Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jan 1961, p. 7

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Sktiy LinSchcoîolr Live To Regret It Treis aqgIm ing t-o ten~ si n the suLrLVe y 31 acho l.drp-ouits" just cmîi ed by the United States Dpaît MenI-t- of Labouir. They aýre goingý, to havCea tougher and ougi1(er tie gttýingl jobs. Also they w-11 earn imuch less ovr heir lie sýpanJis nd job stifcinvil, !Le appreciaibly' Iower thanitî mîgbht have been withl a finished( 14gb seooleducationi. died 26ý,000 Students la1 seven1 wîdey sct-t-red reas of t-be conr.Thecoluin of t-be suve are plain and unequl- vocal: Less ýýmoney;]les skle J-o bs; , les -rPid adIvancem)en-t, rcater chanesofint ply m ent. Oneofdt, esu1rprisýnitems tundup i licthe urve-y is fthe resnmost- 1 ier eýaveý schooi early. Itle floet eCnom-ic necessýity. li leJust- plain bre som-. in part this may lhe duc k- t-be lowcr IQ's (on the aver- ag)of those who laul to finisqh hligjh sehool. In Minnesota, a staite a dvisory ,committ-ee on erniplo-ynt' of youth alrcady le working on a 1>tate pr-ýogr'am t-o meet-ttJ1'chl lenges cf'-'youth cmploymvrent- in the 1960e: it is wllrecogniýzed that- the untrained aiid the un- tkilledi will have a much more difficuit- lime cf it f rom now on. In a igbly technological sýocie2ty th-ereü will ho ewer and ewr uniskilled jobs available. The brigbt side to t-is picture ila t-bat the demands for t-be train- ed, th -be euatedl, the competent- promise aý good future tIo almoüst- iny youngst-er willing to pro- pare himeself. Studies sbow ', in 1fact, that t-he demand fcor skil«,led1 y5outh wil excecd the supply in îhe next decado. The warning is plain: Stay in echool, get a bigh scbeoo diplo- m4,a, go ',0 college if you cani, meýake a definite preparation for yvour ifework. This wouldi be good advice anly timie, o! course, tlit is Particularly con1Pclling- hi this fast miovlng, rapidly ad1- v cg in-m"wb ich 1we live- Minneaplvls Star. FAIR QUESTION A. littie givl went on aR visit 1%i her grandparents Pnd, on the liret evening, they were telling- &er the story o! NoDah aind the A rk. 'Were you ln the -Ark-, Grandý- pat" she asked. cWïhy no, child,' wa.s th-e reply. 'Theni why weren't you) drow- ekd?' s Rsked, "e i ntbi It W ei,10310 TEST SPIN - 'Marinec Col. Johin Glenn, one of the seven aistron- auts training for Prolect Mercury a, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Space Task Group, weaýrs his space zuit while sitting in the capsule of the Mercury Procedure traîne-ir. The trainer is used to train the astronautýs in the uSe of m-îUnuolcaptcnrols Io keup the spacze capsule în proper altitude while in orbital flight. Space Rocket. A favou,ýr;te chi'cfVictorian Iaetsloking for an "CdLuca- ioa"to t-io puIt lu a Chr-ist- niaFs tockîag \was ýt-be grso t op. - Wbon youi pulledI a st-rir. t-o set- the top spinining, il xould b-alance a-nywbere - -n a Rpiece cf t-mt string ,oreven ront-e edgo cif a wine glass. It demonstratcd thlat a '-a-t- spinaiag w,,heef wouid hold a ,,t-eaciy position in space. And today t-be basic workir,ýg. îriniciplee-I t-bat- toynmakesi't- possible t-o direct- space rockels, or navigate a,- submarine roundc t-be world wit-bout-t-ho use ofIra pelisepe. Yoars aft-er its introdIuction asý - aloy, tho gyroscope wastuac in-to a compass t-bat- did ne-t-de.- pend on magnet-ism. From ,t-is cm.t-bje aut-omatic biiaa t-bat- keope a ship on course wtît-b- oeut anIyane &t-t-be wheel, a3nd 'Georg-e," t-be robot Pilot-t- aksover control of a 'planeIC aî-d files it- on a lev-el cour4e despite cross,7-wvinds and bunipy air-curreit-s. Professer J. G. Gray-, of Glas- g w bh eaewol-aoù for bis navigation aadc safety de- ,,ices bDased on gyroscopes, bad rrore t-ban Iift-y gyroscopic t-oys t-o belp hlm lan bis nesearch, hi.- cluding a t-o-eeled car t-bat- could balance and st-cor itselit Before ho dlied, la 19314, he d- monst-rat-ed thCese toye t-o a ge- therng o! thFê Royal SOcîet-Y O- Art-s. Anot-hor lavaluable aýid t-o t-be welbigof mankind t-bat -Nua fomrya toy, is adc-o' stet-boscope, Doctors uced t-o 4"lis- t-en in" t-o heart-beats and air in ih-o lungs by putt-ing ant cer againest-Pa patient'% skia, Then a dloctorx- saw t-wo liii dre1az with a bomne-made "t-rie- phiono." It- was rerely a loxg plank cf wood. One cbild tappcd gently at one end_ and by plac- ingh biear on t-e woodStho ciid o~th ct- iod coLd boar the tbrougb a lourispeaker. Later t-bedoctor experiment-ed on a paicnt's cheet- witb a rl up exorcise book. Hie found he could hear t-eheabesdi- tJinct-ly'.Ho had za wooden trm potý made and - t-is in turn, ledk te -o odem stehoscope. Kit-os vcre,favourit-rtoye for cen-t-unesý 'before tbey attrac-ed sctste. CBefoe t-ho invention of t-be aeroplano, Lawrenco a' grave realized t-bat a kit-e woîld ho t-be rWgbt shape f or a fpling machine. Ho produced t-ho box5.- kit-o and corne early acïroplanes. were- basecd on the Over sixt'y years ago, LordCiBadeîn-Powell! built abo-ie big enougb t-o ift- a man srio tha-tho ould spot CneMy gun posijt-osw\,ries T S. Douglas, in "Tit.-Elte." Even t-be acroplane owes itsi succespartly t-o a C',ild's play- t-ing. The Wriigbt broti-ere, s dying what- bappened t-o air cr rente wben t-boy encounitered di!- forent chapes, rememnberod t-be bailoons aI thieir c7hiildhood t-bat- sometimes escaped theircut- 31ng fingers. Thcy dlbrtoyre i e a a e d bailoonss la difforont- conditionsý t-o obserjve ho -beyý rose.Bal- loons are inow, cif course, used daily hin weat-bcr forecasting Most- Chriet-mases soc new kiýjnds of. toy guns in t-ho icops, many oùthe "uturetc. Dr ing th-be war, ono sucb gunwa t-be insýpiration ûcil a aew U.S. Army carbîn-e only tbirt-y-six, inches long, hc firedlice chats Ire-m onecip The idea cf t-be veaýPon, said t-be designers, came fromt-ble toy guni. <'Coj-lour orgRns" hc poct roloured liht- wen varlousý keys are pressef are n 1-ow used in t-be theatre a-d for flood, specý_tacles oýut of dooi-î. ,1h-y we-re inpired by a t-oy solo(ur playe.r, Rt-h 'a four note ketyboa'rd ndtwo foot pedaiý, aoldIna.New ork hop. Top Cowboy - Fromi Nw York State The fîrst time Haî-ry Tor-- kins> rode a horse was a1mos~t lthe last, A short-, lenider i4-yoa- old, grewing op la Peekskîli, NY',,fie cleanied ouit'stalle at- a local iding academy tl amana free ridle. 'l thougbt you jue-,t got- on and did it," Tompkinc re- coals. " 1 found! out dîflerent. AIt-rw:ard1, 1 had t-o bold ny, pants away irom m i-y legs wbere t-e be riivTwas ru'cbbed aw But ho came back for more and iast mont-b, as t-ho Nation-,il Finals Rodeo ,vound iup la Dal- ls,33-prar-idTmmpkias, wh neyer îýt-epped out oft New Yr 'st-at-e until he was 20, was fîrrm1y etab]iished 'as tho top rodeo ýowboy lan-- be U.S. With close t-oý y,35,000 kearned li 1960, Torp- kinis replaced Olbm' i Sh-ouiders as t-ho nationalaI aroun rodechamion.'Harry" drwbdShudes a leat-her 'opte is t-h est- Yankee I eýver saw"." Aftt-or: Pi i s in-t i oction tu t HOW Themi? or, t-be seoing spaceos Bise Can You F i n d Maay passellgOsflyin nation's air linos rep)rt- quit-e a Iow parking for automobiles. HEAP BIG SMOKE - Despite highet taxes and heilth scores, Americons smeoked more cig- airettes i 1960 than ever be- fore. Depariment of Agricul- ture figures Ehow that 489 'bi.- lio.n cigarettes were sold dur- ing the year. This overaiged out to 197 packs, see Newschart above, for every person ef sm oking age in the nation. Strange Noises Puzzle Scientists People living ia somne rural parts o!1 Kent were puzzled not !ong ago by what t-bey described as a succession of strange and loud hurnining noises which they' constant1y heard whiie out- walk- lng. Others'said they heard t-hem in the sky. The cautse of t-he ,sounids romains a mystery. My'stery noises of a. £imilar kind were reported from parts of Sussex about t-hirty-six yeart r.ago but went unexplained. In areas o! t-be West of England, too, continuous hummring noises hleard over a long period before t-ho first world war wero nover Satisfact4-orjily expl-ained. Somec came !rom a lovoly gorge wvhicb had the rptto of be- ing hjaunted but- even the super- stîtious scoffed at thc idea t-bat the soumds were causeed by ghôst-s. Somre of t-be inexplicable noises wbhicbi have bceon report-- ed froin abr-oad at- vairious tlimes haýve seemned to btî subtorranieani. Scient-ific investigation bas Lusui- ]y faiiedi to accoun-t for t-hem. They have beeti heard la Italy, oladand parts of the United St-at-es. in North Georgia is a chain o! precipit-ous mountlains kno-1wn as t-be Blue Ridge(. There, at- many differEnt points and in ail kinids o)f weather but i nvnriably to- wards ýevenin, s ounds described as resomibling those of distant cannoll were bieard over a numr,- ber c-feas but no one ever dis- Ueoverod w1hat causýed thoili. blorses, Tom-pkins rode every chance he found. From ciclantng Out et-ails, hie gradua,-td t-o a lob on a diude ranch near Peèkskill - ndï then, ia 1947, cntered t-be r-odeo at- New York's Madison Square Garden. "I figured iroj did it just for. fun," he said. 4'l -din't know you could wi moncney,. But 'o-iopkîns, without experi- ence, won $315 riding buils and. decided t-Io try t-be rodeo circuit. ýIn 1948, his first full yoar oit' com-pet-ition, ho becam-e bull rid- 1 vg champion. Hie repeated .'n l9449 and 1950 and. in 1952, woni t-ho bulfl riding and bareback bronc t-ltles. Tl-rough bis balance ÇPerfeut. cc; by tightwire- walking) arid bis surprising strength (he leý oly 5-oot-8 and 15L2 Poutnds), Tompkins lias -aine(l a reputa- t-ion aLs t-be most stýylisb of hbui rer."H1e thiinkse fastor t-han, 99 per Cent OF us,' eays 11h11 L,îndeman, wo bas won alîmîs-l a half million dollars in twe-t-y years at rodeo. But last year, in Hutcthinson, K a ns., Tomnpkuns was al1most -knocked out of 10- dIeoîng. Riding a t-ough bronc, ne tore a cartilage in bis kcee ajd ad to have il romiýovod sur- gýically. "You better find sorne- t-big cisc t-o do," hie doct-or ad- Viîs edc. Tomnpkins ignored t-be advîce and enjoyed bis finest year in 196. Does ho wý,orryT now aibout injuries? "The mo-stdangIeç>uIs part Of rodeoingý," Tomipkins saiçi, "le g;o- inglr(jm11one Irodeo t-o ao-e byv car or pl.ane." &GENTS AGENTS WANTED ested to sel! Ban Lon Swyeaters direct ta wearer? Fuil or part imiie. 11gh quýality and eveclusive Styles. ghcool- missions a nd bonus paid Fo)r Free wvorkin)g Kit write to: JAY nISTRIBUTORS PO. Box 135, Outremont, Montreal q, BABY CHICKS PROMPT slpment, Bray started pul- 1ets. miany vrete.Dayülds to ordier, Amnes ln-Cross pullets, dual purpose. Order nowý April-May brollers. See lo- cal agent, or write B ray Htchery, 120 John. North, Hamilton, Onftero. -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE A TOWN HERO! iNRAEYOUR EARNINGS UP TO $5,000 A YSAR Many of your neighibouirlng communi tices are lloem njoying the luxu.ary pro- vldd by a coini-operaited l andry. You wvill be loved by every bousewife in yourloaty COINWASH wilI p)roýide 'you with ithe finiesl coin operated, laundry1 equl- ment featuring SPEED QUEEN com- mnercial washers, and will completely plan andsurvs the construction of your store. A complete package deal will include- speclal Promiotional Assistance, Opera- tional Guidance, Merchanlslng Ald1s. Be l1is first and Ille only member of your communiity taowoýn a protected fuily llcensed and exclusive COIN- WASII STORE. Calcllect or write Coinwash (Eastern) Ltd.,ý 125 The Queenisway, Toronto, 18, Ont. CI, 9-6633, "'TIIE ld Canadian snnô U.S coins youi hav-e been saving sre worth mioney". WVe wJl psy cash for wanted coins. Pr,.mriumiy price list 25ý, shows the coins desired. International Coin Cnpany, 227 V,,ictoria Street, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE MAKA;for sale, 50-scre farm, biouse, ail conveniences, good barn, river runniang acrosa propert., J. B, johanson, ILR. 1. stouffville. ELECTRIC BEDDING BE OA&RABLE! Use electrlcally beated bcdt pad, direct from England $1200, two for $21.00. Written 2 year guarantee. Schmidt Co_ 4511 Garrison, 'Washington 16, D-C. POR SALE OR LEASE SERVICE station with large show- roomi on huisy hlghway, 2 miles north of Wallaceburg, adjoiniig marie busi- ness aise available if party 1iitei'sted. Wrt9 B, G. Patterson, R.R. 3, Wailact- burg. Phone MAf air 7-5880. FOR SALE - MISCeLLANEOIJS CHIEQUE Protectors: Reconditloned qnt% guiaranteeci. Severai models. Very real- sonable. l.nformiationi: T. H. Grabamn, 296A Glenforest Rd., Toronlto 12, Ont, INSTRUCTIO AAR 1Mre! Bcoek1,eplnig,Saem- sip. Shorthand, Typewvrltingec.Les- sons 50e, Ask for fr ee curcular Nci. 58. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, 'oronto. Wili Try To Break Underwater Record The worldJ's first under-water Endurance comrpetition, w it h ,.mre of the greatest skin divers% roni diPffererit nations partii-. pating, will be held incniu - tion with the 1961 Canadfian N. tional Sportemenis Show in lthý Coliseuim, Toronto, froim., MarCh 10 to 18. This spectacul1ar 'en- ture will be under the joint autspices of the Canadian Nation- al Sportsmen',- Shoiw and Sui- premne Divers. Contestants will vie for cash awards ïnd eqjuip.- m ient valued at more than $7,000. At least 10 of t1he world's greatest skia divers, ail of whoým alrea-dy hold undlerwater: endu-r. aýnce records, w>,ill be chosen by Lu Sinîger, Presiclent of Sut- preýme Divers, and bis selection eommittee, to participate. Mlý will attempt to shatter Vhe off i- cial world record of 101 houri, 13 mainutes presently heid by 22- year-old Ben Thornton (Yi Port A'rthur, Texas. Throughout the competition cîwelve quialifie-d safety divers and a miedical practitioner will be in attendlance 24 hours daily in the event of illness or injury to any of the contestants. Ail cf the latter wilbe re- q!uired t-o ueuniform eup ment of fins, mask, sokt tank, regulator, depth gauge, ,o-mpass, watch and wet sit provide;d by the sponsors. Three oxygen Compressors, two to Serve as emnergle-ncy uinits, wiliî be e-speciaýlly installed to refýil -BE A HAIRDRESSER ,SOiNCA&NADA'S LEA iNG SCHOOL Ci'eat Opportuity eIeaaanmt dignlfie4pcFessons good wages Thousýaids o sucesfu MavlGraduates, meiasGreate5t 9ysemn fllustrated Catalogue Fre. Write or Cal!J MARVEL I4AIRDRESSINQ# SCIIOOL. 355 Bleer st W., Tcirnto Brancheis: j44 Ring St. W-.Rmlo 12 RideauL Street. Otw FMARMACIST WANTUO, Graduate, Pharmacîsi <Ontarlo Reg. or Eligible) To assist in Rlospital amc. Excellent saiary range ll good personnel policies, peni1on plan, vacations and slck plan. li reply g f.v reterences, expelnc-and state marital statua ta DIRECTOR 0F PERSO11NNEL KINGSTON GENElIAL HSIOSPITAL KINGSTON, ONTARIO PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBBER OOODS RT'ED. guaranteed, mkeil-d la 121in percel, lnclucing cataiogue and sex. book free with trial a-ssartmient. 1'3 fer '41.w0 (Fnest qualityl. Western fistribu. tors, Box 14-TPF pRegim. p s PET STOCK BEAUTIFUL Tropical Flaiches, Canar- leg. Budgles. Bantamas. Aiea ether bir<ls, Hamistersý, Guinea. Pips. Free prIce list. Catalogue 3sSaleiýn wanted. Bout- gize, Cap-aux Os, Qîuebec. PKOTOêRAPI1Y FARMER'S CAMERA CLUb Box 31 GALT ONT. pilms developed andc 8 magna prints 40fý 12 magna prints 0« Rieprints -)"e4acbý. KODACOLOR Deveioping ru i t90C fol mcIdin1& p$nts) Color prints 40 é, e cli extra, Ansco and Ektaclirome 35 m to 10 ex- posures mouated ia s1ildes £1'20 Colow p-1iaIs froro sldçes 32,,,p eh onyre- cuncled i fuI]for unprlatedoegtvs PROPERTY FOR SALE IDEAL locaio,Woatern Ontario; about 8 acres with lazrge wlniterlzed1 residience, 2 large ~rn-e ponds - roomn for another, sokd3 years ag1o; fishinlg river 100 yards wy several more apriagaevalabe. oveýrament pariand being cat lce earby. Ex- cellent for- fishiag clb, otel or cot- tages; less thanl 100 miles farn Toronto. Total price $1l6,0J00, raonbeternis, send for details Fred Il.Red.Brol<er. 43 Victori,Toýronito . 1. -02. STAMPS It WIBH -ýTO BUY old stama a id encve!- opes, prefer material pre 11900. Write A- D. Day, 17 Iauralyina Caes., Agincouirl, Ont. AMI breaking Up acmlto a sýtamps of 30 years. Britiîsh Colonies and USA onùiyý. 28 ifferenit 10f, 50 dif- .Feront 254ý, 100 different 50,' , 200j dif. feront $1. No junk. Add postaâge Bel- ter grades anrd covers oni, approvaL. T. iH. Grabam-, 296A Glenforea;t Rd., Toronto 12, Ontario. ÏSS1UE 4 - iu CLASSIFIED ADVE TISI G I{ELP %WANTED MAIE 'QUALIFIED printiug lprestmnto superialendent, (Genieraýl P tesLlm- lited,57 cSimcoe Street Sou, Osawa Onta.rioý. Rno3-2233.- BREItEEPER,. Posiion open A',-il~ 17, 1961, ia que of Caad' agetbec- keepîng buitsinesses for xÉ ine beekieep)er \with chauffeur-'s ue Write -lo BRideau Hlouen o t K-emiptviýlle, Onario, saîgae xet nd aay obrhltu nnmhn n close photo'grapb. GOOD RESULTS - UVERY UFEE FRO0M RHEUMATIC PAINS CI, U2TI SHOUI.D TRY OXNSRMDf MIJNRO'S ORUG TOR 335 ELGIN, O0TAW $1 .25ExrsCcet POSTIS EZEASALVE BANISH te re ol ai 1r-111ze rashes asud nee0Pina l -t, tubles. Post'aFEczema Satlveutno îapo you. lching, sada n ra es mia aue, ig"mpmlsatro eczeuiauîlrsod edl 14te stalinles odorles c tet e d<, of hou sîuborl t hoel".bs et m Sent Post Free on Receiit -fPrc PRICE 3-50 PErIZ AS POSTI'S RcMMES 16StClailr Avenlue Esse rO RON TO MONEYMAKING OPPORTUNITES 110W t l rz net!CMp-ets course $1.00 D & L Colnpsuy, Pý.Q ox- 2-736, Soulard Station. t ous4 ATTENTIO PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA WhenpuchsieNtriacunidei (t1, folIliag pointas hcis bisJ'., za tion oft ers: i -h e beat ',%vilable toc k- ,,,crosýs- bred or stanldard types reconsmeaPded. 2, The reputaion aiapn a hi provinsil Iselifsubsîtiated Os friles of sýatisfied ranchers. .1Full insurance aanirpaeet sbould they not live or lu-teeveait of sterïity 1,aIl fully cexplan in ta au certlilate of merit.) 4. We give Y-1ony utton s whicb are la demiaad for fr garmleuts. 5. Ton recelve froîn thia ognlalf a guriaraniteeçl peitnmarket-, la wrllng. 6. Aembership in our eclsie -ed. er' associatIon, wbereby oYiy purchas'- crs of Ibis stock ma, atciaela lb. benefits so offered. -. Prices for Breedins -Stck stan a $200. a pair. Speclai oaffer ta thoge who ,'ýqualIs': earn youir Nuatria on ou)rcoprtv basfis Write: CànadianNutaLd. OPPOIRTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N 'N t-, N N N N N N -N N N N N N NI N '~1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 4J N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N * N N y '-i N N NI N N -y N N N s, N s -'-4 'y -i -s N N N N N N N N 'i N 'N N N 't N h N N N t- .5

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