r,.jrivtrrnz_<I V TiM,! r-0DAY 7ER UA7,7:161 ~ce n tre - of attraction? 'hyhe NIW PIONEE-R of course! Yesi oi last here is on ail new bala cedhande rbli d sur grpuh "e b r heuceviratOn utr cooler rU"nhqig- more power langer l"ite air ftler new exhaust detilector - PIONEER SAWS LTD. PYROOG~CND alrsono, Ont. Phonte 14t' The Orono PeeWees were agam lnUL ,I1ý1d vteMillbrook ?eeWes LOC~ALNEW conestby scre f Ita . PulMr. and Mrs. 4Ian Shields, Tor- Jolues nletted the first counft unas- -RI E' oo visited on Saturday with Mr. RI1 sîste. Dog Mofat t~en pcaedUp is. Carl Bilhings and Mr. and the second on an assist from Bob' n B3est. Bý'ob Best counted thie final Mrs. Jini Rickaby. Saturdýay mioringi., the Orono Pee- Mr'. and Mrs. Bob Coatham, Ted- o Wesfcd the Bowmianville Wins dy, Billy and Marie of Red Deer, wvith thie gamie ending ln a 6 ail tie. Alberta, ývi ae been visitin e- Orono didi at one time hold a 4 ta 1 atives here for the past three weekýs,- Iead but this fad,,ed lieur the end of lef t for- their home on -Monday even -__________________________ thiegam-re. Th'le Orono goals were by înlg, arrivinig in Red Deer early Bo est 3, DougMfat2-n Tuesday mi-orning. single for Johin Hooey. Glen H-aase Nisns aosIeCe a nd N. Allin pikc up an, assist a- Miss Mary Robinson I~r Bert NisnsBx ooae nieWa pi'ce. R,objinson, Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Coath- eloi BxGooats-V enneW p 'Ee Oron-o Bantams played h OStanand family, and Mr. and Mrs.1 jt) ýoýnavile(egon Bnamj_.1stted Cthin eeSna v Valentfine Cards J10 - $1.00 last Fiday nighit and cýame up withi ggetsMr and faiy omrs. Lewilotess Po ato Chips - Box or Package a score 0of 7-2. Scoring for flhe localWo n aiyBwavle puc4v~s wre u~z Mecerfor3.A La rge ariety of Tobacco arîd ;)1eoapie.e for Albertt Greeni,,Mis sSeguin had flic misfortunel \VfyMili aynje Miller and 1 ra lier anThiJe whlle skiing last -Cigarettes by the Cairton - $3.25 Terry Gî-ahamtang eekn .'be OmeePBatmstagldLong Playing Reco»,ds n li th Orpo antam1s lasl Satur- Miss Anne Arnott. daughter of' day and camie forth with a tgtM.and Ms J. Arniott, entertainied Wcltias n otDik sc&oe of 4 to 3 lu favotur of the local anumber1ot er friendcs to a Dirth- 'ooys. Scoing for Orono Paul Gerry day p Iari t atcie home Saturday. ______________________________ I vv adsiglsto LryMLIllrad £~rr Graam.Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Mrs.ý Ne - oter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- 'To Dis pl1ay iug, Ms. Hleber Soiucb, Mrs. Harry ,ir~ Biley ad Mary Lyn iad dinner ______Sherr aud iss Lois Sherry, Port It as earedthis wee that thie Norhwa Rstaurant, south of Orý-'Hope. , w ihave on dîisplay art and' On Saturday last two nen'sO allied crot f area a-tists. Mirs.1double teamns from Orono entleredg Freucman tatïes thiat th(, exhibit thec Eastern Ontario Badminton I 1ill be pened a! round the end of Tournamnent which was being held V o-ý e ~culptuiug ai 0 nered pewter, pot- entering were Messrs. Arnold Wal- OYu aetn e.lt neelerat nd ac, etr Marene nd ls gel DOn't Forget Yu aetn Sweethearts e.1t ainy alliod (-raft in which tlle use of teami of Carmiani Cornish and RoyO iiuiul iILlskill is featured. Forrester. The outýomie for the~ localg _The dispflay vill bc mantled il, he players wvas only in the bracket of New Electrie Heat Pads complete with cord diigomand will bechîanged per- experience for the cham-pionshipý and switeh .....t........................$3.*7 iodically wvith the work of people inj proved a littie to)tOUgh f or the thle area from nBQwmaniville ta Port locals, . Hlope. Contact is now beînig made in 1 tog New Ladies and Misses Sailor Boy Slippers. thle varions centres and throuigh the Ayn neetdl oig orbe oe." I treltigh Schools for work ýto CSTlorýonto on Saturday, February 18o~rrdo bu iss9c ais$.9~ ply uth oein clecio. with the Orono Rangers on the bus g1 -iln IxmitsI on cuspiay many oe offer- cdfor sale if it is so w,,ishied and any itemn under $25.00 \vil] be sold free of anyý charge by the Nr\orýthway. A srnall comnmon for the sale of items over $25.00 will be chiarged 10o diefray Ithe cost of operatinigfthe ex- Jt is expeCted that thec display ~a cretecosiderable inuerest sinice the work wýill beoueoi( in and around thisar. "sale Stîi On" Better than Ever Featurinig, r ice Cuts-Best -Buys-BigSaig TERRY TOWELS Salïe of popular Terry Towels dif- f eýrent designs. Biath size and lland 0 ,-weÏlS. PRIED ROM89C Pr. -$ 1.95 pr. LNNTEA TOWELS ,inen iiTea Tw~so low pricedi, in,«,1l agin log w(earînIginen tea towv- (44 wiith ceerfl -ýcoh)oured trpe They are real value PRICED98e pr. WHITE FLANNELETTE Special on white flanneette, 36 îMs w-ide. "GCood Quallty" 14 yds for $5.46; 7 yds for $ý3.15 or -19c a yd. WOOL PLAID WVool Plaids, 5-1 in. wide. G,'ood pat- terris. Colours tan and green or tur- quoise, red, green. Regl-tiar $3,95 PRICE $2.49 yd7(. GIRLS PYJAMAS Girls pyjamas, cutrsoiled good quality printed flannelette. Size 8-12 years. Regu1ar un to $3.50 for PRICE $1.79 CIIILDREN'S OVERALLS Children's Cordur-oy Ovraîls miade by "Hlaugh". Colour red, green, grey. brown.. Regular $2.95 for PRICE $1.95 BOUSE COATS 100% 'Nylon Tricot Ios Coats,. No ironl, qitd oorp ryto Size 16 PRICE $17.95 ne pure wooA9lîIlouse 4Coat, colo ur I Turquloise. Size 12. PRICE $7.î) A<e hae a god choîce in Wallpaper remnauiîts. Paper for very room. Less than 12ý price. Corne in and look thevii over. Cfrdre'sprinted CorduiroyJm- ers Size .3-6 years Regular price $2.95 PRICE $2.25 CHILDRENS DRESSES cifldrens Velvý,eteen Dres,ýes. Lace trim, size 2-3x, ci)lour red or blue Regular $4.10 P RI1CE -$3 .50 LADIES DRESSES We stili have Fail and Wne dres-. ses. Thieseîare ail new styles'in Silks and wools. Real bargains. Any dress at ' price. Sizes 9 -21'2........... Skirts and Blouses aIl Redluced 2 piece Weskit and skirt to match. Size 12-14. Regular price $21.510 for PRICE $14-95 We have Monarch Chieftan Wool in colours of red, grey, blue, white PRICE 69e Skein St:OpnArmstrong ;s Evenngs Friday and Saturclay Open Ail Day Wedmesday are asked to please contact 'Mrs. E. Samuel before Saturday, February 111h. Th'le bus will leave Orono at 8:30 a.m. fromn the Town Hall on Februray l8Sth, proceed to the Tor-, onito Art Gallery where a tour of! the Vani Gogh eèxhibit hias been ar- ranged to begin at 11:00 a.m. Thel ,ýretLHrn -to-Oronho is uexplectfed at 5:00.1 Tl'le dog control officer informs Us that ail dogs found at large in the Village will be puIt in the pound. 3 T!iis, hie said, incles dogs thato miay roam from- the T'ownship inito! the Village. g C.G.L.T._Newsi (On Mlonday evening the- C.GIT.. meet-1inIg hegain with the C( G.1 T Pur-pose. We thlen deait withI Ile business. WVe havýe dcided t0a send Iok o a sehool ini Trinidad. ýRead-,1 e!rs and Supplementary x eadinigO books wvill be sent. Ayoewho oudlike to donatýue book-s please giv-e th1erIIItoauyl mInembersofth ports wr given and lthe collection take(n oII. The attendlance fo-r ithe 1r Cerngroup vwaS itaken. There wer eghit girls presen1t. We hd a Storýy from our, missiom study", about a Germanl boy attendff- U ig a Christian w\ork cam-p The , serptre asreaId from St eter. nu, sanghymn 19. Ourproc for the niighit was to mrend somne of the Suudlay cho IHylmin Bookýs. Another nrni.ect wAas to dean theJunior C(ollgre(gationl Cupboard (. The mleetingco I ît aps:. UNITED CURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. Basil Long SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 CHURCH SERVICES Orono .11:00 a.m. Leskard- 2:00 p.m. Kirby- 3:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOt. Orono -10~:00 a.nt. Kirby 2:00 p.m. Le.tçard - 100 ým "Il Slips Ladies Aùl1 Iength, acetate and trico colors white, pinik or bolue. Sizes 32 to . r-Pic dc for real savings this week. Rteg. $106 for------.88C Nylon Yarii, Stedman Spëcial, 13 ply 1 oz. balîs Large -range of colors té hoose fjrom. Regular 33c This Week Spe-ià 3 baîls for.......... 88e Blouses, Childrens white broadc'loth sanfor- ized. Sizes 3 to 6x. Reguilar $1,00 This week .. .. 88e Socks, Mens cushioni sole health Socks sizes jOý 2 to 11I 2. Assorted colors. Regular 98c. This week Special. Pair . . . . . .. .. . . . . .8 3 Bail Point Pens, assýorted. colors. Eeacfi.09 Log abinChocolates, assor 'clar andsoft Centres. Vlentine wape.Spedal one pound Vallentinle Box............. ......... 79e o g or large. Reguilar value $2.79 for, I------.-----2.171 Valentine Candy Gumi Drops lb. . 29C ORONO5r, Te $1.00STR ~ 9'l ORONO TINSHOP Be Prepared fojr lcey Wç-ather- Prestone SP""RAY DE-ICER For Car Windows R. E. L.OGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 OranM, Ontario 3$ ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N T ýi U R 8 DýA Y, o#4()NO WEEKLY TIMES