THAURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1961 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Aný;noiin-,e the Ad'missioDn to Par-tn-ership n ýtheirOshawa ffîQe of - BURT R. ~WATERS, CA. Honl. J. W. MOn-teiîth, F.fl.A., NI'. Gordon Wl. Rei .. 4 George E. Trethewvey, C.A. RoetF. Ligtfoot, C.A. Bort R. Wa,'ters, C.A. YAL Bowmanville MA..A-558 Congo Jungle' Color andi Ciniemascope ALSO (Comedy> Tommny Noa and Pete MParýsha!l Excellent f amily entertainmeflýýt LAST COMPLETE SHIOW AT 8:30 Kenda1-Mte DAM COSTS K en~a NewsMore than $16A4 mniliort;had been - spnt onC'onstructian of the South, TheWomn'sInsitue et t i~ SskadheanRiver Dam b thiel hoeof Mrs. Hl. Fotelocedesen)f 1960., accordling to G. . Mac- day veningJanary Sth Mr. E.Kenie, iretorof the Canada De Couou oene te eeingbyatr ntifo f A ire', PFA,1, sIllte Instîtte de (I e wich s;ii charge of ithe giant pro- paigthe Mary twatCilc.jeet. FurcGntracts -are being wmork- '~Eh ml ea wa resondd ~ nved and two are up for tenderi. The m owa-Anl histocian I s a family. Propet .okng ackwdl s .A ds-1After this interesting accounit of cusin n uîret vetswa ~a trip through Durham CounIty, two, joyd.I'e ope a~. irough conte(-sts were held by "Mrs. TLUrani- Durm Cutyb ulamClub skya cloth contest and "What te coneno fo ïlsto~ca tei achand Mrs. Cthicart to k the wvining1 jOying a mnosf wonderfuil cday in T',he a oe egv, noao rz .n~meandA urbni ih Orhaje. iheet-inlg Clo'sed lby, ;inging o giùcd~nfen oi' "".d sav!-hIQf' b" a a asty Sis broth eHn lear rughes ivae this meig. Mst i o u c Shiliaumg Wrd _____________ War Que.Anoter O ,rasVnI- slip i the 101 Ha lubi They metin lthe I.0011E.headqcarters ATA Y IM mthyfront OctAoer dllJune. ____ aSyarth-ey toùred the te own of'G PornopealsoSt. GArdge's Churc.The Ohw uiesCoïllugeo at rNewcastle and had a picnc in the spen anu Mar anu Our CmooPar'k. The Mayfýor Af Port mto fidvda Oron Wm Wldyk. me th grupi instruction pewrmits you to Hope, star ! É t atany tîimre ia O)rono and extended a welcome, on bjehalf a'of thecitizenjs 0fPort Hope. The Durhiam Club had been 8DySho ore from-1 given the priiLege of going thrugh which to choose a ver Iod houýse on Pine Street, ownewd by the Wcetfamily. It \vaso buit la' 1864 and the presýeat.wnEVNG CLASSES G et s, who re descendantse v r-oTIJESDAY and THURSDAY stored the old hwme and broughit out g 7-00 to 9:00 p.m. g the beauty 0f thle old pine floors Chic f Subjeots. O aýnd wo ok hyalso ite_______ an old homte in the easter part ofG the ton alled The "BLuestne. ot Sp ci tisses for U fi ar fiom The Blsnïe 15 St.I'Hueies hitoss corp's Chuhwhr the Queencee geTpit and 1Prine Phihlp d ,vIdd 1Wileg ______ visting Mr. Massey in 19s9.After noon ea ws snerved atthe SenirFMmLTRTR Citizdnis' Club. by someof the]ladies AVAl LABL of PWartHpe. The ighlight A f he, ie thePort!ope olf and Cun- o) Street _ýý,% North G try lubwhic oveloos1Lae OhJUSDalRA. 513375 al i, oo, s an od reisdec Gwe1 toetm y rvt o- *â WITH1 A HOME IMPROGVEMENT LOAN Home Iimprovemnent Loaris are aval abie through your bank under the National H-1ousing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other impiove- mients. You may borrow up to $4,000 wîith up ta ý ten years ta repay. These boans are also available ta te owners af rentai praperties. MWITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm m.p rovement Loans, backed by the Domi1n- ion Governiment are available from your bank- up tao $7,500 at five per cent s[mple interest and up ta ten years ta repay. These boans caver the purchase ai ail types of farmn equipmnent and improvemrent ta the fairm hause and farm buildings. *M VWTH A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed ioans for improvemnents ta small business establishments through the chartered bar\ks-up ta $25, 000 an d up ta ten years ta repay._ ~~f/ll!I Why~~~~ Wat o Sig FORAD ICEAN ASISTNCE CLL OURLOCL ATIONAL EMPLiDYUMT OFFICE ISSEDBY UTORIY F TE INITEIOF LABOUR, iTCANADA SAVE CAýSH AT RED& WHITE SAVE CASH AT RED &ÇH- ESV .41 .7E rr E S U ! G ENGA T SV 10cný < i o ý- 4ý - . N SBEST BUY! 2RensGFFIackR.SAVE 1 Rcen S -~ C~ MPIONFOOD CASH AT RED SAVE CASH AT RED& WHITESAVE CASH AT RED & WHITESA'VE EWIFT'S PREMEU N IENDE RG RO0 WN 2-3 lb. Avg. -le OVEN 14 oundl0 tins Swift's Macaroni and Che' Loaf Veai[ Pnrk ,nI ('hi.ken 3for 9eTABLE READY MEA,3TS SAVE 19c 15 oz tins 5i for 49e BEST BUY! CHUBBY or REGULAR SAVE 7 cents KLENXTises3pkg" iBEST BUY! WITE or COLOURED TOi LET TISSUJE SAVE 9 cents 4for49 Feature 25 40- 60 Watt GENERAL ELECTRIC Feature Save 10 cents Save 28 cents elp( RED AND WHITE Larnp Bulbs 3 for 49C JIyPwders 7 for 49c W' Feature 10 cent size >ASSO'RTED 10 cent SIZE 3 cents OFF PACK< SAiN 16 cents SSave il cents ~ "Chocolate Bars 6fo49 CrntCasr 3 for 49c SFloridia Marsh Seedless- Goodi Size PEGRAP F UIT 1Ofor49c <' Sweet Cafilfornia Navef -Size 138s Special! ORA NGES m-àdozen49 c Sý,V- 'aè-H AT Pý -D& WH7,: Sý, %zH AT'RED &WfITESSr hýRE WH11 PICNICS Swift's f ully cooké SWIFT'S PREMIUM FULLY COOKED SMOKED PORK SI-OUL SWIFT'S PREMIUM - RINDLESS B.ACON F EATU RE! PEA or VEGETABLE HABITANT SOUPS save 5c FEATURE F0 RDISHIES SAVE 10 cents TREND DET ERGENT FEATURE KELLOGG'S Redeem Vour 8 cent Coupon OQ>ýtRN FLAKFrS 12 oz P -g FEATURE SVE 9 cents YORK BJrand STEWS FEATURE 13AVE ON BABY CEREALS GERBER'8 CEREALS FEATURE KING'S CHOICE SAVE 7 cents 0101E reen or Wax ,3E.AN8 -1 i4 Pack 12 ounce > 2 for 49c m SAVE 9 cents for 49C 15 ou nce tins 2 forê49c '> 8 Ounce packages 2 forê49e 20 ounce tins $for 49c ~- ù-- i~ ITS. -CASH 4A- Loaf Pickle and Pimento; Dutch Loaf 6-oz. SIiced - Your C hoice 2 pkgs 49c d ~lb 49c aDERS lb 49c 1i'lb pkg 79c 28 ounce tins 1 'N 'N N N N 'N 'N N N N 'N 'N 'N N N N 'N 'N N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N s 'N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N N 'N N N N s 'N 'N N 'N N s N S 'N N '~ N. 'N N 'N N 'N .5 N N s N N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N N N f N 'N N N 'N N 'N N 'N N S N s 'N N 'N N s N N 's 'N 'N 'N N a'-, N4 r>' 's N 's '1 "-i N N N 's c!'-, N N 'N N ------------