Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEEI(LY TIMESý THuR5DAY FE8RUARY 2, sI9~ are doing a roairng business hauling learned thaI duning the pastit to In(el A age water to f iii is r here are no11w yaarusý the vwater tablein thîs area LaoiA1 F el cwo ae trucks operating 'ni theSbas dropped considerably. Aprn-LN W Vilage adcan bc seen abumsten-}HP the drop this year hs been thel ery day tranistiorfing water to these mnost n~otable and this is affectng Ms uilSals otHp Vilage of hin need. fl-j1y cof the w-,ells in the Village v.td1 i Sna wt teStpe pich of Inrecenl)eaking to an officiai which are running dry ef watex for' aniyan ttn e t irhistelingl terý truc-ks of the Departmient of Ilealith hwas -the first ime.u Somne farmeprs arewbe of hier nrice Jane Anti Staples. _______________________________"ing forced ito transport %water te1 M.ad r.Lod wn n their Stockr as wAter supplies Peter- daiughter of Tloronto spert the week-1 eut. end wv-i the lantters niother. Mrs.j - - C. AMeLaren, E nter àTourni Ea MrtsC. A.eumnn, Bowman- A umnter et mnembers fror the Heber Souch, and Mirs Hlarry B3alley -y. i:"Orone iBadmiton Citlb will enter the Eastern Ontarie playowns ihs MAiss Audrey Biligs Oshawa Saturday \which are being held in~ tte ekn it r n Bowmi-anville. The entries from he' frS. Carl BHllngs. Orono Club will be in the men'M i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drummond,, li'î st obe hc ilb lydbt Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and at the Bowrnanville High School Mqrs.A rmod h-1acit FUj and]a h omnil amnotHl. This will be, the second year Edward Woedyarqid, yeung son of ti:,t fuýiembers f rom the Orono Club Mr. and Mrs. E. Woedyard enter- have estered the "B" Tournament. tained at number of friends at a Following the tournamnent a buf, Birthday Party at his home on fet Mach and dance wHilbe held. Tuesday. for . . . the Saturday eveniiig, Janurtry28h fl~ u'm irethe OooCubI Pack hield a surprise Vonfl cIl D party for Miss Joan Al11n in the! sCoinniity Centre. Mliss Alun %was 1faI-ufl ul ne et the leadfers for the Cubs and j I as ieet ly joined tý ako iCommnerce staff iToroito.IThel Ti!e Orono Junior Hockeýy club C"Spretd Jýoan wilth a sterlingý playd teir irs gam ofthe ea-silver bracelet and a sterling siliver; s non Mndadoy jnigit <nd took a wel ernd vctry4-3ovr he ~en oii>th w\ith the (Cub insignia. ýv(-i erredvi(ory 3 ver the evening was speYnii gaines Peteborogh eachrs' Collge nd (concluded with a deliciorisI teamn. lunch et sandwiches. cake andseftf jCiffLn opened the scoring in dririks thef istperedwhenl he nietted a CHAIS - ail-wit an ssis gong t rery A'theSundc- orning service of ýý7jliouiassstgoig t Terythe Orone United Church five child- Canton R.Ead fr te vsitrsren were baptised. The service was evened the score in the first trame.cndtdbyhee.BaiLog beys eutscored Peterbereugh -IAleta Theresa McGee, daughter of with the two ocalscrs being by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. MeGee; Charles [IGHTWEJV ~~~~20 tfiS.) wlgiPýith assists te B. West vnQatii o fM.adMs eo- BACQ ADAITYheuser and Dave Reughley. R. Earle1Frni atl;JneAiS4 s y thot daughter ofO]Yl1Mr.ptadwer: Toaldi coneer SURE GRI? HANOLEBAR jcreW.1-.Sals hrsSctWeso choce REUCEb VIBRATION B Westhieuser completed the Cr- ut Min and Mlrs. Ronald Wýest nd ters. (COQER RUNNING IMORE POWVER eue scering in the thdt ISassissMriyÂnWliis agtrc LONER iFEAIRruLER1e). lughie and D. Reughley. Eric MIr. and Mrs. Jack WviIliamns. LOGETO AR.UTRCanretonj netted the final Peter lFrancis Tennant is a patient in NWEXHAUSI %H0011 Rborough goal. AMemrorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Oren hieup:Mcmi ,Gahamn aller having had an appendi'x eper- j2zo, Ciiff T.onjZ.Peter AMaartelnse Wedniesclay mii g Phone 14,' CARc Ladies' Car Coats S I or. full length GCoat, finei- pos 1tdPoln quilted lining. Loden gren.Sie14, Regular $19,95 -Safle Price $11.95 i oly 34 lenigth Coat. fine im- portied Poplin, fully lned wxithorloin pil. eiesize 16. Regular $24,95 Saleý Price $1.M5 2 only Suedgýne Coaýt, qu ilted lini- ing, beFige and gold. Size, 18 Regular $1 ?"I ad $22.50 Your Choice $14,95 i1 only fil] Red, , size2 i nly, E andl( Wayne,( Baîley; Dave Rouighley, B. WVesth'eu-ser, Roger BarleW, Terry Canetn an' Douhe :ycett for- Iis expeeted. tliat further act4oli nie j, ote aliq jt beige. Siz14.eg$1.95 S i1 e Pric $1,9 ueeeCotqultI'inn Sale Prwe $9.95 nSa le Price $;9z.i5 salfe Price $5.95 MilE VCAR0 CATS Oi oly, grey 1nyl Coat, quilted iniing. Detacihable' Hood, size 40. Regular $22,50 Sale Price $16,00 3 n, C ordo Coats, quilted liniing, zipper front', goldi and greeni Sizes 36 and -40. Regular $16,50 Sale Price $11.% - ù3 onily al wool plaid Coats, zipp)er fr-ntwarlylinied. black and white grýeen and br-own. Sizes 38. 40 and IC6 iRegular 189 -Sale Price $11.50 WALAE xIIAT Here is an opportunity to brigliten up your roomis with substantial sav- ings to you. There are designs suitable for any roomn in the house, each bundle containintg -f romn 3 to 14 single rolls at IIALF PRICE - ir LESS Store Open Mon'day Armstron g' $ Evenngs FrirJay and Saturday Open AMI Pay WCednesday INeilson's Famous Ice Cream Nilsons Box ýChocôlates - Valentine Wirap Valenttine Cards 10e - $1.00 Ilostess Potato Chips - Box or Package A Large Variety of Tohacco Cigarettes by the Carton - $3.25 Long Playing Records - C~icolteBars and Soft Dik NEWS 0i gp Valentin.e Cut-out Books......... 15e 25c, and 49e 0 SNew! Ladies Hand Bags, Spring colors and- Q Styles. Prieed at............. $1.98 and .$2,98 oNew Seamless Nylons, Double Value, Double gWear Stedmian quality. A pair and a spare for 93c Men's White Lawn Handkerchief's. . 15c; 6 for. . 79c The Orýonio Rangers are te meet Tuesday, February 7thi at the home UBaddRgasredclr.Sz 2 4 ___Price Each.......................... .$ý2.59' Pe W ee eè Doîl Prýams for- the Little Tots ............ 1.3? Ili,,, eveing ioryî Výenil( uij'rops )peeiai l....... .......29C atterno- VaenineCI l wýent te 73 dta.The local dboysf11- -s, nans flannelette, smlocked riegular- b ~ P;11 i;1 cd vlhailas tre a- 9e hi eek special...............7 tai playerlon th Bwavlle ie.T 1sua. heOrnogoals w\', scored, Jocsuasîse. hrcne paertuBb es ndth hid yPal i Special.....................«... 12 for33ec h~~~~~~~~~ -1 aL n~ical ostrdfi o rw a.Sz o5 regular $4.39 1 ThIS V week pair......................7 by a (drèe 7:2. "The. two Orenoïe nI rg-fl r - couter wre y ob Best. i styl. Elaste f.Wieolyrglr7cf On uedaynittheloalPee f Tis week)SpecialPair .................6 Wees had as Iti usts ithe Bow- "Yu ,eha raviebrins w ,ho tecýk a 7tL iLDntFogt vieun J x'itor ovr te ron bes. aul~'Februýlairy l4th Joncs, a biard worker fer the local, beyýs, nctted antiunassisted goal. The 1ý70 hvDoulbs NMoffat ~~~~r~uU o~c AlnRO O5C TO$ 00 T RE f and Bob),)Best. Friday 6,30 p.m. Oron)jo PeW s 7:30) Oriono BFantamis S aturday 1'1.00 pmn. Orono . ,, , .- . . . - Tite OooJuniors expect te play s heth Friday niight al 9:00 and MvOn -1 __ __dO O O TISO- day nght u nine 'r '~-~' - UNFIEO CHUORCH O rone Pastoral Charge Minister R'ev. Basil Lrhng SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th CHURC'H-ISERVICES Ormo - 11:00 a.rt. Lcskard- 2:00 p.m, Kir-hY- 3:00 p.mi. SUN DAY $CI40L. oronio -10:00 a.n-. K-i Vby -00QP,.. Leikerd - 1:Oê P.m. See it today, de strate the feature! mnake the ail-new Pi 6-20 chain saw thec cf proýLessionoi cult PErrDoLlrQLGIN, rAdN R~L Orono, Ont. Be Prepared for, Icey Weath-er- Prestone For Car Windows R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 , 'dàme Oron'o', O-xtario

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