Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 6

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ÇOsts More To Be $ick l rti Codlivr al, siling (14 ~ sixence(21 Cents) a 6- iÎttce bofttieý, Vitamin pills, sx ~ne(7 RaIs apackiet af 45, ?rsrptoi,2 s h ii n g s (28 ,ýîtnts) for anýy drug. Pivate hjos- tla1bed p ta 8 pounds I IýiIlings ($2.529) a week. Incredible ams it Mnray -s(eIem VtO Amrrericans,, t h ese suggested,ý jprices wee et with the tra.di- IonafoItia cries of Sie! â.nd "eia"when Britain's yvinister ai Hcalth Ench Powel) annou nced- befare the House ai Conuon-, that Britons waud have ta p-), a bit matrc for their Iciaized a-edicine. "This is a major asaulIanthe 1heaIlhser- vc ratested. O p posi ti oyn Leader Hugli Gaîtskell. But in oneai of rmos' ost crôwdyý sessions, 1the Laborites Last month failed ta mu.1ster enauglipreliim- a a a a a a a a a a -a a a a a a- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a - a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a r-r a a -r- a a a a a 'a * a a r' a a a- a a Ir *w.v, ttlcuidw"« Fm lî teasure Ta-ke tVMs ~ayta-nitafghian, on trips, to Sanimes, or us on wiatny night5. Chioose,, a lively 4-colon scherne or scraps f'or this attractive efghan. IKnitted sheil medal- - ions - jai later. Pattern 718: kaitting dir-ections. Send THIIRTY-FIVE CENTS <tarnps ca-anal be acepted, use ~osVal note lfan safety) for hsâ battera ta La-ura Wheeler, Box 1, 3~ Eighteenth St., New Toiroata Qnt. Pnînt plaiiy PATTERN ~UMBER, ';our NAIME aad iAD- ÏIRE sS. JUST OIFIF THE PRESS! Send pow fr aurexcitiaig, new 1961 ieediecraft ,ý ta-iog. Over 125 ~esigs Vacrochet, kait, sew, ýmboidr, qùilt, wea-ve - iash- ýioas, hmfnisigtoys, glits, kos for six snart veil caps. urry, send 25e rnow! mnary votes ta xeject thle goývern- mient's new heaihi prîces. Pas- sage seerned.assured. By this action Bri tain's twelive- ycar-old National Healthi Servie,ý whlch pays out $2.1 bllin 1 year for miedical bnft would get another $182 mlini a cornie. At thitpresent tirne Bnic- tans pay only 26 cenlts out af thIeir weeklly paychecks. Li ne- t ura, they get (besies fres- m.edical cane) free viýtam-ins and cod-liver ail. Thcy can get any prescription f illedfo only 14 cents, andi if they want aprvt hospital bcd it costs anly about $12 a weék. Now, under the new 1NHS plan the wekyPaychcck deduction is raised fnrorn 26 cents ta 38 cents and the enpioyer's cantributfion fromr 7 cents ta 9 cents. At the same time, the prices 0ai som-e itemns ike pre- scriptions have been naised,. and hîtherto free itemns, lkecod- liven aoil, -will be charýged for, Actually, therge Briton idn..t't seern as upset by thiePriic risc as the Labonite paliticians we1(re. Hle didn't like it, butf aigreed in îmost caszes be ould a fford ta pay, the bi1l, As oneý London father of twa, chidren put it: "I'm 1tliankfui- for gettýing benefieitýs stili so cheaplyýV," B'ut m-any British doctors fear- cdÏ that same ch)ronicaýlly -iii could not aford the higher pre- scription casts. The niedical pro- fession, ,hil, for some time lias been enthiusia-.sic about sociati- zed mèdeficine, sidecd empbatiicaiiyl with thie Lbo i n lcriticizing the price rise. "Wve haveawasoPppased pre- scripion chre, a British Medicai Assoc2iation spokçesnan sLd. ' eel tbiey create- a fi- nanciai barrier between the pa- tient anid tlie tï'eatmient hema require."--From -iNEWSWEK George Jessel Takes His Own Tip For soma weeks, 1-rio lîsteni- ers il% Las. Angeles have bý,een. h-earing raconteur George- Jessel ln perha-pa bis bcst-known Vau- deville routine: A, telephone tal.k with Mana. This, time hle was prorising ta "send Mana a check evenynonth" because he'd suak his savings in a sure thing: Tlh, Beverly Hilîs Security In- vestmeats Corp., a fînîin which sîelîs property deeds, gaatc itscuc-stameri.s a 10 per cent yearly returnn Jessel suggested thiat "Aunit Guss-ie should invest Uncle Phul's ifi e insurance"la 13,HS 1 At Vhs point, the unisentimeat- ai SEC rang cl own the curtain. A six-count comiplaint charged Jes- sel an-d the firr's three officers. witbi "fraud" and "deceit." De- spite BHSI's dlaim that il was fully backed by a "substantial" equity in reai estate, customers who ask'ed for tlieir rnoney could1n't gVil 1back, "the SEC said. Moireav-er, the fiinrm eyer told its ne cutorerstliat il wa n'meeting tlie payments ta its aider clien)ts. In Miam-i Beach wlee heis' vactinig, eselpiated out tiagt lie lias na formai con.aection witl the campany, thus "I be- hiev7e I arn entirely lanitie clear." Non is lie one Vo take bis own advice liglitly : "They ask-ed mQ ta do a cammuerciai, and I be- lieved in it sa mnudl I hought same ai it myei"le said.' TRAGIC CARPET-Fromiraýn this knotked rug wý-itln picý-ure- cf the kingdom's Former Quecn Sor-aya hbas'corne a Du3seï,r)West Germainy, where it is owne-ýd and dis;plaiyed by MA. Aghaobek- zaideh, right. ran-'s Shah iAohommned Reza Paihlevi d:vocedý Sorayo in 1958 b-co use sýhe failcd to bear a mate Wheir to ihe thro ne. Our chicicen-poxgrnssar gra-dua-ly rcturning ta normal. Da-vid is back ta o ooEddie andi Jerry -are dresscd a-ad runi- ning around the bouse, 50 ahounding with eneýrgy they are almost driviag their m-othen cra-zy. -She tliought il would ma-ke ilt easien baviag the twvo littIe cones clown witb chickcen- pox a-V anc and tbe sa-me tine but there wvenenights last wvek when' sIe cha-nged ber mmid * Th--ey were sa ifull ai pa-x that for several niglits no one got mueli_, sleep. One would wake up and want "carniel" calamine) ointment rubbpd on the spots. Dec would get hirn, quictcned clown a-nd then the otber one wouid start. Or she would wk uIp and f lad E4die ha-c crawie-d ia bed beside lier. One tïie she found Eddie ance side an* Jerry the other, but no Father. He had ta-ken Vo the chc.terfield! Maybe bie spent the nest ai the nighit drea-ring ai the tirne w h,_ wasni't mrarid. Oh well, it's just anc ai thase things tl-iat bappen la the best reýguilated fainilies. Actuaiiy no anc seems ta av suffered tao much.Ar and Dave ,vere liene Fri'day, night a-ad brouglit us a lavely bunicli ai red cafnations as an anniver- sa-ny gift. Satuîzday the juior brandi aif the fimily %vere hiene, aisa fu1li ai liiie. The twa boys had not' beeni exposed ta chicken-pox so we'ne not looking for trouble la that. direction. Our third guenena- ian fa-mlly Ïus gnawing Up fast, soon thene wan't be a-ny' vba *bies at ail. (1 wander!) Anywvay, Cedric, the youngest, wvili beý twa', years aid ln a icw weclss tirne, It does't semri possible. Po littie feliows - bora inta an age ai, spa-ce tra-vel and interpiane- taý-ny missiles. I arn gia-d things wvere not sa carnplicatcd wh'-en we wvere naising a iml.At tbat time car only worry7, espe- cially duniing the depressian,wa ta keep oùr eas aovewae and t ae uethe chuildren w'erc dqaey fdelte and cuatd -IlaH minon prob- lemis cmac t h rs spa),ce ae W(hl, anc 0f rthe ee-catchn k news items 1last wckconcerned,ý the Ontario ositlSerie Comm-Iission - in thle red Vo the tune ai over six iljion do,] 'ýllas Thîis is ai vital importanc e ta amsteveryvanei since 9.5 percent ai the popuflation pay insuirance premiums. Wby the dict Several explanations have bceen giv7en whih bail CLoýwn ta the- primrary faci that tliere are more patients tlian beds. Evenl so anc wondiers wh it l should be ams impossible Va get a haspital c except for an emrengency.. Now1 doai't msnesadme.- I a-mý not actualy citca a te om ir mis s ion.ii,1think lt is édoing a mnanvelus job. Those wioar e jili a-ne get[iný' betten càiréfýýLimn ut any ViicIn la hstan).y. La-st sumimer whea Pa-rtnr wà In hospîtal we didnt't hýave a thing ta camplain abo)ut. In fact it was aur opinion that io uspitals are leaaing over bcwnsin g4v- ing care ta patients once tliey are ïin hospital. And thereyou have the cruix oai 'the stany - once they are in lios-pital. But, unless you .h-appenta be L-ýan ernergency the chances, are, that while you are- waitîngfo ab you wili ither die or ge2t better! Here are a few isoaited case,ýs, persoaally lcnowa ta mec. *"Mrs. L." suffered a lcatat- ack. Hospitalization vas clea-r- ly indicated but there was ro led available. Mrs. L. wais in bed ten weeks with only a elderly Iiusbaild ta caýre for lnir. Ia addition she hiad lta pay for diagnostic services -whîcliwoi have been cover-cd liad she beeýn la bospitai. In ailier wandls 1av- ing bospital intirance didi not leeleit hier anc cent. "Mrs. S." is a yaungwio witli two spiall chidrea. Sh1,- bas some kind i rerittent feven wvhicli, sa f ar, lier cdoctor . bas been unable ta dfiag-nose. He, thinks the oniy solution is for bier ta o ia haspit-al for a coin- plete check-up. Afier teiliag lber that lie sliook lis liead and add- cd - "But 1 doubt if I ca-n get you a bcd for twi>roimatls!" That was, just la-st week sa wc don't kajowý what the end ai that stary wil be. 1 arn sure ma-ny doctors mnust be as w7orried as their pa- tienits. "Mrs. 0." is: an elderly lady living witli ber son, bis wife an-d the-ir four srna-ll children. Af ter Christmas she dcveloped pneu- -mania. The sane aid story- no hiospital bcd available. Imagine nursing a. pncurnonia- patient on a second floor room- withi four small chiîdren ruinni"ng around downstai'rs. Wliat iýs the answcr tota hs complex question? Hene is oile solution I1 avenot yct seen Rent A Castie For A Shilling A Yeur An Eng1isbxnan's hasne s is castie, Sc , they SÙy'. Wel, why noV rent onie? Fôr a shilling a year you can rent Duniroii, the far-tl asie bel.ngig to the, Duka of Suthe-riande, inSotnd There'sony ne snag. Th'e seva)nty-,Lwo-yeavrol]4 Duke wùll aýsi the new ý,tenant ta-)producc £ 10000 as an upkeep f und, -This way it VUiIbe possibeVo avoid incom Vax.If he Duce charged £10,000 a year rent, that would b. subject to incarne tax. But by ha-,-vinig -a tenant put up the oney lor upkeep, there wlll be no ax. Everyi penny of the mnoney, will be, spent on mntaininPg the Casîe, whlich haàs lbeen in athe Luke'sfamy for- 500 years. Ini return, the new, tenant will get grotuse-shaatJing anci deer-sta-ik- ing and -afully furnishedcafie that lok 1 i k e s,,icet, stght o Flans Andersecn. It evenha itson railway ztatian, wvhich is stili used,bu only far requepst stops. Sin-ce thfe war, the duike mis been UaInvost atnoul gaged in camplicated transac- tions aimied at preserving bhe f riyfortunes. 1Tb.ree y'r aolie sold his English Man- soin, Suttan Place, Gutildiord, foar ý£400,000 ta PaÀul Get, al- legedly thie richest muan in ',he world. The most recent deal was te sale Of the Dulnrabin eState (ex- cluding, the casie) 1(or £ 239,000, Most Oi the money wetlinta a; Iaily trust for the benefit ài bis niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Jansen. Whiile the- Duke's tenanten Jays the aeiisofDuri, the Duke and his wie wilI stay in Londocn, But so far no mili- lion.aire a reaôlhed for bis, clieque-book. Relax And Chew- But Not The RagI Steady adConstant C!hewrjng reclaxes- your- nerves. At least, so say erve Uspe)(cialists in the Uited ciStatesý. hwiggumf, far instane, lps yL ou ta eep your temper. EvenEsimswho ormll cew blulbber, have changedA ave"rLta gurm becauce thley find that itfae theni fcel hai'ppier pnd mnore contcet say the ex- One seienjti't sy that clie- mnggumis "a technique af re- Lý laion" - a methodC of diisý'î- pag exses, energy..FHe de- cil hppYrg and whîstlng Èa heoppopleof ail age a relax. These ,are lhe-ýctitimres andi wreliv-irg at stsch'i a fast paice t1l'.' any tip)ý on h'cw tr, relax mentined.If out-ç.atient care2 wer re icde in biospital in- surance oln' hr be fewer People clamarigfor liopita beds? Srl in the long run- operation ot would be Iess ratherthanmor e. D iag ,n os>ti c services for even o-ne patiet wauld srl be less casýtly than keepipg bhim in a hospital bCd for even one day. Anyw,,ay, it should be a service available tA aDlpaiîcy hoéders - especWilly if insurance rates are tW be given a filten percent boost. Look,1! us ONE main pattera part each for dress ai-d panties, No fitting prablen-tie cince bacU wis.Whip up this bright, brcezy set in a fw lhours in gay, thrifty cotton, Printed Pattern 4761: Child'z Sizes 2, 4, 6. Siz' (3 outfit takesg 27's yards 39-inch abir Send FIFTY CENTS <trp cannot be- aîccep--teýd, use postalý nlote forsfty for th1is paitte-rn P 1 e a S e print panySIZE, NAIME, A D DIRES S. STYLE NU MBE . Send ordler ta ANNE ADAMS, BPox 1, 1213Eihet St., Newvý Toronta, Ont. ANNOUNCING the,,biggs i ashiion show af SringL,-Summerý, 1961-pages, pgepaýg'es ofpat- tcrnis in aur fen% ew Colo ritlog- just out, Hurry, seiid 35t now! c H F. Kenned'y helps Iaunch the 1961 H1eaDr Fund carnpaign bý? h Donnai,, Ieft, andc Debbie iHors1t, 6 yecir-old identicai twiilï, ýicacI heanti operations in 1959. hy rsetdthe Firsi L-ady In return they rcie gold hicilakt s gifla of the Gay, Cozy, Ecsy! a r, is far fram Ceasy. If You perse-. vere, it's b 0 iu hW Yo0a can kili tension and thie feelingj thtyour wvho1e system ýis iý endng Up, "'Relax alla stay youni-g!" Say the exp)erts'. If you can really 1let, go" and relax, you wiil 'Al surprised at the "fca eue. aion"' you can aohieve,adie one. Modera Eiquette By Amie AUhley Q1 have parfait glasses ai4 sometimies like tg serve a parfait for dessert. Since 1 have no par- fait spoons, is 1V ait righit Vo use lced-tea spoons, instead, and de) you think a parfait mnakes a nice eompanty dessert? A. Yes, ta bathi questions. Truc h1appiness is found ila- p urs3u iniig soýmetbing, flo!,tpi catcbing il. one ainpaternpar, 4761 IES

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