Reoo0ooeNof0 T 1 S 0-f Garden, By Mrs. Thos. Faýrbrwother The urge to gel out ini thie garden is upon us, beware uf this feeling ing In April f-,- mnuch h arm cýan be dfone if cai 'inis flot usedf. However there1 )lenlt, to do now, that w,,411-benefi ROUND AND SQUARE SaurA-I il l5I KEN NEIL, GILADY BIOWVN And MNAC RANSBERRY EVERYONE WELCOME For IlïhTEEN ACTIVITIES 'I \~ I r l.,t"L ilIIIIL11u, zitulu u eal releases eifds IO loWiýy; The~ remrov-ed a littie at a' time. the fine adnspl ete aé~m parts lef t to be worked into the so garery sodppa entressave that D th oldmulh, i wil bere treated against Wveed<s. - a valuable ingredient for the iiew~ Deciduous Trees, shrubs and ever-j *compost pile. gen should epatdserl As soon as Ithe frost is out, tureeasposibe obae apantdas ea t over the olcompost pile and ge ywis pos sibe o ake dantgeof tnch o"Ut the woI1 rotted Portion at the in ansa Provide aketQ inc Wlt n be t âscrmreenleve _ý 're through a piece of old hose and indr avrn uses, a fvi~nd a figure eighit first around dhe - sig fo coerin sees. ee, close around the stake in at jWhien the soi] is fairly dry and les wo , positions to prevent thle- eaiypulverized you can start ilip ,eas eily .btreebriia vr- wayilg created by high Winds. diggng, bu remmbe tht wo 1 - ý*vd nue sakes and ties on -unti C Kg the soU too soon wlll destroy ets liîee or shrub is firmly estab- strcturethe ed.Dotot Jet thiem dry out, 'par- * rep0 h, rete oe orthew sé cuIarly during the fîrst year. tree orshrbsremve he ld oU edges can be trimmied b-efore to a good dlepl, and have-hn Qut'iy start growth. -ydrangeas for' planting, plenty of good sollj ýd ,e cut close , 1 die r,,round. xith added1 huni-,s, or separate thle, Ifyouj hav plenty 0of window space sol as you dig tmh oe, tinhg lle and no greenihouse, try planiting inl good )(itop soil in one pile to cover Ce peat polts a fewv seeds of sweet corn, roos wenyou plant. If the plant- peppers, toimatcs, uîes, etc.1 iny spot is lowv and wet, drainage These xwil mature about a month should hbpc vdep oots imust have caier. anid oan be set out in the aartedsoi tIo exist, earthwormrs pçts) ithu isturbuing ithroots. une natures busy aerators. C0otit mor seeds per pot than need- Bodaxmixture miust be spray- ed and thin out. ruberous Begonias f b'rrwthstarts on Phlox. , ioLif1w be nder way nowv. 1 like the- <¼inum LnkpuRosieý and lureiqipa osfor tes.Cole- Holyhcks t p~evnt nidew . cu&g ca b strtd ow for 2 rv wo~'s wih a goj utdoorplaning, sL ein xnoist ver- many. o5 aot hadwae .tres 1'"tv ak te aw a-id wrilz xau ithc h ve "ymusswhere Tep drssig ti murs qi i a hir I10et 10 f. (or equivalnt ffwe the, hot wveat1herivs 4o i)be loýcated, if you don't Cmpstan godblckso, ix- h!av\e room, try to arrange space in a ed with a generous quaity of bone friend"'s garden. Your child %vje be meaýl and spread evenly over thee dlsappoixted and dîscouraged if lie lW wll pr-ovide food and cool cov- ieannot keep up with the other jun- er for the tender roots liter (n. irs. Join or visit the next ,(neting FOrI'a0nson ay sou a mixture of YtHe Orono Horticultural Society. two-thirds humus and onet4rd W'atch thle Liray indow. MASTER PLUMBER PRODUCTS: WASTE PIPE CLEANER CLOSET BOWL CLEANER CESSPOOL CLEANSER ROOT DESTROYER R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816, Orono, Ontario, For kitcheon anld ibatroom wals. itcer~table and couinter tops .. . PLIayroom ) walls .. . bar tops and facings. Aflborite is available in more than 40 colours and patterna .. worit chip or crack, stairi or discolour. . cigarette-proof. Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. PHONE 14816 ORONO, ONTARIOQ YOVI BUDGET e - SAVING5 APLENTY S TOGIVEYOUFUNDSFORFUN . e. Corvair cts the cost 0ofinn down to size! Il does it with is gas-savrng ways - ith its comipletely self-suficient cooling system. So mien thiere's a ... skiing weekend ahead-or any other part of the ~social whr-juist lay out pennies for tranispor ta- tion. . . save the rest for fun! A woideufu! companion WOi OcUR. orvai BOWMANVILI E he car that's bult to do more than youtiI ever demand! Whitewailt tree optional at extra cost K IO1,IC -P CeeJRý1C sOmieiy to you! ORONO WEEKIJY TIMES Spring is here and it':s Urne to PAINFUP FIxup 110H TIP Wallpaptr- Foor Tile Ceiling Tules and Supplies LMar-tin-Senour Paints, .Varnishes and Stains Thinners, Ois etc, Plywoods ail grades Doors, Trimi, Windows See Our iluminating display of latest Light Fixtures <' Everything for the Home- ROLPH HA RDWARE Orono, Ont. Phone 143 v 'I ý Orono, Ont. "ROY wm- Phone 143