Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 4

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F-p) a -4 uca ~% ni ) JLJLCE 1RI P GREEN -IANT -SAVE 17C 'NIB11%L ET CORl "N 114,4 ~'44 Y 44' 4 . † 4:.. 80 2oz tins 15 loz tins 6 4o tins i l 1 l5oz tin 4for 2 foir $1.00I -5 oz. Tins ........5')f or $100 I-$NEY POD z. Tins ... ...... 6 f or $1.00 - 2S oz. Tins ..... 5 for $1.00 z. Tins . .. 4 for $1.00 MUSHROOM, VEG. BEEF tins ..... 6 for $1.00 5 for $1.00 - '2oz pkg. ..ý 8 for $1.00 Carnation -Milk - Tait tins........ 7 for $.O COMBINATION OFFER CHEESE SLICES - Kraft Canaflian MIL[) CHEESE Kraft Canadian Cracker Barrel CHEEZ WHIZ- Kraft Regular 13 8 oz d0l 1 t, total of $30-00 in -extra cash Register Tapes Ln...6 for $1.00 .7 pkgs for $1.00 ............... 4for $1.00 UBBY .6 pkgs. for $1.00 1 10 lb bag d%1frik4 FEHGRADE A PREDRESSED ROASTING OR FRYING 21to 3]b l g average g 5% u Tableriteg * Weiner 10 oz pkg ail Side Bacon Rides~Ipkg f or Roa Guest Sil'sv tSausage Lik 1lbp!kg 40c BURNS MILD CUREDg SCottage Roils - Cryovac ]b 63c 3doz $1 .opeýs at thec Oshlawa Ski Woolsey of th~e Dom)ninion Tepart- y,~ aréexpctd o jiire ment ot Agriculture, Bovvmanviiie. sthlis year than evrer be-' Dr. Woolsey said he believec thriz ýmberslpj totalled 875 atý to be the same animal which re4.. of last season.vaae ently attacked a dog at the home etý ards said hie expects, ïf Stanley Mead. only a mile or two7 ar'e goojd, thee il b from the Brimicombe farm. 1000 memnbersti er A fox believed to be thie same on-, -ubhouse serves hot and ,s and snacks. ar there were three tow Upertion On god day' lied auout bUL} sRîers, 2vfrl said. A extra tow ropel Doît tais yeair. -e Iin operatron . ,edniesda3 S, 'Satur,(ays, Sundays andi wfien conimlis warranit siopes on1 the Ski Club property are good comrpetition siopesý too. i3at lui is ieJtL the real future out he Club1 lie iniamlySKnng. iThere is a Lreai. cli reeulom on tite hiils. More titan 10 ,si ipatrol miembers kýeep anl eye 0on ineIs at ail Urnefs, Wuu±î tl ile uwS are Iin pe il Te ýJack Poster. The duty of the ski patrol is to preventL accidents.* Howv UýULthie iv1locls itave -fe(Crs training and are capabile of coping wiuî any accidents mat znay ocrur. nle ave ail passedi special testsi given by the Cki Patrol of Canada. If you would like to learn osi or if you would hKe to improve your skýiinig, Hlans Eder, the club prof es- sio'nal, -ives lessons. Mr. Eder ha s been organizing essons for l1arger ,i oups, smaller groups and îndivid- uais. Costs are flexible and var'y according to the type of lessons wvanted. Ail arrangemients are maclei with 1\r. Eder. If you are not a miember of the- club, it costs $2 Per dlay to skýiLaSa g-uest. Tow, fees are $1 per d(ay fo everyone. A senior memnbership is worth $8t. Putblic school students pay $2, witile high school students have to pay $4. .Anybody over high school age is considered a senior. MLr. R-ichlards said if Ilhe property is 11a4îdled rpelanld enlough mneiw s inesced, during ,,the jnext 10 yeUars it iýs expectedl 10,000 Club mef.~iiscoud o iokcd after. N C P R ED RIPE BEAUTIES - U. S. NO. 1 TOMATOES 14 oz cello pkg 19c TENDER GREEN CRISP U~.S. NO. 1 California CELERY TENDER GARDEN FRESH U.S. NO. 1 NEW CA:SBïAGE ALIFORNIA'S FINEST U.S. NO.1 EMPEROR -,GRAr-ES EVERY THURE s-.ze 36 2 for 25c 2gcý od size 29c 2Ibs 29c VENING 7 to 7:30 P.M. IGA PRESENTS OTF POSCTy later attacked a dog at thIe farm e Bruce Audrus, not far from th Mead place. About 1 p.m. the animal attacked, a dlog at Brimicombe's farm ,vhe:,e- it wVas shot. Asked if it would appear thatth rabies disease was being stamped,- out in Ontario, Dr. Woolsey rpid lnot really."' HL, said the disease had cut theo fox and skunk population down cn siderably, but rabies stili existed-, i ncases such aLs this one could 'be expected to crop uIp from timë to t ime. YGU CAN BEGIN iCARRER TRAINING AT ANT TIME TleOshawa Businiess dolege Tl open al! yeair andl ur fJmethodi of indîvidual instiruction perm-its you to [ 13 start at any tim-e fi Da-ScoolCourses from o which to choose EVENING CL.ASS TUE$DAY and THURSDAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 0 Choice of Subjects R Hous vvs- Shiftworksrs Teen-Age Typists, FREE LITERATUR E G AVAlLABLE 0 10 Simlcoe SýtreetNot DilH.5-3375O HAiM'BE-R 1TOSUPPORT il LEA P P L 1I CAýTI Où N Soj icil e in -i tle jnea r future itrlu!~ 1)('zes may e l oi MOïfît a [otea îv -inuesltr ÏtanqoWiT H 1IN STA LiME NT wouid a-rive n Torono if GCOMMRENC1NG G iey took a ýbus fr,)IlthleOsaaf us ermnal UAPRIL (0F--1961 Quebecair hlas put Lina a ppliJcionW la owt hv j t Depariment of Transprt forthiat new f liecet oeate Class f schled!-1 P nb ing Jor Heating instala. led b-lncs ei\icetioý n macle. It Car, be cone un. 1 anusport personls, mails, and or 3wt amnsfo slangf as.erving Ille points of: \Monl-,il ametuo Sat eal, ~ ~ ~ ~ uni Kgtn. h . r:. gFrApril 19. ondon nd Widsor.furthf-er cdetails f ON-UNION LABOURJU I JL îAUVUI~J 1 ýOUNCIL PRESIDENT ROMISES ACTION G STIMULATE WINTER Furtiter to remarks in connection EMPLOYMENT thnon-union labour, "Scab La-ý our Must Go, Local Unions De- [are", George Porter, Northumber- nd and Durham Building Trades, ouncil said thlat He executives de- ided at the mneeting to take action gainst any building contractors us- e- rkOUkee îg non-union help. JTPUTO !00UNO The action will- take effect once TO ET MORE ýFOR YOIJR Il local unions hiave been notified ,i4 nd their ratification to such action ETN DOê! ien. Mrjj. Porter declined to say .what ý ion the e(xcutive hadt suggested -- somjýe further study would bel y17en to the matter.r Local unions are complailling 'that : 7. ritaîn construction work. partic-ý .arlv in Cobourg i's being don e by Post Over Irw %,Ir1 Watch TI at 10:( RABID FOX B TWP. DOGS afox recently, nof Brirnieoibe PLui Port Hape, eight Ï!. rt - ope. have efr", UB 4' El unît 1 . A GOLDMINE 0F VITAMIN C 11lb. pkg-S ...... . -5for $1.00 L RDAsz ýn ORANGEt.,S 250 I& AÂAJL - t don

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