Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Feb 1961, p. 3

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ORONO WEEJCLV TIMES 0TIURSDAY, FE91RUARY 23, 1961 , 1 I, Swift's MiId Cure - Approx. 3 lb. Cottage Rolis' cryovac 59C For Quick Energy sae26eRcAA Cash A A A 4 1 Extra L-ean MJNCED You'il 7'aste the D Swvift's Slîced Barbeque Loi Pork with Dressing E 21b2 Heinz Fatncy Quality - 48 oz. Tini TOM &T0 JUICE 3 for BEST BUVI Rose Brand- Three Fru it , 24 ,,, Jars MARALADE 3 foir$. BEST BUY! Paramaunt Fancy lÈed Sockeyve SA ONAsinS If's Red &White for the finest in P ROD UC E 1Crisp, Juicy, Cold Storage - No. 1 FancY Grade McINTOSH APPLES j.umbo size headls 1Wd, Sweet SPANISH ONIONS No. 1 grade 3 lb cello bug 2 foi 2 foi With $5.00 Ordler ,V Price Ironing Board',Set 9 ValL-able Coupon ValuabIe Coupon Val£abreë, Coupon Valua4ble Coup ORONO 3RANID Clip and Present Th is Couponi When EShopping ~ F M R This Thurs., Fri., or Sat. cRA E Y One Pound of M. uodnoo alqeniuA uodnoo Gîqenie^ puadnoo DIqýflleA tuodno, Cenada's Fifnest'Red and Blue Brand Beef ROYAL Bowrnanville MA. 3-5589. FRIDAY - SATURDAY AT 7 & 9.20 P.N, TI-URSOAY - ONE SHOW AT 7:.30 Blade Bone Remaved BL ADE ROAST Lean and Meaty SHORT RIB ROAST Th'ie Women s Institute neting was h&eld in the home of Mrs. G.I Cathicart on Wednesday eeig ýbiry l171h. Thê president, Mrs. E. Cou; ,u was iii the chair. Y ho mneeting opened ohth the singing --f î Institute Ode and repeatîing the' Sary Stewart Collect. The roli cali asanswer'ed by naintg a favour- tefi sh rýecipe. "More pop for less Icalories" wias the mnotto. Mrs. H. hFosterý read the minutes of the last meeting. There was a discussion on curr-ent events in whictt ail the Imembers joined. Mrs.1 G. Cathcart, convener for Home TEconomics and Hlealth, had for the topic "A bal- rrr anced dliet forthe whole family." Bi~Lr Two ways of cook'ing f ish were dem- Qnistrýated, the first recipe bemng "let Bu1vBbl ak"costigf sole fillets cut into serviag pieces and placed in a casserole dish with mushrooin soup, sait, pepper, butter )ifference and lemon juice, -arnished with grtdcheese, baked in the oven. 6-oz. pkg. The second was "Nutty Dish" whien a hick coc iflUet was used with but- iaf-u 29e ti- sait, pepper, lemnon juice and garnished with biancheq almonds, halved, This is also baked in the (j oven. Two recipe books wvere passed VLj&ieJc arounid to the members, publishied by the Home Economics Section -)f the Department of Fishieries. These were entitled "Let's Serve Fish" and "The way to cook. Wish." Mrs. Murphy conducted a contest whien i C Miss StLewart camre up with the inost answers. The meeting ciosed with !9 c 1 the singing of God Save the Queen after which refreshments wel-e serv- ed and the Inistitute Grace ýwas sung. The resuits of the demonstration were partaken of and pronounced dieliciotus. A deightful valentine UC cake was aise servd helde were enjoying themseives s0 much thlat no one noticed that the hands ,Of the dlock were slowivy approach. P119g 11:30. Miss Stewart tendered a Vote of thanks to our hostess for, en- à%'U tertaining tlle 1member.s in hier home for' this meetin, Tlhe hostesses for and Mrs. E. Couroux,. jMadr IMiss Caroline Foster entertained liinds at hier birthday party u)n iKenidal friends wîll be glad to hiear that Mrs. Wes. Elliott is gain- ligin health while staying withlli IMs albraith in )3owmanville) Some Kendai friends have called on I lier. 'lhle Women's Association meeting! will be held at the home of Mrs. E.! Couroux on March lst. i Mrs. C. Hrayner of Regina visitedi 43 liC er aunt, Mrs. Chas. ,Thompson in! lKendal and aise hier xnother, Mrs.f Bur-wash and aunt, Miss MeBride in 'b 5 Cobourg, on Friday.I l Sc The funeral service of Mr. Haxry Rutherford was held ini Orono ni Friday. He used to live in Shiloh., r 29c Mrs. Perey Morgan attended the funeral of nle iee Smith Falls on Saturday, r 33 The hyacinths and daff isare, pushing their xwses througli tej g-ound around Kenclal. PRELIMINARY PLANS PRESENTED FOR MULTI- 9 STOREY HOSPITAL t' ~Preliminary plans for la mûlti-i storey hospital building submitted pan by the firnm of Barnett and Rieder, I architects, Janiuary 30 wý,ere xmn ed by members of the Port Hopeld- H1-ospital Board at the regular mionthly meeting hieiç recent.ly in Thne hospital. 10 ORONO, QNT, PONE 1 121 - a -t. J ~ ~t'5J' N '-t N N -t '-j ' j- -~-- ~ t-j-~ c 1. JOHNtNY NORTON 1CKYSHAIJGHNESSY - rHENRY HATHAWAY. JON lu Rpa.- vZf Lto ci M ClNum^Sc=ODi>15 COLOR by DE LUXE Aduit - Plenty of Roomn Thurs. P RIC ES - 65c, 50c, 25c NEXT MON. TO WED. AT 7.30 P.M. Pienie" (Calor) William Holden, Kim Novak AND "Please Turni Over' Excellent aduit double b'il lb 49c Modernize Your Bathroom This is the best time of the year to modernize the plumbit4g of your home! Give us a caîl now, and we'lI giadly furnish you with a F REE estimate. We havet the ex- pert know-how ta give you the best at lowest rates. Easy credit terms. INSTALLATION 0F QUALITY PLUMBING IS OUR JOB! R OL. H PHONE 143ORONO lb 57c Smaooth, PLrple Top Firm, Iceberg - No. 1Gradce No. 1 gradle lic m'Ir I.Ivrmniii mrwe le N N 'j, s N N N N j-t 'NI NI N N N s., N N j', N N N N N N N N N N s N N -j' N N s, N s N N NI 'N -'j N N N N N N -S N N N 's N N N -t N N N N N NI N N N N N N j' N -N N N 'N N N N N N - t '!

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