Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 5

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-z N N ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TH4JRGDAY, MARCM $30,1961 Boy Scout Ladies' Auxiiary To Hold. Bake The second monthly maeeting o! quets, andi the instructi( the Orono Scout Croup Ladies Aux- anti Scouts for certain Illary was held in the upstairs room may have to pass. of' o! te Armouries on Thunsday ev- Foth Moerwo ening, 23rd Mardi, 1961. From a Fotp\Ities h roûil of approximateiy 40 Cul, and a letter you 'wili notic, Scout Mothers onfly five attended time hias been changed 1 the Mardi meeting. JO 83 .. this is to0 In case anyv mather dii net ne- Letihir etn a lîtt Ceive a letter f rom- Mrs. B. Mencer eýxplaînin]g the necessity o! this Atr the minutes o! -meeting-, the letter reati as follows: ar' mein-atben1 -eiIL. etamotion was -ea Cub / Scout Mother: Ms BakaidMrlis. E. The Scout GrQup Ladies Auxili- a conmmittee o! two in a.ry, formeti 25th April, 1960, is .O lîigayCub )or Sco mreetingý on thie 4th Thursday of- c- optlzt or hoî e-ach month witbi the exception of anY lenýgtb o! timle. The, the monthis Juily, -Aug-ust andi Dec- Vý,e that a baisket o! frt' ember. .vrcaiigmatenial be ta jThe Yee-tnigs wili be beiti iin the' articutlar -Cuib or Scout, upstairs r.oom o f thle mure, A Bk Sale is to be1 ,eOmmeci-niig at 8:30 pm -i-th Apnil, in thle Suni It is impor-tnt that aillMohers on t3 pm The ti metnsso tlJat arlrangemntls can uleti for thle p lthMa, bje maie for. funm alirg rIets ue tayScî o oo Parent iighfts, Father antiSonBan- âilcitiurchi. Sale Oron o Atoms Lose To Bowman- ion of Cubs ville Byv - itests they - The Orono110Atomns did receive Played possibly their ce thiat thýe 'game IOof the season on f rom 8 p.m. alflow the 'rOup to ex- ne longer. fthe Febru- eat by IMrs. passed that Ta'ylor be icharge o! out who hais miie sick for CY wil l aso At, f iowers, aken to that heit on the nday School Jate for the it is sched- 1961, ailso in in of the Un- Score noon of lastwek The local boys weethe .guests o! a Bowmanvilke team with the gamne being played 1 !cwmianville.The pgamewas a vicory for the Bownmanvil]e squad wflha score o! .50 T!i, is was the Second game plaýýed maiiewitin ithe past two myees with this fina gamne showin tuie Oron()o Club piaying a deter- mmnd tpe o! hockey. The loca. SA was minus their top scomr, Or l ounti lots o! support fron- Lr oalD, Jonie (ýTodd andi Marg. ~ '~ ~h'possblyplayeti onie o: "betgaýmes of the seaISon %vitt contan ceckng !'he Bfowmnan- v1ll plyer. Dug TaylOr als< Playeti a1 soliti dfnewith ilIthIt boySplaingweli. Ï Beeady forase EASTER BONNETS Choose from a wide selection that in. cluctes three headiiners... the Pilîbox . . . - the Pixie. the Cloche- each distinguisli. ed by clever detailing - each a perfect ac- companiment ta your walking suits, yaur coat and dress ensembles - styles for Miss- Priced m fro n $the.50 fsto $9.9-5 es and matr om$.nso 99 înaltehg fsinclr SPRING DRESSES Silks, Rayons, and Cottans, Prints and dresses for day and late-day occasions Fashion fresh, sunny variety af Plains, Sheaths and Full Skirts, sizes 10'ta 20 apd 14V to 24 1/2. A ood selection of Pie from $9.95 to $23,50 SKIRTS, BLOUSES, SWEATERS, GLOVES AND SCARVES 99L SAL JEANS CHILDREN'S RUNNING SIIOES Cordled Cottoni Jeans for boys or girls Canvas Oxfordis \with sponge rubber ïn- in a variety of designs elastic wal-st, two pok. sales ind lang-wearing rubber sales. Plain ets. Sizes 2 ta 6X years. shades and checks. Sizes 4 ta 2. Speci.al per pair .... ..... 99c. Special per pair«I9e BOY'S POLO SHIRTS GIRL'S S CKES. Severai styles in knitted Catton Pola Stretchy Nylon Ankiets ta fit sizes 6 to Shirts. Vaur chaice of green, brown blue, red 8 1/2. Whît'e or navy wlth contrasting stripes grey black and white. Sizes 8 ta 14 years. inturrn-down cuff. Speci al each.............. _99c. Special 2pair for.. ... ,. 99e BOY'S WHITE SHIRTS LINEN TEA TOWELS Sanfarized Dress kShirts of fine quality Take advantage of this excellent value Cotton Braadcloth cuff links and boWv-ij@. Sizes andi get a gaad supply. Linen Tea Towets wlth 3, 4, 6 rnd 6X years. borders of blue red, green or yellow. Special each............ 99c, Special 4 for only .. e,-,e .. .-99c. store Open SManday Evenngs Friday and Saturday Open Alil Day Wednesday The RIVERSIDESCTIUDNE LB C.N.E. AND TV STARSt wiII appear at thej Onario Tr dhî t E;jyTra7iinlDanc d thefl ino sphere 7.00 p.m. Your Haost and Host," Don and Friedel C.x LOCALNEWS Mr'. and Mrs. Johni Connelly and DEK family of Toronto visfted Mrs. O. D BENT"URES F Cowan th's week. fMr'. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and Chris of Oshawa visited recentlyPr v n e o C -1with Mrs. chas. WOOd.IPr v ce f C MiÀr. and Mrs. Ar-chie Watson of c- Waterclownýi visited on Thiursday ,-of 1 1%m trn 5A ,last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex ()5/%mtrn 5A Watson.199 M ,ir. and Mrs. Joe. Santo and fail- aiiy ci Oshaw7a are moving týhis week (2 4¼%m trn 5A intio the MUiss~ Davy house on Mlainab. sireet, Orono. bé j r.and Mrs. R. E. Logan visited dMiss Mabel Davy in Port Perry on Availabie in denomination Sunday. _ îir!. anid Mrs. Ernest Aimable and $,000 registered in princip'; .soni Roy, Waters Fails, visited 1Mrs. glistered, availahie in denomin r- nas. iVood on Sunday. Mr'. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Mr'. $50 ec andiMs Gordon Power and James, Mrs. eberSouch, Mrs. and Mrs. Carl1 Billinigs and iMrs. I{arry Baiiey ILE )visie on Friday last with Mr.AgnsfrBl1 1-farolti Pwer, Misses. _Merle andAensfrBl lIazel Qwe, shawva.____________________ Mr-. and MNrs. Brueickner, wvho have beii thie proprietors of the Ont1arlo Tr.alirtg post,(,hava pur- chsei te homie of r andMr Cy ýi ratt oni Rowe Street, Or- f Y0110. 0 Mýr. andtivMrs. Jack M;ýoffat andif faiyvisited tSu1nday1 evenling withO Mris. Neil Moffat and Davîid at L ,t. dgenorth. MAU. and Mýrs. MUatt Snelders and family are mnoving the lst Aprii in- to their new,ý home recenitiy pur- chlaset [i fm1Mr.Norton, 0on Stio Street. f IMr'. ani MINrs. C. Shoenmaker and daiughters arýe moving into the S. B. f Rutherford house on Station Street, Mli-. and Mrs. Archie MecLar-en f leavýe this week for a miotor trip too Colorado., Mr'. E. Hl. Samuel returned Sat- urday from a business trip to the Western Provinces and Vancouver. 0 Mr.Reg Robinson, Bowmanvillel( vslelon the 'weekend with Mr. andtil IM.Jack Moffat andi family. à Mrs. MacDonald bias accepted the!f po,ýsition o! clerk ini the Redi and WhVlite Store. -' M"'. anit Mr's. irch-l are movîng o into 1M11s. John Tire' hous,ýe on YHw t,senmemer o!theOr Mi-(iiSt, Oron. aes f fe r onco Mission Band met att the Church EASTER BASKETS and on1 Tuesý,day after-noon whden they.[ enoyd hewhoie se'ssion makçing FOR EVERYO. artficaisprngflowers. The flow-7 ers -'ere matie out of Kleenex and f wire ~ ~ -a a« eegyIn colour. Miss Mayýlen"le Grahlam, Queen's f CUniversilty, Kinigston. Spenit heo weekend with M'.anti Mrs. Ed.ci. * Graamad ery1':ýLG ABNilr Mr'. and Mrs. C-arl Billing,,s, Muiss' 3 pecial O ABNC O Audrey,ý Billings and Miss Mar-y oasre ad Lynn BaT3,iley spent Sunidaýy with aMi'. f3 rdanu creamt anti Mrs. Chas. Hogg anti famnily-. Toýoto Our best chocolates, . ..1 Misses JeaandtiMar-1 ilnTamblyn o spent the week-endc with Mr. and f Mrs. WV. Bowmani and family, Ennis- killen wVhileý Mrs. Tamiblyn visited [f relativesý in Western On)itario points C~GLT~MeeingStore closed ail day Go( On1o1 dy veinig the CGî'. Open Saturday tili U 'Meeting began with thie purpose. Thei Bible reatiing, whieh !ollowved, c was taken from Mattheuw 27; 17-31 I and Mtthe 2s; 1-8. A poem was reati"Ta They Might Have Life" f apn ase:A pae ioeiand then thie business was taken up. ThefIf scicretary's and treasurier's reports1 Ru u 5 wer gien Threwere 12 girls u present. Collection was taken Up. We finishedl our study book, wvith . a story about a Konean boy who be- came a minister in spite of many hiindrýances, andc finlliy endeti Up !i;wtlnlNterýjin ii Jrazil. FOr'Oui' craf t we miendeti the rest of the Suntiay School Hymn Books anti we made rhinestone jewellery. f f Meing closed wesltsom. ok N I to Trinidad. T'he new set o! en cy- chpdi tatwer-e snwsbought 1 à ai l UNITERCHURCH Orono Pastoral L. Charge Min se r Rev. Basil on SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1961 CHURCH SERVICES Orn 1:00 arn,. Leskard 2:00 p.m. .iby 3:00 p.m-,. SUNOAY SCHC>OL 01ro',o - 10: 00 1,. Kirby -2:00 p.m. Lesk.ard -1:0 .m- OR SALE' >ntario .pril 1981, cailable, )r 1968, non cajl is of $500. - $1.00(j :ai only. FÙully're- iations of $1,000. - Goujnlock & Co. Ltd. 1N*OVELTIES )NE COLATES Centres 1Pound box 83c. )od Friday, 9o'clock oo00d SocDH o0QcP N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N *~~1 N N "1 **'1 N N -N~1 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~'1 N N N N N N N ~ 'N N N N N N -N1 N 1~ N N $ N N i R. LOGCAN, Froi Arnstrong's V1AS1JMR L USiIBLI R RiOvU u WASTE PIPE CLEANER CLOSET BOWL CLEANER CESSPOOL CLEANSER ROOT DESTROYER , Î6

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