Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 8

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- -~ ~ r ORONO WEEKLY TIMES E-stabhWshet in 1938 by- R. A. Fonrester Royý C. Forrester -Edlitoný and MUaniager Subscription payable in ativance In Canada $150 In U.S.A, $2.50 Publisheti every Thursday ai the office :of publication INCORPORATION The Oronýo Police Trustees hiave once again corne forth in. supporit ofinoprtn forý theVae of Oruixo. This subjeot is nout inew, for theVillage as it dates back for at least seven years when,, the first move was made toward such a proposai. At thai Imle Municipal Act required that application for Incorporation had to be made through thle Coutyt% Council. This was dlone by thie then Police Truste-es, who at the ime saw menit in such a mnove buit Incorporation wýas, deniedby the,- Coty body. Since that time thie Police Trustees have on several oc- i'asionis, made a s-tudi'y of l'he issue and have always termed it a benefit to the Village and area. They have stated that the High Slhcoul question was one factor that hiad held up any move for- Incorporation since the f irst move some seven or eight years ag-o. The Act for thne purpose of 1incorporating now reads that ,tpplication is madle thirough a petition to the Municipal Board. Coý.unty Council lias now nothinig to do %vith any miove for- Incor- It certainly- appears fromi figures presented by the Police Trustees at a meeting on Moinday niîglit that a tax-dollar saving wojuld exist for those in the Village and that further services could hýe economically suipplied throughl an Incorporateti Village. This lias been the finding on every occasion when Incorporation lias ýcorne forth for study andi discussion. This certainly means that tax dollars raiseti in -the Village wouid be spent la thei Village fo>r agrae benefit to thIose within its boundanies. The doser the gov- ernmeli1ýnt to Ilhe people thie more direct benefit is received from thje tax dollar. O)then thain financial thiere are other benefits in the faot tht he Villag-e vwuUî".liave control of its own future andi destiny aýnd we do feel coultibe1muchi more ag-gressive in such fields of pro- mot ýiôns fer the Vllage and seekin~g Industrial assessment etc. It sh'ouiti also resuit ha a greater interest woald be taken lin the 'Vuicpl governmenýý"t aud a bodly of five woLild conduct the affairs relativ'e to theVge of Orono. Urnder the present Police Trustee setL-up two bodies haeJurisdliction over a Village ani hereviw 4coujl ibc quiteopste The demands from an urban centre differ from that of a -inl areýa. The formner must have such services as street lighting, lir-e protection, garbage collection, sidewalks, recreation. The main eýxpendituire for- a ruýral1 centre is the expenditure on roads. Tt oudappear and speemis to appear from figures pnesented on Mon- day that provicingbt set of nieeds is rather costly to tihe niow am tigtaxpayer. There ar-e definite benefits to thie Village through Inco3rpor- tinand it is to be hoped that thlose concerned will conclude Èhe ,.ove now undeýrway. Art, iNot For Thqe Few Last week ýat: the Northwvay Restaurant a most interesting -isplay of art a-nd handicrafts was open to the public. Considerable ,'terest was shownl in the exhibit which will continue open to the public on loto October. The exhibit is une whiéh should be commended for, it is 'givin.- the artists an opportunity to display their iînteresting wnrk anti also gives the pubic an opportunity to view these same works. It is also arnazing tatso nmuch ability dloes nest in the hiands of som'e within thieditc. This neyer fa.1ll to amaze One who v\:iews hewor'rks of others. Sýuch a shiow couki eýasily arouse interest with the result that more p;eople will mnake use of the opportunities thiat àto surround us naarusume of fields. Furthier it is grati- ,!yýing to realizeý that eýveryone dloes not spend their idile or leisure -ime ,bybngnttaedwh canned enitentalnmen(2it. It woul1d apertlattda ore peýople are taking advan- ý')age0offithe field 0of art in wI ý'-*chto e'xpress thiemselves "qand it is mnot as it was in th-e past onl for the _few. Todlay their exists many ouitiets forixpesio.Theýse out11is are being promoted by or-gan- Izations such as the ýClanýke ons Recreation Commission. Or- ganlizatlions such as these care partiallY financ,,et1ithrough govern- ment grantls ani dfncIin most, aggressive com)nmuities th-roughouLt thePrvice AComis,_sion has atitls disposaI a host ,yoflinfonmratio.n fr1 eceatio oh for the -ug nifo ,esn Ji r cies of anyccniy antid this Is available only for the ITSALLINDT COMING EVENT FOR SM.- OdIdfellows and ReeasBaye ver stocked - SlighItly used knap anid Dedication Sevie)f Cmeî'CHall Saturday. Apnil 23rd, 196 1 BanquetsakprerCahesdfrhrs j n Unitedi Church at 6:30 p.in. Dedi-ec Capa"iy323glos cain8 pmi. This is a beautiful sac- reti service for'P.1-½,to 2 lhours in - AMSo0 vntc with 200 pl clutiing soloists. Trees, eidaf varieties oif Macr- Tickets: $2.00 per plate. This is ani Intosh anifReti Delicious, 2 yearýiu openl meeting so any h wish may gonfo ~t~~ tcs corne . Purchsetiks eary aks sl pen, treeý for $,1.00 or maike deal thene is a limit. c-c for thie 200. CARD 0F THANKS To al m-y fnienis antirlaie fo;r thie 1indniesSs howvn me ait he tImje of nyillness. Also thanks to nurses ïan 1 staff ait Bowmnanville Memonial Ho,,spital anti Dr. Mc- Kenizie,. A speitanks to) Morris AmblaceServ,,ice, Ontlarlo Prov- inilPolice,, Canadiaii Legion anti also tie nmany whlo lhave matie en- quris ilceIretur-neti ome George\Wilson. A pply A. 1T' iIÇat'J .01o nlonth on the 8th line, 250 ya'-tis off 'Iighlway v35, poe35h -p HELP WANTED Watnsssfor week-end anti Summr emloymnt.Experience preferred. l'es aunant.Highiway 115 andi.35. a-p1 CARD OF THANKS V I woauLlirlJe to express mny s inceneCMIGEVN tknsfor the flcw,ýers, cards antiICO G VN fiuit wieI was lhe Hosptall The West unamCanadian Club anti thankrs to Mn1. Barlow antiv ill meet on Apnil 12thait 8 pm.a, c(ial tl'anks to Dr. McKenzie anti1Lions Centre, Bowmancille. The nurse, MsKilpatrický anti "'lhe staff!~~aenwl be John Pratt, M.'p. anti ani nuars'es Df Bowmnanville H-Ospi th[le topic will be "The Chaning tai. Mns. John Koropatwa Face of Canatijan Cities." This \vllalo bc, the annual meet- CARD O FTHANKS ing. ac I woufld like to express mny sincere thanks to my ý,frient(is ant i neigi-, bours for the lovely flowmePgAfS PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION and dards. Sp)e(ial tnan--ks to Hah Preschool registration for S.S. NO. er Rebekahi Lotige No. 334, !Leskard12 ak Tonhp(ro %1l WADr. McKenzie, Dr. Rundlie anti 12, Claine Tssonhip.(1ono)wl Dr. ikiosaso tihe nurses anti staff beheli i lasshrom No.0i o T1uns of the BcmU1nanville Memorial 1Hos;- day, Apni and3th rom 2:30 to 0 pital for ihei r 1intines ant iLcaneudur- p.m.nMothenganti chîlifisaked to mgng y rect iîîess. la a-pated bign veicton f artilln irth date.b- IN MEMORIAM WINýTER -In loving me o0fa dean husbant anti father, :c'er-ianACTO SL E. Winter, w-ho pseiaway Apnil 1 have rectet instutins fnom 81959. the Eecutors of the Estate of the Oui-ipscant eio w islate Robent ILittie to seli by public Goti only knows howi we miss hlm aý ucitont on Saturday, Apnil 8th, at the Onono Municipal Building, Or- uar ears canottel v hu o 1ayono. A Norge refnigenator, Domnin- an a home that 15 lonesom today. ion Washer, Findlay Oval Cook Satily maisseti by hls wife Ellen Soe i ienw he ero a~d u~i arry a-csuites, chiesis of drawers, cain-bot- DUE O tom chairs, organ, antiqge china, Ai Ctwur, OWrio n Tcutay glass, cruet sets, ailtkintis of At CobMyu10, Onita AonTustiylinen bedding, doilies etc. Sale com- Apni 4h,196, enta . -Sader nce i(ýs at 12:30. cock, sister of Oswald Sandercoc-k R.R. 2, Onono, Ont1anlo. A'ýge 7W yearsý Ternis cash. No reserve, '[s:n t the BariQgwý Funeral Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Homne, Park Street, Onrono, Ontario, unii Saturday morning. Theci to ------- Lang -Mem-orial Chapel for service ai, 2:00 p.m., Apnil 8th.In', mn GOrno Ccuemder. 11SEý LettertoE~oTH TRAPPERS PLEASE READ To the Editor of thie Orono Weekiy t Times; Dean sir: jYestertiay, Easter Sunday, the "ny - wrb iha kinti neighbour's help C 1M%'% reesda beautifuf, affectionate kîtten ftromn a strong steel trap. At leasit hroughout the previouis night anti Easter morning this gentie beast hati cnieti lit agony as it trail-J'( eti the heavy trap anti chain about the neighbourhood. Aften noon the jwriter founti the uitile suffener with onec crushiet anti bleetiing paw, in excruc1(iating pain, stili dragging -this evýil treachenouis torture contnlption. jThis innocent itten was probably A D ER1 S jt 1 tapper's intentieti Victim.1 Buý w-'tdltirat victim have stiffeneti1 less., it toc is one of Qodl's living. cureatres anti the wie beleives iti is nfo His will that anly of them, - hmun or Wiumhult suffer. Nour tht hey will untiuly, when Hîs, Iasfor us, aeknown lai ocbeyed(.ý Tha tapis now twiste anti in brke n tlte garbage heap: If onîyailtras- eethere, perfhaps,2 Y s n ro fu oulti wmarfurs. If somne 1 ,imes you mnusi kili life(-lovini]g creaý tire, wot you pleaso consitier ai CM lisýs cruel anti unfair methoti? 1 au snToronto. Oawopletýis for tho)se who c-annot W.Etiuor: May we onubhauf of Mhe citizenýs i- of the Towvnship 0f Clanke, exteté eceiCnrlCmitafor in U.l"c.la mu orgaaiing-a!ve-r1ising anticd yn on t a succýessful conclusioni ouný vote "No" campaign. May we extenti crs W pa specuji thank you te our general 1 q pmanager,jMn. Goion pCotter who T j gae uselfish tievotion to this PI'\ rI ORONO lwOnthy cause anti got atier"shîp., Youi' rstuly A vote No Ctizen i! FOR RENrI Afourioom ungalow in Oronlo valbenow. Phone 2053, Orono " r fiurthlerinoatn.t FOR SALE CeirPosts and Hlemlock .Logs by tender. For anyv furthier information, cail Charles Stapletont, Phonle 3R11, Orono.a- A. F. McKENZI'E, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Hours 2:00 te 4:00 p.m. 1:M to 8:00 .ý Saturdays andWednlesdiays by ap'poilntments onIl, PHONE 1471- ORONO DIR. R. J. TAGGART iE rERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, Ont." FOR SALE Plumrbing Fxue - Pressure pumlps - Glass Lineti Water Heat- ens - Sump Pumnps, Pipe and Fit t;ings. We seli and instaîl. Caîl us today for Free Estimate. Iuscott Plumbing & ,Heating Ltdl. 207 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Cail Collect Oshawa RA 5-5132 t-f ODrono 1413 Newcastle 4371 JACOBSEN - SIMPSON Furniture Finished afld Refinished Paperhanging - Woodwor-king Pain-tinig, Interior and Exterior First Class Work - ÇaIl Us Now STAFFORD BROS. pMonmna k Phone Whitby 552- 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby, FINE QUALITY MONUMEFNTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig-, nified monument over, the rest- ing place of- your lovez! ones, lt's nlo' expensive. And seeing this Iast tribute wiIl give you endless comfort. Building a flouse? or rmdlrayour present one theri contact FloydNihln Phone 2191 Oronoj Founclations and Septic Tanks I Poured.- Forms available. WALTER FRANKI McQUAY and KIDD 0 177 Church St. f fl Bowmanville MA. 3-3393 f -Phone 5 r 18- Orone TED'JACKSO.N Auctioneer and Valuiator Conducts Auction Sales cf' ail uI»à and at reatoûnable rates o ~oOntarjo - g ifmilonsMonumen ts and ý9j nsuanc sevic Our quality and aervice leaves g o nothing to be desired [g flAsk the person who bought f rorn us Insuancein il is Banchs - a neig9hbour, f riend Dor relative fInuac fi The iRUTBrRnchAs , o ~ ~ ~ P Auo1acaead opsTee o -E COM AN TE fiP73 Ontairi Stee SPolicies , Pire, Farmn, Lif, PORT H-OPE u fi "Largest Dispiay in Southierni Burglary, Liabýility, Marine, Onitarie" Accident and, Sickness, Wind, OooEeti o -L Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. f PHONE 129 g CONTRACT,ýRý1709tO Sadie Hamilton g FAR n~IG gv 1Frec, Etr g Phone, Orono IR16 i I APLIANCE SALIES o Prompt and Guaranteed Repaire IRST ORTGGE LONS u tQ ail kinds ef Electrical Equipment Suoh as Motors - Water Heaters - V. - Raffios St(; es - 1rens LEQAL Lawrence C. Yîasoti, B.A.' Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE., ON'T. Phones! Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-553 IW. KAY LYCETTB.A. ln the Offi;ces orf 'R, R. W'detQ.C. -M MA IN S.,ORONO L. J. SAF BY APPOINTMENTS IP. 0. Box 6'3, Oronlo Phone 12S1O IN SURANCE Genral& Lufe S E E OFFICE - Mv"A N ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farin and Furniture Sales Con9uit me for ternis and dates 'I ~1 -I k

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