Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 7

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Persuadinq Diucks Ta ôComeHome This uchak he, iî p. Ilt 1' a cumial igltota ce them returu in the evcnin, tnrnd1iing rauliy dont'hotrail, !bc-bisilng a sigefile 1like t c!tduks 0.an unvisible st-riDg. -vainvra bly ~~""2tap ,,ac['Éain place îabevs- the mlls for < duekish Cdclïberat.ins - trying ta maP'-ke 11p their C C- tive mn. TheIy 1hesitate, tretr theiir ueAs fois way nd usat, roake taise .trsadrun iback 2xgain.Sudnlsr'izecd by anj en- th usia'-st i Cg Lpimpuls-,e, thCY Corne rnein onthestp 'baunkan into thu ac;bb bing m zd dciglike cvs shovwenirïg cr sta Ukius o va - ter- ove'r thpir iacsanm di'kn ud ipJ ga if t-hey hvonet lida drill.efer awek On wnc ihathie docks used ta rutum outrlbut .onl1y ai a paqrt$cuia.r tlme- just î's3tvi!iight niergod mbiothe pro- per Cdcgrcee <ýf larlnOs. Wo îved ta eau 1il c.-ak"or as c! wvinu said, some'where arouiud halfpas--fx-tme.Balmy spiugi, evenings are quite a diffencunt rto-y. Na'w it is aur lasI chty eiter thre day's w orkt hunt up nnd down thse cree-k for aur cie- érake with two wives Who la tanart enough ta keep Ihfrri se- f,,4fstered, while Edlwiu pursLuos thse "ot-uks suaiiy vf ai- theri ,ay and amang nm e r e brJers. We endeavour boy any meanus we eau think of ta inauce tise ducks ta return home. My fphony fox-bark, was verye&fec- tive until Élie uovelty wore off. Tisen 1 tiled tising my flash- figisI as a "witch light," swilch- iug il after the ducks and heixi- îng theni alongç, much ta thair terrai. My flnslilg'hl did very well Indeed util etniil when ils keeble light had ta compote with a gret golden moon slinîng out fr-om bE-hind dark clouds, The arwas warmfly mysteîlous and the ducks îemained .nioomreàinl cK la r g epool. I waved themn Isoimewards. I spoke bland words eecuiated ta mnake thons think retus-niing thoughts. They moved r,aot uneasifly, mnkfng noncon-- >tÜttal sou-nds in their throaits. I1 ied a few vpèbl-bles ait, but they 4only .iovedifariser away. Uucks esesere geopolitician.s. They force yoýu ta clamben Up and dùwn snaky, weedy bauka, sirug- gle thiauglisbiler patches and &etour as-and waterfalls, lu de,ýs- peration 1I stop into the swolen eree-k, flounidering up oven mry knees lu tise cold eddyiug water, while they fly dowu acroa , h fails, or take ta secret duck trails thraugh the woods ta avoid toc mucis water. A moountain stîeam eafu be too tempestuouss avent for aduck. Thesec forays are aplta be trenuuus, but wve keep after them- until tise whie mutinaus erew la back aItihe home part,, iolwigis leader singie file ista the duck bouse. We are ha- riralgged, aur shirts tomain d boots squîshing wîlîh waîer, bunt we are uaually laughiug and f oel ton ya.syounger. - Prom "iu the Armari of the Mountain," by Elizabecth Seeman. "What's tise bet way ai gel- tmng to knaw pope'" sks a repr. Pick up the wronig bal crn a gof course. WIRED FOR SPACE - t's nc4 iibbon foi- milady's s.pring 'out- fît that Shirley Gray is examn- inirig. Pretty spirails are aim r- portant part of the guidance system of a missile. The ribborns - "contour- cables" - aire plas- tic with flat metal st-rips em- bedded in themn and save nocir- ly hall the weight of cohven- Pool Hustiers Getting Scarce Tiîcy wure ooting "Sin of AngelIs" ilu New York, producer- director Robrt Ross7en explain- edi, "b)cauIi71 lik;e to work in New York,' ind they had picked the Ame Blliard Academy, just off Timecs Square, "because of the ize, and the feeling of ýge -o)f having been lived in bby Pool playecrs." The m-ovïie, de- rived from Wlter Teuis' shiort, dqrarnatic rovel, "TheHute, is &El about a mail Mho1plaYs Pool for money. For two weeks, crews had been mnaking the old poolroomn look eveni older, installing' beat-up leather chairs, seedy lookingcur- tains. During the same two wýeks, Paul Newman, who pinys "Fast Eddie" Felson, the young pool-hustling hero, w as taking lessons from ten-time world- chamýpionl pocket billiards player Willie Mosconi. Jackie Gfeason, who at bis eurrent weight of, 255 pounds plays Minnesota Fas"the big iman, whomn Fast Eddiie hias corne ta tow,ýn ta beat, needCed no lesqsons, hiaving spent much of his -youth hanging around pool halls ln Brooklyn, where he once mnade a string af 96 bals. Gleasori prctced for the> filma at homre, oni his own table. At the Ames Billiard Acad.emfy, directos- Rossen, gray-haired, and sporting a mnaroon knit shirt, squinted throuýgh a viewer and Charlie Maguire, the assistant director, yelled out: "Ail right, eut the chater!" Newmfan tlook his place beside character actai Myron McCormi-ickç, and the scene, rehearsul started. Gleaso4inir a conservative overcoat with a huge red flowver lu the lapel, came ii-i the front door, -,ent over ta check hir coat, revealing an iidentical, huge red flower in his jçacket lapel, lit a cigarette, came over ta watohi Newm,,,an shoot,, and ex- changed tan lines al dialogue making the match (at a $200-a- game cbet), Then a take Newman missed three halls in a rorw. "Cut," called. Rossen. "At this rate, we'll1 be doing four minutes a day," said Rossen. WHO'S FIGHTINGWHM-- Chico Marquez seemingly accomn- plishes the impossible- feot of togging himself on the nose wehile îhrov.ing a headlock an hi5 oppanient, Caesar Forrest. MDrqueZ vwan this Goldepn Glaves Il 2-pound5 cdosa fighi. "We're pret ty mnuch on tîme." At anthr tble off cam-era, Wiliuie Moscoi as showing & pool shot to MeCoriiiick. McCor- mick tried it, sank thie bail twivce, and beamned. Mwosconi, the bigges rtckl thse pool gamne (he once mnr 526 balis withottmiissiug>,wa w-ea-riug a sport japckýet wVith a Brunswick emblem on iL. Il is his job ta sel! Bmulsick Pool tables and the ideCa of pooi-play- ing Usto thje public. "The aid gree-pant-a-th-winoW oints are going," hle snAid. They'ýre rot ecnoici ny moe. nd the hustiers have gone -\with thiem. 0f coursýe, 1 w asy theY won't came back. Hle sdmnitted, how- ever, that pool playversiokg for iretionii- coufld stili find il. 'lWell, yes, teesBc cl Cua- lie here lunew anad Ko- kom1- o Je lunMm In.lu Cicago, there's Bi 'g Timie Chanïlie and State Street Willie. nd ithon teesCh1eCry Nose - he's a rme.But Ibis nmovie shows what pool wa-s, qsay, tweunty yeais ,go.INot wuha-t it is today." Newman, Mscn sid as an apt pupil. "He looks lk a nPro- fessional, 0f course, he's hiable ta mnake a sabat thîee imes, and( then mssit six limes lu a row. But hie looks goocd.Yo know, he sed ta r-1.k balla aI Kenyôn Coleg [t the SuetUnion] for 75 cents anlhaui-." The nex-t scene wvas ready. N-wmnan,,d (Iteason lagged the balls. to determine the break. NeWman won. "Cut," said Rossen, becaus-e Gleasan was supposed ta win. They did It, again. Gleasoni won. Newman broke. As the camera moved lin,Mocn raced lu ta change n f ew halls ta miake, easier shot8 for Gleason. Gleason walked arauu.d the table. "Cut,", said' Rossen. "Rnidiculous," saîd Gleason. "If the balla broke that way I'd play the eight!" Everything stopped for a con- ference. '11 practice that, break ta- .night," Newman 'promised., Iu hisuew niue7room Park Avenue apartmant, Newman now hias a pool table lu- the diuing room. uaid, "or lu the diuiug roomr rlght an, the pool table." "Cut the chatter," Maguire hollereci. "Places. Oua ire timre." Frami NEWSWEEK Risked His Life To Save A Hawk People ln Suffolk trecentlv ap- p)lauidecd Mr. Alfred Garnhan, an Ipswic'h foCrestEr, wýho gaiIntiy linbdseventy foot up aP. ec tree at Orforci ta save ahwk The bird -- a goshawý%k f Bavaria - belongod ta a local falconer. Trapped by its leash, itwud certa-irsiy haveý died had not Mi1. Garham brou ght il back ta es4r th. An expert at rescueý opera- tons, lie sawed off the brauch to, whioh tha bird had tetheredl it- self. Thoni, gentiy drawingý its poreis to-wards hlm, haeoaught tlise uuhappy hawk. Triokier still, and possîbly mare dangorous, was a rescue atternpt i.uvolving a golden eagle, which Mr. Kennieth Richmnond also re-counts in his fasciuating baok, "HighlaudGthrn" Twa, starving oaglets were found, str'anded arrd heipleslu their eriîe.- Their breadwinner, the male, hadl beon caugltitnl an illog-al gin tra.p. Because af the bird's great trength- and cour-- age, il persisted l fYigaun wlith the trap dangling from onqe foot. Mislaking tise rescuer's in- tentions - ha meant ta feed the 1eaglets by baud - -the maie swooped at hlm asha was ciib- sn.g ta i1s eyrie and landed blm aý beavy ,blow on the h ead with th(- steel trap. Fot1aey he wasn't injured, and la,ter the great bird -was caught and freed from the -v.oi- E E BLABY CiIIICS PEAK zseason approach-ingl Bray'lias good assontYimnt brords for prompt shipsnent, lu Startad puliets, ineludlng Amles iu.Cross Dayolds, promrpt de- livery sud hatrhed to order. Book, May'- ,iune broilera now,,. Sce local agent, or. ,rite Bray Iatchery, 120 John North, Hanilton, COnt. MERRY 9, RO'OT PLANIS S-iRAWBERRIES ON*IARZIO',S largesi g rowers,.,Ail con- niercial varieti es. 12 m1illion plants, Redcoaýt variet>' 50 @$250 -, 1 «i, $40-. 500 ,, $12.-0- 1,000 6)$20.00- 5,000 ', $90-00 for co)mlete infor- mation and price liat. on other var- jettes, asud lso a inew growing rsystem vrite: f3B B.F. Boston Berry Farms (g. R.1 Wilsouvplbe, Ontario. BATTERIES BATTERIES PR!PAIRED BROKE cas's. osis, covers, cella re- pl c tc. Facpick-up sud dolivýer> wihn75j il- aiu.E. l.ichtilR.R. 1, Sti-ifod. Pnu~Shalespare2 R 18. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES '.-MOTLS MOTELS MOTELS I1,QUIR1ES Iiuvited f roioper.itors 1li- terested i Chain Operation Mý,otel, 25 Units withi Gasoline Bar, sud Coffee Bar. Locations availabie Ontario sud Quebec on 25 years net lease hasis. Capital to furnlah required. Lease_ se- curit>', excellent banking refarenees. A good opportuuity for secunlty of oper- 4tion iun AUlCanadian Motel Cisain. Write: Bousquet Construction flue., 2 Goulu Blvd. East, Montressi, P, Tel. DU 7 839. BUSINESS PROPERTISS FOR SALE COMPLETE ýcernant block mnufactur- inse plant for ibratedý steani cured blocl.s. Close to new hlydrio atomie en- erg>' project,. full price $10.000. Apply 'William 11. Rouaý, Pt Elgin, oni Phone RESTAURANT-service .station, 1i,2ghway Il, south a Gavf hrabotb f uily equipped, doing ,,good business.. Low dow7n paymient, balance open nig,.aga. Apply Wealb>'Mo r, ilworthy. àMua- FOR lasse %ithi option to bu>', thriviug si o d a r n res3tau(rant, terrazzo floors, paived otrance, lunch counter, banquet hal.1l-ilghwazy l and 83, Exeter. Buai- lBasý known as Arinstrong'a, establishied 1949. Maini hig!hway froni Dtroit 'te Norihemu Ontario. froni Kitchonen te Grand Bend. Provinciall Park. Special. Izing lu weddlugsus, banquets. Terrifie location. Busineýss ean ha suIs- stsntially increasseî. Unillmited oppor- tunitias for motel. hounçl:e. drive-in res- taurant. Avalabie May st, tima for rush season ýContact Qowner, wvrite'Ward Fritz, Exeter, On.t, CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS, tree seedluga. Austnissi sund Scotch pines. Rosi possible stock, $15 per,1,000. D. A. Tiffin, Cookseown%, Ont. EAVJESYROUGHING ATTENTION TINSMITHS YOU oughit to know that haif prund esvestrough lu 28 gauge arieauhabought s-t hase thon current prices, WVrite nos S. Martini, R.,3 Wallenstin. Ont. FARMS FOR 8AIE FRUIT f arm, lOti acre. Beautifuil>' situ- ated ou countv roadc, sixty mihes west of Toronto aitl'aria, 3,700, Six miles frein Brantiord, 55,000. Sixty acres applas, 20 acres poars, 4 acres nad. cherries, 7 aýcres peaches, etc. Ail hear- ing.' Two modemrn il hoated homes. Completae quipsouet. X reee t nlI 'sales. Immediaýte posý,ssson. Sehuiyler Orchards, Paris, Oi. FARM EQUIPMAENAT 20 CAN Woods builk coolen, chone- boy msilking machine. John ibson hR2 Caledoula, RO. 5-2172. HEEthey ana! Be an early bird! lleavv duty waTgons wýith 15-iuch tires. $5.A. Vindenkoni, General Repair Shop, Boachivilla. WE fhave cdeveboped s farniwagon that has proven ta o ereiable for forage racks sud bale haulilg. its maian feat. unes-are a ver>'7 good stueeng for short turnlngasud iigis speed uniesway trail- lng. For.illustrated folder write Horst Weldiug, RE No._ , Elmira, On tanin. FARMALL .D, uow conudition. iglI clearanceo ajusqtable front axle, alsa narrow -front end, bell>' pumip, twNo-' Way Vrmote control vlve, Modal 257- I-H-C, cultivattors, good tires. 400 hirs. an comp0lote rebuild. $199P5.00 Con- ider' trad(e suddeliv n lu 30 ile radin.s EARL DEAMUDE R.R. No. 6 OUNNVILLE, PHONE 777MI FARM MACI4INERY FOR SALE NEW Hollaud CropChopper, Model 33, used nue season. Johin ,Doome Cultivator, Modol CC 147, us,ýdednue soaso-n. 28" A.H. Theshier, compfletel>' aquipped, Us'ed four seasons. Contýact G. rerguson, 1298 'Tepper lload. Rurlingtou, Outalo. NE- 4-W12. FOR SALI - MISCELLANEOUS CANADIAN exclusive available, patent, ad wavo sund curl comb, utdb>' aven>' womnau. A povon $1 mail onder item Inu US. Write Royal Sent Water- hum>', Conu. 37 COMIC Books $200. Hard Caver Book disposais, 4 different $l.00. State wants. Gold eolourod neekiet crosses, iino. tone centre, $200 tozon, saspiec 350. Cash Postpaid. Off-price merchaundise bulletins 100, Freesans, Cornwaill. Ont. QUILT PATCHES ASSORTED Broadcloth, plain sud pint- ed. 3 bs. $89,Special, ssailom piaes, 4 Iha, $19is8. Assoted Flnuenlette, 3 Ibs. $149. Quili Designs -set nf 16 504ý Drapen>':- Btter qualit>' assanrtot mili ends. 1I 3 yards leugtlis, 44 luchesc wide 5.Iha. 798; paces fr cu-iionsq I1,5 EXCELLENT. REAL REIMLTS ArTUU TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS ANDC NEIJITIS. MUNRO'S DRIJG STOPE 335 EL.GIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Exprerg Coiiedt. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAN ISH the tornent Of 4rYPcezemarg rashes and weeplng skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve ,iîilnot dmsappoint you itchlng scaelding &nd burnlng ecze- ma, aene, ringwýýormn, pimples 2ind foet eczema eill respossd readily to the stainleas, odorlesa oItmen -t, regardiess of bow stubborn or hopelesS the>' seens. sent post IPre. on Receipt tif Fric* PRICE 53.50 Pi*tJAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 si. clair Avenue lEast, TORONTO MONUY TO LOAN MORTGAGE Loans. Funds available on suttable farms, homes, stores, spart- inents, hotels, motels. Pleasant, cour- teous service. For information write, phone, or drop in. United County In- vestments Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St Tor- anto I% Onît. RU. 9-2125. FIRST and'second long send short term boans and mort gages f om $6.000 up bu business stock, machinery, light or heavy equlpment, contracts, and ac- counts receivable factoring or pur- chaser. Capital for new businesses or recapitalize present. Comlplete finianc- injg of motels, hotels, hospitais, nmedi- cal cinics, factorles, office buildings, commiiercial buildings a nd develop- ments. Bank bans on tise deposits or compensating baance. Interlm funds on ail projects aud construction lease- back on ail types commercial buildings and motels. ror financing let us assist you. For appoinniment caîl Comuimer- clal Loant Departmient Investuient Dis- count Corporation, 10906 Gratiot Ave., Detroit 131, liich. Phione DR. 1-841, or DR,. 1-46530 NUJRSERY STOCK PINE, Spruce zsuid ir seîlgand tran.splants for Windbreaiks, wo.(,odlots, alud Xnas trees. lHardwvood l eedl1ings. Privet, C;hiniese Elms, Cedar, Barberry, for hedges anud ornamnentals. Write for Free Price list. Richardson Farme, flepi W, Pontypool, Ontario. NUTRIA ATTENTION' PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA When purchasing Notria cousIder the foUlowlng points whlich tis organisa- Lion offers: 1..TIsebest availablie ok, no cross- bred or standard types recommrended. 2. Thse reputation of a pg which Ia proving Itself substantiate« by files of satlsfied ranchers. S.-P.ull insurance against replace- mnent,,shouid they not live or In the evnt of stesiIIty (al! fuUly enplaineda In our certificate of menit,) 4. We give you only mutations whîcb are in demand for fur garments. 5 You recelve fronm this organizailon a, guiaranteed paît market in writlng. 6. MXembershiýp In outr exclusive ireeder' asoiaio heby on purchasers of this stock iay partiel. paie ln the bene>fits so offeredt. 7. Pices for Breeding Stock tari ât #20. a pa8tw. Special offer 10 theewh0 equ.lify: earu vocur Nurria on our cooperativeT b>asis Write: Canadlian Nutri, Ltd., R..R. Nu. 2, Stouffvilie, Ontarlo. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA%5 LEADINO SCHOOL Great OpportunIty- Learu Hairdressing Pleasaut. diguifled profession; good wsges Thousanda of- succesaful .Marvel Graduates Amnerica's Greateat Systern Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRORESSINO SCI400L 358 Blooer $t. W., Toronto B3ranches: 44 King St. W, Hamilton 72 Rldeau Street, Ottawa a N PERSONAL IiANDWRITING analyzed; c o m p 1 e te analysis b>' experlenced graphologist. Enclose $100 sud self-addressed en- velope to Mrs. IH. Ingrani. 454 Genevx St., St. Catharines, Ont. GET 8 heurs sleeP. Nervous tension may cause 75% of slckness. PartienS. larly sleeplessness, jitteryness and tr.. nltabiltty. Sleep câlin you1r nerves wth ",Nappa" 10 for $1;: *for $4. Lyon'x Drugs, Dept. 20 47 lDarrf.ýrth. Toronto. HYGIENIC RUBEER GOOOS TES TED, gugrante-ed, malled in pla parcel, incInding catalogue sud £ex book free with trial assortmeut. 18 for $1,00 (Fineat quality. Western Distrlbus- tore, Box 24-TPF. R aesk. PROPERTIES FOR SALE CALEDON RILLS LANDSCA1'ED three acre estate, wide trout stream bridgea wsterfails, fruit trees, woodlot, large modernlaed farsn bouse, two bathrooms, oil furnaca, double garage, barn, on main highway close to Credit Forks. $35.000. Phono 29R12, write Walkington, RR 2, Caladon. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31,'GALT ONT. -Films developed, snd 8 magna prînts 400 12 magna pinta 6N~ Rteprints 5e eaeh. KODACOLOR Developlng roll 900 (n'et ineiudlng prints Color prints 304eae extra. Ansco aud Ektachromec 35 m m 20 ex- posures mounited lu sldas ,2ý0 Colon prints from salides 52,,1aacb. Moue>'re- funded lu fell for uuprrintad rnegat-ives. ROOFINO CONTR,&CTORS ATTENTION Churches, sehools, hmon RsHave your late roof udmtl kchcked and repaired by exervorkmeil. Al suaterial sudwokasigurned Free estimates. Cal AX. .621 Nons Mivlhers, Parkhill, Ont SALESMEN VWANTEO FULL ise and pr-ts sls er- qulirod at once to soîl exclîusive formis- lastions cni thse oeil known .gricicle nscideChalleugen Sorayetes Dis- infectauts, etc., dietoDairw Farrns. Exclusive tcrritory anranged. Liberal. commission on first and repeat orders. Must be kçnown lu are&a ud 'have a good record. AppI>' b> letten to Mr. EL, Feldkasp, B. Sc., Provincial ',%anager, Red Line Chemicals nf Canada, Ltd., Mimicn, 'boronto I18. Ontario. STAMPS SIX beautiful Korea stamps, catalogue value 51f - only 100 to now approvai applicants. Maurice - Moore. Box 572, Fort Bragg, California. TEACHER.S WANTED U.S.S. No. 10, Kinloss (Whitachurch). Bruce Count>', requires an expenlencad Protestant teacher for. modern. %Ml- eqlpe chool. Apply' stating qua4l- fiaios alar>' expeeted and namne of lasi inspeetorý Duties will commence Sept. 5th. Di J. MI. Moore, Sec. - Treas., RR No. 5, Luckýnow, Ont.z Newcstle, Public School Bourd REQUIRES TEACHERS FORt MIDDýLE GRADES Salary schedule in effect Minimum $3000. $200 per yer for two years experience, aflniJaI iicrt* Ment of $200, Apply statiug miul p.artiulars to E. S. Barcbcird, Secretary Newcastle, Ontaro ISSUE il4-1961 BULL'S-EYE - Re-n-irkable accuracy of t4 .air-to-air Falcon mîe- ile is demonstroted by the -hale in ï-his 36-'lnch alumlnum targef. Standing bc-side6 one of the missiles a'nd looking truhthe hole is James J. O'ReiIlly, test pilot for Hughes Airoraft Co., miaker cf the missile. Th(, disc was hit dead center from mor thon a mile ao.ln testsý at HollomnnAFB, N.M.,, euch diecg were suspand'ed f rom aoi-awer and hatdto saimulate ac et exhoust. Heot-seeking Falcon.s wers then flred at thom frurm circraft. CLASSIFIED ADVERT1 SINO

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