Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 5

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.Fallsj~~ RNGùl F ASHl lONS Tyrrell's Drug Store ORONO, ONT. New' and LweyDress Fashions Armstrongs ernPha'sizCe New and Love-ly Fashions. Spring Fashio'n News in siIk printsan cottonss. Dress andi Jacket cos- turnes, ïheath or pleated Skirts. Alil new styles and materials. Ali sires 10-24l/". PRICED FROM$19-$35 SKIRTS FOR SPRING Love that busy, busy skirt life in light wveight wools., pieated1 or sheath styles. CoiLour mauve, banana, green, beige, toan. PRICE $6.95-$1O.95 TIE -NEW HIIGH FASHION IN HAL'TS Exciting new heatiines. The new high Fashion in hats. We have the newest stylels and materials you can get ail the newy shades for spring. Priced From $2.95 - $9.95 SLPRLNC.BLOUSES We have a good selection in Blouses. Terylene, Drip-Dry, Arnel. Printed or plain. Sizes 12-20. PRICED $3.25-$5.95 M4EN, WOMYEN AND CIIILDREN'S SHOFS Men, Women and Children's Shoes. Pumps, oxfords, Flatties. Higl-i or illusion heel. Wedgies or Prirtcess heel. BRICE» FROM I$4.45-$12.0 Womn'sSLIMS AND SLACKS Sizen's wool plaid Slims or Slacks. Good clioice ini plaids. JPRICE SLIIMS $11 .95; SLACKS $12.95 Store Open Monday 1~ Evenngs Fridaýy andi Saturday Open Ail Day Wed-Cnesdiay Retu--n -iYour wnocse r'eguiar teachier is fLie princi- palý, iriiiislee .pdc-Gee. IMrs. F. E. Lycett is ont the sick 1JIst.r. A. Cnater and Mvrs. vVmïj. ae lit are talçiher class of sttidents at the 01r0no Public $chool. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and Terry Jîited on Sundiffay 'vîMiss Marti1ene rahm, Cîgston., On Chiannel 5, C.B.L.T., TV oni theu prgrmm Counitry ,Calenidar"i two siîldes to the Orono H-orticultur- ai1 beds, OinQ at thle cemeeyai rtue Otn1el Itue HiîhwaIy bec, ere I sonb., Mr. fRusseili Gomme, 1Pro-1 vincal ecrearyof Otaro ilorti- Ut cùuri Pclees Tese slidés 2 w~e aiLnQIthe tulips iu dhe Ranger MýeeLtig Centlral Area Glirl Guides A-'ssocia. 1tion Jeld a Ranger Training mreet- Il ing in the IUnîteci Church Snd 0 School in Orono on M,\arch 7th. Q Mliss Dora Farthing-, Provincial c RagrAdvisor, explained the Ran-o ger programme and howv to assess the Pre-enrolmrent Training, giv-Q înig the GujCies an oIPportun!ity fi-o ýslç m-any questions. Mi ss Roreen Stoot,' Provincial Mu'cInstructor, ledi the girls inQ 'eealsns, pointing out ways ino which - imake them enjoyableQ rather than routine. Oiono) Locaýl Association invited ' MissFrtîg Miss Stoot, dhePRani-Q ger, Companies and their Ieaîders from Blackstock, Maple Grove, Or- ono and Ganaraska te dinner before the' fraî'ling. Othojr 'Iinvitcd guess eeMrýs. .Liton, A.-ýrea Tra -iLling Q Ohairmani;Ms Rudeil, Division '0 Coinmmissionerui.for Dur-ham; mrs.Q Lon, ifeof4 the AMinister-, _Mrjs. asbsecretary of the Local As-Q * ocatonMrs. Gra ,01ono Dis- trictGuid Cap a'iad Mrs. Simpl-Q soOronio District BrownOw and leader.H.SmeOrn agrQ TJ'liiss a hIapp ocsin o.v .oille.,Rangering in this section ýf Cenltral area. Corivicted -0f Changing Ceu "Anyone can mayuke a mistaike eveinime," said Robert Bieb ,21Jq of 22,3 Firsi Street,Tims, he he ýippeared beforeMaitle .Q E. i taxter, Tuesdaýy. Brîsebois was chiaiged wîith ' amp- ering w't a c heque issued by Cyni- thia Bruton, of Orono-1, whic'h she had given to Brlsboîs for a mg-I zinle subscription. The (heueIid( beei ch1alged from $4.0t 1.0 After Jiearing thlree wtnse . MlgUt jsaxter ound (thje accuis- sed gihi 'y as chargedj and remnandedJ hlm for' sentence tili Marjch îth "I think you have made a mnstake 11oW," said i-is Orsh]ip. Bniboi ws apprechenIded iluOr On10 by the OPP whun] a com-1plaint Was phoned 10 them iby trie alert staff ar the Canadian Ban1k 0f Com- mnerce, Orono. The man wýas djetain. ed at the bank until thle police al- rivdI. U INITED CiURCH- Oro Pastoral SUN DAY, MARCN l2th CHURCH SERVICES 01no1 - 11:00 a.mn. Leskard -2:00 p.m. Kirby-v 3:00 p,. SUNOAY &CHOQI. Kirb-y 2: 00 p.m Léskard jOb -». Qualified Druggist ON HAND TO DO THE DISPENSING AT 1:30 P.M. DAILY Weekly Specioalsg Ladies Ban Lon Cardigans, a top quality gar- mnent. Long sleeves, assortedl colors. Regular $4.98. This Week ....................... $3.98 Ladies Ban Lon Pullovers. Sizes 14 to 20, as- sorted Colors. Regular $3.98 This week.,..... $2.98 Çhildreni's and Misses New Spring Hatýs. Latest styles and colo rs............ ...... .$1.98 Ladies' Slips, first qu ality Celaniese tricot 'q material. Lace brasier top, "embroidered, sizes U 32 to 40 Reguilar $1.29. TIhis week.........LOO 8 Ladies clear plastic Rainiboots, flat hec-l; first quality, normaly muchhigher priced. 0On1Sale-,$1.39 Tea Towels made from Jrish Linien ani-i cottonl Assorted colored stripes ............ for $1.OO Plasta-Glas linedc Drapes, wide ranige, new Spring patterns,, to choose from Pair ..... $1.89U G-,i-mient Bags, 'heavy plastic, jum-rbo size, full lenigth zipper Reg $2.95. This week......$1.88 Chocolate Buds, a pure milk chocolate. Regu- lar lb. 88c. This week Pounid................ 69e 0 Ru M 05 T $ . 0 u S 0 f'ý 8 0<=0:= C--0<:= Cwý o = 0 z:ý0 a 0 cýý 0ý=aC= O = 0 C= to be prepared fo SpigPitn Ma iTe ep, iR ERONOGTINSHO Pr Pho~e 1W16 Orono, Oatfirio Armst rong s N 'N 'N N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N N N N N 'N 'N N N N N N N 'N -4 4-' 'N N N N 'N N N N "-O N N N N 'N -4 N N N N 4--' N -.4 N N N N '4 s "N -.4 N N THERE WILL BE A il Orone, Ontario pholle 11816

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