Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLV TIME-Î THUyRSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1961 Moses require lots of water arnu W il O dina y Car A ri frequent feedings. At least 7 hours W it tY di ary Ca e nds inlightTry hybrid teas for a Attention You Can Grow Ro)ses tiolis ClimberS are plant the sanie butthe a rae allewed te glrowv to prodiele next years bloom. ROSES asiles. Replac e of the enrichied H-. 'T.rss are pruned se\verely b. Mts Ths. airroteï)npsoil and allowing plenty of room e roti.Climbers are pruniecIto Dntbe afrald t-o grow roses, io sredthe roots (remnove daml- or 1 canes atter blooiig, woody, or aycare andu attention ca Lgedl roots wvith a shap ut) place 2ya l ae hudb eoe gr w may varitiesantit wntbe O in ll.position so thiat fthe at thaît time. long b lefore yu'lbecom-e ,a sore gratft is 112 to 2 inchies below top Aoatfu circular bed 1 hv 'ýbg".souantam jjýpcdown-j. IThenl 1111 the seen was about 9 fleet in diamneter Thenureris aw grde cetre leel. Partly f111l the hole with moare and planted wt a circle of eig1tý havelare spp3iesof ualty 1 h 1 1±, adtmpdw Then f111 the 'Crimnson Glory" dlark red, and cen-ý sifi oe is a p1rblem wîh l ote vith wavLtej rfnd allow to drain tered withi a pink "Queen Eliza-ý hete t by negod us fomn wa, inýs is 1to pushý out. the air beth" Grandifora rose, the latter isý reliable soure thaýn to ptluizchs sv- maji luzd ,e root, nound *up s Illîeil 0f the 1new us erlal bushes of queistionable qualitv te rrniinig, soui six or seven hn- roses. frm aran eutrs uc for uaot 10 day\s then level Tree roses are, grafted te a highi The best sou for roses is a, good of.The m1-oundïc of soiu will prote-t standaJýrd of briar, ,and( requ1ire dif- ;-ich loant, (dug deeplj)ywthpette bush f rom d(ryving winds unii catment whiich thie nursery of humus addied. To prepare yu tgt sa1se.Prun1 e sVerelyto10 il ialygive you. roebed(te like to be alone) re- strong canles, cu.ttting above an For you \who have establishled1 m-rove thle top 5011 teone sIde, then 'ide hud and about 6 or 7 inches rss-Donj't hc in a hurry to ,-e- .)lose up hesubsoil 1) to t east 20 ln.. h onso itrsu Inhs dîgw l otted n-uanur'e, Laýte October planted bushes re'-s vrfot is stili. possible. pe(at nmoss Or 1leaf mould. Heavy soi] ),,pond be-ýst,however o nt disre- 0:-:. er Garc(lein Notes: Feed your coiuld ibeivnsoesaýnd or fine ýar erv spring plantlings. lan ow, tlhe roots are iin need of Glenayr- Kiten watr 1Egquisitely feminine Kitten in fabulously easy-to-care for Ban-Ion. N I Twenty crne Orieon. 100 Botany in beautifully muted tones for Spring. , No plling. Just machiine wvash andJ quick dry! Different styles to choose fromn. Lace front pane! pullovers with scalloped edge collar. Short and I long sleeve PLlo!vers, cardigans. 3/4 ength sleeve pullovers. Colours ~< beige, brow,i mauve, gre-en, grey, pink, white, gold, red, blues., ~ -I LADIES SI3MS 1,ýý and SLACKS MEINS NAVY W 1INDBREAKERS: Laies S-!rn-- and S[a5ks in plaids and Retgular $7.95 for o~ 49 grey filannel. AIli the CIolurs for Spring. SRN R SE Pric d !4t $1I95 and $12.95 eSRN D ESS LadicscotWe have a good choice in Dresses for l a ies38cotton ks- Colours green, Springi. Ail new styles and materials. Sizeýs black. Sizd3a0 4.95.10 - 221/2. Priedat 4.5 riced frQm $95o$2 2.,5 SKIRS IFR SPINGCIIILDREN'S COTTOYN DRESSES SKIRT FOR PRINGChildren's Sanforized Cotton Dresser i"n Skirts in light weight wools for checks and plaids. Colours mauve, blue, gold, pring lin pastel shades; banana, turquoise. Size 8-12 years. gdgreen, mauve. Size 12 - 18. Pie f 2 39 ~ Priced from $6.95 to $8.95 Prce i-iSiý5 o$1.95 SPRNGFASHIONS IN HATS rNnw Sprin-g fashion in ha.ts. We have ail There are ml straw,, fabric and flowered hats. AI! -a -eig, navy, black, green, mauve, whtpink, blue. Pricd f oms6.9a5 to $9.95 Th, r shoec fr ail the family. For Women E,,t-er are Pum, OS,0xfords and Casual. H igh o r Ilus ion heels also low and high Wedgie or flats. Pricd fomS3.95 to $12.00 'FOr' the Chiladren there are Patent, SuedeI Pricd frnt $.25to $4.95 For the Mentee are Loafers, Oxfords S and sde-laced shoes. Priced f rom $S7.95 to $14350 1 Store Openi Monciay Armstronig s UVePIlIlg S lr!y and Saturday Open AIl Day WedIiesday t -s To The Ciizens-of Clairke Township Thie membIerýs of the Clarke Town-jshiip 'Vote No' Commnittee wish to express thiei appreciation to gil who donated their timie or mjoney adworked sýo hard in connection wvit' heLqurLiecevteo ,Mar-ch 29th. In many areas there -were mîorýe yolunteerwokr than j We wdIsh to thank the electors for thieir suplport at the Polis and conigrat-ulate themi on the resuits. ~ tefi n We also wish to conigratuýla-te our oppoenearntsR( aprtman-like mançner in which they preësen-tedl their viewvs. It is very grati ying îfo find that two groups cnse age hirrsective casesl with thie ms siiicerit.v, vigor and dleterm-ination without rýesort'iing 4.1 4 bil mct iggand personal attacks that unifortluina-tely hbave charac- This was a mattelr of p)ublic mpranewhich had to be settled I between friend.s il- a dernocrlatic mianner,, and was treated as such, We earniestly hope thaït we may now re'ti-rn to our normial pursuits xithout bîtenesand .1recimîinations. We wîsh to present the folloing statement of receipts andic ex- pndîuresin connection with thecapin Receipts: Expendfitures: Donations froni citizens $288.50 Township Hall Rent. ...... 6.00 Credit Balance: $16.28 Postage &Evlps6 5. 213 Publicity ............... 200.99 $272.29 lti on. The balance has been donated to the Ontario Tem-peance Feder- Signied on behiaif of the Comimittee, W. Gordon Cotter , Manager r i fI s' v h t! h v g I s ju ýhjt food any . day now. DiON'T rake the lawn while it is sggy, when dry enotigh, then rake valy ligbîtly to remove winter debris ast y-ears grass is a vaJxiable mnulch 1-uat the newv gra,,s will soon id(e.! ere. Yeun- only paclJý'down,-tlhe son, ovher-e grass wull frnd it hard to Plant Sweet Peas as sooen as the ouj is pliable. Miss JcianVggdaughtel of 'Mr. nd( Mrs. Fredý Vagg bas aucpted a position3 in thle New Toronto DJom- i!on B'nk owmianville. M.. andMu-s.'. M. Samiuei n ohj, y-o-tte\c ndvithrl- Mr's. M. HIlStaples is attendling a BOWMÂNVILLE CHORAL SOICIETY IN THE O1RONO TQWN fH.ALL (lusi1Conention in Toronto thîs _ pentthe~veken ~it iNr. ntISponsoredl by the Orono United Chyrch W.A. ilrs. 1odnSmpo n family.j 1\r. Calvin Hammn of Lively vis- Acmiss:in7aýc Childrt-i under 12 years,2,50 ted bis parenits, Mý/r. ind Mrs. E., lammil, durung Easter vacaition lu-. f. S~vesonretuirned [toOr- 'riweeks in-,thel- Soutblern States. 1 Mr. and M-.HaodDean r- uuned home , tiiis week-' from a mno- J i-o tr'p tu- th e States. * -, Mr-. ,John Sonmkrreceived 1 1hîs Canaia Gutzcoiup aperiln 1'obourg-g ýhis veek. Y, Le'V ï Haunuïi tltonspent1 two veesvusiing_ witbi Judge Frank liamulton anid Mrs. Hamil ton of 'Y Vlinn)ipeg. t -ivh-. a.d rs. To.Fl-rte lnlauïdwt a family (limier l I li, he'Faster hlolidayvs, at Hon- -i ey, Hollo0w, honouuIýi-igtheir 31st j vedingannveuav. Attending were Myr. and Mrs. T. A. Fairbroth:r O adchildrenWn, Brian and f 3rnaof Oslawi;AlvM. andtMrs Gordon Muffin dMisCthy 13uf flin of Whit[by; Mr. and Mu-rs. David Fairbrothier and datughter Penny Mr. and Ms. R. E. Lgnspenit 0 lriday witb relatives in-,Twteed andI sunda ith thiiiIleir dauigbter, ilrs. 4 9 1u lington. Miss Majoi Hige orontlo ý) Nylns, fuli fashioned, f irst quality, 51 gauge, spenit thle Faster wýeekend w itli Mrs. 1. 5 Denier, Spring shades pair for 49e. 2 pair 95e. L. ood Other vujsitors wer ro aie nd0 and M-.Chas. Jolinsý, .BowrnanLidies - c Misses, combeu cotton, white or Mrs. L. Truli, Hampton, M0r. anid o oloured, sizes 812 to Il. Red Star Special p- 95v. MusFlarold Muriphy andf famtlly, ff Towels, Fancyi Novelty sizes about 20x40 inches P aseiad fa-rniiy\,Tyoe Mr.an regular 98c. Thiis week special.......8)e Mus NiVood atifl' y ae 1 Childlrens Black Patent Shoes, sizes 8 to 2. MxLte arrabaîll hasreturned 13 Redl Star- Special..... 8. .............. $2.69 bomc ou tbe jDowmann:lville Mm- Childrens Rayofn Briefs, c.olours pink, yellow, blue oria H ospitaL or -whI-ite, sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular25c. - Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - To egsnu acue hswe o.................4 for 88c. and Mu-s. Alex Watson. Boys Jeans, zipper fly, 2 front pockets, blue denîm M.Aunat -eeiedtbirCaadan sîtts 2 to 6 years. iRed Star Special.......... 92c. Citzeshu pper tiswee, ii 20 nLadies Cotton Slips, sanforized, shadow panel,. bourg. oft yelet embroidery. Regular $1.98 AnlHictua Soiety1wshef-I This weel Special for .......... ........$1.77 at the homie of Mrs. Carl Billings. Boy7s StrthScs voaote W co' week wbein future mieetingso 7 to 10]/ 2, Regul,,ai 59c. This week 2 pair f or 99c. meeting istoeldin ffAil as Miss'es Slip)s, polislhed Coto ,adjustable str-aps l" Suiahi ngbtwa avilblehut a9 Sizes 4 to 14 years. Regular price $1.79 bi metngispane for. ýVIay.a This wveek for-on.y....................5 Miceiaeoshoerws beldI TLog Cabin Butter Cream Chocoltes, liglit and at the hom of ïIsalleChllce qEnovth bs wifii Neas colhostess, onJ dark, soft and hiard centres. EjlTtebS wuth Nota lidre p inplIl' î2 1b .........Ename..... for.. for1'39 C, holiour of Hazel Stedmans1-1Quick Dryîng Glxo(ss nnelfrinside ~1e-k t Crnsb' lid ntI Whte 1 -u e int .....49c. quart...$.9 tand (0ed . rala . on Mu-s. Robt. Allin to read the tid- ------ ------ dresswenDae Gýilbart andI DeannaChallie presented 1Hazel_______________________ with ai wefl filedbsket 0f gifts. Hazl tianuedeveryvone present t ~i A. deiio unhwstslerveii lbe A n fladll ie i WseORONO TIN HO rand Mu-'s. George 0rstru anti family of Timmiins spent hijU- î___ lit~ a!tehome 0f Mus. ohnf daghe- petthe Late wek-nd MSTER PLUMBER PROD)UCTS with Mu-. and Mu-s. G. M. Liniton. -, NTEO$~URCWWASTE PIPÈE CLEANII -- Orono Pastoral CLOSET BOWL CEýANER Re. i i..on I -CESSPO01L CLEANSER SUN DAY ,APRIL 9th, 1911 ROOT DESTROYER CHURCJ4 SERVICES Orono - 1:0am Leskar - 2:00A pm. PR E. LOGAN, Pron. Kiby 3:0 . nPhonç 11816 Oroflo, %ai S&UN DAY SCMOLC ~1 Oimn-0 - 1():W e .im. _____ __ .- ..-, . Kirby - Z.,0 p.m. N N N. N 'N N 'N. N N. N. N. N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N. N N. N N N N -N 'N N N N N N N N N N -j N N N. N N 'N N '-i N N N N N N N N '1 N N 'N N * 'N N 'N N. N 'N N N 'N - N N N N N 'N "1 N -N ~1 N N N N N N ~~1 N t-, N N N N N N. N. 'N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N S, N N N N 'N S,

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