Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1961, p. 2

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frm BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO OUR STORE WILL BE OLOSED WEDNESDAY APTERNOONS AT :[23oP.M.,, STARTINO JANUARY 25 WE SHALL STILL BE OPEN EVERY OTHER DAY UNTIL 6 PM 4ýND FRIDAY EVENINOS UNTIL 9:00 PM1 ALA LUXURIOUS "TEP 0F. 1is AHEAD ir 'ILocal Members Speak [CiBxeAn Phones Stoki4 At Conservative Meet oiltn. eryTusa fairs of the GovePrlnmenits at the Fed- Phones \vhichi are located in Oro -ý, The Durhami County Progressivera and Prouvinciatl levels. and made off wlth the phiones alon Conservative Association held theirje wtîhconbxs annual meeting in the Orono Town ohteboh ttecre ý Hall on MUonday. Dr. R. P. Vivian, Mr. Robert Sýissonis, presiet~ Bt h ot ttecre M.P. and Mr. Alec Carruthers, M.P.,tli Durhami Association, acted as -Main and Park Street and the boo-h P. we-re present and presented ta chairmani for the meeting and fol- at the telephone f!ice were rippaci the athriîg teirreprt n éaf-lowing the reading of a new con-loff the walls. The am-ount ofmoe 1stitution called on _Mr. Carruthers in the boxes is' not knowni. ________________________ conduct flhe election of niew of- ficers. The nominating commife, jcriaired by Irwin Colwill and with1 C G.i.T. iNews members of Lyall Lowery, Johni WREN YOU H1arniton, -Mr. Austin and Mrs.1 Thrasher, broughit the siate of off-ý NEED ....... cers. These were accepted as pres. On Monday igh-lt the C.GIT7 ented-and are: President, Robertlheld aour regýular meeting. We rF- Sissans; lst vice, Clare Winslow; peated the purpose and sang t Letterhead 2n1d vice, Mrs. Ruth Carke; 3rd vice'C.G.1.T. sang. We had ourdvoi- Letterheads Byron N,,esbitt; 4th vice, 4rs. D. R. 1i l followei byI the singing of hyi;, Dewdney; Secretary, ~Kay Lycett. 356. Envelopes and Treasurer, Howard Gibson. j The secretary's and treasurer's re- Mr. Carruthers in speaking ta thie ports were given. Collection was meeting, pointed ta the sixteeni-point taken uip. Th-ere were ten girls preýs- Ledger Forms programr broughtf forth by the Prov-1 ent at t) iée meeting. The attendance incial government whichi,lhe said, is at church and Sunday schoolwa designed ta meet many of the prob- Itaken for the Ohevî'on group. Billheads lems of whichi we are now faced.JI T'jhe productivity of the Province iS1 Business was dealt wîth, includling GALL the highest ever and the wvage level th-e 'aiscuss.ion ()f how mchw is also higli but on the other hand, ýsihould give to'the M,1. & M. Fn. hie stated, that unemfploymrent facedj many and for, this the programl was Wehnfild ut vaaoî OrnoWekl Trns rogh1 frt.papers concerning projects etc. PHONE 19 ORONO In the unemploymYent field, hi1e J econtlnued with the "hîs said thpt this was caused 1) vtle re-J{eaitti" part of oui, purpose and the flf thp P.lrnimeeti ngiisoi- -W - - l-_'a1. Distisctive Niflty-Eigh: Holiday C oupe Ahead of its field! Ahead of its timie! And yau can prove it with a look- withi a ride-with a comparîson of Olds and any other car in its class. Your first glance tells you here's a style tbat's new but un-mistakably Ods- a "ready-set-go" stanice that anticipates your desire ta be off and gliding. But it's not until you enter (through the wider-than-ever doors) that you realize just how superior Oldsmabile really is. That magnificent Oldsmabile ride! Smooth, quiet, reIaxing-those are a few of the words we use to describe it. You'Il add youir own-arld they'll mean that the '61 OIds is a delight ta drive! Drive it sooba-real soan-at your Oldsmobile quality Dealer's. Ur A GENERAL MQTORS VALUE ITS -PLUS THE TOTALLY NE E VER VINCUANOLSOfi aiid the fact that many industriesi in the Province were turning ta automation wler-eby the unskilled, were littie used. Hle also said there \vas deep concern over the large fal1l-out af students in the early grades of the secondary schools anid that this \vas also causing an in- fleà in on, nfloMnt. Lynn Eailey Make Use 0f Sawdust, ShaW'ngs crelse n Llleiiplyllt-IL. Twa mujor industries in this area In Agriculture, Mr. Carruthers are conbining in utilizing forest ec- - stated that the government was ýonomy. Algoma Ore Properties is, bringing in Farm Marketing talking bark, shaving an~d sawdus,7 Schees werey th famer ou! from the modern Dubreuil Bros. LtCl hiave more contrai over the sale of swiladpae a en r ected at Dubreuilvîlle. It will be lis produce. He spoke of the success bundwt r a fetamr f it wvas mneeting in the tobacca ind US-; try and felt it would soon be in for'I ficient remov7al of impurities ta im- tother segmients of the industry. prove quality and saleability of steelt j - 1 production, also making- for more- stable working conditions. In Durham Çounity hie pointed tLo the extensive w11ork in Hîighway con-1 struction with -101, from H-ighway ý To thie forest industry, this mieans fwest to) Kihiby anid from B1ethany ta tiiato of a product formerl.y 35, the causewîay west of Scugog burnedl as waste at some expense, The Dubreuil plant works on a ig-h- and the new proposed WVaverly iliainte-eghoeaini Cloverleaf for, Bowmnanville. H~e aiso 1'iilil1te-eghoeaini pointed ta the bolstering of the ec- whîch the trees are cut levjýl vwith onomlic status of Millbrook through' the ground, topped off at aboýut two* the Department ai Reform-is and the inches diamneter and cut up< to yiel ýlCBO store. The Village of Nw tehig-hest returni, from vallway castie vwas in a favourable position ties and mining timber ta 1" x 3"~ now tao attractne deveiopment ta 'lumber-. The small tops, slabs and. their Village, hie said, with the in- trinninlgs arle sold ta - Marathon stallation of a wvater systern madle Pape Mils. possiblc through thIe OWýRC and the Depaitment of Municipal Affaîrs. It is expected that thle i.rodernizecý; He also poînted ta the Darlington miii will yield 20%ý more lumber Park. the Ganaraska, Community fromi the slam-e volumle of sawiogs. iCentros and SimigPool inOr-0now sed. onoa ad a County Museum in Bow-1 manvilkIt ., w1uclî the Ccx \erimenit bas provided g-rants for, assistance. AIL he said, were a part of the', Government program but suchil pro- g-rams needed the iniatîve of the 1 fpeople first themiseives. II CY Dr. R. P. irn Feçieral memiber for Dur-hamn, alsa spohe ta the! meeting and cenitredl his speech oni such items as trade, gçpvernimetit aid for sewage disposa1, .and technica] and training schaols. To Advertise 'Ini opening his address, Dr. Vivian 1 piture. Thep jobless wa î tj:ýo stated that almost four years hadijwhere thley ca n wr n ' v passed sinice he was first'e-ieted ta ernmyenlt ]as been enta~ j~ o the Fedleral Government. He said it' create a climate whierewok -a is often asked "Whyv doesn't thel take place. Public works is lot no g-overnment do something?" andiductive wvork anid as such can nl here hie explained that in a, Demno- f il] in for shÔrt periods. cratie Society everyone is entitled tajuis or her views and time is taken Dr. Vivian spoke on the sewage soJthat this expression can be given disposai assistance through the lu the flouse of Comi4ans. The Coni-IFederaýl Goverument. Pollutioni,ihe- servatives, he said, do not want tai saîd, is a prablem ahl across Caniada. use their large mnajoyrity ta override;Alreadly tJiis scheme bas beeni high- others. "Decisions made by Canada iy successful in the number of of en- could have a ret lection in every quiries made, Such projeets he cited part of the warld and we have ta 1as tremendous ta the munîcipalities be careful af what we'do and say," and the parent body., stated the rnember. Gainful empioyment of the Un- The Diefenbaken gaverniment,' helskilled worker is also being attack- claimed, had created a better Inter- Led thraugh the establishing of tech- nal relationship in Canada and e. j nic-al a nd training schaols. pecîally between the Federal and Provincial governments. The member also stated that' I when Canaa h a n' adverse fin- 111 speaking on trade Dr. Viviani ancial balance muçit was due ta in- pointed out that Canada has suf- terest paid ta ioreign investars. The, fereli hy having too prosperotîs a government bas now passed legis-. dollar wvhieh has hurt e'xport trade lation .withhrio special inducement and aiso t-he tourIst trade. In this f Or f oreign capitol. Canadians vl reSPect %w.ë are'-now orp, ornpetitive îeed tû inVest ln Canadian indujs- gr<uds, he sai. Those ln manufae- tries, lie said. tuiiri, ..1aement , and lablour, must t - týgter ad 0r s We have no wo£r7-where how teIntpùýrc>ve the üe wretme ïre going, stated Dr., ViaIL-

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