Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 3

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THURSDAY, APRiI.. GU, 1961 w Ontario's Finest - I-ot House - No. 1 Grade Fresh, Tender - No. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2 for 33c-- ASPARAGUS Sparkîing No 1 Grade- 8 oz. Cello Bag Snappy, Fresh - No. 1 Grade Rosebud Radishes 2 for 15Sc -Green Beans O0 New Crop - No. 1 Grade 43c Green Ornons Miracle Whiip SALAD DRESSINO Daple Leaf - 6c off pack CetHlED-R-SPg*AREADY*â lb 29e' -lb 23-- 2 for 1 5c 16 oz35 jar 4-7cj Kam Luncheon Meat 12>oz ti n43e ROSE BRAND PICKLES SWEET MIXED 1 6 oz jar 2 for 59c SWEET RELISH 16 oz jar 2- for 59c Sift's Ried and Blue Brand Beef Round Steak or Roasi lb 69C Aylmer TOMATOi SOUP d 10 oz tin 10 for $1.00 ft's Redi and Blue Brand Beef BonelesRîp oat Or'ange, Apple, Grape, Fruit Punch ALL'-EN'S DRINKS 48 oz tin Fray Bentos CORNED BEEF 12 Sift's Red and BIue Brand Beef Sirloini Steak or Roast French's INSTANT POTATOES 7 o4 Catelli s SPAGHETTI 16 oz pkg l\,ift's Red and Blue Brand Beef1 -T-Boue and igSeko os £wvift's Everswetet - i lb. Package iný'diess IDERACO Red & White iîNSiTANT COFFE 16 lb, 79c aýfor 55c oz tin 49c lb 79C z pkg 29c 2 fir 35c lb 79c oz pkg for 35C 8 oz jar99c I ETWLLsolid whît- iteTUNA FSH7 oztn 5 for 1, WHITESWAN 3SERVIETT.ES -'whitlued2pg3c lage proposed a problem with many iOrono TrýUstees views beingpresented. In 159 a fr (Continued from page 1) a proposed plan after xnakîngj bage collection whichi are self sus- thoroughi study o! thie area. The taining. Consulting Engineers recommended 1 ~the area as outlined, ia doiag -so oee~' f Grants etc of oointedl out that this area Would lnca rpo, ated Village be most economicai for, the VillageJ -lep (apilaGrantand would be- sufficleat for the ~er cpita rant ext 25 years. These bouadaries en- S1050 > $1.75......l875 mps a modiest area which is con- RodSubsidy......2,000 drbe less thian that of the Vil- Rebate f rom Coaty...... 1,650.00 lage of Newcastle and should neot Relief and Welfare Grant 600.00 preseat any great problems ia the Dog Tax...... ...._....... 100-00 future. Thiese bouadaries are on the IBuilding permaits . ....... 100.00 Ïaïorthi, 1,50 feet north 0f the Couaty 1--road, with lots 26, 27, 28 aad 29 be- Toalgrnt ndreene$6,787.50 i ng includeci to the south entrance Thiis shiows that a sup-i o! $13,213.j fromn 115 Hlighway at the South. wouild have to be raised throughi local taxation and this woufld nieces- I R. C. Forrester stated thlat hle sitate a rmiii rate of 16 milîs for the certainly believedl that tax dollarsi propsedIncrpoate Vilag ofcould be saved for the people in an' ,,Ono. Iacorporated Orono and that it was Orono. ïa sensible move for the Village. tTrustee Gordlôn Simp)son also stated iln comiparing thîis with preseat, day miii rates it is foilnd that those îthat he supported Incorporation aad in thie Village are paying a, corn-asked the support of -the people in binedl Village and Townsip iii ollbtlilling the necessary signatures rate of 23 milis. Thiis would then for such a move. rnga reduction of 7 ilîs VWithl Trustee J. L. Lowery said he Incorporation. wanted it known that although it j was stated the motion for Incorpor- j Those'in the Township comning in-ý ation was unanimous, that he was to the proposed bouaidaries' of the oaly in favour of having the petition Village paid a miii rte of 17.76 circulated aad if then the people milîs in 1960 for residlential andc wanted Incorporation it was alright farms and thus n; jo increase %vould with hlm. He also said he would not be expected forihee roeries . assist with circulatiag aay petition.il In checking the residenitial gen. eral rate for Newcastle il was foundi j th'at this rate, in 1960ý was 16.28 milîs as comparedl to the 23 mifls I pai.d by those in the Police Village of Orono and 17.77 milis paid hy those ln the Township of Clarke. This, it was feit should point out thlat the Village is nom, carrying a large portion of the cost of the Township roads which icouild be dir- ected to othier Services whîch are be- Ing used in the Village. AUl the Trustees stated that these figures -were as close as il was pos- sible and feit that the expenditure estimates were on the liberal side. Tt wa S pointed out by R. Forrest- er that a sumi of $5000.00 had been allotted to roads and su eh a sumn slhould pave almost every road in the Village ovýer a six or seven year lieriod. This wou]fi mean spending ovra six year terni aroundl $6000 on every mile of road ini the Village Planning should be carried on, stated the Chirmaliii nl order thlat in the future the Villatge wl not be faced with high eýxpjenditures through lack of proper forecsight. Planning wovsld elliwinate su ,(.I problemsas now faced on Church St south where a great amount of money will have to be spent to cor- rect what ncould have been elimnin'at- ed thirough properplnig Othier Po0ints of Interest ' Areas now being served by Rtural Hro an)ud hc would corne with- in the niew Village would have aj consideraLrduc(tion in hydro rates accordiing tothieir listing. Tti was pointed out that a 1000 KWHi for farm F 35 group on rýural would cost $2030 while on the Orono sy- stem a similar amolunt would cost $11.70 with a saving of $s'60. The cost of 600 KW,ýH for Rural Residential users amounts to $14.90j while on the Oronio rates there woDuld be a saving o! $6.08 with thct cosit being $8.82.' This saving- spread over the 'year could armunt to a consderable amount. Farms are also exempt portions o! certain costs suceh as fire, sidewalk etc. and their assessment would not necessarily increase as stated by a letter from the Department o! lAunicipal Affairs. These same arll-i eas would also receive fire liroten- ticln without paying the ditoa $5.)00 wvhich the mai ority, now dÂo. Hydro Buy Up Rural Lines It was pointed Gut thiat the Orono,) Hlydro Commission would have t o1 buty the existing hydo nes now% owlýned by Rural Hyro h nd this j would necessitate a dbnueissule' of possibly $12,0W).00. This debt,ý is however, al self - liquidating deb;t and would be ret4irecl by hy dr'o itself. Hydro rates are so desigIned to liquidate these debtls over a 20 year period. T'his wotjlj1d()'no t ause any nc iaiela he Orono -lydrO rates. It could, hwvr rvd eration, stated the cliýairmn1. t Why the Area? Over thepatnm ro!vrs when 1:ncoroato wa amtti for discussion, the propo)sed rea1 ýbe includeýd in an incrort Vil-g The Chairman then adjournd 1h Meeting statîag that they would 'na future ask for hielp la cireulatingl the petitions. INCOR.PORATrD- OOO OL BE SCHOOL S=OTIN jThis wee1k on contadting the Depar- ment of Education it was learned. that i the event of Incorporatioii a new S<ihool section would be seýt up which would have as its bound- aries the same bounidaries as die Village. This would resuIt in tihe O- ono sehool section having to prov!dra education for ail the childrýn with- in the Inoorporated Village. It was aIso pointed out that areas3 outside of the Village could be in. cluded under an Union School se- tien.' N. N N N M~IJLLBROO[-CAVAN LIBERAL ASSOCIATIONS AND DUJRHAM COU'NTY LIBERAL ASSOCIATWN PUBLIC .MEETING Tue[.- AprieÉl Il, 1961 AT 8:30 P.M. WAITING ROOM M1LLBROOK "AGRICULTURE" Mayor Wllf-red Carruthers 1 GIJEST SPEAKER PANEL OF DURHAM COUNTY AGRICULTURISTS E VERVO N E Gordon Trick, President Milîbrook Liberal Association WELCOMEý E. R. Lovekin, President Durham County Liberal Association I I ROYAL Thursday, 7:30 B owmnanville MA. 3-5589 Friday and Saturday 7 and 9:0,7 M ATI1N EE SAT., 2 P. M. SSTEV N\ ~ 'COLORES' COLOR by DE t4JE>MfcINTIRE DAV WESBRT DO SELEJ CLA~ IR JfFAJER & UNNALLY JOHNSO& M.,TUES., WED AT 7:3*0 "TheCrowedS-ky (CO0LO R) AN D "This Re belBre" Adult Entertairiment - - 'z-- s' - - .~ ..m«.< .r Cr isp, Juicy, C.A.- Fancy Grade- 3 lb. oel Mvcîntosh Apples %Mi'AAs I MACARONIi - regular 200's 3 pkgs 49c 'N N N N N. ~ N N s- N * N * N N N N 'N * N N N N. 'N s-. N N N s- N N N s- 'N N N N 's N. N N N N 'N 'N N N N N N

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