Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 1

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9- , l ï ass mail, Pest office Department, OttaW ion in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.561 amber ýo-mmerce bnlt a~~\r odad Meeting Twsi saereceivesi tin 'the rvnufhroirgh -ta;s(,sesrent and to extenc bulsinless apple I tablIisflnent. Tnere woulct not, ne ite is surviveci by ais wvife, r.ý A M-cLaren, in- said, be a idemand forilpwship er1frmrAuae - Rn ie;aor'o i peakers anid cail- vices such as demnanded by new î!Law-,rencç A. Squair of Bowmani odard to sPea.l< houses or industry. The latter twvo a.îd a sîster, Mrsý . W. Moffait RI t b.crease the cost of education a-1 oi Orono0 and several nlieces Istated that they long with other rvies lTis in- fe)es ejudice in the cain- crease iii tax revenue, hie said, rote and further re- oldcry'teTo-i)cs f The funeral was hield froin as a serious ýnatteI' relief bnft as they are to-day. Moristueral Chapel, :aowr those voting know Sucli outiets, lhe stated would brn ingItermeývInd as mn Bwm 6an tin- Yes or No. He mreoenng:orwrkrndc te Cmet ý, i por question wyas althat a thiree year payrol lfor suchen et . s in this centre. "Il an Ilesablishiment on HIighuway '7 a- seer rathier odd to' miouited to $970 This would Ibe ~ador oland~ata reat advantage for those seeýking i àliam iBiy 1Bu*t ýe figue -f a total of sof -which only 8,17C 3who had been drink- ,idi that it wýas imiipos- ne who many of the that were cause< Ouli of a total of149- couki be attributed iaccidents only 3,378 s Durhamn Co-op Shows ý iiý-I$13,121 Surplus For '60 ~,O- The~ thirteenth annual meeting of the group %vas shown the Kremlin~ me~e- te Drha Farers ContyCo. and other places of interest. , yM(operative was held Tuesday in the' Winners of the hicky draws werý_ i3rueO rono Oddfellow's Commuflity Cen-1 S. C. Allun, a mixer, Ken Henderaon t re wîtih an attendanéý of 180. -The jan electric kettie, Elgin Werry, - Coin- activities of ithe day vwere couuen<l- OP Xertilize, zirt f-uipson CIL 2211d;1 cd by a turkey banquet fertilizer and J. Hartwell Loweiry, ,ce of i The president, Mir. Donald Staples lawn f ertilizer. ýk thelIacted as cýhairman anid welcomedi Forty-three members were presenz, f ellowý co-oprators and stated that for, the business portion of the moet- 'Y enlý- tey had 'lad an1other 7sucecessýf11lJiig. This prio ftjle meeting spe thsmetnlebeshdthý_e P-l the Cooperative for the past year, u11portunity to speak thieir views and \which w ýas prIeenteçdIi1y heuditor, 1Rus-, cast. their vote in determining th 1-Irlerb Watson. Total sales dur- and polic'ies and character of their Co-op!ig16 mutdt 2022wt tee lO ms otonr of Oshaw a pro- jincrieasedl over 1959 by an amoutiit.of s ýIII \,dedtheeiiertilientby iII-In- asurlusof $13,121. " several humorous -songs. Mr- Elvin Blewett, secretary io.f flanls M1or spaeMr tdthe Boatrd 0f Directors, presented ýhea- alohnofYelverton, showed i- the recommendations froin the lie a- t.-restinig slides of his trip to Russia. Board ia connection wviij the dis- r- ieor a ranen ed by tribution of the net savin3gs. The re- eetedMr. V. Doii.,lasof the Wineiiam ........---- -Opposition ornr farmers. ALLer anltng in N they were flown south tof and worked their way north '-even day guided tour. They collective farms which were, orfifty thousand acres in si2 l,ýÈpoyed se&ýen or eigh't th people. These people lived in Villages and elected their ow of Directors and leaders .Th, toiu-ed sinaller State farins o or five thousand acres whid' ,)wnied by the State who hir iations were approvea Py,, ýtingl. These recommenda- ludied that a 3 percent divi- ithe foi-m of a patronage issued for 1960 member bus- t wvas also recommended 1956 patronage certif icates- in cash," 9- -'9 -9- -9 9- -9- FRev. eld goal which 2-0 lit the end of italîy came at L.ang Vault, Orono Cemetery. Aperiod off theiD ut r Tee funthen goals, st the score at 5-1 O o tH p F i mute mark. eldzoa *ýas cor[jThec future of Port Hlope Agricul- îlt çn~1 ~assen-juaISocietv's annual fair, one ofi i ý yar!,l!racînlg cars of the type' by Players ait Le Manis and Sebnil twni as the-,ic ca'ýrs competiag JunIle toCanaidian Blît lmný two hleatshîgned ând constructelb h and tlic --utteSalrCar 1 of 93<~S.Cthrns Ont. 'f - pweed by V8Corvel to be Can-ounted behîndff the drlvc >rÎ,ul event 1 ing the rear whels, w11l in over tire b BhSadien 'and h1ast yý g 20U01hmit driver Granti norili fGe etwOnt. thie ernini Lakefi l'lTes Series With ( 'Ono1 Onl Wedlnesdlay night in Cobourg thie Lakefield hockey- club oo onlesidedl victory froin theOran 1w~sfore'of 12-2. This victory tiesi Sonro discussion reg.arding Ëthe ac- quisition of new lands for devel- opinent purposes brought several suggestions. Hlowever, it was de- cided to study these ideas further be-fore anything def laite was de- cided,)jjPýPýý f M regaýctîng "expert adv!1ce" in wld life inatter but he still belleved that a man who has macle a study of local wild life such as Mn. Reeve has do>te for man years, could be of great -value to the authority. J. T. AcCaleS, field officer, re- portedl that the Departinent had of- f icially c2hanged its naine froin the Departinent of Planning- and Develk opment to the Depantinent of Com- merce andl Developminet He also reported that hie is stifl investigating costs of a proposed b)ooklect which wouldl detail the viwtory uv-I ueven( ut-oleiupii e ls- Lrc,,mlt.Y-- -1 - - - ' iu Mlc ieeve n ot. 13 iitUlliWas the wurî,.of i t uttrtly uvet LLcn ja r~hrPt Hope this year. the series at tvwo gaines apiece. Týhe1 appointed as mlember to thle advis- ps 15 years, and wouldi have mnore ia ogith A cietrretngrcnl it aeiscle nBbago1 (orY board on recomimendation by f acts and figures at a later date. mes Wt tadrco'-meigrcnl for Saturday nilht. enalties toi concera wuas expressed at the Ëair- 1>I)oardt's ability to continue tire fair- A n c e tn i0 s ci c x -b~ tr M S in the face of mouating costs and z- 9J dwindling gate neceipts.- The fair has always recel\ved solid Thle 33d annual meeting of Osh' m eeting onaie worker miet, with 1j storey hospltal, somie of the 14 cot- support from irural folk, but in spite awa Pebtra ,VSWas hlii chmemlbens. Fifty years later f;:ïn inile of Indore, some village ) f several featured attraction-s, i T rintty United Church, Eowmaal- ,n Central India 2 co119regatiol1s wark aad teacher's training class- .ias f aileci to draw a big enough at- ville with 26,3nsenngthe o ae5,0 baptised mnembers anidles. 'The outlawed cLaste system lbas- il~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V ~ tnac ri otHp te a.. re aole Of 26 church councils and! notentlely died out but dmc -ýj *e hecosts of these shows. 'rhese A- Thie presid-ente iMrs F. Redof yeuniWted Church of LNoi'thieraiýtn- cy!s ?ncreasing. iacýtins are usuàlily held 01n Ilhe -Hmpokept thle numerous items di«a has 700,00!) memibers. Ms oe spoke on the study of - apeing g t withl the niain exhihi,-inovýing -smnootly.1 Early la 1957i the worký of the Un-1the ecum-1enical moem n aad de ng riers -- ---- Treguet peaer wee isîe Churnh of Canadla there was place of miissions ila it. The depart- [n dius Chistin-e Baxter of the United assumied by the Uinited Chiurdh of'mn of frgnmsin egan the ~ani~rs in Tiredirect(ors felt reluctantý-to ltJC1 uc Msio t ndaw poeindia and the Word mission was=ýnioeent at tHuenI-d Cuil -ope; 1the annual fair drop ii view of the i i itheateno and showed sldes lhne o Christian. Thnis, thie Na- meigl dnu ao 7 hr .nted~~~~~~~~ ieo-iisponmetliitîlt- as er work in thle eveniag. Mrs. B.noaiChiia Cunci setcue inrai urch n1wl aoalt r sport gov- distrctj - c ýattie uexhlibitors. ,- - '-H B f lrcini districts tao revent o nd ae hsteCutclwsal arol In1ent-- ftW 1teydci1edt1- J Spe, reîdnto1a1o)uaeovr-jdprfugees andtiekenchurý- - 1, ' IConfenence Branch, spokre aon cunt- iapingand workes-were Ioaned' eues as wllas c peaein w ndeien, a -ceshee2p and swinle clsîes,, whre nctln odutd~ecne I to wonk suld rito ash "older th aeeicakn ieac n e ans,, Franée. WS éntnies Jhave beeii xeceied l- nc fpresi4çtgp ndanscfoi iAialsdotos andcal woký terR id o, ubtit an eeni.suped<nendets of hospiba1s as re- sirc-s Soper discussed the miechan- tevRan of: lý-nct -years anï t lbsitet, if adevnng - -cuined. ics of thre new - women's organiza- ected to, bp ossiblc, &obacco exhibits and :t1aý- - Mss aiter, çwho spoke Wtlt the The 0Christ 'an -ouaciî h)as be l~-at te jtous 'hx i lvls ~or- htas. -- -- -- autont3Tgaiae. l ~f~ enm ~extèmied to:2ti-rudethe iheads of ail -tr1èsing alocation, budgets, units, - - -- '1:WoJl' n l iglie, -~~d .a ja sia r n e ut spr can 4 Alsoattendag Th -. îsIittiOnls and representatives 0f co-oe-to aiýrpùs»ain [os ý,jl1 , e 1th e Iýo ëd of rad ere -inê ail 'àntr-of i vier qua tl ty ý ela'n à r a~ il w ork la tie ar a and a com mlit- M rs. R . - B . G albr ith spoke on d os lt-ager Cole Locke, who undentook to possibly the poorest man in the for a I rkfaa r md edosaib-tyofte Lvingh Gode, Cre atr àd to s r y tu i-ise support la Pont Hope wonld, has also a scarclt-y of whalt is ýlo'alWIki'aLeinoste vt'o elvn oCetr whih acefa the fair particulanly ia regard onsiderel necessites. "Poverty and' îh 0cnge. ug and Redeemner, showing thle rig. Aogt concessions. scarcity"* is the stony told by tour1 Miss Baxten disPlayed the jeweî- soe variety and benefit available a24 Whlbe ssac erte y din ailery givea to ber when she ieft 11a- in Bible study. ichines de- bMr Locke said lhe thoughit the fairworke ndrs era to appecia te a diaadwr samsaeo rt- FollonVng the dinnen served by 'Y Bi, Sad- 1wa-ýs of great value to thle commirun- h ulte of the popie. - Iude to ithe womea of Canada. Tninity MS, greetigswce giveil ~opay f t lanie would hate to see it' e eeoietrsligfo oe fteGvrmn' s i the Reverend W. K. H-ouslandi- 'hes cas, aps. Ne brildng of damns and prodtuc ecn was the inviaton ofthe Woru- and Osawa ofresyUted and by te pleines! no letiiyis bringing won- '"rs to meet the Quee ad Duke of amrs. L.. iandson resadnkbo cr anddriv-1 This yearis fair seemls assurcd ,US ul iDol.L.FRchrs pedntf be puoed wîth Sep-tercniber 7 & 8 chosen as the dril hnes but Nim asthtuibrh aDul shawa Presbytery WA. Mrs. àM. ~a'sCRA ats.Beonl cat the directors ee mr onefl is the educa i Xeln icue ae iBtaswas busy at the literature Clake f wreunwilling u olcommit LhI(-t f oe.1 J8and 1959 showed rmany aspects tbl.Courtesy reports were pi-es- sluves. jle 1907 at the &fircurch annual f modm alnla iludiag a seven- (Continued page 8) ýday, Marc Yn -Mir. 9- -9-- '9 99 '-9 -99 .4

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