Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIME54 -NURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1961_ when he andi Mr. Perrin realched thie boys;, their homemade raft was atill drifting ,away from shore and was about tMo mrile-, out. 3 l' UL P Cjurau.pThem boys sadd they eltered the IJ~JVw ter from Benniet's rond, about 3 Sa v d miles wesit of Newcas.tle, and wý,ere intendinÏ to sali to Newcastle. IJeparhnent Sees Ned; J Co)nstable Jim McDonald of the diUtioin, 9fter their hree hour ordeal adh ae a airnhw-! Bowmianville detachmenit, Ontario floaýting zaround the frigid waters of 4esaihewater an fshcare how- Prcnvincial Police and Jac-kPerrin Aïe îy ake.-lIe-jvr, th-ereiwas anboffshwnoreure. of Newcastle, were Tuîesday -redited A passing motorist on Hîighway with saving îthe lives of thre boys tI, Alani MacDonald, 1440 Fairview Thlle boys used an old tent for a' tound adrif.t a- homemade raft ;n ad Preston, reported seeing a sali but were without paddles or life- Lake 'Ontario, about two miles out fctn object drifting away from jack'!ets. Whien thiey discoveired the frozn the Newcastle shoreline. .Àr in the lake. Urrent w'.s too stronig for the r-aft,p Afte(r discovering it was someone the eider c0f the thre-e boys pulled a Sornewhat .water-logged, cold an-d aboard a raf t, Bowmianville detach-* board tromi- the floor to use for a s exb.austed Barry Johin Browes, 16, nIent officers started a search of the paddie. He a.Iok the sali down but p rian David Jones, 11, and William arat, ida ot tyloae r e was unabie to combat the current Michael Crydernnan il ail of RR 4, Perrin in Newcastle, who took Con- and begani waving Ihe board to at-î Bowmanville were returned to their ;-fble McDonald to the rescue. tract attention. It ),as after hie star- _parntsin oheriseexeelen co- Costale cDonld aid ted waving the board that Mr. Mac- parnt l oheris ecelen cn- Costale Mconld ai tatDonald saw, the raft. cc Spring is here andçifis tim Wallpaper - Foor Tile CeiHing Tules and Supplies Martin-Senour Paints, VYarnishes and Stains Thinners, Ois etc, Plywoods ail grades Doors, Trim, Windows See Our iluminating display of latest Light Fixtures Everythin.g for the Morne ROûL PHHARitDW A RE Orono, Ont. Phone 143 *LOCAL AGENT NAMED TO NATIONAL HO0NOR INSURANCE GROUF (MIrs.) Sadlie Hamilton of -HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE, has beeri elected to membership in th e Live Members Club of the LUMBSERMENS MUTUAL CASUAL- TY CoMPýANAY for 1961, according to HATHAWAV G. KEMPER, chairman of the coip.any, This is a national honorary organiza1ion with memiber-' ship reservedi for the Lumnbermens Representatives who best exemplify the principles of the American Insurance Agency Systemn. "Hamniltons Insurance Service hls given continuing ev- idence of the finest type of business conduct and has shown a high standard of persoflal Insurance counsel and service to Policyholclers", Mr. Kemper saici. 11I hope to continue," Hamiltons Insurance Service, 'Ito menit this recognitioni as one of the leading representa- tives of Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company by pro- viding our Policyholders with the comprehensive type of Insurance counsel they deserve. lu recipes-"Vegetabiee ishes... -I simply dekiious'". Write today. service A DIVISION 0F DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA Bueu 409 HU1RON4 ST REET, TORONTO5 Constable MacDonald said the raft was tied together with 4inder I tWlfle and the boys used a ree Sbranch1 for a mast. Hle saidI the r-aft xva.s about six feet ýý-ide and eighit feet long.1 BarryEBroweTs said lhe and i he Crydermani boy m-ade the raft last Friday, At first they thought of sail- ing along the shoreffine to Newcast1l then they decided to go to a mnarsh about a mnile wvest of Newcastle. Be- fore they knevw what \was happenling eystarted to drift out and couldn't get back. "W\e ail feel pretty Iucky and we sure have learnied our lesson", Bar- r-y said. Hle said he 'thought the crew a- board a "flying boxcar" must have seen them when he was waving the board because it went by one side then turned and passed 'by on the other side. Mr. Perrin, a friend of the Browes _.amily, told Barry's father hie had just completed building his new boat and the first time it was in the wa- ter was Tuesday afternoon to go after the boys. He feit-he was pre'tty lucky to get the motor started after [it sat idie al winter. 1' For Developing IWetlaûàd Plans for development of marsh-! lands and enlargement of opportuni-, ýties for public huniting in southera: Ontario were outli'ned by Lands and 'ore.sts Minîster the HQn. J. W. pý_ooner in remnarks before thie beg-' .slatur-e's Select Coeumittee on11 lanÂe and Fish which met at Queens' Park last wveek. The committee, mhchmets drn the Legisiature ~sîo, eadrepresen ta tions fromj fslh and game organizationis, Lrap- e,-r's, tourist outfitters anidahers ,re(ýénting their annual brie. .s. The Hlon. Mr. Spooner toCIid te ýnnittee and represenitatives 'chat he Fish and Wildlife Branch 0f the )epartrnent of _Lands and Forests iad been acutely aware for some cars; of thie shiortaige ofra1had výlablte f or puiblic reuveation ln mtuliern Ontario. "The shores of Lakes Ontarlo and rie", hie said, "arc relatively richi n good marsh landl; Lake St. Clair 111d maey other inland areas 'have )en famous for waterfowl since thie îrly ciays of settiemnenit. Unfortun- 7ely, most of the southern On1tarlo narshes were ahienatedi from ilie ronearly ln the dlevelopmnent of he provinoce. Týhis ias left us today vith f ew places close to our <highý Yopulation centres wich liare avail- tble for puiblic use. "'Di s year, the miarshes already )wnedl by the Crow~n will be brpughit ider more intiensive mrianagemnenit 3imred at provid1ing m ore huniting )pportuinities. "A Depar-tment1al comititee wats .ppYIoinited some timne ago to look lai- cpossible areas wîoimight be acquired for public recreation, Their e(port is now under study and de- Msions wifil be made in due course. si ab op - The y did not overlook the fact Y CAN BEGIN 1 that almost ail uplai a lin YOUC ing ln southern a ri scnuc CAREE TRANING 1 onprivilte lands. -Most farmers are CA EE TRANIN prepared to tolerate trespass for o AT ANY TIME huitinig purposes provided te __________ ~ sportsmen have respect for private Sprpperty. However, in recent years, iJTe Oshiawa Business Coliege ve à avpl a growing numibýer of q mthod1 of indiv'idual }iaviouir whicli hiave been givetia insrucionpermits you to ret deal of publicity. J st~ar tany time _ No poica lands are at pres-ý DaSh en~~~~\ýtavilable li gicnua suh y-coo to choý ýjose er n Ontarîjo for public upiland game Gh1U hunting. There ilaa possibility this' j - -fa i that we m1ay be able 40 provide EVENIN CLASES G orne ubliuting of pheasants onl TUEA nd THURCL SES apt-n-t basîs in som-e of our -rUFsçDAY anprovincial 1parks. Conisiderat ion w'il J 7:00to 9:00 p.m. be iven to the acquisition of other o Choice of Subjects ns for- public umpiand gamne hunt- Jng in southern Otro Special Clas"ehero lier as been a great deal of- 1.1 ousxvies Shftwrkss ~ interest in recentyer" the Mini- TeenAgeTypists o itersaiVd, "on tîhe part 0f many 5 i ~grouips in the place of sm-all wet- clands la our economy and way of FREE LITERATURE litfe on agriculturai lands." AVAILABL AVAILBLE G "The Department of Agriculture, 10 inroe tret Nrth t1he Water Resources Comnmission 10 ýim(Oe tret Nrth G and the Department of Lands and J ,Dial MA. 5-3375 Forests have ail been concernied withthis problemn. Small wetlands ________________________ on âàgricultural land often providél __________________________ the oniy dense coves for the use if wild life, and most of our willife WHIE AS~NG populations.in somne areas, be they STABLES rand muskrats, are dependent entir- Sand S Ay on them. PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Pl ýnt rNýwtonville 4721 ~44 e. -. "The desirabiiity of havîing ai nl-ý ,entory of wetlands in soutthern On- arlo is accepted by ail concerned, 1>ut many prohlems concernn h 'iest use of tlie dîfferent WVind(s of aýmalJi marshes, ponds and pooriy'l j rained sites remnain to be answered "Further 'investigations- are need- ed on the hydrologic cycle and oni the best use of these amnall wetlands before a satisfactory plan can. bel drawn- Up."e (The Game and Fisheries Amend ment Act, 1960-61,, initroduced at- the present session of Ithe Legisiature, c larifies, the position of 1the Minister 0f Lands and Forests witli respect to the acquisition of lands for -specýi- fic purposes. It providjes thaf trand inay be acquired under The Pul)ic Works Ac t or receied andii taken by1 the Minister :by way of gift or othier- wiîse for the purposes -ýct sex til on, propagation and mngmn ofthe fish and Wldllfe rsusso ilhe province. Undeýr ithis legisJationm, wta -,ad land for managed huntnng ar'eas rnay lieacurd Adrift On Raft For kitchen and bathroom walls . . kitchen table and counter tops .. . playroomà walls ... bar tops and facings. Arborite is available in more than 40 colours and patters . won't clip or crack, stain or discolour -... cigarette-proof. Orono Fuel &- Lumnber Ltd. ORONO, ONTARgS PHONE 14816 Looking ta buy somnething, hire somebody, rent a h6use, get a job? Best Place ta look tf0 And what you're seeking fasfest is ini the Want Ads in this paper.A few minutes spent scanning these ads con paly off - handi. Somnely 10 you! ORONO WEEKLY TIMES April 7 Is World HaH -ph1010ny iNational Safeiyi.ui, i "Accidents Need -Not~ Happen", theme for 196 Thougli she doesn't know it, this littie lady is playîng w±J danger. For the scissors she liolds can be, in liands as$ youaT"ý as hers, as deadly as a ioaded piïtoi. And accidents sucli as the one tiis chid is courting are ai the more tragic because tliey need neyer have liappened. Tlto majority o! cases, simple safety measures on the part of adults Fer the Io" *or mnaiming of ' could prevexlt the tliousands of chid not only brîngs sorrow-, accidents t h a t yeariy bring to lis fanîily - it -aise o tragedly to homes around the the nation of a part cf,'l world. future. It in In recognition of acci- Yet this year such l, dl dents as a growing health prob- oversiglits as a tube of aspýiri lem througliout the world that lef twithin a child's reacli, the World Health Organization unguarded ke t tle ofboin lias cliosen "Accidents N e ed water, or a forgotten pair of_ï Not Happen", as the themne for scissors or sharp-edged tool wilt- the celebration Aprîl 7 of the niake more' cripples and 11 13tli anniversary of its found- more children around thewM ing. than pol1i0 and -tubercp'isï WHO and its 105 Full and combined. four Associate Memiber States WJ-T' -nd itsMemýbe2r Statesý are working to reduce tlie laz- are C their' best to elimin- ards to hecaltli that accidents ate s-, needless t r a g e d1 yý of ail description repre.sent - Their global campaiga against,ý ia the homie, on the farn, in acc derts needs n-- - e thain puire- industry, aboard slips at sea, ly officiai supp, Jliowever. IL planes in tlie air, trains on aeeds the lielp t ail parentrs, land, and la thie streets of the inCeed of ail mieî and wmi woid's cities and towns. eve ywhere who would rdc 0f ail accidents, tho, , f- this ureadfui toil on humian Iif-, fecting ehildren a re per±îaps and weil being. It needsyor CIQnos costly and tragic. heip. WARBLE FLY TREATMENT' AUl cattie in Clarke Township th4 I have Warble Fly Gjub must receive two tre-atments either by spray or brush. First treatmemt to commence he- ween April 10th and Aprit 3lst. Second treatment to be applied between April 31st and May 31àt. ov-, à ýli KZ,--

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