiible, Love is like a 'begrshv araybe nte various suins off iloney frein resi-I Land Lnd, Fia. where she now goldeni cord tying lis te Godi. Prayer 11mn o- Siepatcn -letsi h rn,0 ,Wi fo smepacicn Wthdet1i teOrno Shaw,Wh- hves.is the (nî3V way We can communi- a total of thirty appearing for thiese by, Dowmunille, Port Hopea-es Annual reports off the seci-etaries cate wththe loving G-odl. "Accordj ,-tiarm-up sessions. byfle rnce. e a uter werýe iimeogrtaphIed and distributed. inig Vo your faith be it unto you". A The- first gamne for thle girls is te remandecl until Mýonday when lie ap- Corýrespondcing- Secretary. Mr5. -J. duet wassunig by ladies frein Cain- be hld at thefli Orono toark following peared in Cobourg Frlday E. Marsh, Belleville read letters Of bruy 'Woman's A-ýssociation. thie Intermediate gaine 1Monday af -________________ greetings and good Wishes frein Mrs. W. C. Ives initrod(uced thetron This is an exhibition gaine Theý Domiiont Counci! omoran's As., speaker Mrs. K. Rose, past president a"l ,will býe pluyed wit the BFow- 6 O0rono at Oshawa Sociation and frein 8 conferences,1 of the-,Doiniilion Counceil Womar's --,fville girls prov:iding the opposi- j 12 Port Hope at Orono London. Hamilton, Alberta, Manli- A1ýssoc1iation. MWrs. Rose spoke on thetin 17 24rono at Powmiaiville taba, British Columbia, Saskatchew- new organizution "The United The regular schedule opens on the 19-Oshiawa at Orono an ard Toronto. ýChurch Wonien" which will coe dt, of u.19t.Foloig s h "Rev. Douglas Pilkey, M & _M Field into being January, 1962. She ex-,s - leofOrn' om n aa uust 7-- Oronio ut Newcastle -Secýretary Bay off Quinte and Ottawa plained the frarne work, purpose '-ýameS. 9- Bowmanville at Orono ,Montreal Conferences, the guest programmrîe, activities andrspn June 19- Oronto at1rsos Bow'ýmanjvill 6 cate at Orono speaker, was introduced by Mrs. W.i SiiieSstressed that ail should 2-1-Oshawa at OronoI 17 Orono al Oshiawa-ý A. Wý',eatherhead. Sharbot Lake. His geV cpyo te Reot 1frm 26--Orono ut Newcastle address was~ a challenge te ai] Generai Councîl" and "Thre Initerpre' 28-4Bowmanvrille atrne2 Po Hput Orono chrisVians. He referred us te the tation" pamphlet an-d study thein. Juy 5-NTewcastle ut Orono 25-Orono at Port Hlope icateohisin "The task off thre Church"1 We must _go forwarcl with ffaith, en- and our responisibilities te complyI'thuLsia.sm and love. There was / - to pray. give and worl< for Christ's i estion and answer period. ý' flono T"rd - o B e e Xingdeni. Givng off our per-sonaIity. The offering was taken by the B i e T e1e e talents and mneans and ut al turnes ladies off Northniinster Womnan's As- If eangwitness by our actions and 1seiation Oshawa- and dedlicated by, ih M n chower luondcut in our every-day living. He ,Mrs. Hl. Melo.rs. 0. ChatteroMs.FyA- urged the ne for our sincere andi! Liireratuie Secretary v Miýss S. r- i.ss Joyc,-(e Jones, br-ide-to-be Nidam rs. R.H'ck and 1Mrs. S. co'ntiinueus prayevrs for the mission-- t, Port oe a displajy ofJt ughe f i andi Mrs. Ce-21 arabîl aries and, teswrkn o h eaue udspolike aotne oecrn wse rtain1edI at 'l The Hall wasdecoruted forth ioristJiiin hrhin Angola. Af rica, p1ees rseliss hweidin lhe occasion in pink ýand ite, with amI~~~~ aiiis.As eshugb v- Mo .i3aoWhtywsth dflowsHlThrdyeening large pink weddinig'bell over the ermincfiul und se>nitive tel the f in] organist on Mrs R. C. ïLuis, Bil- 111yli1l., where eigh1ty friends caroff honour, occupied by Joyce.î an ia need te support the efforts;ville, pjinist fer the meetings. and relatives guthered te shower h unhtbe a etrdwt Whiehare eingundetake te elp rs. F. Davilson, Belleville re-lher withi beautiful gifts and goodloeyswrcaeAtrannoy the.-se ,people. perted for !the Courtesy Comniittee.1 wishes. The hostesses were Mrs. jabl evéingakde.licie lunch was AV the social heour. Mr. PiIkey _Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Oshuwa in- Bruce McArthiur, Oshiawa, and fromsnierved. show,-,ed a film depicting thle %work off (continued on page 3) i0rono1, Mrs. L. Peurs, Mvrs. T. Hardyl _______________________________________________________________________ Mrs. Robert iMay, Brooklin, was hostess ut a mniscelluneous shower 1Zâe medateBasbal To Qrpen In Orono Monday r uther' home for Joyce lust Satur- E 4 ~ ~ L L L L 4 1 Q e ~.E" ' d yeve ing F riends and relatives , Bleille wvill be the Visiters withl Were presenlt frein Toronto, Ce-'ý WVith the celebrutien off Vitoiath(grre einig called for IVr(ee '-ar rying eut for 1theteu - hs 1bourg, Port Hope, and qs!iawýa. t~aythisçornng Mnduy Muy22, ock.The eugu thi~yeu isafieer and it is hopeful that sorne o!' Co-wýorke-rs and friends hel a the2 basebDaîl seaSon1 opens l] h ta league with teai ri Ble teebosrcev irth on the(micellneolussh erttieom Village iir a lapse off po lnterm- vle, Orone, Port HQL NewvcasLe, teain. The Orono crew;% are lookingioff r.A.Sulet shawa utj laebal for one yeur. TheOrnoan Peterbor-ougÏl,. ' for more pitching staff in which wý0ihith bride elect rcie many Jnen~its tute he field this The local beys lau hud a.n - area threy need mrore strengthi. ' lovely gif]ts and a pleasant -evening Mod ffternooi in Orono orth br t rutîesan*i "1'iiî>x-dnesÉ.theleninig gaine\Was enjoyed. -peinggae ofthle Season. - good turn-1-out. AManey younIg paeSIin 0Orono on1Mondcay. noted thiat the change- of address Cubs c'anvassedl the Village for cards had been available for somne funds to hielp cover the cost of the turne but that the Post Office liad Communlty Fireworks Display axnd, charged the regular two-cent post- collected a sum of $95.00. Those who aige rate for their transmission. The might have been xuissed will be able free service, he said, was designed to donate at the gate on Monday. to increase the use of the cards and t The total cost of the display will be to promote better maiiing- practices. at least $200.00. 1600% Attend Mother !On Tuesday -night; May -6th, the wVhich %vas answered by Mrs. Mar- Orono Rangers, Guides and Brownj- garet Arnott whio stated in her re- ies held a very successful ajd( en- marks that "we as mothers are jocible Mother and Daughter Banl- p)roud and happy te bel p and en- quet in the Orono United Clhurchlcourage tis orthy org-anization." Sunday School Reoin. Over one h-an-1 Guideè Lynn Bailey proposed a dred and ffifty mothers and daug-ht- toast to Guiding". Ranger Leader ers were present. lj Mrs. Margot ,Samuel capably an- - swered this toast saying that Browý- The banquet tables were tseu nies, Guides and Rangers should be decorated wvith blue and gol stream ejcOujr-aged and hielped as tÈhey are ers and sprays off Forsythlia ied our fuLture citizens. on the clorscheme. The ladies of the-Local Association with the helii A short progi-ammre fo d of several iterested fiend,,(s served whovhn the Browý,nies and G-uides each a trkey din.ner with ail the trirn-» sang somne of their favourite i ramp. Mings. liresog and four Guides and four Brwreidid a suaedance whlich Mrs. Iayce Simipson, Brown Ow, Mr Ethl Lct ~n1cr r actedl as mnaster off ceremonies and Douýtglas ýpowell, Game Warden, 'tilled on Chris Maartense to makP showved somne interesting pictures of Ille toast te the Queen. Ranger wild hife and the evening concluded 'Yiane Gilbart, in a ploasing man-1with Rang-ers. Guides and Brcwnies ne1r. proposed a toast to the Mothers. giving tlieir Prayer and Taps. Park Board Sets Charge-,o Fotr Nevw Swim «*%Pâ%ool The Orono Park Board on mfon- lay evening set rates te be chiarg-ed for the use off tie new swiimming poi t the park whichi is expec'ted taý epen in early June. Tlie Boa-rd aise laid pans for the operation of,, thIe pool and for1 the acquir'ing off;l l'ife-guiard Vo beon) duty when ,tiý oo is o5 pen. suit and would be turned in when' leaving for the day. Mliss Al1ma Cuitteli wus auliorizeil Vo advertise for- a liife guard te be at Vie pool during ils open periods. The guard rnust'have their Bronýze ýMed- alinLit e-saving badge. Applica- tiens will bi e received until Mondayý May 29th. The haiýk2 1, ý\as s, !Present utVie meeting werc le, Tic5 chargefor bsm irnansetCharles Hutton, represenlting ,the ut 3 cets fr bth huiden nd Recreatien Commiission unr]]i'frs aduits for a day. IlV wu-s aise decided !DnlItpe ersnigte(r Mhat schooistudents could puirchuse ionalRd Ctrpss.representng e Or-e seasm M ets a i de o $1 00 for that tîrne be altted forRer] Cr s ene; $8R00 for two «n $10 M swimmng insructios unr] Wauei mmoe Van two children lai a ffam.-iiy. Sf A periodfonlIo1xt, Tnic seusen tickets weuld be good alt- fote e ros10 Vo 1 tas every day excepting Sunday wlien uotedt Vie Re ros tha nhai-X the day charge would appiy. Tiese off 75.0. Itwmsre it tht V ýi peIo charges 'were set as il is expected couldmv or aàVi onn thut it wviicost frei-n $1000. Vo $1200 as the water wHIinet be us celd aS to oerac rnintin nd sppl aiit wajslanVie old tank. Mrs. Staples te epert. aintapol inndsuppiy ais Vo now consulr wtî Vie Rer] Cross hf gurd t Ve pol hs ear as Vo Vhe turne and price. Mr. S. B. Rutherford was author- There is stili neer off arotuan îzed te geV prices on clamp tags Vo $1200. te compiete Vie finaacing et be used as a Voken wien swirnmers lieý pool and] donations uiiIbe reý puy admission te use the pool. This1 ceiveci by tie secretary, MNiss ln s.:mull tag clamps te the bathing Cutteil. 4- 't, J -4' 4-' 4'-' s t, -'-4 -4-i t- t, -4' t-, t, -4' 4- -ce t, t-- '4' s'

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