Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Mar 1961, p. 2

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- - 9~4~9 W~4~V~ TL~ !~J&~OAY M*M~OH 2$~é, VS~1 $0 ZMSY Io uie, - Drcti.fta - .teOi'4 TýH CONTENTS 0f 'tiltS Z/,N Ni A PAL OF WARM W^ATIR iO*9')POURITO IOUT 60WL AND FLUSH - ir$HA EAS y - AND $0 SAPE - mosi (EfCTIVI PROLDUC'T KNOWN. NEW! IMPROVED! sP r rZ ' Ibo ti4s ACTIVATEDL,SAFt i PARTNER'S' , MIIACIC AC TION >__PI TANKS SEPTIC TANK CNWIO E Ps-up LAZY AND ÇESSPOOL CLEANSER SEPTIC *Creates newbotria, teplocing those klo by socps, cleonsers, etc. s Ets intc, solids and -Lý e ives sofe and sonitory sewage ciisposal protection. bStops olors frorn septic tanks and cesspools. *Reduces odors and solids in Out- door toilets SAVES DIGGING, PUMPING, MOVINGI SEPTIC TANKS CESSPOOÏS OUTDOOR TOILETS CONTACT Partner, Plurn'bing & Heating PHONE 1782, NOdu- -.PROGRESSI1VE'N ESS Is The Opposite o! More Liqoor Outiets W HY Degr ade -Clarke Township to a mere BOO0STIER'STOP hetween Toronto aând Petertboqrough? 52 VICTORIES were won by "Vote No" Ballot-in Ontario ini 1960 1We crn do.it again.j1 BY VOTING 'NO"'~ This space is contrýbuted b~y Clarke Township Vote "NO" Organizationi E. ýGordeniftg WîtIh >nftnuaIs'sptngýArriýves by Mrs. T. Fairbrothei, ccver wlith a piece of burlap. Raise In Orono gardningthis as growvth demands. Other an- 0f ail the phases of adnga- nuais mnust be planted as directed . -gaper ob n t a fluais give lis the greatest scope. or- for quicker repuits buy boxes of wiSpran. apri.sitgb n its wayn iThese can be a wide range Of glor- started ith crtaiospthesigs apparin I bus colour, flexibility of design inplnsfrmtelos. about the Village. Some boys hav-, the border, a good supply of eut Araneent in the border or. bed tapped thé sugar m-i;pies that ii-rw f lowers and continuous bloomn follows various patternls. One should the streets and numerous tins can bî, throughout the growing season. avoid stiffness such as regular Unes seen hnigon the trunks of these- An nnalis pan tht xos This is alright for the vegetable trees. Aniotheri sigii of sipring ws~ An nnul i aplat tat--r-ýýsgarden anid nay be easier tIo %eed the sîghtinig of our first Robin oni fr.im seed, bIooi,s, and dies in one and cultivate but for a pleasing ef- Sùnd7ay Is it n-inde known its pres- s~ao.Since mnost gardcIners are feet 1 suggest planting in clumps ence with its usuai (ýhîrping. AlsoD m'ainly interested in creating a col- thiat are wider Vhan deep. Of course the children are galhering bouquets ourful picture on their homle sur-Italler plants should be at the rear ýif Pussy 'Willows. rt undings annuals are the answer. 'tk hs ai)bttybign Most annual seeds have instrc-' the occasional plant forward, fôr iltions on the packet to plant outside the cham of iregularit we mus after anger f fros is ov r. Ho - brak up t hie height lines as w ell ast tend ng the w H gh S oo , e ever, there are a few tougchies' that the planting lines. mitate- the ir- ask that your very earnest consider can be laned s s on s t e su rgulaýr way in w hîich na ure rowsl ation ïbe given ta the danger ele- can>bcplnte asson a th si, s 1ýI plntsbu stJl lae fieminment already acute in highway 115. wvorkable. About noon on a nice day erpansbu-tlipac he nApproval of drinking in public 1a out Vo the garden and pick up Jpiaes which can ol e!eri- a handful of earth if it squeezes in Th greatest deg ree of success by automobile, increases the hazard to asf, putty-like cake you can ,-ith flowvers is acquired by knowing for those Who will have no choice thirow it down in disgust. On the the likes and dislikes. the natural in the matter of travelling to sehool other hiandi, should it crumible thien habits and the best treatment of by bus, as well as to the many other malRe haste ta the ool shed, dig ou, eachi individual variety, Every gar- activities centering around schlool the spade and raRe and start to den has a problemn spot and by life. work. Those seed packets you have 3nting annuals most of these duf- in your hand shouid carry such ficulties are overcom-e.Wefethtrsiconwlo naines as Sweet Peas, Larspur, W elta etito il f corniflower, calendula, kochia, swe(et .1. Drought resistant annuals for necessity, be placed lapon- us in the dryplaes priklpopyveek end actsvities., Parents appre- alyssum poppie, callipsislot. er, cater of sing th familycar for Work the sou toa adepth of at , callopsîsrnocetai. iark- fes- uirtemost suitabIe con- least 6 inches and! Plant the seeds - iin snow-n-'the- oun Vain ,un itios, will feel even pfiore lhesitant rOws- Or as One lady does, scatter pfanwer oning plox kcia, ice ati; s 1they ireaWIze Ithe incr-eased tîraf- them. Sebledste i. portulaca', salvia, commron zinnia.ijîose ia hand inthe trstaransow naturai appearance whÎ-en in bloomn.,-Js tlai nhertuatsw CoVer With about a quarter inch of 2. Anniuals for shiady spots (not av previousiy enjoyed. sali and fîrm down wýith the pailm of under trees): sweet alyssumn. ans,.1î the hiand. To proteet thlese e-al1ysnapdragonis. sweet sultans, clarkia.1 Those of us who depend upon plantings from h1eavy sprînl-g rain, Cines forget-mle-nlots. gCdetta,'SLimm-ier- holiday and week-end cm- phlox drummoildi. ployn-ent ini local restaurants feel 3. Anuas for oorsoi: seetthat we wili have littie 'chance of ~ A nnsu alefrdoou soa :swetemployinenit-if your approval. is I cledua, cockscomb g-iven. A Dining Lounge Licence sweet sultan. cleome (Spiderflower) iwould naturally increase the busin- callilopsis, balsam, California poppy, essfo those holding sucha licence, four o'clock, poppy. petuia. portu- but Me, udltbealwe o lacanastutuîm.work there, whule otlier restaurants 4.Anasfregn.Egn in the area would probablysuifer to plants shoulci be low and compact. texttt hlp. yWul otn try these: agratum. sweet alyssum,exr lp dwarf cockscomb, lobelia. petunia. phlox drunimondi. portulaca. ver- Aithough we have no vote, we bena, pansy. count, on you to choosewisely on our Ibehaif. 5. Annuals that shouid be started early indoors or purchased at the greenhouse: Snapdragons. dianthus. marigolds, (Af rican and French), gobe cilla, strawflowers, loibelia. stocks, nicotine. penstemon, petunia salpiglossis. saivia. scabiosa. ver. bena. zinnia, cleomne, aster. sehizan- thus, blue lace f iower. phlox druin- One can create many interesting E groupings of ,annuals. 1Here are THE somne suggestions: ageratum and9 dragon, phlox and spiderflower f (c1leonr"e); yellow African xnarigol Aens o (Glîtters) purple asters and io gnsfo butterballi m'arigÔld. fi NBWCASTLD Framne a gateway with a trellis of1 fiIRI CLEANERS Scarlet 0Hara morning glories o N A N E U eI (lover up anp unsightly fence. A bed A D L U D i£t Of rosy morn petunlias. white dahlia 0 and red phlox drummnondi,, or an-t Operated by Jack L.ees !other schemne forthe saine setting, f could be Heavenly 'Blue morning1 FOR-PICK-UP & DELIVERY glanies, yeliow African Marigolds, CÇhînese forget-mae-nots and pansles.J P NE ROO2J f okntrol vour colors and there will. HNEOOO 12 be happy results. Letter to the, Editor To The Editor: O CAN BEGIN As ai group of teenagers we real. CA ER T ANN ize that we cannot mark a ballot f AT ANY IME f in the forthcomning vote on Marc h 29th, but we hope that our point of view will be careful-lýy onsidererj by The O, shawa BustinefSsQllg Ithose who do enjoy thie Iprivilege o! f is open aI vearan'ur f votig. W luve ýtudjd ad di- method if individwal votn -We avestuiedanddis linstrudtion jpermits you Vo cssdthe resuit epss ot n start at any\ tinie akthat we mayexrs our feel- ngs through1 this letter to you. -____ To a wh wold onier otig ~8 Day-School Courses from., TOalw s uggest sde vote gwhich to choose you aret blue-printing our future drinking habits. Your approval o fE VENING CL.AS-SES dirinking, in public eating places (if~ TUESDAY and TMLIRSOAY ft is approved on March 29th) wil1 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. f inaugurate a social custom which Choice of Subjecta f m-111 bc aceepted laVer as the way o! life for many as they reach matur- lty. By accepting this, custom of Special Classes f DZ public drijnking you can place temp- i ousewrives -ih~wr~ Itation on, our door-step, and can give enA-Tyit us ths nîe and tools for dis-OTnAgTyit rub-ing ,l&w and order. A.- it hasO______ been diff1tcult to en force legal agejfl *FREF LITERATURE !rinhmum - eglrding~ beer consump- AALBEf Jwlio wl be evenmoe difficuit- to enfoive eminimiums ocr ing liquor consuimption in public ý'streetNot eat1in1 g »lace's. 1 A As yountýg people who wililibe ai- ~ D4 37 Representing a group of interest- ed Orono and district teenagers. Signed, Margery TyrreUl Donna Couvier i ~ k ORGO, ONTARIO, OTE

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