Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 2

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ý;'GRETS VOTE Clarke Township IS A F'INE PLiCE TO LIVE LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY No one can say that Cocktail Bars andi D.ning Loujn.4cf in eur Township wl inakic this Cormmntv iaetter, happier or more prosperous. If your "No" is nlot registereti this tîme it willfnot be asked for whcn other out- lets are openeti in your Township. Think of the welfare of our Township and its young people and nelt the financial advanitages which will corne to aý few. -VOTE 1N ON t3OTH BALLOTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29pth Clarke Township "VOTE NO" Organ.ization on 80 many ways~ The Red Cross~ Looks to You .The humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on your generosity. Your dollars provide and carry on the essential Red Cross services and programmes in your community. This year-ttiink of the manyways the Red Cross serves you andi your neighbour-then plan your donation or pledge to the best of your means. A generous donation wiIl do so much for so many, ini 1961. Red Cross Neecis Vour HieIp Now mra. Wrn. Qrcidy Mrs. Albert Mitchell PHON4E 2192-J, OkOf4@ Hi ous. It was stated that this would necessitate the drinking of 5 ounice.si Jof straight liquor without food Iwhjeh would flot be lilkely Rn such an outlet. There is a nieed, stated the speak- er of good sound teaching ini tem- perence in a mondern day1 trend. It I s recogniized that liquor is here to stay and the proper use must be tauight to the people. IMr. Woodyard referred to the per- lod of total prohibition and stated1 drank anid bootleggers ,tloucîsled even in Clarke Township. TMqay no amateur is malçingj iq er rale vi'hich Was really ýdetr!imental toi health. To-day twý,o-thirds of thej tpeople dIrink and the speaker refer- red to the v.ords of Rev. Pa.ckmran who stated that liquor is hiere to stay, lets meet it sensibly. In closing Mr. Woodyard -,tated that nio outside interests were fur- nrishing money for the, vote or cam- paignl for, the 'Yes' group. The cost ,)f the election wvas being carried by the proprietors of the Chicken Bar B.-Q and thie Brenitwood. H1e asked h is audience to miake sure they knew what they were voting- for be- fore0fthey voted. MT1r. G ordon Cotter then spoke toi the meeting on behialf of the vote No commnitte. He, like_ Mr. Wood-- yard, pointed out that bis figures were obta ,ined fromi neutral sources. Both parties referred to these sour- ces and both also spoke of their.be- -leive of temperance in mi-oderniatiocn. ~Mr. Cotter stated that his stand against the vote would be on the Fcount of driniking and driving. Hej said hie was not ii favour of pro %j bition nor was hie opposed to the establishment of brewer's retail or Ilipior stores but did oppose the es- tarblishment of liquor outiets on 115 Uighway. In larger centres, hie said- there is a public formi of tratispor-i tation whiere one desires to drink' but ini this area one would have to drive his or hier car. He said lets~, not forge -that th~e speed limitton 'his I-iîghway is 60 mi.p.h. Thiese estab- lishments wvould be centred for the tourist trade stated Mr. Cotter and we in this area would be faced %vith people drinking and driving when the traffîc is the heaviest. "Hpw a- bout the right of the rest of us who willflot drin~k and drive? hie asked He referred to a study in which, he stated, that the section of lHigh- ýýyfrom 401 to Enterprise had one Of he Worst records in thre Province ofOntario. Considering this and al- so the fact that drinking and driv- iing don't mix how canit eote ithan more hazardous, said r.Co- ter. in referrinig to a statement by Mr WVoodyard that a jacket an~d'tie would have to be worni to gai, en- trane. Mr. Cotter claimed that he, knew of instances where this %was not the case.t H-e also referred to the building of the new High School witluin a 100 yards of a possible outiet and made the point , that ail stridents wvould have to be bused to the school. These students will be subjected to incu-eased hazards during, the after- noon rush period especially Rtrihe suinmmer ino)nths. 1Mr. Cotter stated that as Clarke had no police for-ce they would flot rýceive aiiy tax rebate and he be- lieved this to be anr acknowledge- nienit by the government that such outiets dIo increase problexns.fHe ajs said thiere POssiblY w9ýCld b, an increase in emiployment for some and a decrease for otiiers. The big winner, hie f elt, wvould naturally ge those promoting the vote. In referring to driniking anid *Iriv-ý iig hie poiied to a report by J. Rus- sel that aIlcohol figured in d15 percent of trafflc accideuts in a les- ser or greater degree. Assumning ibhis it would follow, hie said, that '15 per cenlt of thle fatalities are also caused by somne degree throughl the c'o- sumrption of alcohol. H1e also stated thait two cocktails, îin quick sucession increases acci- denits by ihreeVes. 11e also referredi to thle extensive caM-paign tlo not drink and drive and also Iýýte the fact that, car insu-- ance is no good Li' yQu have beenl drinking. ~is session was held at whic trie 1 Chamber upported the purchase of] a travel trailer 'as a prize for thue an-I nual Carnival draw. The ChamberJ also voted $20.00 for the Junior Gar- den Club for whom Mrs. H. Barlow spoke. The mnoney is to be used fin promoting this group and a possible outing. Mr. E. H. Samuel reported that the Commerce cominittee was working toward a special sales pro- motion day in Orono early in May. THEl I aGIFT "-SHOP Agente for "NEWCASTLE DRY CMEAIqEIIs AND LAUNDERERS Operateti by Jack Lees n FOR PICK-UP & DELIIVERYo PHONE ORONO 252J 0 NeweautIe AUL PASSENGERS FULLY INSIJREfl Owned andi operateti by Charles and Fred Glanville' N EWCASTLE PLANNING A NEW HOME? Bc SURE TO SEE OUR WIDE PLANS (No obligations) SÊLÊCTI0N O~F NEW HOME YOU CAN BEGIN CA1REER TRAINING AT ANY TIME F he Oshawa Business College is open ail year and our method of individual instruction permits you to start at any time SDay-SCIhool coursesfrom which to ehoose EVENIê4G CLASSE TUESDAY andi THURSCAY 7.:00 to 9:00 p.m Choice of Subjeots Special Classes for Ilousewives - Shiftworksr-s g Teen-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE Il AVAILABLE S 10 Simcoe Street North Dial RA. 5-3375 NEWCASTLE T A XI W, can supply you with glueprints andi ,ther information nec- essalry for sounti building. Orono Fuel & Luunber PHONE 14816. ONONO, ONT. $YWork Into Winterwork Phoee2396

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