f ~1 naONO.1WEFI1I V TIMP-9 M TUI tDOI'~A~/ LA A ftfLI '>1'. 4n~4 * ~ S S SES fL)n S, SMANU"- 3g, U1961 TURK.EYS Butterball lb 49c Swift's Premium - Fully Cooked FulIy Skinh -ed' Defatted M SSHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION HAMSSmoiDked -lb bIlc lb 69c Swift's Premiuni - Fully Cooked .- Short Shank PICNIC SHOULDERDS Ssmoked Swîift's Premium - Rîndiess BREAKFAS T BACON iN Swift's Dutch Lunch I SALAMIý SIiced or by the piece lb 55C 6«)c E. O). Smith's Cherry PIE FILLING Robin Hood - Royal DeLuxe- Banana, Cherry, Chocolate. Golden, Hioney Spice. Orange. White CAKE MIXES 2pkgs 64)c Colour Bag GEM MARGARINE 2lb pkgs ÇÇpc Red' Rose TEA, BACS 60àÉ"ý bags 73c, Bright's Fancy TOMATO JUICE Libby's 3 tns 9 SLICED PINEAPPLE 20 oz tin 33c fWEAREDMUSTARD jar le* 2 9o33ce Stuart House FOIL WRAP 2 25 f t mmflo roils 5l7C lb 45C1 lb nkiz 69e eift's Brookfieid Skiniess - 1 lb. Pkf SAUSAGE lb 57c Feature - Save 4c - Loose Pack Manzanilas - McLaren's - S oz. Jar Stuffed Olives 29c Feature - Save 8c Enter NestîesF "Win a Home Contest"' Nesties' 1 lb. Can Quik Chocolate 53c Feature - Save 4c - Monarch 18 oz. pkg. Pie Crust Mix 35c Feature - Save 8c - Faney CuIverhocse 15 oz. Tin Cream Corn. 2 for 3I1c, Golden Hour - 1 lb. Cello Popping Corn '1 9e Supreme Brand - 51 Guage 15 Denier Pr. Nylons 89C Feature - Save 4c - Nabisco Jumbo 18 oz. Shredd ed Wheat 27c Feature - Save 10o Kinsdiale Jumbo 30 oz. Assorted Biscuits 3)c Feature - Save 26c Maple Leaf - 11,/2 lb. Canned Hams $ 1 .39 Sunbeam Hot Cross - pkg. of 12 Buns Bunettes 39c* Sunbeam Brown I'N" Serve - 12 te Pkg. Twin RoIls 25c Golden Hour Assorted Ch ocolates lb box 89c Featuire - Save 8co BrIght's Fancy 48 oz. Tomato Juice 3'for 79c Feature - Save 4e Libby's Sliced Pineapple 2-0 oz 33e- STORE HOURS Open Thurfciay and Saturday tilI 9 . p. Closed ail day Friday Finest California ORANGES 5 lb ply m 7m b agE Garden Fresh - N( Liettuce Nutritious - No. 1 Y A-MS fo rS29cHeç 2 for 23c Florida Pascal No. 1, paekedi in poly bag Celery Hecirts 23c Crisp Curly - No. 1 Sp inach Cello Bab.. 10 oz. 2 for 29cl tend Divine Worship in the Orono United Church. Banquet tickets are .now on sale and said sale must close by Aprlil 18 in ored to state the number of plates required. TIi I is anl open meeting! and anYone who wishes to attendý needs only a ticket, Tickets 'will bel available at Bro. XRaney's, Bro. Wasnsand other members of the:ý Lodge. We wouild sincerely appre-ý diate a large sale of tickets and your c-prto on thris memiorable Phone 4531 INEWCASTLE Mill and Robert St. Oddfellows- Rebek- ahs Plan Dedication ser vices i , On the 25th day of Novenmber,J *19,54 Bro. Newton Foster, thehi the I Grand IMaster of ýthie Grand Lodge of Ont ario visitedi Durham D0istrict j ,No. 42, on, his officiai visit. Samie was hield tin the Oddflellow's New I-Hall. Aflter a sumiptuous banquet served by our Rebekahi Lodge, we ail made ourselves comfortable in the north room. Bro. Foster' in a f ewý spedial words of menit cut the rib- bon across the hall and Bro. Rev. 1Johni Kitchen gave a short dedicat- ory prayer and Bro. Foster declared the New Hall open for Lodge busin- ess and other uses for the commun- ity entertainmeflt. 'iSinice that date, we as Oddfello'ws and Rebekahs have looked forward to hiaving the Odidfellows Regular Dedication Service. The question was raised in the fail of 1960 but owing to the Hall beiiig so busy no suitable dates were available. L IOn the first o! March this year Lodge discussed this question and resolved f0 go ahead. Committee was appoinlted to seek ail informa- tion pertaining thereto, including som-e organization to cater for saile Date, Saturday, April 22nd. Organi- Evening Auxiliary agreed to cater zation is prefty well in hand. The if they could use the church base- ment as Saturday night is a very inconvenient night for a banquet. We agreed f0 their wish. Also the Dedication staff, headed by Bro. Byron~ Dundas PG.Mý., twenty-two lin number including soloists will be prepared to perform the ceremonty which takes from 11/2. to 2 hours to complete. They build anl altar on the platform with ail ifs sacred admon- itions. 1't is one beautiful ceremony. We meet at the Hall at 6:15 and march f0 the Church for our ban- quet. After the Banquet we return to the Hall where ail the seating wili be arranged and the ceremoniy begis. There is considerable exPense con- nected with this event as we hope to provide stop-over accommodation fgrail our guests, therefore we miust chiarge $2.00 per plate to Iielp cover some Of the expense. On1 Sunday, April 23rd we wlll at-I Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 GOOD FRIDAY AND SATIYRDAY 2 SHOWS 7 and 9.P.M., MATIN EES FRI. AND SAT. 2 P.M. APRIL 2 - SUNDAY MID-NITE SHOW "The Bloody Brood" AN D "From Viel- It Came" Adult EASTER. MONDAY to WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m. EXCITINOG HOLIDAY SHOWS "Circus Stars' (Color) and "Thundier In, Carolina" World's greatest stock-car raeing, the. "lSouthern .500" in color with Rory Caihoun M RADIOAND TELE VISION SERVICE LS 3%? CUSTOM HI-FI INSTALLATIONS k 4 I J Green Giant FANCY PEAS 4 15 oz tins mil- N N x Highway 115 IL ROYAL SUMMER SEASON 1961 EXHIBITION and SALIE of Contemporctry Canadian Arts and- Handicrafts MARCH 31s t to OCTORER lth at Northway Resta-urant jfflý Newcastle