Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 8

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ES Main Street, lie 109, ý 2.5o oer al!catiun li Cci -n B e D on e A recentaril in thle Globe and Mvail and l in i 'aca PoIreports that flhc Town of Wallaceburg , population 10,000, has reetybeen chosen as the site of a small ind1ustryý, and that 't is the fourth new inctustry 1',obe set Uip in Wallaceburg. in the last two years. Instrumental in attracting îndistry fo Wallacebourg, as theý reports point c)ù1, bas been the program of WValiaceburg-'s Industrial Developmenit Ltd., a company formied to attract ind(ustry, sinillar 10 the planned cOmmunity ietpntCorporation now in ils for- mnative stages is Port Hope. Another feature attributing to WalV 1laceburg's success is the interest of the majority of the citizens who are also backing the Town in the search for -new industry. The rniost inleresting part of the report is the fact that 2000 citizens of Wallaceburg are, stockholders of the' deyelopment eom- pany. It is apparent that ail the people in Wallaceburg, not just businessmen, are vitally interestetd in industrial developmeilt. Il is of course logîcal that everyone in a communiity be in terested in attracting new industry. New industry creates flot only emnployment for ils own staff, but, as surveys have shown, even more jobs eisewhere in the commrunity. Greater industrial empioy- mient enhances the job security of every wage earner. The Wallaceburg dlevelopment companjy raised $150,000 flot only to finance buildings for new in1dustry, but to providle capital for expansion of existîng plants. As can be seen by the large num- ber of shareholders, nearly every headi of a lamily has shown, in- terest by putting uIP so-e money to help the town. Pessimisîs rmighl say that il wouid be neariy impossible Lo gel just about every citizen to buy at least one share in a coin- nunity investment corporation. Wallaceburg has shown thal il can be- done! It bas aiso shown, that those in a communlty cani work together for a beller and sounder comnmunity. TUE THIRTEENTH ANUAL M EE TING of the Dlurha.m Farmers' County Co-operativé wUiibe heIdin the ODDFELLQWS' HALL ORONOg TUesiQ-mayq March 17g Guest Sekr Nrgoar acl Business Meeting at 2:30 p.n-. NOTICE LOLA'S BEAUTY SH'OPPE Park Stret/ Orono, Phone 16()j C'sdwhile 'attending 1961 Cavai ade 0of eauity ShÔwv, Royal Yorkl J. W. Or'onof. anri Dyd ai PILA NT Leairly marked reevdbv loel, Toroto Mrch 12, 13, 14, 15. 1 b-c FOR SALE drsge ntl5.m Plum-binig Fxuj,- rss ____________________SATUDAY, MARC 11'ii, 1961 NOTICE es-SrpPas iead'~-rteinsta'kation ofcd ainew heatîng The 'Or-ono Red cross wiH ld1ct1ings. -'t " vo i h onl t1ieir B"ilîz Cam11pai n lu lvunds o W i n n talL- a1 at O1n!.Fu11ther information Thurday Mach 61t, 1961. '1a li s toda J, rettiae i pans andspcictinsrnaiY be _______________________ IGuscott PIurnbing & I-eating Ltdl.i tie from Mr. John W. stone. 2D7 Smoe .S. Oshawa 1 -i-") 14P,7). Work to ho com- NOTICE CàiI Co!lleot Oshiawa RA 5-5132 nlteted on or before April 28, 1961. The Local. Association of Girl t- Gid-es, this w;eek, are seniding. out ____ crtifiedc1(he-que in the amou.nt travelling bsesto fthe ladies A FiE L PWA riTC M AL E if 101,of 4he contract bibld b ac- i1he villaige in a imoney making L.IG PCJ5 ul- -npaýnv eaqh -tender. ~ s-hemne. it is the hope of tlý Associ- le orem rM pume Lwetorcn e r lt ecs ationthiat the villagel'S Or'iqî eno-oper,- toe aI'e ithis project as they- have pre- sitwt et i ony~iyaccepted, I~~~~~~ viul.Oebs1ti esatdprogrammae tir -,ilalar.y$40. ýv)s,-Annnsut st b Ioual Lcras$ ileage ai- FH. E. MILLSON, at the î4ortHiend9.sthe %villag,,e and loxvance. Other S.Apply prior Clerk, tuot ToQwnship of Clarke, umberand D1 i ýd nI f alLhb-e- CPRD OF THANKS f 1Box 337,Cbr naro-c_ ____________ Tihank you, tb 41 who il-fjuired'1 sent cards and called to-see me! ,HELP WANJTED - MAL E Ooo11 ec while 1 was shut in a-p R E PRES E NTAT1.1E RE7.QU 1R ED0 ocl 43>, Necsté47 MerriUf Grahamn. To enroil Farm- Serivice atnd ýMotor J ACOBSEN SI MPSON ~I-'RT~r'fied w orker, f il1 or part tiiim, r - F r i ur i h d and efinishe di peat business yvear alter year. Ru1lshl Paperhanding- Woodworkig ýVS-I)tiadAnn West are1your name and address for luit In i very happy 10 anounce he birth 1 frmation as ter-ritorîýi -c Painting, 111ter-ior ani Exterior of 'a son, on Tuesday, February 28,1 fast. Car needled. 1961, in Bowmnanille I4omorial Ho-j Sales manager , ox817, uFirsnCIass fork Cali Us Ncw pifai. A brother- for iery Cindy Ontario (.4-2 j I n ean.BI RTÎ RAIT ATDr STAFFORD BTROS. MVr. and Mýrs. Henry DeWith of Organlist and choir leader re- MOhmIIIWn ri Orono are happy to announce the quired by Oron& Uniled. Church. 'IV VI Un birth of their daughter, Margaret, Please senld wrîtten applicaion toi Phone Whifby 552 on uesayFeruay 2tlainMem Diumm),Icl Clrkof Session' 318 Dundas St. E., WhItby orial Hospital, BowmTanville. a-p ~c,,-b-p- FINE QUALITY MONUME NTS AND I Gen eral Motors Up Expenditure General Motors of Canada L year paid out more than a half4 lion dollars i Canada for ifs "mat lais and services andi wages a taes E. H. Waoer-, GM presideijI, sý the company's spending in U~ reached a record $505,000,000, an crease of $40,000,000 over 1959 sp ding and nearly $100,000,000 mc thani in 1958. Wages and salaries accountedJ $73,000,00 of the ftotal, an incre, of $8,000,000 over 1959. EinPi ment it GM last year averaged 500. A. F. MIcKEINZIE, M.D.ý PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:03 ta 8:00 p.M. Saturdays and Wýedne.sdays by .appointmennts on!y PHOZNE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETE-RîNARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Oroeio,On- LUAÀL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones- Office MA 3-5688 Homne MA 3-554 Earrister In the Offices R. R. Waddell MAIN, ST,,10R Telephone 138 Orose LJ. ,dig- Floyd NcIrôISOR Phonie 2191 Orono i Foundatio ns and Septic Tanks poured. "P6r-ms available. Mr. Walker salid increased pro4l lion in 1960 accounfed for a s, stanîtial part of the spendling jprr GM\ produtced 209,4105 vehicles in 'omipared wîth 179,58)3 in 1959. Another factor sa'd the preside- w ,as GM's Caniadiani-widie nwrellou, exlpan.sion program whdiich startý w uith the opening of a new wair, hou,0ýse ila Montreai last Spring an withi the doublïing of GMI's 13-acr warehouse in Oshawa late i li year. McQUAY and X1DD REALTORI6 177 Churoti St. '1111 Bowmanville -MA. 3-3393 I Phone 5 r 18 Auictioneer ï COnducts Aution NOTICE% A ,iI UCERS Every Counly unlder the Hog Marketing Pion will holdelections on MOD A Y, MA R CH 6 TH AT 1O A, M. for the prps feieCting ointy îmembers to diîst-ict Hog Producer CQimmittees. 'Your- County -meeting ,vill be held at. 3ASEMENT 0"F TOWN HALL, OKONOd JDW9 MAMrdCOU N TY - Nomninations in the morning, with election to folIdw in the afternoon. The Agricutural R reelative in each County wi:lI ct as Chairmnan. If you require further iniformation, cotact your AgrculturalRepresentative. Vote in the County wher, you produce hogs. ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD ifamiltous lo e hIsirance service ra ymc IN HE b~ESAEOItQ, Our quaity and sei WLAMAvBRO - ut othing to be C, E R Ry Ask tepersoan who b, INTH ETAE uInsurance in ail its Branches P a netghbQur, frien, Ail persons hanving clPsaantf The RUTTER G the Estate ofl ia Amerson Auto, Package and Comnposite 0 Gerry'F, lite of thle Village0loronlo, in te Twnsip o Cîrkinlathe ~Polîcies , Fire, -Farmn, Life, Ul 3Ona CoLUnty of Duýrhiam-,,deceasedj, WhoU j "L PORe T ispa cemeor 96are therebh y ofîe 10es ýs;a die o o aoiitth îthda 1o D-' Burglary, Liability, Marine, o sedin, t the unldersignied on or Accident and Sickness, Wn, ~ r u u before thle 201h d Cay of March 1961, h 'JrncY 1S luli particu1lrs of thetr cdaims, aller Wich ldaýte, the Estate wvijl be ' BolIer, Fidielity Bond, Etc., H0~ distributed hinlg 1regard only t10 gHNE- the laims of Which the undersiýgned-COT CT shall then have notice. gCOiNHm ItT~I F RACTd DATE-D aI Oshawa this 9th day of SaditUUUHapUI WIRI! Febiruary, 1961. g FR1eýqin HUP-RY'BHLLMAN, Ph one, Orono IR16 Pop n ur 3G6¼ King Street E-ast,PrmtadGrn OshaWa, Ontario aFIRST MORTGAGE LOANS t alknofctrphl Solicýito)rs for' the Admn-inistratrix ilSÀc-h as 'W~s MAYELIZABET11 GERRYi .-Rio- ALL HOG P 1 1

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