Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 1

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Goou Vo um«~2?3 ~umber ~ Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Departmnent, Ottaw.w Subscription in Caniada $1.50; in US. $2.50~ Fin Northwvý On Tuisdy. Mrdi 30 ï]h a mst unusal ven tok pacein this commnity A dsplayý, and sale of art andý handicrafts wvas opened at NotwyRestaurant 0on Bighlway 1115. souwh of Oon.This cdisplay anj-d sale was organized by Mvr. andj Mmkr. Louis Frei-nchman wbo have' tollected a remnarkable quantîtY of wvork fo ida.Port Hlope. H'aveloý-ck, Bowmanvilie, Newvcastie', Oh aTyronie an-d Orone, Mm., Frenc'hmain has establishied a poliy thtat artists pay no commis sion o)n work which tbey value un der$200anid an artist may dis payoy one of his works wý,hii isn t for sale. However, be imay ,lac asniany wrsas lhe wis'hes- in the s o esd.Prices on paint lnsranýge from 1000te $75.00, hadic-rafts ss'art at $2.001 and reach! or $1000. The artists set their o-wn prices. O! the sixty-nine paint- I ngs fo)r sale six we're sold in the fist Sour day A number o! the hunirf items have also been sol&. The Frencbmans hope that the masts xiii replace the items sobid anthe sho'w and sale will con- t-Ine uttictober 1lthtb Lards And Fo-ets To ?edit Union Seeýkinig Trustees Lool S iCoof scated T- a.,.lce N wMemlbers ,_R e st a u rsnt 1 have a n d ýeJ th a sal ofTherectoso m e ngof the Board Bl iNirs. o~Iari Guesi only, at three centres in Ontai Union was heldon Tuesday, Mardi Mndyevnngi i atîLnsay n Sturay, prl 8 ,1taimL1eberhip -,as reported to be MncplBnL1ding a discussion was t 119. ~~~held in connecto wthncrra the secondin Hespler on the ~llow- Thefoliowiri offleswr lc ino the Village o! Orono and sur- Sphee AtW.IVI. . n audayi and (-ý the f laste at flg ficr Wreüec or thg ea eetn wheR. C. FoI- broke on April 22nd. 1ted from the Directorate: President fondar tmea.ng ifteen wRe p r- aste Metingpe U~:oi r moe iemsare ex- Prc Wrr; ice-Presidenit, Chas.1,estr Cha irman Ooo Plc bl'ckat insa. l i ex~cedrepresentlative to the Federation Of views and figures. fthat rods and reels, tackle boxes, giutrRseiObre ianding nets, outhoard motofs and resentfative to the Chapter Credit esnFrCligTsMetg A~~~~~~~~ jonLatr Ihnkofrn1sm Iscllneusaticles wl be Uniion, Chas. Gilkes; Education and Rao FrGlin h' etn A !oýjý som , .,is(-elatýýou aýPubilicity Committee, MUrs. A. Loucksl The Chairman stated that the Or- meeting of gr-oups o-ne and two o! inïcluded in the g I Mssrs 'PR Allun, R. Hancock, C. o,-o()police Trustees had unanimaous- W...was heId in the Sunday Ba>ýrgainl--seeking anglers are ,asked H1utton and R. Forrester. ly, passed a motion that the Village Unied hurli o teyAri] to0-note the viewing dates and timTes TeEuainansulct osek Incorporation and that they ithi wvih Mrs. B. Long pres 1iding. ifoýr tilhe îLndsay sale.T-dy Thurs- mittee o! the Orono District Credit seek assistauce from those interest- day, April 7thý 1 to 9 p.m., iVriday -Ùiho et Tuetieda eening of tMis edl in this move. He also said that a fromn 1 to' 9 p.m. and on Satiarday week at the home.'of Percy Werr1y.nubroyeragIcrpato The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i prsdthpee h etigf~ f l ; nigtil 12: ewas broughit forth at the annual wvith a cati to worship, foilowed byinoon. Sales commences at 1 :30 pm. The memibers present were meeting of thec Police Trustees and the hymni, "Boieeath the Cross Of __ Messrs. R. Allin, R Hanicock and C, it Was at thîs time voiced that 'the 'j'-us- nd raye. Htitton. The ptirpose of the meeting Trustees should mnove towards this reas gwasgivn L calN s- ways andrneans of end. Ee ic 9, hssbth, hx ~~~ ~ Loa N,_v nn hn iw ra " local Credit Union. f elt itwas desirable. Legend of the ,Trýees," takenýý froni "Easter Ideals" wbiicbi was verive- ly. lYuring the afternoon -Mm. Lloyd Ayreýs.of BowTmanville rendered two Am-y Van den Bueval's painting lvl solos, "The Stranger of Gai- o!Auum Leaves is particulariy. iee" and "The Old Ragged Crokss". atrcieas is her Painted Ladies She was accompanied by 'Mrs. Keitb ani Spanih Dancer. Pier work BIiletaise of! Bowmanville. Shosgreat promi-fse and we look - te earmor ofberin he utue. Mrs. Long introduced the guest IMararetRîckby has a outtand spakPr ,rs.Woodland. !Nccs ic: 'St ILie'in tue show and heïie vwh110gave us a most interest-ing! '14' popemcmbines technical s1kill a nd inf ormative talk on Cape Eiton1 x~they-apel.From RPutb Tagt- wb ýose peýople are mainliy o! Scotti gar-t comes a Most attrive paint- descent. As Mrs. Long sbowed sldes ing entied 'Prayer' and ]Donald o! Cape Breton, Mrs. Wodlancl Staple's' water cler o! Burley Fallsgae a splenididý commentary on the bas great eyeappeal. There are ai- beautiu scenes. s50 sminterestiiïg Wax crayon drawings by Mrs. Eddyvean and ick MorIon bas three cbarming Mrs. Armstrong tbanked AMs oi skcheps and four larger can- Woodland and Mrs. Ayres for theirý vabes lu the show. Ted Samnuel is fine contributions to our Easter SiaoWing a wateir celer o! ASPeýn and moeeting, The~ offLti-ig ý wasrcevd R k wîbthis,- ý reiewoýr i q, t and the dedication bym-nsung. ptattbult Whicb is not for sale. Anoter iittaningpaitin ýrhe business part o! the mqee-tinig Ance OWsandin pa-ntkg followed witb MI\rs. Armstrong giv,- PIý le)Goitsby Dreen PowVe1l l o!ing the treasurer'S report. The date, ?'uewcstle an intriq-ting abstract la IMay!st,%was set for packing the bites and white. From jean D0arcb bale for Overseas relief. Group onei lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý _omnil oe clru eie te hold their MaIy nmeeting ai- dligtfl iesa n es ndat tehome o!f m W. E. Arm- A ïLUPttrSo)n is so iber skill istrong. ai iAbmoiy hinOntarlo Bouses. SMrs. Vinki1Bailo! Port Hlope bas a num- ni vttinwsrcevdfo he" ot interesting oes, oe partc-AAivttonwsrcevdfo la. yattractive semi-absOract o! the Kirby W.MS. to attend their stps en boubanoenw atr meeting on AprIl4th at S des, I p.m. also, one from l he 'Nûw(astle Auxflary te attendi tneir Easter' ?woyoug cntrbutrs re redmeeting on April 6th at 2:30 p.m. Huhsfrom 1Por-t Hope vwh1o la ~siîgsome iueprestiug oit paint- Sit-oe-als on shut-ns and insand Tom Cu!! e o! Newcastle! sick wr reported. Hymn,' "Near VOS dees atImtracieWood . ting the Cross" was sung and the m-eet- Bco Jsebos ae Exee cargs. -ing ec-cled itb the Mizpa ee ot teseby r uxenyasdiction-,atewtiha delicieus-- lunch- -o! age.was enjoyed. - Fro La-field comes sanrl sculp- t-ebyý Mrs. J. Cassels - three un- je Itbatflyee-td uselwall plaques. Mrs. Rahm o! sýale o- euîul xct Tyoeshows magn-ificent braided i This is a show te be proud o! ani rusand Mrs. C. Lamtb of- Bowmnan-~ is deserving o! ail the support Wei ii hows dellght!ul cushioins and cau'Iei i.îIt is open te the public -#fhîlren's stuffed ioys. seven days a week,- and it is a treat te the eye. We certaiuly have ai ise froM Bow,ýmanville ýMrs. great amount eqr talent and abilityl Rnie asbowing sone braided 0n this area and if you doubt us, go rugs, chair seats and a perfiectlyi3iiau .;see for youî'self aI the North- cAirming quiit. Audrey WValker if way Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Cobbledick, Roer iidMargaýret fof emg ton spent a few dlays lW is t-nioth- er, Mlrs. W. Cobbledtick. - Master Ralpbi De Jong of Orono1 was co of the winners in the re- ,en!t circýulation drive- for The Osh-i awa Times and as a rewvard left on Wedne-sday for a thiree-day expense ýpaid, trip to oua iwa, along ýWitfl 37, other carriers and g-uests. Miss J0 Anm Rutherford, Toronto and Paul 'Rutherford, Kingston, spent Eater holidlays witb Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ruthierford. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapfleton, the former Hazel Robinson, on their marriage in the Orono United Churchi on WVednesdlay Aprîl 5. Prk Bioard Ski2Soort 0 Witb assistance from those in the Village and area the Police Trustees will seek the Incorporation of the Village, 'le said. Reasons for Incorporation The foliowing points were listedý as points for seeking Incorporation: 1. Primarily se that the Village can con trol its own future and te plan foi> improvements over ai per- 2. M\,uiipal act gives thé_Policel k To Savings ricorporation toobai indlustrial assessment mor is there suffi(ýcint area in wbich in- d custry can locate witini the present boundlaries. The industrial assessý m'ient now amoutits to about 51/ 'o! the total assessment' white -it should be aro-und 410%/ to give a stable tax structure. The Village must baye more land avajlable-on which indus- try coulci locate. There is now no- effort being made by the Townshlp in encour'ag-Ing industry to the area, Tbey do n'ot even belong to the Lalie Ontario Development Association, Ail other centres are- working 1-te in- crease their inidustrial tssess-,nrï and this should be done locally tG hieip ease residential taxation. No one seemns to know the defin- ite position o! a P~olice Village so are alwaYýs running into problems. Nowv two bodies have jWridiction over the Villahge andl like a partner- ship this always has itg hitches. Algreement betweén -Township and Village bas te be renewed each year thus ne long- range plan can'be laid down with any assurance of completioh. This is shown in roa# program where~ for the1 last number of years no oillitg or paving has been dcone even thottgl sorne roadS were ready for it. Ini this work wea should work out at least a tbree year program to sbow greater im-. provemenits at a lesser cost. The Township natur4ýly lein i- terested in the ovérall road programr but we wou -ld dike to point out that the roads in Qrono get po)ssib1lt more use .than almost any road i the Township. à à-t Irustees ftle power te maîntaîn r'oads a fire deparîmnent etc. but The Village wou-ld gain repre- kînd Thse grats can nl be te- odnaIe cve a 25% reb an ~~ P ~~~ dees net give tbem any g-rant o! anyenainoteCutyCtnlam IIIt II~ 0l -YL V', ceîved by Incorporated Muni cipal!- the Counity roali mill rate. t ies. At one timie the Village receiv-.Mn dprmnt nta rvt edc a grant towards the f ire depart- ciýal Goverimnt have stated that i to blave tile noev before starting mentf, xwif is contadned in flhc per fe illiage sbould Incorporate as 01n Uriffay and Saturd1a, Ail 1-10o this leg o! tbie proiot. cpiagrant whicb does inotreacb ttlleir nedl te a n epcily and 5 aBîlz Cmpago illbe el[lite Village, but is paid to the Town- thie fuiture will i à! er with that of in~~~~~ Trnhadaeaeoras uns-equipment includes the puri- hip'lte Township. order that the swirrming pool at flic fefles hoiitr Iiý lI 0orno Park may be comipleted ;jnd ferb iles 'orntr -dvn At present the Village constructs bord adde-rs and other feature te0' 3. The Township's largest ex- land pays for its ewvn sidewalks epndfor use this com-ring Junie. ensýure safety and cleanliness. Aisoe pendîlturýe is on roads and thus adytblswt h eto n Th1-e Par-k Board is ini need oytt o eisteeneaudth attention is dlirected toward this end ýsidewalik that the Townsbip may alngcrn ool plus a cement walk-arund. 1h Village thus pays, about 20%/,o! buid in thc Twnship. Ths double plete the swvimming pool a guih Earlier ti erficBadCl-expendcitures wile it bias less thilan xpnitrncud lsfxltlute oesructing a neéw wd pool for, sulted wîth a Department Engineer!five miles o! read witbîn tbe limits future in g-arbage disposal adfr the younger Ohîdren. This amount whlo present ed a planwbey the o! the Village. The Township on the protection.- e!f mnoney% along wýýith adlclitionai old pool could be uitilized te makea te hand( must raise sufficient Costs of Incorporation Pr-ov.incial1 grauts whih will be ep wdn pool for the younger Imnyte look after neariy 200 Fromn studies if ap-pears tHat unl- for-th cimîng Ilelte $350().()( is! uchîidren. Th e cost o! this projectI miles o! road. This moniey sol spent deri Incorporation taxes could drop spent wvill cemplete botb projects wýas set at $1,000.0i0 and is inicludedIfrmteVlaecudeusd it-vnwtbdddotsWchms i an ope boh swmmin an wad lu he 35000 quta.lich Village 01 providing other be bor n by the Village sucb as doinî ng at te loal arkibissurmer is being sent euitoteai]services. ailltheir road-d work, sniow plowing, thsiteaeati oîgsupplyving a clerk, assessor, police, Lat laI aîltb Pak Bar Sin-and will be followved up by canvas- 1. The Village net onily bias to- as- land aise including grants to local ed a cotract te build a new swim- {sr bowl1ae ortodo it nkein pras u utorganizations and the mnaintaining Iu$124ool0. at-itedpaktb a ces-t ,igcanivass in an enideavour te reacb aise maintain a fire dep)artment, o efr et.Ti a edu o!i si,46.0 lme ieyfolwn the quota mark. garbagýe dumi5, street ligbting, sîde- las tble Village would be qualilied to th ing e! the coutract the cemIwlsec. 'Undier Incorporation die receive grants !rom the Provincial enit werk was star-ted and the pool t If, by chance, you biappen te be Village would be relieved e! a. high Governm-ent. proper was completed prier tei m-issed by a canvasser, donations ioadcswhc intrcudbe ToentePlceVlae! r I reeu.The equipmrent niecessary 1miay be left with the treasurer, Miss directed teward tliese other services.eupadtteT-nspin16a îustailed and the Board are anxîo>us!Alm-na Cu-ttel1, Rolpb Hardware or oopi oteTtnhi)i 90a for opentng the pool is yerto-t be at thie Orono Ti-mes Office. - - - - uni of. $8,775.00. The Township ail- Ovrono Trustees Set Rate At Nine Milis. - i Th~~~~'lle Orono Police Trustees met l lno! 18900ateyary aa- ou M1oudayv eveuiung wheu they set mnt-t pay the cests o!ftest drilling t 1 heir budget e! expenlditures for 'the la Orono las-tyr This aoutis I'I i eens,, r c"niz a.Thisfaise incladed arrangiug paabe e he Otar-ie aeOe -te l be dene.suc miio. The budget ai- se includod a sum e! $58000tepur- 5 Thetotal budget was setatthe - has, the site o! theuemitat thel eau samne mark as las-t year necess tat- oItAh o! the Village ou the MlcGee 1n aeo iemi hc sb property. This site proved i ad ,te- __________________________ sane s 160.quate supply o! wýater for mrunicipal -_'e Osn H ns aet i o ! unh Mrly o'bblodik; coats 11e assesment f igure for theusasditheeluteVnte aai n on Maday ight wen iner- Rogor Bre;puboicity', W'illis Br ilag a isenfom$5000 unortb offitle Village. The Tute ci-td Ten aersgnteredte -e-r- rbaî. 1960 e $85,00 fr 161.ai-e te obtain both parels o! land, ga.nize the 1Hi-Teen ropwbc bi The tii-t bsineýssP)te bo handled - li planning the budget $1500,'00 rsesitn ecrye a- eu-i ebeon ]aniactive lear- 0 Te rsee- -n aCaro ga ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A !iai!?h ee-gr e -tb h h-Tuons waýsfthe panngwsa loe orstreet lîghtu1g dur-teroamopathinwtrs tî-e homne o! ilss inarilyn Cmbbla-o ac hc is t( e ho hed in C ngte year. $1750.0O was set nl he throughout the Villge along with dxck nubei-ng los te 'won. te Toniall, Orono on Saturdayibmuge fr the nusw furnace in the pitn akn io uteMi Y u ecgc oP OI % Api-il llth. ol muicians will ro-dMnuici pl Bildeinlen wtban st-ocýt iu the business section and a daisete fing theFroupte cte id h msc ogotlh rud mut o sm ewwragad1esb nPark and centre streeýts ~a siateo! offiers for t-be coing ,viiuie acigwich, the Hi- - fr paintinig the Hydreîi office andi previding the Town1-ship WvIllaio year and mnade plans for a dane te 'eenrs hope wili atrlact bo(thth ie eue o! thie locher roems. It was also ten -soigthlese latter wesc î-- neldla he OrooTown Hall on'> aung nd the old alike. Mr. and p ate ut by thle chairman b1 at 1tiens oatres e ter dge ec Saturday, April ail- MS. Rnbryarel charge o e he thePolice 'TruLstees sbeuld receive (i relf-)tede 7TPose electedte offce were as felmeusi e the dances -a grant from thie Departmnent o! Ag- ]w:PresidIeut, Pau! Tamnblyn; sec- 1riculture la the amunt iiro! $788.00 $150.00iwas set aside te miake rarDarlene Ransbeiry, treasur-j The Hi-Teenis were assisted ia te be appled agaluat expendituresy-sme imrovements at Me 1V a-tpMi e-, Bonie Ccover, incharge o!fi-e- thie rganiziag by nmembors o! the la the fMunicipal Building.adMin tetanlasmar- codRosa Tamblyn; la charge e o cf atenCommission beaded by j mnt for a i Srocur a-t the nlr - the door, Johnu Banceck. in charge A ir. Chai-les ÏItteni. j Aise iucluded lu the budget wyas a' ~5. There is a wbeoleaale waste e! tim)e as the Police Trustees mus-t ai- waswerk tbreugh the Te Jwnsblip, Council for by-laws and this holda, up auy project. The Trustees are el- ected te office but have ne author- i- itnl manv areas o! Villaige work. 6, The services ueeded for tie, se received a per rapîta grant as a ro-sult of Orono's population lu 'the amiount o! $3,150.00. This totals to The estim-a-ted assesament o! the proposed area for Incorporation is $825,000 witb1 a populaien o! 1050. Expenditures for Enlarged Village» towuii ai-ca amiteepolea as--------- will icroas l te future. Sre ihig---- Fi-o Protection..... 7.~ ~ bec Thris uenn i-cua-t effoClerkTreaýsuri-er f iistiecz Provisions wvee iade "Grants......... for grauts te the 1-Trticultural crloction Expenses -- ieyaud ithe Oren libraryA t- -olce...... ....... tal a'meuntIII o! $1311M00was allottd I( G urs] office Supplies -- the Oronei Fi-e Departmneut eut of Rle n efie whc4 nwcoats, batsand rubberMuniipluildng pting 19a nuew reef on the fi e -bailSaare............ ..... -ad eig om~ aitig.$85.41 BuRinterest .......... .. was aie-edfor troe removai\,l o!fMsc..aeos------ which sum$450-00 wlbe rcie uder the inter.s worka1plan. Revenue from outsidle ruai a-t least $6 0000. Therc one hundred properties s Toltal eem teo I'rN MIS p c-1ue(ýLlo11. rio'w !nriah A dlaficýit e! $3W,00 î la epecdbuit These a-im dete the fart that some acrounlts epndtr due rentai -ovel wiil no-t reeccur it la decîded te a- ul-igor i-y a defirit into 1962. No sdwi wo,(rk ila contemapla-ted thisyer(0 $5000,00 1,750.0421- 1,000,00 1,80000 2,590.00 50000 200.00 2,500.00 - 200.00 75000 50000 50000 50~O0 500.00 1,000.00 19,300.00 id bus 1) fer the tic in] th levied chla itiuued pa N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. N N. N. N N. N. N. N. N. s N. N. -c --c N. N. s N.. N. N.' N.] N N.; N. "1 N. N. N. N. N. -c N. N. N. N. .4- 's s s N. .5 -c i

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