Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1960, p. 3

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- - -g..'. , ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THuRSPAY, NOVEMBEa 3rd, New Blouses, long or short sleeves in Terylene. Little- or no ironing needeti. Priced f rom $4.50 to $4.95 LUXUWIOUS IBLOUSES BIOUSeS ticoncerto, a îuxurious matte jersey. Acetate andi nylon. Colours black andi purple. Priced at .$5.50 SLIMS and SLACKS Slims and filacks, all different plaids b - .20. M:aîn Fiannel, grey or -Chiarcoal size ýsfwtY2-20 $12.95.. Size 38-42 $9.95 LADIES' SKIRTSr - Skirts in slim- or pleateti styles, dif- ferent materials to choose frein -Priced $8.95 to $1395 Priced at $14.95- Jumbo Knit Pullover with hooci Priced at $14.95 Jumbo Knit Curling Cardigan with zipper andi two pockets. * Priceci at $14.95 100' percent English Botany full fash- ionel raglan shoulders and semi-turtle neck - Priced at $8.95 Short sîceve Pullovers priceti Long sleeve Pullovers priced Cradigans priced at ý.............. $7.g5 $8.95 $9.95 MNENS' HUNTINO COATS Huntïng Coats with Parka anti lineti for warmth. Regular $15.95 ON SALE FOR $11.50 Arznstrongs f utly, Store Open Agi D2y Mondey ..to ~UUL svengirls wîll loin -the group which will holti its metig th1 is Tuesday et each month. 1Mrs. Mïargot Samuel is the lead- er et the group Wýhich wili stutiy Imake-up, ge1]eral deportrnent, b oý andi authoraý, ar-t anti Municipal gev- ernrnent. Minîster SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th C$-URCH SERVICES Orono- 11:00 a.m. Leskard -- 2:0W p.m. suNDAy SCIsOOL Orono - 10:0 a.mn. Kirby 11:00 a.m. Leekard - 1:00 p.m. ORONO TINSHOP Ali nds of- SHEET METAL WORKÇ Z PLUMBING FIXTURES PU.MPS and PUMP REPAIRS j PIPE and FITTINGS I DRAIN CLEANERS i B.-H. PAINTS Etc, FIRE EXTINGIJISHERS SSTOVE AND FURNACE' PIPES&Mad. to Orde,, R.F. LOGAN, Pu.p. ýPhone 11816 Orono, Ontario Eveninge -Frid-ay & Saturday Open All Day Wednesday -~ -~ r Sin~C3tt For Nwcastlenough' forn.members in the LOAL NEWS g ncjThe purpose ot the new group is Congratulations te Mrs. Florence PARTNER PLUMBINC & IIEATING M unicipal W ater Systen-i d" epoefl; eCkortnj daWh Novemlb96 7OthN , ON ARJOPIINE 18 mission of the churceh and to Pro- Jackson is enjoying good health at Reeve D, J. Cunningham of New. consulting engineers, wvhich will be "ide a Medium through which they Fairview Lodg11e, Whitby. , sisatanwIwcsfIygaate cast1e announced recently that the added to thec cost of the systeml. may express their leyalty and de- 4Ytario Water Resources Commis- 'However, thre reeve said, the cost votioni of Jesus Christ in Christian TMr. and Mrs. Sam Brown were islê ha awadedthe ontact ortwill be considerably lower than thie Witness, Studyv, Fellowship and g'uests e ooroeeeigls k,ýbying the Newcastle Municipal igia siaeo 1Q35 he Srie"I re oel e- week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waterworks System te r-srn a prvdb h tro Mun bers to prepare themselves for the W. B. Hoar when around th-irtyS 0 Arsrn asce edb lc nai ' i-frlexds gatherýeti te make tema Prothers of Brantford for a t ic p f BadIs pigat fth e raiainsheare b ' th_ $1b9192.80 for laying the pipe Wvith poetsacpedyteGorn set up to be attendeti 1w presidentpresenta1tion a'nd te wlýi themr weil U A' küvse connec'tions te the street-1ine, mients as an) eligîble project under'of W.A. and W.M.S. and pamyhlet L tei nw om i Bthny Inetallng lire hycrantsý, building a heMncplWteWoçsincn-xill be sent out for, use by ral mem- mrs. H. HqDdgsan andi Mrs. 1-L house anti the eerrkrete basefor safe, dpîal pouhm sadppepîe ?ga the cos te thevibaageerý. e mutbe ready ourýselves. Marlinig, Toronto visited their autt - taxpyerswiilbe rduce cenide )0o oten memnbers are too conern r, . Hewarfd Walh n unay on 4 i- aîgcm n abl agin Th Reveex~ecedf C'11.abutthe "ra~zto" o-the occasion of her birthday anffl forsuplyig ad~wrkto tar intwowees.gettinig tlLiat thi*s is a wvay te ev etraie er to dinner at $ 0 0 costu tite Stand Pipe or tank _____ im, somietimes we Jose sighit ef Chateau-fly.The Lake, Cobourg. 0 aaddby R. K. lborn and vi 4 hat, we are working for inpu Mr. aend Mrs. Alex Watson are Associates, thec consultîng Png9ineers. i rs. W A.. tr-1'rcfanw a 1 evn . s s-dngafe as-ih r nt onvenient Budget Ternis tPlate andi Structural Stee Lim- Sturtridge remindedi everyone -that Mr.Tlm edntn oot ni*As 10w as $30.110 down iteti et Toronto for a ceniract price ig u~ n a e c- ie should say "I arn helpingMranirs Archie Watsen, Betty * Up ta 5 years ta pay 0f $16,150. pea to build the Kinigdom 0of Love ev'ery- Ann and Lary. Waterdewn.I Reeve Cunnningham saiti the a- l shawa ** A " Mrs. Wm. Reidi spent thre weeken'd LWAYS LOOK 70 IMEIMAL FOR THE lEST AtO r. "i ssiToot ihhrduhesE beve prices do net include the workI__ 1 r.u.Acsole oorr se at the heati table with iandTontowt e auhes v -donne by the Ontario Water Resour- MsA..Crwehnoaype- lyrs. L. F. Richardson: presîdenlt of at en ces Commission foi, drilling, and de-jfident of the Oshawa Psbtr the pr-esbytery W.A.. were Rev. and Dr. andi Mrs. Keith Taylor andi_________________ --velo3ping the weIl and thie supplvin1g .A_ intreduced the gus-paeiis .R omn. minister et StL.daughter, Brampton, spent the et the pumps nor the tees et the ,it tie semi-annual meeting (if the PaL's United church, Ajax. 1Ftev. weekendt with Mr,. and Mrs. Mar- Association by say'ing thaýt Mrs. . ' waPrsbterY, Mrs. F. H. shahl Chatterton. i ~ C. Sturtritige, of Toronito. Uwas a Jielville Butters. ChairmnaneoftitheI CA B GN eteran W.A. worker who lias held Reedti, ng p ilitofii s Miss Marjorie Heitige, Toronto, YOU A BE I n office as president iii W.A, fr'om '7'lwa resbyteilai W i, s. Clay- spent the weekend with Mr. anti u ~ C RIR T AC)N local throughi presbytery andti-on tont Lee andi Mrs. A. A. Crowl, Mrs. Charles Wood. Other visiters 1 0lI Iu terence righit up te Dominion COLI-' Hnorary prestidenits ot the W:A. onl Sunday were Mrs. George Crow- 1 Y ij\.~ J' ýclAt present Mrs. Stureritige is Mrs. Charles Nayler and M1ýrs. H. W., ther, Charles and Jamie, Newcastle, ATA T IIE ý,*rtavofDQnnonCu rcl -Blakely, vice-presitients, 1\1s A. E. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Parish and baby0 o hlg i edqathers. nw Unted - Church IrialinîiLon, secieta . R os s p Heather, Oshawa. Mr. Neil Wood, ediua ther.Beore emilmencing Dickinson, treasurer, lMrs. Grace Ga0at ada aeili Th~e Oshawa Business Colee e1 her talk Mrs. Sturtritige saiti hew Clayton, présitient et the Ajax W.A. Mr'. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mr. is open ail year and Our 0 0 metheti of indiviolual ,very pleaseti she was te have been ýus- . W.. ives. past president, anti and Mrs. Norman Allun, Joan and 0 instruction permits you te inviteti back again te speak at tilis 'Mrs. W. C. Sturtridge, guest speak- Sharon visiteti on Sunday %vitl1 Mr. t)1ýL u start at any time U association, remintiing the meml- er. andi Mrs. E. G. Hay andi tamily, 0 ________ Ober s that -he hati speken Anr the very Islington. 10t Coures rom same church, at St. Paul's in Ajax During the day Miss Clarissa Eti- *is, av 0 aieti Shirts, Boy's printed cotton flannel, sanforized 8DaY.1îho choose l in 195-. Shie asked thre members te wars played thie orgau, andi!Mrs.,the Bwmanville Mmorial Hospi. Sport Shirt, assorted colors and patterns TUlremember with her the vws taken N. WV. Cilurill playeti the iao. tal, having had an opération~ for ap-~ sizes 8 to 16. Regular $1.98 This week . $1.77 E V E N I N G L A S S E S ~a n d t e d w e l l o n t h e t h o u g h t t h a t T n k o M e " a t M s . S G . $ y a t h t i e t j o i n t h c u c , M r s . H a r r y S r i t h s n g a o l o , p e n d i c i t i s . TESDAY and T4U RS DAY f primarily each member is an indiv- well and Mrs. C. J. Heard et'St 1Bae van d'en Heuvel, sne r 7:00 ta 9:00 p.m. idual who has promisedt t use thre .tephen's Chlurch Oshawa, conclue- aiMr. A. van tien Huevel, is a USis aisNlnwiea-dclrszs3 o ChocecfSujets Qjme ans ef Grace, which surnmed Up tdtete t patient ef the Sick Chiltiren's Hos-n ___________becornes the subject et hier address eoaproRpr !pital4 Toronto, where he succesU. the Dominion Council meeting wvas fully uniderwent an operation onRglr$01,1Wfr.........16 Special Classes for fi Speak a Gooti Word* fer Jesus gîven by Mrs. Jack Perry, andi re- Wednestiay. Hotseive .Shiltork ~ Christ." With the annpouncement bylperts et the Conference meeting Houewies Shftwrkrs fltorinion counci that the new or-1 were given ýby Mrs. Wm. Teeple and Thre Mission Bandi met on Mon- I Men's Work Gloves, heavy cotton fleece-lined Teen-Age Typists ganization ofail the women etf thelMr. Cayton Lee. The rollca, edcay, Octeber 31,st wvith thirty beys rnotted, blàck and white. Regular 50c. for . 44c LITERATUE 8January tirst 1962 - each individual vaeitaKngSrtC hurc .an4d girls present. MIrs. :Orummend omust plan to prépare herselt te be- the most members present. iReports',e us- in singing The Mission B3and ARAE LEAL E corne a memîher et this new organ-1e dsusongous ee ivnn anti Sharon Simpson led in Mes.anykO5 î5 ÂJ> -y otng AVALoLEization. It has been peinteti eut that Ithe chairmen et the various comn- 1 issia on Ba tie uosle. toehsi-i SoksEnPishRb -ply Qtt the new oraniatin ill be n i~ ttes l thepresitent's rerarksiD vl e k U h olcin sizes 1072 to 11!2. Regular pair 59c. for .... 53c. 10 Simcoe Street N\ortb 1 former women's groups, anti only anicnfraton gave a tew ideas J M/rs. McLaren led in the worship CiOd tfrmein regarding resolu- service anti Group 2 peett * in achindvidal iîîbetiens matie at Dominion Ceunicil play. ikepaedCteyDserSp n, N ~ickepatdCtriDesr SonTable A Hallowe'en party followeti with- Spoons adFrs o only........... 25è. ( ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ames antiluncswasnervtlubing- 13 a d Fo ks. fo U1ing 1the nxeeti ng te a close.0 f Hallowe'en was rather a disap- Auiu ac o etcîrno 3Pn, pn îe e.î' o Lad es Fal & W in er Dr sse & Coas t fur Mos t eni; AClldrnmSaulce Pand4Waistssize R2g. te f6 9c startdar lyin thavningm Wineades alW n DessesCrCas u~ arvd CO DIROaSI S cral h sa acthdtisfrthe A new ahi pment of Ladies Fali and C Rj yoSINS ufry. 59tec.alatiife fr Looking for a party dress? We have them ir Cordproy Slirns. Size 12 - 20. colour FIf tY fi ve chiltiren assisteti with white, turquoise, rose, green. Also daytimne g rey, loden green, brow/n the UNICEF carnpaign when they- dresses in silks, wool jersey and crepes. Priced at $3.95 crrieti théir tUNICEF boxes, on ~ pe r okn acmn akg f4set Corne in and see Our Dresses. thei fo'uk oftetthe Vboxaes w iere re- 24oin arhietpckg o se CAR COATS oftiefoxs Wrere 2 inches by 24 inches. Reg-ular 20c. for .. 10c. CARCO TSturnedti t the conmittee in charge t C ar Coats "'Galore"'. We have dif- CENAYR -e h NCFHloee tte ferent styles and materias to choose from. KITTEN SWEATERS ýOreno COMmunity Centre. Cid'iet rf aaes hclt n Corduroy, Suede, Poplin with.. Orlon. trim. I BnLo a-Oron10%Al8 C. any T.RetPoKraft Cramls, Chk oat nd i 4c Sm ihkitdcla§ta utncoe100 percent Ban-Lon Full Fashionetifo ta the neck. Colours, tan, red, loden green, Pullover with three-quarter sleeve- andi ful ixwangerCru god ry eg.-fs-indcla rnPriced from $14.95 to $24.95 Priced at $9.95ou ee oul rQ-'Am ~Bari-Lon Full Fashioneti three-quarter On] Tuesday evening et this weekutur 'TlTfP neBEIGE CAR Coa sleeve, turtie neck Pullover with nine small there was formeti in the Village o et 5C1-$ . 0 T K0ý On bigmCr .a with miatchinig buttons on lace panel, centre front. 01ro11 a Ranger group fergrsoO E RD Y E~ N S' Sliriedat 2950Priced at $9.95 age running trem 1,5 te 21 yrls. P NF ID YE E I Prce a $9.0 hemeeting was helti at tehm Xî~1~T >1 £1TC~T~C4ribbed panel front with collar. lUtGilart Itis xpete

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