ORON WEELY TMgSTHURSDAV, MARCH 2nd 1961 New Spring Fash, LADIES' DRESSES New Spring fashions reveal lovely tex- tures, colours, prints. We now have in stock a good sclection of ladies' dresses in Misses an-d wDrmens regular and haif sizes. C )oosa oie now fo7r your Spring wardrobe whie ie se.- ection is oood. Sizes 10 ta 241/2. PRICE $11.95-$23.50 - BLOUSES Any ane of aur iiew blouses will heip ta enhance your new Sprincg autfit. Cafefuilytaif- orecl from terylene and cotton. Overblouses andi tuck-in styles. Spring shades incltuse banana. lilac, beige, green, gold and whiie. Size 1_ý-20. PRICE $3.25-$5.95 SKIRTS *Nw ight-weight skïrts for Spring in ail the IoveIy new shadles of mauvebanana, green, beige and tan. Suies 10 ta 18. PRICE $6.95-$10.95q LAIES' HATS Salute Spring in the nicest way, i one o'f aur new- est style hats - strawvs ranging from spun-sugar smooth ta w.icker-we-ave rough -- taiiored andl dressy trims - ail the qsay Spring colours you want as welI as black and navy. PRICE $2.95-$9.9-5 Store Open A m to j I Return You-ýir PINK ENVEL.,C For The "EiA S T ER S E ALCAP v1 HIE LP CRIPPLED CHIIIDREN"l io n s i is. sî id ara Ika patient heI3wmnyll MmQ l os- Baraal, auhtr f r. D rug Store piahaving hlad ani operation for I apedicitis. ORONO, ONT. JMrs. Johnt Koropatwa was takeni toathe Bomanyille Hospital Mon-1_ g day evening. MUr. and MUrs. Warren WVatt anld joxanna of Bancroft spent Sun-dayi c-nening wvith MVr. and Mrs. Donalýd Stajies and fan 1y Mr. Hector Bowen is a patient In fil te -Memorial Hospital, l3owýman.- xnovedTHÉRE WILL BE A '11Mr. L. Lowery and Mr. E. Dent u lfe Druggist atended the H~ydro Convention in I:,the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, ON HAND TO DO THE DISPENSING this ,week. I Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper are Visit-AT13PM.AIL 1ingMr and Mrsi. Robert Cooper andi family in Warren, Michigaqi. Mrs. R. _____________________________ Cooper iS a patient in the hospital liiiWarren. Guide w6e ws e,apland aki. p olec1 ,ti.Wle fl] We land oumeeing wllcit h ile sitinig in a circIe we talked abhout go0(l manners when using 'the! e--; l u% c L telephone. We then had a sing sang.tIfnsS e i l 1n wh ichi we learn ed al of "Land of f the Sîlver irc" - GownsIfat white flannelette, smocked Lieutenant Hamni Ibhet took the 10 Regular, 79c. This week Specal 6 niew Guides and explained their se- 67C c'ond c-laas nature Io tthem- Each girl wýas given her Audttbon book ~ W and pin, and are ,goinig to make na- ndrakr-Boys', sizes 6 to 14 yrs. Each $3.59 tuescrap books. The other guides -q discussed some f irst class work 0 and badges. Patches Iron-On1, Denim or twill. ReguIar' 2 The girls wvant to study Mexico as opths2c hsw çSeil..... o 5 part of their, guide wvork. ace25.Ti \ekSeal.....4fo3e The layette that the girls made is goingl to be sent with th~e hale that Chldrn'sCol"in Books Reoiihir fi is being packed- by thle Church. 0 nirn ~in EegsrWe closed withï our- hymn, pray- [l This Week............ ............. .. 2 for- 33e f F:ridý,vay ar Saturday Margaret Mitchell. [ OpOMMERCIAL STUDENTS Oxfords, Boys nrown and blaeRil. Wed1nesca LOAN'. PROGRAM TO AS91ST Sizes1 to 5V2. "Don't Miss This" R~egelar $4.39 f __________ The Caniadian Business Sehool As- This Week ................ .............. $3-7 sociation announced today the es- f tabI)iqisent of a student 0a po 1grarn to be inistituted in miemberf Ladies Mercerized Cotton Hiose, Nylon re- schools across the nationt. iuforced. Seasonable shades. Size 8½,/ to 101 Th'le AsoiatnnrprPsents ;com-2 *in mercýial colleges truhu a Regular, price 69c. On Sale for............... 58e ad(, including the Oshawa PBWsiniess ! U Cleeat 10 Sîmcwoe Street, .North f î- and an affiliatedf branwh College lb- Tooth Paste priced f~or real savîngs. Ail the atdat 106 Kent Street, WVest in a Linlsa blliof-ývic ar i [Jidi pQpula brands: Stripe, Colgates, Pepsodent, and operat ed b;.v UC. Barnett 01j ili, ±vacLeanS. iRegular 6e or .........._57 Osaw. r. Barnett was NationalI Association o Businss Modess Teein-Age Bonus Pack. Book, Beit in 1955-ý56 and 15-7.BliColleges ad[J akii.Ah for ................-79 ar-e fully accreited Mebers )f ithe Association. Thle Presidient of thie C.B,.S.A.. o m0 r oate Bath size 2 for 25e Mrs Gneiev Mthne ofWid-o oilet Soap), C iaayr o sor., Ontaio, inoted thle lmajor-,o0 INity, of t uinýeloydin Canadla with-1 out skilis. "This situation caninot. ,.1tAiu niCvrdSae as-3 tHev cotneshe said. -Young -g peole gug.mimCore2. Sauce pans..qt......eavy2 9c A il ' G 1 N11nust be made avwreof Ithe ncs sl\ofacquiring skills, and ms A b~~~~he iped n everywapossibletýoo :la$29fr$.3 ReferringIo thethwholdern Loai as tlie firI ofsev- Chocolate Dardeie lles, chocolat[e covered e ral steps to be taken in this direç- gum-s and creamis. Specal this week pound .... 45e tio,"Mrs Mthoeystaes "Ter 9 is no good reason why aniy worthy young maniii or womnan shouid forego the1(admittedj advantages -of special-. [ zed commiiercial training just be- 0"0ý1 Jo $10)S r cause they mnighit feel 1)resentl fin- ancial condition should delay -=his 0 oc opportunity. C. Organized in the 1930's for the _________________________ _____ purpose of setting examination and academic standards in private h'usi- a niess schools, the association is , ~ fuo > >, n . blOlf carrying on an active programn of research in 1h1cmw rcaltraining a- ~The new plan forý business coiieges U >R N T N H O ~~~at ~~~is simiilar to a programn used in~ cer- _______ ____________________ tain uniesiis and functions --___________________ UKITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge M"in ister SUNDAY, MARCH 5th CHURCH SERVICES OriiooI-l1100 arn. Leskar-d -2:00 p.m. Kirby - 3:00 pi. SUN DAY SCIfOOt. orono - 10:00 a.rn. Kirby - 2:00 p.m.i Leskerd - 1=@O prm. to be prepared for Spring Painting May We HeIp? R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Oroiio, Qu4ario 1 , ý m mm , 0,0 »««u- 1 - im , 1 , sim - q mm- ý ýý ý >ýý m""é4ýi4