The lwcf the jungle is tLha)t only 1th-e strongest s-urvive. ILtlis ea1Iaw th-at, unf rtuLinatel y, is neot eýntirely qconfined te the jungle. Currently, toi-wist dema,.nds ilar Eskimo ivory carvinga aire (creaýt- d ig the bigge s luglitr of wl rumss y man ever known in padcewaters. Wal7Prus tusks provide a valu- able ineomie for the local Eski- mos - they provide the raw% inaterialfor their ca.rvinig akilis Pand, otunl, a good live- ýjhood. Eskimos eiher sell the ivory Yo non-nave crvers or thay carve t rhcselves, ptoducing appealing models of Ekm babies, crbuandironely walrscs Wel- carved ivories tetc-1) up ta 10apud 11, Ihe rush to keep pc wii'h thie damand for suich souveirs the Eskiýmos are shc'wing a comi- pleteédisaegaýrd fo'r hmn slaughterng methods, and Sor i)heir OWn ftuture. They concentrate on "head hutn"forays, see-king wlu tusks excluzively. The carcassesý eor Ctheir victims are left to rot un shocre's &r ice foa.Wos stlf-mthe wlrsprceerva- éÂti nviwpitthy rfer Ita hun't fe-male waruseýs - fml ivory is bettes- for caurving. Fut rnanlths past, Esk;1imos i- ha1biting tiny isiands in the er- fing SCea have lived on11walruses. The huniers, -serving four main villages, recen ta catch about 11,000 walruses a year. But il is feared t 1hat throug'h thieir uncan- frolled buntIng fervour a.nd pur- suit of females only, beyftal wound and waste the carcasses ofthousands more. If the wal- nmrs, aýs la f ared, disappears fromn Qhese' s'afer. he Eskimos will Y I Famous RegÎment Preserves A Penny A GAY ERADE - Dr, Hugh Whytock observýfz his 1Oôth birthday by giv'ing Iovely Lindcs Bement (Miss Universe) bier firat ice skating tesson, The Cheshire $egimen't, nick- îîamed Ihe "Re c,' ni,-hts,"ha returned te Northern Irelatnd- te) recuperate a little from thirce aýrduou1s years spenit fighting Communist terrorists in Mala.- y'a, Ireland hliasvaecýial place in. teregiment's story. Srhortly af- ter its formaqtioni, nearly thrcee hundrad years; ago by the DukE. of Norfolk, the neAw reglînent crossed the Irish Sea, .and gain- ed its first 1ba-ttie experience by taýking part in the siegce and Caýp- ture cof Ca,,rrick1'ergus. Th-e yeairs rolled on. BlI honours were aýcciruuated. The- reg-im-ent modecrniized it.self in maDny wy but al1Ways retaineti its linkcs with hîstory. Ample prcaf of this came '230- odd(- yeaýrs aite ts formation. At this tima one of the Che- shifre's battalions was joined by a prîva,-te n amad Leninham. NeWly arrived fromn Chester, he reported to the Depot at Carrîck- fergus and ws sent te the quar- terastr'sstores te draW hie kit. After being, issued wvith a nesv pche shook ht and eut rolled an antiquated Jamres Il peniny The penn, ,it wis discovered, haLd fallen into the pack after linin a diisty cor1ner of th1e storres for many ya The coin, which w;%as proýabi"y s.eized by one of the first Che- shlires as a Souvenir aýf vic-tury, naw b has 2a plaO-ud place 'in the beeni ahoniû - Recen.tly tufthaonsciGerman Airlines opened ils new Far Eaat' route ng ta Tokyo. Trota!lIength of the trip from Frainkfurt, Germiany5 ta 60 ie and the flying time of the super-fast Boeinq 707 "Jet I- r25½1 hours. This is a decided contrast to the speed of thie "GrLif Tokyo in~ 1929 ,,hen the trip from Germainy - a ' more direct a total of 101 houri 49 minutes. Telephoto courtesy of LUFTHANSA M AGENTS WANTED IFyou are interested in selling .two protltablSine"kn g'.'cmraqi par- ~tors and "Viking" iikers, suspendeti and floor types s -ca1 Agent, we bavce 5dm.n territories vacanýt ini Ontarlo anti Quebec. Write today for full de- tails to: Swediah Separator Co. Limniteti, 7,10 Notre Darne St. West, MontreaM (3). bBY CHICKS DAVtOLD and startediBry chieka promipt shlprnent. PuIlets, Amas In Croas andi other bi-eeds, to 18 week o1., Also, liatcbing to order. May broiiers, orderno. See local agent, or wrIte Bray Metchery, 120ÇJohn North, Ham- ilton. FiSHER ORC HAROS' CHICiKS OUR 4lst. year serving Canada's pouitry induîstry wt baby chicks, famous for hieavvylaying or efficient nmeat produc- ion, See our catalogue andi price 1sf; before you order. Eaý,rly order savings avaiJlable on day-old puliets to Febru. ery '25th. 1961 TIhe Fisfier Orchards, Uo 5, Burlington, Ontario. PEGONIA BULBS HANGING ASÇTBEGONIAS «GIOW tiiese spectacular Tuberousý Be- Soias for a sunftier long tlirili . ain bo-w loloilta. Special Offer W -'t'm- p lete kii, tbree buibs, wirebasket andi prepareti soil, ready to plant, $2.95 poapid Gardien Guild, Toronto 12. LERRY & ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBE!R1Y GROWER% ALI COMMERCIAL VARIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Retrus 0f up to, $2,5001 per acre undler our neil-gro ngsystunm For tcoplete information and price liai, -nie: .Bl.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (RIEG) B.R. No. 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PIIONE: WATERFORD HICKORY 3-5807 SAVE SAVE LUILD YOUR OWN BOAT MAoulded Mahogeny Hu~ils- Frein 12 ft, (4 MY) to Crisser Hui$s 25 Mt (12 ply;. Second HMmd Johnson, Evnrude Outbomrd Motor.s> Boat Traiferýanmd Acce!sories. JOHI'SON'S DOATS & MOTORS, PEFFERLAW, ONT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ut)DERN soft ice creain andi foodi nusinasa for sale in growing town of 'ort H-ope. Excellent location on No. 2 iibaequipncnt, tnventory S12,. 44. Selling for personai tes sons. 14,800 fili price, 27,0010 downÏ1 Long * mos., Realtors, F. G, Long, Pont Hope. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE 'OR sala, General store, fulll Une, self-. îrve, gooti turnover, central basting, ving quartera. Write: Dean A. lfatcbi, elm1ont. Ont. TODEEN', Meat Market in prosperous ,wn, '40 miles N. of"kdn.Trioe 60,000 Ini a yeai'., Fufll price $12,000. irspect this for maiAng money. Box 231, 23 - lth Street, New Toronto, Ont. BUILDING MATERALS CORN'-ERBEAD, Cornernte, E a v e S_ rougblýng, H a in ru e r Tackers anti tapIes, Speciai sipmnent specially prie- ti W1rite to Box 31, 'Oakville, Ont" COINS COINS vanted, payý highest prices. 61 Ci Catalogue 251ý. Gany's (8> 9910 isaper Ave., Edmionton, Alt." 241 [ILLUSTRATED ratail price bookiet f coins, bills, miedails, coin andi stamp 'ollectors suppflies, 40 pages 31 VhTolasale raetail Canada Coin Ex. hange, ý e ibmond Street East, Tor- -ilto DIETITIAN WANTED CIF REPLACEMENT DUE TC RETIREMENT 50-BED HPOSPITAL 1 HE ADL)MINlSTRATOR QUEEN ELIZABETH HOSPiTAL 130 Dunni Ave. TORONTO How etCen I? By Roberta Lee . athere RIIy WRly eI renýovate our famnily shoe brush hihhas heecilme so full et wa, poih tlt it ne0 lonrger diles a A.Yu canen ( th1is bruLsh Q.Hw can 1 repaint golf A. Stick black-headeud pinin Uhe balls, t1len a],ttach srnsta DINNERWARE EiNGLISHI Bone China Dlnnierwiare. All -edtgniks. Big avinge. Write for infonslxtlon, Erneraýon's China., Simeor, Ontalio. DAIRY EQUIPMENT Save On MiIker Repairs Inflations, milk andi alirtubes, anti g-askets. For ail maâkes of slkr.Mont pulsators repalratLoms&Lom. Port MeINicoll, Ont. FARPA MACHINERY NEW Manuire Srae Aprons ,ýwith original No. 67 chain, 75 bushel size, .$38.50 complate. For Inforïiiatlon writ* Martin Metals, Route 2, W,,aterloo, Ont, 440 I.C. W/12" John Deere Tractor, ail putrpose grousers direction reverser, lighits, bottoin plate, key switch, rau cap and shielti; 831 Crawler loadeti W/62" bucket & tetb, counierweighs, punchasati new Jiy, 1960 for $800000; 19.54 Dotige 3 ton dump truck F license; Low 1hed machinery float, total price for aiY aquipment $7,000.,00 - may ba financad, miuai ha solti to wind up estate. Box 188, Port Perry, Pbone Yuklon 5-791. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CHEQUE proteýcton -reýcently over- hauled e-3000, T Hf. Graham, 296a Gien- forest Road l' ononto, 12, Ont. HU. 7-2245. FANTASTIC New Imported Tyvpe Cor. necior! Makes typîng errors disappear. Ontier totiay, send 10 for a bakar'a dozen corraciors wili, correct 500 errora. Ifiey back guarautea. L. Bran- voi',(Mïembar Internationatl Traders), ;)718 ?froost Dapt. 25j1D, No. Hollywood, Califonn!ia. PH-ONOGRAPH RECORD,- WE aira Ca'nada's mail ordet heaô. quarners for ail types of records, popu- lar, classicý1, f olk, foraign lau-,guage, country an(; western - we bave thenx aIl! Sa fe dclivary poiieyguaranxteati Send 258 cents in coin or stamps to-day for our up17-to-da.te catalogue. Bob Destry's luusie Centre, Box 747, Mont- real, P.Q. FPlease cenclose ibis ad wben ordering. FOUNTAIN PENS FILL this Pan wýitb water. instantly write wtb ink. Lifatime service guar- ntead. Naw cientiftce diseovary, $3. posipaiti. Bruno, 201 Norfelti, BlvdJ., Elmont, New, York. MORSES QUARTER hierse conisignment sale, De- troit, Micb., April 8, Sta;ta Faingrouindr. Write:Letcb anlVIcinlyFenton, INSTRUCTION EAý'RN JMore! Boolkeeping, Salesmxan. ship. Sborthand, Typawriting, etc. Les. son 50. Ask for free cinculan, No. 33. 'Canadian, Correspondanice Couirses. 1210 Bay Street, Toronto. MAILE OR FEMALE MELP WANTED LABORATORY TECMNICIANS (REGISTERED) ftequined by Ma3rcb 1 961: SENIOR, witb ativanceirent lb CHIE? T2IÇHNICIAN, muat hava biqôti bank axperience; also JUNIOR. Miodem La,2boratot'y in new hospital wig, attrpctive persaonnYel poil- cies. Applications stating experience and salary expectedl to S . aJobnston, Admuniiistrator. LMAMINGTON DISTRICT MylEMORIAL HOSPiTAL Leaminigtonl, Onta!i@ MAGAZINES & BOOKS 12 NOVELS, $L 1'Thrills action! (Oi miagaýzines; Eteiringa, Priuts, Pictures; Books ) Unliniiti supply, satisfaction gucaranteecd. or monay rfne.Mat- ino, 415 'West 44th, New Vonk 36, New York. MEDICAL GOOO RESOLUTION -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHIEWMATIC PAINS OR N!IJRITIS SI4OULD TRY DIXON'S REMIEDY. M4UNRO'S DRUG STORE 3351 EIGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express ColIeci POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH- the torment of dry eczema r-ashes anti weapning skin troublesý. Post's EBeema, Salve will ot disappoint you. Itcblng, sca(ïldlng anti burning ecze- mia, acue, rin)gwormi pimples suid foot; eczema wilI responti reatiuly to the stainless, otiorless olutwrt, negartless of hlow stuibborn or hiopeleas tbe, aeem. Sent post FreEeon Receipt et Prîce PRICE 5.0PER JAR POST'S REMEOIS 1865 St. Clair'Avenue East, TORONTO NUTRiA ATTENTIN PURCHAS.RS 0P NUTRIA WVhen purchashincNutria ceonsitier thé follOw'ing ,points ç hic ibs 4orgaisa.e, lion offers: 1 - The best avâiale stock, no cross- brati or standard typesrcmmnei 2. - The reputaýtion 0 f a plan, which la proving isalf sbtut&tdby files o0f -satlsfied ranchers. 3-Full insurance aantreplace- mnt I, shouldti tey not live or in thie e venit of stanility (aIl flily axplaineti inorcertijficata 0fmet. 4. We _giva y1 ou.1ny mtatiionis whlic i re bin demanti îforfur garm,11enitS. 5You receive froruibis ognzto a uaranteed paîImrletin wiiiing. f'. Mem.1bershiplu o e n -exclusive bretirs'asocitinwbenaby only pur-clisens i0f Ibis stock mray partiel- paie in thle beefts so offan'eti. 7 Pices fori- edigStock tari ai m M OPPORtUNITIES FPK MEN AND WOMBNf BE A I4AIRDRESSER lONCANADA'S LEADINO SCHOOL Great Opporzunity Learn Halrdresei1ng P1leasasat, tiignlfiad profession; gooti ,wages. Tbotiands 0f suee3sful Marvel Graduiatea. Amanica's Greatast Sy;ïtari Illustrateti Catalogue Fýee Write or Cail MARVEL MAIkDRESSINB SCHOOL 358 Bleer St. W., Toronto Brancbes: 44 ing st. W., HIlamiltonî 72 Rideau Street, OtI'tawa PMOTOGRAPMY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT.ý Filmis tievelop>et anti 8magna pniïCts 401 12Magna prinlts 0 Rapints 5(eaach. KODACOLOR Developing lroîl 90,< tnot 'iilcding prints Colon prints 30 . ecb extra. Ansco andi Ekiachrorne 35mm 20 ex- posurea mouiniedti nshdea '1.20 Color prînts frein alides 32,ý saehÈ. :Money ne- funde i lu fufll for unprinted negatives, -PROPERTIES FOR SfALE ESTATE SALE DOCTOR'S home wit-hofieaace, easy tarnins, 'phone write or vîst Avtltur B:radley, Iichairdson',s RealEsat Lir- lied, 270 N. Chistina,San..Ei- water 6-2226, FOR SALE - Ovar 200 acres adjoin- lng the Town of Maraheî , Ont. Cornprising a sunstaye(jtGi town;itepa ed by the town planningbaniof the Oniaa'io Oovensltuant,' viihb4,lots 60' x 120, andi hAlan6laof landi eee>and w.ýootieti, auitable for eouniry club, tour- litraser ndm., suimn-er bhomes, alslI suitable for golf gounsa. This property labondtion. twe sities by tbe hearuilful otra River, wltb ¾ ýmile of saaiy bac, ood bath- ing, boating, fising antihnting. Across the, rivet la the famous iqTenma garni Forest Reserve. Thia propaniy la oniy 1/.ý mile fromn churebles, scho ols antid oalibis nev colng ecin fNoten ntarlo. Fil sýala Pri e $*1,000 forqucsae Ownen ba3s to sel on acutof aga anti poor bealtb. H. A. CAMP'BELL, BOX 104, MVATACH1EWANý, ONT. PHONE 21 SALES MELP AND AGENTS WANTED -- FEMALES Wondicerfirl arning optn e sli- lng the fastasi g-roeý(inWlîn-' of Cos- ma)ties lu North Amatie,i ai Famous Studio Girl Hollywood! Cos;meiüs No terniory restrictionis. H1giest c ommois- sions enables you to oper-ata y-our owsrn business in, part on fujli ia alu Write Studio Girl Hlollywoi (aad> 602 Hfopkins Ave., Petenho, Orý nt. STAMPS BRITISHI Colonial anti USA uszL-.Seid 201ý anti !00 differeut fro!,u your du- plicates and ihava e csenti \,Ou an antinely differeut assonLimeuit of1)00 tiifferesit, Apprpvais of aboye a ai'/;, Seitts üa-talogma. 'T. H. Grabamn, 296a Gleniorest .1oati, Toronto 12, Ont. CANADA F1sieries dlactlg $1.25 for 80< in coin, te adulhi approva! atpplicatnts, for oun fine useti Britishi Colonial stanipa..W. Fra.nka. 284 Glern- fores Rd., Toronto. EXCHANGE your tupllctets! Szenti 100 sitamipsaaud 10ç, receive W00 differeut lu axcbiange! $1 par 100! ppoval Co., 242Easat tb St., Ne- Yonr3'.NýY. STAMPS from yeur favooni-t cô)uetries ou approval hy coujntnycollýection. $iampls priceti siugly anti pacolý,lection. J. cGazo, 1583 Clentlral, WindSor(, Ont. New Issue Dae TrOPICAL'S - MýapaFlw' ,people,' Planes, Flagas, Animais. Chtin(en, Ad- veuturers, U.N.. US. bitiOh, pie FREE WRITrE for fulyo luj aet aalge Burea, Pila;- telle Division, PO ox292,Bffl 5, N Y REGISTERED NRE !Imm-ediate opaningi forGaea Dufy Nurses in a 20-bedi private hiospit5î Iocated in a miodem Pul1p mWili leW-is in Norhweactern ontareia, Strtin%(- smary $259-00 Par nmenti l Pus rOem ald board at ne cost, Annuaýl ince- mnenta in recognrition M aisatr service. Accommodatciion provÏded in single rooma in comforlabîe- Nurses' Realdience. Emiplovea be-nefîtshinclude Group is urlisce, Pension Plan, anti I i bai tvacation aîwec.Year- ro0und reci-eetionai fzcilitias. Apply, statirIg ful Pert!culars of1aa, ex- perience, aaiabîtec. te Box No.ý 230, 123-18th Str*Ee,, New Tolrunto, Ont, SAVE UP TO 40%/ ON FUEL MORTEMIP 1HIAT SAVERS Fully automatic - easy ç, lEaaiug - fils snmoke pipes î 7 -F " aises. OIILY $q2.95 F.O.U. TORONTO CONVERT YOUR RANGE TO 011 IRESGE VERTICAL FLAME RANGE OIL BURNER IERTISINO N N N 'N N. y,, N N N N N N s N * N N N. N N S N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N I N N N N N N s N N '1 N S N N N N N s N 'i N N N N N N N N N N s N N .5 s -s N N -, N N N N N s N N N a mIED