Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 May 1961, p. 4

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~'Round, Abut U,ý- 'ABBAGE U.S. No. 1 Grade (OU EXTRA ToAI0f$34.00 ,Receive Free $6.00 in BONUS TAPES TreeSweet - 48 oz. Tin ORANGE JUICE Green Giant - 15 oz. Titns FANCY PEAS Van Kirk Chocolatec - 6 oz. Pkg. CHIPITS Klear - 32 oz. LIQUID WAX Receive Free $4.00 in BONUS TAPES Back Diamond 8 oz. Oldi, white or coloredf CHEESE STIX Receive Free $2.00 in BONUS TAPES Bardiseye French 10 oz. Pkg. G-REEN BEANS Tablerite Smali Link Pure Pork 1 lb, pkg Canada No. 1 10 lb. Bag J'EI PO"TATOES the iee yO0u serve Freshi Grade "A"7 Fryinq or Roasting CHICKENS wP- 221to 31lb avelbg Fresh Meaty PORK SIDJE RIBS Alpine Brandi Choppedi B E EF S T EAMKE rT»S T ablerite Weiners 317 lb 49c lb 59C lb pkg 49c k I INSTANT Pet Milli CHOCK FULL 0F NUTS DAIRY DEPARTMEN CHEER-SE WH"IZ KRAFT ç 16 oz jar ýr FROZEN F00D DEPARTMENT Bijr deye APeas mm 12 o -&100 !> pkg$4 Ail Features Effective May 3, 4, 5, 6 only DSCOUNT VALUE! SAVE 10e IGA MAGIC LIQUlID mDETELýRGE DISOUN VAUE!SAV 10 SWETMIXED DISCOUNT VALUE! SAVE 6c1 "A TRE NGES 3 lb 89c lb,79e 138's Tender Green suze 24's ZARROTS U.S. No 1 Grade Crisp and Tender WA SAFETY LANE PEN NEXT MONDAV y is car safety rnonth. tluring nonth Oshiawa mnotorists willi the chance to have their carsi ' checked hy the City of Osh- Safety Latie, on Athol streeti opposite the police building. re is no charge or obligationý ted t his service. If is pro- by the Oshawa Police l)epart- and sponsored by the Oshawa SLeague. 'ER DRAGGED R CAR ROLLS IGe-orge Edward Hughes, 24, of * Jnevile. asFriday detained in ,Ross Memorial Hiospital, Lindsay, for observation for a possible con- cussion after lie %vas dragged on the road, undlerneath lis car when it rolIed on County Road 5, about a ;mile e-ast o! Janletville, Frida'y atr Huhsas tlrown 'out the doý, vfhi ehicle wh1en h tdropped over the edge of the road and rolled on to) Pits rofe suffered-c minor brushi huro1s and l acerations. LSTALEMATE APPEARS LKL Do the rtpaesof Ithe SouLtl HopL ScoolArea ant-3te have a adiinlfour roms built i',teh Oorne -or (do theyv pirefer t cntnu peaigfour of the eeroe This, the schlool board of Southý1 Hoetried igo syto ascer-tain1 by -(SkinI g 1theratepayerTý1js for an1 exý-ý_ pression of opinion rec-ently ý,ai a iimeetinig hldat the George Hmeil- ton school. l'he resulting -decjion (of thiose whlo attended) was) 31 to :22 vote ,i favour of t1ie fouir-roomned addli- Ition. But, the four school zones, Zion, Bunker ,Hill, Canmton- and Dale, in voting separatelyv on whether or not they wshedte scrp tir "littie old school ouse" voed21 Ite 12 against thie proposaI. Horicualtu.raiNews 01s. Tos. rabdriver emptied the ash tray ami a Sunce She end o! Word War ToMarmet box ontfOIthe Street as we wve have xprincdatrmnus aie for a stop signal, an aie-rt change in commuwnity life, the one ýpolicemanntcd the act and hieldl facet that 1 am interested in is comi- .Up the volume o! trafft c wlAfL?~ maunity pride. re11marrssed driver picked up every ; 'butt and papeýr. Later the local njews ICoýimmunity- pride is mnost essentialipaper complimented the officer f6cr- the lack o! it is detrcimental tu île'his'action. A sm-ailltowni in tlle USA- grQwthand progress O! any city, is !inirig offenders for dropping towni or village. With mode-rn car's waste paper, even a candy wrapper. and higliways no pplacecanu hide We suggest that a dlean-up week beý from tIhe eritical public eye, and SO declared in th.e village, un[idy bus- - it beýhooves us to present a pleasant imess yards sho'uld be screenied ftron1 picure te the passebby. Who knows public view, even the loveiy ravines. one( 01f those passerbys may bce a fu- of Orono arebeing arred with twne r«esien or bmhuinsmani if hie is gargabe d4umping. 1 have ideas a- IpWorsd xwit hwlat le sees. Nleatly 1bouit tlose rav-ines if Ilhe owners areý kept lawns, boulevardes, flOwer intcestedl. bcsand litter free streets can in- 0lrono0is 0on- the mnap, maijnly be- duce\a vluable interest in our comi- cause o! thle lovely, wvell kýepL miunitQ. groundl,,s (o! the Reforest Sta1tion anct fThanks te the efforts o! the Or- it(S proxiity ton ihwys3'-)and I ono H-orticuitujral Society, and the Spot f CWliy ne t keh he Beil autb- citzes wiocooperate with it, the sdo c ut ula" tcnb beauty o! Orono lias been enhanced The Orono Horbeticlual Society vdth several lovely flower lieds. and!the Orono Junior Gardener'sý This has be-en accomplishied bY a Club WilI becliaving a spxing fio-wer great deal o! work on the part o! a tew pbi spirited members. They shw at the- May A5th meetng. Al hav-e given f reely o!ftheir time and are invited te attend. Memnbers aire- I -nerg'y and eten their, purse, t1o cre- advlised te wvatcl f-or a publshied list j aieBeauy in'Oron, andtlie r îyo the compJetitiveclasses, . hp It rp uy i ghn, ±hn, ad heï olaIwil Îl enter an exhibit. I faction o! hiavînig donesomnethiiing te benefit their commuiniiity. How sad tlhey must lie wleu tloug-htless van-s daIs destroy o--r mutilate their efforts Let us i at ome te teacli our familestherespect o! public prop- fertY. jMany, and I would say, mosi peo- ple appreciate the work of beautifi- cation, bult there are stili those who, thiroughi carelessness and negleet, gîve lit tie thought te their surround- ings and create annoyance to their neighbeurs as well as reproach to tliemiselves. Ot-rs show a lack of pride in that thecy scatter wa-st'e paper wrap- happen te be instead o!f. placing ,pers, cartons etc, wtierever they themi in receptacles providied for the pur-pose or, at least keeplig the \vaste for the~ home waste eau. Dis- carded gum, candy and cigarét wrapper.ý are the worst offenders. Marny comimunities'are marred by this liter. ILast fail Mien 1 visited Ottawa, ouZr car .vas caugltt in a terrific ira!- *11ec jafm as thievfootball gaine ended, iwe niotîeed île car ahiead o! us, the ThATWU.LUNIT-- VMLL I~4 EVES DICU'rVLE!SV 6 RM EAT BLUE & WHAITE - 3c off BRKEEZE large 39e i GREEN GIANT FANCY - 15 oz. Tins Wax Beans 2'for29c GRAY DUNN ,-8 oz, Pkg. Caramel Waters 2 for45ec l2 oz tin 43c NTL 24 oz tin 49c MN T15 oz jaf - 2 for 4 9 c 1 oz jar 39c 2 Decor 55c 1 GRADE DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA lESà qtm59 rTUcE U.S No. i Grade- Garden Fresh size 30's doz 49vc 2 for 29c 2 2for29c 3 lb~ cello bag 39c IGA PRESENTS STORIES PROM THE SATURDAV EVEI4JNG POST oTPOSIT over OFIO lTV C harnnel 9 EVERY THUMJSDAY EVENINC 7-7.30 P M J P-1 ILO The-re a ppeared to be conisideérabl& objection from the Pineg-rove arýa- oui the su'bject of dissension seemeil hiostly to lie in rmatters such ),s tran',spora!on "Whyý should m, child have wo ,walk hiaîf a mile tio catch the sphoo4) bus ýwhen mn-eighbour's chil s plickedc up at his door", sort of thir'g7 Another remarked that Canton wa s Imore central than Welcorne (it's, about two miles north from We- 1cre) and rather than consideri î,g the building of an addition to viýîc George Hamilton School, a ni four-room. school shiould be, b É i t here. ROAD REBATE BOOST DENIED United Counties counciil rejec-te a request for an increase ini roadr- bates made by the munleipaities o Cobouirg andff Port Hope. Bothi towns haid reuete tat the rebates ~ nreedfrom 25 to 550 per cent Thywere joined in theretw~ byBomavileand Hasting s 111 denyinig thie request, the1wd commliissionler said: -If icesdrebates are raneI the oneywould jhave to)e hp Thiý1s i o esrbeatthe'riesn url1(,n1. Thie road eoimmissýo, teo re rect o te, ha h iirefJset shde 000 ofrasrea gradin- An amnount of $7,000O was setas ide forsufcg one mile of Cavan'ýý1 S.7m Port Hope. The decision of the county's ca rebate is expected to arouse astr comminissqion not to increase the ra of protest especially fromi the larger-ý muIciplit ies wich cl ontribute te laigest pretg to the cut' 1 Coad yat1es.

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