Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Apr 1961, p. 2

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v - Frc.e Marie Frasers new mi(k recipes- -Vegetable dishes ... simply delicousý". Write today. A DIVISION 0F DALRY FARMERS 0F CANADA 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO 5 A GENERAL MIOTORS VALUE CEýVRLET L& HAS can't beçiin to match! EXTRA QIJALITY Body by Fishier A heritage of quality exclusiyely yours in Generai Motors cars. This extrao quolity is assured by the famous Fi5her coach emblern an thie Iower door sifllI.. . signature of a lob weil done - a body built as only Fisher con build it. EXTRA DOLLAR STRETCHING ~ECONOMY Drv Chevrolet for one yecr - and you'il Icnow what we mean by extra economy. Sure, your initial prce is low - but that's just the stort! As you drive, you realize that Chevy tempers power with economy - that its stylish ways are practicol, foc - and, most important, that Chevrolet stays in de- mnand year after year - includling the year ihat you'iI trade if! UITRA SFT Extros where they count! Safety-Master rakes - Sofety Plate Glass in every win- dow - Clean-sweep Windshietd Wipers - Precision Balanced Wheels - Foot-operated Parking Brake. Ail for Safety-plus! EXTRA CONVENIENCE in a car yau wanfta enjoy yourself - and Chevralet makes it casyl Front armrests, crank-operated venfipanes, one key Iacking and a Iow-loadinq trunkl Thase are just a few of ChevroIet's convenience extras. Let your dealer tel you more about the delight- fui surprises in store. , EXTRA SMOOTH RIDE Smooth? Extra Smooth. In fact, here is the one greot ride in ifs field! We call if "jet- srncoth" - for what better way to describe the flociting-on-air quality of this ride - the like of which Iust hasn't been known before in the world of motoring. Yes, there's extra smoothness here - try it - treat yourself ta a Cheyrolet ride. EXTRA SPARKLING PERFORMANCE There's extra go - extra gumption - and yqu know it the moment you touch your fa. ta the accelerator. Mak e your chokce for performance and economy from a wide range of power teams. EXTRA CUSHIIONED QUIETI You're~ coddied in on isuated hushi fRe- Iaxed in the extra comfort of Chevrlet's virtually vibration-free quietness. Metal fa metal contact bas almost been eliminated and sqond waves are smothered in an in- suIqting bianket. EXTRA ROOM You just have ta sit in this amazing car fa realize ail the extra room. Outsîde, Chev- rolet is neafer, trimmer. Inside, everything bas been done fo give you extra roominess. Lowered transmission tunnel. Chcir-high seats. Extra headroom. And, greafer in- and-out aoom. YIW CAN'T B#Y ANY CAR FOR LESS UNIESS IT'S A LOT LESS CAR ROY W- NIOHOLS BOWMAN VILLE -COURTICE H 1 T L àWAS-I!s-P N p STABLES and PUMPINO OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tounpkins Phone Newtonvilte 4721 i1ruile South Satu rdoy, Sale Commences AUCTIONIEER: W. an they look! mness. X1ow si- W. S. Moffa- -rno 1Ot.t he last to be votod on anrd they stl Oroo, nt.1,coldln't get the required majrty -April 18, .1961 i Il is possible at this next Meeting Dear Mr. Editor: that the Orono Telephone Co. %vill be sold to the Bell because of the The Directors of the Orono Tele- dogmatic attitude adopted bý' a few phoo C. hve ecevedver utlemen in their retirement years who ctcsmin thoir maniagement of tst.l fel that the people of thec dis-V jthe Comnpany andI their meth o troc should be guided by their su- trying to sellili, but 1 think it is hightim wetoo of th ki glvesperior abllity to judgo what is best because they certainly seemn to be ousNownemaylreo- asking for it. pan'ies retire members of manage- tment at the ageofo sixty. (ino ~Fron the remarks matIe by the Monopoly is the strangulatin f Presidlent at the aniual meeting 'Private Enterprise which is a sys- about thic terrible condition of -îhe tmrnmost Of us believe in. Even Com-pany,ý, one would be justifiod in today the Governmont of U.S. i15 feeling that if we didn't g-et some ýoiisidering charging the Goneral sucker to take this broken down Mîýotors of monopoly on Diesel( g t erelict off our hands, it would be ino manrufacturing in1 the U-.5. advi sable for- us to pay someone to According to the Directors of our1 dos.These remarks were m-ade in Comipany they h'ave boon !ollowing font 0 f three prospective buyers. tlre adv\ice of the Bell for yoars and How would you like to have a sales- yet ,we find ourselves ln the positionc mian ike thiat sellingl somthing for 110W Of having to soul to them. I; youý? Lot Lus fot just blatue the wonider wvhat a hotel owner would Pres,:ident for hie was speaking -for thiink if, after yoars of takingad-. ailiflhc Diroctors. vice fromi his barý-tend(er, hie found Now the sam-e ,-alesniare, try -_________________ ing tofoc us to soul to the lowest'ý andà poorest offer. Thiey will neot a- gree thiat the Bell offer is the poor- e-st. Th1ey will try \ to tel you other-A wise beclause they don't think we areý( capable of judg-ing for-. our-' selves.' Baseba-,Il àManai Th'Pese sanie Dh'ocýtors stated they FrPe eBnana Iadsrgldfor lus for ,7earS antl i , eW ,ba J nirG just couldn't carry on any longer, 1Abl.Jilo.G but at th1ýe 'vry mention of gettilig b 0rn Ai-aei somneone ýto take their place theyTheO noA ae !now Say we can't put them out until are wviliing to sponsor an( the nxt anualmeetng(Io not have the facilitic Thiese same Direetors have spread and coaches. We are apl j-a rumr-our thiat the Port Hope Tele-whe children are eligibl phone is alm-ost broke. Do thoy fknow that a Com-pany is fiot broke I hr r o'oc than their liabilitios; as long as Basit thev a re able to meet thieir financial o)bligationis, and their credit is Stijl jAil interested persoi 2ood? Mr. Jones has certainly guid- tend a meeting at the Or( od and builit the Port Hope Tele- phone Co. fromn a smal'er company on Satuirday, April 22nd thani the Orono Co. ir'1.950 to one I schoo0l can be provided. 10odav Whvtice as many phones a1nl twicf tho revenue that the .Or- 011o Co. has and hie isn't bing forc- ed tq selouoIt like we are- eithor. lie can still 1go ouI and rmise- $40,00 10 buy us out. y ellingl to the Port 'Hope Co. w1,7cý(anget imore monoy than theA I A ~ ~ I Bel offer lus and Stijllhavepa hareA I L ia Iho combinoed Companies that will hiave a gross inconie of ()ver $125000 oaph year. We can attend I wish to anunoui the annual meeting as sharoholdors - anld have a say in the operation Of the Company. WVe can have two Diroctors from this are-a on the i relys Dr Baard. We will have a local tele- phonoe company that will have a t r ae t v7a lu e o! anpproximatoîy $600,000oMi.Jme t wVith a total liabiiity o! approximat;,11s aesSut h el%, $180,000 'which is stili only 140% r. aesS',,P O'o!i aur ross yearlv incomne. AndI w& would have- an issuod capital of less and would like to thai than 2000 shares. By koeping this Comnpany local district fortheir pat. we have Mospot't witli us. This proinlises 10 be the greatest boost twenty-fot thiat this community hias ever re-. ceived. If we sel]i b fhe Bell it will go( to the BowrnanivilIe, Oshawa Dis- trid; I Mrs. Charle Do we really want 10 si-li to thxe Bell and se-e this business be taken away from us? Do wve belehre in private enterprise and Co-operatives or' do wo believe in monopoly b great big companies. Let ius not give ln 10 a srnall grouip o! men who can no longier th'r~ pogrssvoy;who no longer have a vision to the future and who, C »lîlt instead of trying to force their Co poe I Pq E ~ wishes upon us. should bc interesteâ only in serving the IbeSt interests of the mnajority of shareholders. As much as the Directors would' O Ul<UIIAI<I likp to lhave us believe that they are only obeying the laws of sellipg a LiitetI Company, there is nothing LM' to prevent them f rom hiaving a vote to see whiat Company the majority MILLBROOK, of shareholders prof er to sel 10 and thon bring, in their resolution to selI , gers, Coaches iid Midgets, Boys Base- iris Soft Bail ir Athletic Association Id equip these teams but es to obtain managers )pealing to the parents Dle and like to play. 1-es There Will Be No ýbail ns are requested to at-, ono Municipal. Building [ at 10 arn. A coaching icernent *nce the sale of rug Store itt, PhxnB. and ImB. of Bowmanville ik the citizens of te 1ronage during the ur years ?s B. Tyrreil RSAL SALE HEREFOREDS rED ONTARIO Ad and ilerefords and Fedierally Lisiedl miles west and ,f Baijeijoro April 22 3at 12:00 Noon S. O'NEiL & SON -u I THE GIFT SHOP t Agents for g NEWCASTLE gDRY CLEANERS gAND LUDRR g Operated by Jack Lees ÔFOR PICK-UP & DELIVERY fJ PHONE ORONO 252J

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