Spring iî h ere and it's timn to, Wallpaper - Foi Ceiling Tules Supplies MMMartîn-Senour 1 ,Varnishes and MIN~UPThinners, Ois Plywoods ail gr Moors, Trim,1 See Our iluminating dist of iatest Lighi Everything for the Hori RU'OPH ,HARD W A 1Oro ne, Ont. Plh CHEVROL A What's the toughest truck job you can think of? Building the Trans-Canada Highway? Fighting muck and mnud on a subway site? Climbing a tortuous route from an open-pit mining venture? Or do you know of an even more demfanding task? No matter what it s-~ no matter where it is - chances are you'l1 find a Chevrolet Truck doing it. Because, this is the truck that's buit for the tough ones! Buit to take a beating from men and nature - and corne back for more. That's why Chevy Truck owners - men who de- pend on Trucks - swear by Chevrolet. Now's the time for, you to go partners with a Chevrolet Truck . time to put one in your-work and profit picture! H-ave a heart to heart talk wý,ith your Chevrolet Truck Dealer right away, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE -J> - t-> -J ~ ~ - ~i t ~-*. -t. HR'ST IN4 SALES BECAUSE THEY'RE BEST Kt4iWN FOR PERFORMANCE, SERVICE, ENGINEERINGI,,ECONOMY AND ALL 'ROUND RELIABILITY! See your local aitthor-ized Chevrolet dealer ROY Wu NIOCHO0LS BOWMANVILLE -COURTICE JWHITE WASIIING. and SPUMPING OU? SEPTIC TAtNKS IBort, Tompkins Pý an, N ewtonville 4721 Special. Classes for liousewives - Shiftworksrs Teen-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE AVAILAÈLE p~10 Simcoe Street North Dial RA. 5-3375 For'kitc.ýhen and bathrooma counter D table and bar tops and facings. Arborite is available iii more than 40 colours and pitlern- .. . won't rhip or crack, stal or discoour... igarette-proof. Orono Fuel & Lwnber Ltd. Recreotioý.n Commission Ross Strike Hecis Pur -,cse,ý Explained1 Ontario Hydro 1Speakîng at the Open meeting alvilable to carry on some phase of Pr-emnier rs yesterday annunec- ,gation on a S.,500-mnile touir. held on Monday night in the Orono Recreation the Recreation Commis- Lcilthe res;ination of James S. Dun- Hie became hydro chiairman shorti- >or Tile iOddfellow's Communfty Centre, Mr. Slo;1ilanf ii the need by operating can as chairman of the Ontario l{y- ]y after retiring ts president andý Jack EiIbeck of the Community '2 lie Jr 0l'o service. îro Electric Powver Commission. chairman 0f iMassey-Harris-Ferg- and Programmes Branch expla'ined the Tlie IRecreation Commission has' Mr. Duncan will be suicceeded by on1, the world-wide danadian farm purpose? of the Recreation Com no10initention of dlictating f0 any or- W.I Ross Strike, the commissioni's implement f h-m. He rose from a$9 Imittee in providing recreational ac- annooyorcrtonThCm-fistvepesiden.a-w,,,eek factory h, land to head tu tiVties in a community. The Open a(Itono o they wish. to hold Mr Frost said hie accepted MJr. ifs su ccessorI,Mss-ari-eg- meeti.ing w ratisonso mmb issareion Jiaea aa-e 1 eai&i~ Duncan's resig-nation with regret. -on inow , Massey -Ferg-u--on0 Towshi Rcretin Crûisson îi ýlo strives to hielp in any way Thie premier said thiat _Mr. Duncan atwih21 were present. ga1i h cmnnt a hc1nacetn h harasi n Intensely interested in promnoting_ Pints, .- 1561d oatv1ycosdeabepe-two-wýay trade with BEritain, M. the, oerae.Duncan hlelped form Ithe doilar-steri- sotaincrisceto Ihimself. a= [Stains Mr. Eilbeck explained the thirýe A finle film was shown on Coin- M Dna nw 7 a ire-iigtradfe boardl in 1949 and Ilecae eLUmain functions of the Commission nuiiy recreatIon conveying the to r- a li(are num r7,f aa dian - is fist [lairman. The board laier mu iîty had alfihe fclte uhcro atina thattime and in his'councýil. as an j1Ar'-na, _17al 'Diam-onld, Adio- Poi ent as Hydro chairmran re- swImjngp Jln'uihd those positions, Mr. Frost Co-op)erate with present organiz- iln wimn oli etc. that 'recre-,si rades ations by supplying related litera- l I;did îîotroll smoothly along jo slmn îecarasi tu meeting facilifies, provide fin'ruct r ad4s Windows , find mtras laes; tahnwthuct ompetet eae rsf t-No. 1 96 r. Dunan , agreedLf0 when possib long bd was conducted by the21epl cove(jriing nisLphaIses of r.ecreation " t Ilhe expiration of this period ý_iiis arelin 1959 lie iliniated his desire to re- rvciad area.v tires H-is secondj point was co-ordinate. A delicious lunchi was then ser'eIl nd fanky IPersaded hlm r aeD iy plyThis was accomrplishied by eli.mlna- i c;eIujoS(_d by ail. freanhspst. Cd lay ting d Icainotesm erie Mr. Duncan Inagreed f0 this extenm Cnfrs [t Fixtures by fwIo or more organizations. lMe -_____________ _s'on .of offiçe to the detriment 'Of.uu srac i acias ani exarapfle where three T0ln hc he madle in which he Staturory Holidlays di l(,n Srvice Cluibs w\ere sp would devote ]lis attention f0 cer- so m aPe-Wee hockey club with 1-1e e nlS o tain matters of inlternlationlal cnen M i ri Il ana iad Midgeots llavan in which he hiad a deep initerýest.' i IU I I uîV r anize ~~~The ,premierfançdM.Dnn nospnor t 1ail. Thé R1lt %Orga ieDnn ibei1thscreoî or IbiSservice as cha, Ilan"in luneONOOORUT f0 etuy bfte blancdprora ie rn iono 1-i-Teenis are holdling with the work of Ibis lifetime Which i to twhe benfit of ail. itheir organizationaî mtn gti a endvtdto the develop . o d FÂiay oming Monday evening, April 3rd tenfof our country." ion 14 J is hir pont ~s porte.at 7.30 p.m. at the home of Miss' "James Duncan, 1 t n, l be M ar. j.S -Mariln Cobledic ,crno. A4ilts assessed as one of the great, unsel- .'i .. WIfen no othýer organization is a- alre welcome f0 assist. fish Canadians who have- served _________________________________________________________________our country Well." The 65-year-old new _____________________ Vvsappointed a Hydro commission.-_____________ er in 1944, at which time he Was president 0f the Ontario Municipal =O=>'C= =-- ET T u.-.Eiecrie AssociationHe be 0YUC EI * perience, fine personality and good judgemenf,"l Mr. Frost said, "and IAT NY IM ..... .... ... .. .c-nY sure, as chairman of the com T N lM m e w h e re ....-ofservice and develoliment which The Oshiawa Business College Mr. Duincanls resigaio iî instruction permits you to ins ilpri, tepeirsiake effot ' as soon as currentl bus- start at any time jMr. Duncan has the reptation of men neo hemsSîâî-ra. 8Day-S'chool Courses fromn .....elled lexcivsiCaaaliws which to ehoose born in Par ind bias visited, Brit» air,, Germany, South America, EV ENING CLASSES c North Africa and Ruissiai. J5'(adTUSA Hie first -visited the Soviet Unin :0t :0pm in 155 nd etured her las yerj C hoice of Subjeot as head of a li-man Canadia dle i WARBLE FLY TREATMENT Ail cattie in Clarke Township 'that have Warble Fly Grub must receive two treatments- either by spray or brush. First -treatment to commence lie- ween April !Oth and April 3lst. Second treatment to lie applied between April 3lst and May '3lst. ôAeNÔ,.ý ONirAptio' PHONE 14816