Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Nov 1960, p. 1

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OROMO Volue 2, Nmbe ~4Thursday, November 3rd, 1960 OronQo Ontario Authorized as Second Class mai[, Post Office Department, Ottawa Subscription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2M~ TWp. Passes Pension Plani Mm al .*% 11% l CM>Im x The ÇQianke Te-wnship Ce-uni met la their regular onbl 3ie-n wlhe--- correspondence 'l or-ien phases ef Te-wvnship werk wv de-ait wlth. MIemibers ef Counicil arc to me, wibrepresentat ives ef Mesport LI in connection wtl re-ads into th(- proýperty whicb wili have te- t cither opened er vastly ilmprovc wh1en the new racetracýk is la ope at-len. Ce-unciliors Dent and Ste-ne wet deleg-atcd te- study the wideniag thenead east fromn the MJilI pondi tf-be se-uth of the Village. A draftfÉ widlening tilis road was receivedi W1iVnter Works again camne up fr -cosidratonand se-me action is e pctcd la this field by the Te-wnshij Pro-"jeets under consideration ai t-be installation ef a new heatiný sy,,stem fo-r t-le Township HTall in C) eue-, sidewalks la Newte-nviiie an Kendal, construction of snew fene! survcying -on re-ads la the Towvnsbij and brushing ale-ng se-me roads. A motion was prcscnted by Ce-un cijle-s Fester and Dent thtat th, Township se -up a pension plan aý oiined by E. R. Weodyard fo- To-wnship emrpioyces. The motie-j wvas carried by Deputy-Reeve Sav cry. Ia discussing the plan it waý pointed eut that: the plan weuld ce-s t'e Township a smef are-unî 1600 for their employees. Council. ion Stone suggested that perbap;, thul plan should be leld ever unti' t-le next council was la office. Couin cIllor Poster statcd that he favoureil ticý plan and ce-uid sec ne reasen foi holding Up the signiag o! the con- tract te have thc plan stant immnediý Councilier Fester brougît before <ce-uneil the subjeet o! having the proposed Development road swing ,ver te the Sixth Line fre-m Kendal te- Uighway 115. He stated that the Council we-uld have a better road to maintain ift-bey sliould take oveî t-he seventh and let the sixth be dle vel(,oped for thc Development ne-ad. Aliselils proposai was thc fart that a better intersection ce-nid le ce-)nstructed at 115 at thc slxth )ine te-je-la up with t-le present Devel- epmrent ne-ad west fromn 115. "If the nead were te- cerne clown the sev- enth and an intersection was nced- c-d at Kirby t-len t-le whoei amiel ,wouid have te- le meved," lie said. AiOse-be informcd Counicil that they would likely bave a petition in from t-lese e-a tIe sixtb uine la faveur e-f t-is me-ve. He pointed te- the ex- tensive travel ef this ne-ad for these travelling te Rice Lake la thc surn- mer. A request te- appre-ve a debent-ure issue for thc additions te- tic public sche-ols la Darling ton was referred te- the next meeting as it was peint- cd eut t-bat Darlingtoa Township hadl as yct te- give their approval te- t-le issue. Mnr. Ray M\/artinýeli approached Couacil eoncerning fcnciag on lis property. He stated that ce-uncil han ne-t ivcd up te-t-hein agreemneat and he feit t-bat lie sheuld le suppiied wîtb 60 ne-cl ef fence. He statcd that Part ef bis fence lad been cevered up wheane-oad werk was donc in the ,ar l e-f h is pi-operf y. 3udagreed te- Supply Mr. marUinell ivith 60 ne-I of fence but t-bat t-le owner .vas te hiave it erect-ed. In speaking on thli % -matter Ceu.-illor Ste-ne stated that f h 'ý -e seems te- le tee mnuelda beilig donc te- fences and proe-ty whien nead construction ïs undler- takea. The igecve, H. E. Walkey, Walkey, agrecil and furtler r-e- mnar-ked that sud7 damage was cer- tailY Costly te thg e owiiship. The Orone police Tutc e Switb Ceuncil requieting that e-un -lgive the fjrst twe- readings te-ti zlwt-o ilist-ail a water main and ~~--~tr uPPIy on Division Sreet under t-he Local Impre-vement Act.ý The by-law had been prepar dn Rotary S;end Young vvcre ~-ia U8I~I~ A ULUTUThe Eastern Section W3M.S. iFali Turn Down W ater __________________ Bowmanlwlle Rotarians ee1 pron - CRallly ,l a Mhý,Iaps1e Grove Unil' day and Saturday of last Week,11,0 CurchtwhthMoil Rarodheerguso n o Ba n c I-lo d s vided an opportunity for' four youngl presiding. secretary Myrs. A. L. I9 odya h oii h d Oro f ads ilrmn people fromn Durham Cut erognssMs tlaBeY Fire Des trovs 1lage of Orono the ratepayers of a ~~~~~~~ii A ua /e i ~ t î thé nation',,; capital at 0t jad Mrs. Wm. Laird, were wî ilaetreddw heisal- A n a e tir n cuswr JmsRc ail by _Mrs. Chas. Greenliam.. Clarke rfl OUe!tion of water by a majority of f ifty- hld comedclub a nu e Jamesfour. The vote was one of the heav- et heOrnoBand he Bomanîll, Jme aoan-Enns Mrs. Melville Buttars gv nin- i îèst ever wiinessed in t'he Village. ;dj. nud meeting on TueýsdIay. OctCber killen, and Douglas Jose, Newcastle iaontthltetu abur-vle lgilyoe 8prcttr- i25th with ia fair good number of wil Jme oobe, oeien o e o heliertretaeur-Jwenslgtl oer84prcnttun whleJme Cobe, rsien f Asupport of libranies, and pointed Freo1Mnayngh1 esryed ed out to cast their ballot either in be their members present. The fore-, thé Durham Counity Junior Farm- out that books written to cov7el a i an ur<occupied farm bouse on the favour or against the installation ed part of the meeting w\ýIas conducted ers and a 1-H1 Cluýb Leader acted as certain peniod should be discarded'seventh line of Clarke Township.o uncplWte1ytm ~n b te rsien, r Bh lu. chaperon and driver in taking the when thecir usefulnes has ended. The frame house which stood just One hunidned and ninety-onirae gýroup to Ottawý,a. , si evc yMs alsot fte svnhuea h aers votedl against the question re1 Mýr. Gerald Browý,n chiaired theé h on epe ob egbe Down and M\/rs. Allan D)own of Eb,- first sideroad east of Kirby was re- whlle one hundred and thirty seven ~Th nominatiopforlthe lection 0 off je-duced to asiles. Thé house was own- voted ln favour of the question. at rs.Théfolowiigwer elctel t hacl o be sixteen years of age and ùe nezer SereronroucetheBiblet1ed by Mrn Tom Tebble who now ne- Out of a total numbher of 403 vot- ater. hefoloin wreelctd o e higIl in one of the live stock suyo h emno h on sides in Hamilton. es 2 atterblo nMna r office. President, Dick Mor ton; clubs in their1years.work. Thesswas.Sby Mns. H. R.alare of Whitby. r ctecretary-treasurers. C-rForrestenas roÏ nTléecampaiga was at its peak on. exclusivea y-ofesther R.wandoron theirv' e mx- ir experience as a teacherTh and i3arinaster. Donald Ham. h[i. of th event o thaaiiger- lia a Quaker school in palest,* The fire was first noticed anound Saturdlav when ' temrigpm Mrs. Hare described standing on' the elve-thirty o n Monday niglit and phiets were cireulated by citizensý o~ t wsdcddo mto fCr sehooleut of athendncoy hn h hreo iee a d lok ilatthe within a f ew minutes was a raginglOut1iihing certain information in, X- l(-iooloutof hé ouny, henthelshoe o Gailé an lokin ttheinfeno. The cause of the fire 15 net connection, With water. The Police P. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' sTaby an VennGaa next person in line was chosen. hi l hc staeinlyacpe knowýn as it was unoccupied and hiad1 Trustees, aPPaýenty feeling that, P . ] s T i n b y n n d V r n o G r h a ma s t h , M o un t . i f w e l a i o n ly t h e f - p e u t d i h i s m h e The youngé poeiioneoftayed atsidthe Ten Commandments and the Bea- Ino services what-so-ever. The house fgte utd atefrtPamhe that theThpositionpe0feVice-presidenté contained ne funnishings. were flot in accdaewihta g9 and also directors bc dropped for L otll Otwaadtitudes, we would have a good pat. supid yteOrnarjoWat-erRe- r- the ya.As ungtedss-Lrd Elgin Ioe nOtw n spledb h nai ae e d sion of new business it was decided' visited the Parliament Buildings, tern for, living - the Command-1sucsCmiiosueapr- ear . Alsmotonof dueg the disu--m orcsCmisoysudap - . truhmto fBueMlsad the National Museum, the Experi- ments are laws. the Xeatitudes, PAINT PRECALJTION philet of their own in which the- il ilAlnta tébn u aemental Farms. a large poultry based on love, point the way to Cod. quoted figures on the cost of the new; drum heads for the base drum. ia- ntecu yo alti s1Mns. Fred Reed. of Hmtn who Ordinary househiold paint ,hlch!proPosed system. iTheherono Bad.oIo toltt nt elI porin o i tret :i is acting president, brought a mes. often contains lead should flot be The qUestion of water has beeA Theoe heads . arealsawo tom bieletteres trielledasodriving hethroughn'thpaycityfpublic ub for fi' envthehepaat lelview saehdawnfrm hrooersastnpuse t reôuc ote hfoer, jyear wîth their decision being hand iseign cutis pca ii ii when she saw lay-workens dedicated pen, funniture on toys. ed down on Monday. )ronne. pca vstas to the work of thé British Mthodist r The resignation of Mr. MIl. J. was arranged tIo the Ottawa Winter Churcli - we, te-o, can dIo oir best I ,n Tamblyn as bandmasten asacep-Fain to sec the largest 4-H1 sho%,iiawl'gow inhtejo sw j-ed with regret. Ail members ex- North Amenica. Some six hundned anytdwilow itha we hwha A Lpressed the many ycans of service calves and gilts are exhibited by tn1o osmehn0i'> A tte d nci m fnUI thlat Mn. Tamblyn had given to, the thle young peo~ple fnom the couinties The, guest speaker. Dominion ' band as bandmasten. of 1Hastings an 'd Prince tderd Board W.M.S. Pre-side-nt. Mrs. C. S. 1-east at this 4-H club shlow. Patterson, dealt with "Trend~s in es o1h adejydrfch ene eepoie yte~w Women's Work" in the moraing and D gu rhiarn Med icci I a M eeýwtin g, Following the meeting thle nmein- Transportation as weli as ait ex- ntu hr i"It ilteWoi - 1 ense wer pr vide by heo gen then" ithe " n oa the oa. ns mrents at thé Orono Restaurant. mnleRayCu. Mrs. Pattenson described the events OnWdsdyepin at80gccttth wrlisain a c nWdedyeei e-ver the years that lcad up te the members of thbe Durham County Ce- pretty bad time pe-itically. Mn.RK. reports ef thnee commissions te the oiperative Médical Services attended h le said seems te have the power Geacral Cou>nvil at Edmonton la the annual meeting held in the Or- and ive are faced with a great new A thkletic Plan %B an q uet Septenber on women's organliza- oeno Oddfellow's Hall. The members1force, omnsudrwîh le t ons ov rsea M i sio s an h o e w re s rvid a tu rk ey banquet cat- fcirty percent e-f th e people f th eý e Missions.Ec commission hada ered te byth memibers of thelworld are coatrolled. manl as chairman and, for the first Heather Rebekali Lodge. The Rev. 1 Socialogicaily, Urnes aise appeau l F reus , N v sa bIzdg% tirne, a woman as secrétary. The Frnk Banisten of Kingston ;;as the1 bad when two-thirds of th(lie wrid _______________________new Board e-f Home Missionis will be guest speaker for the ev'enîng and nopulation go to bpd huigry Star- -etended to include 13 women and took as ',is theme "Good things that 1 vation is evident linrnany Tegioens r A f ew oven twenty attendcd the Mn. Bruce Genny conducted the eix acp h oiyo ululscreetefbdtms"ai ute eaefcdwp [. anual metige -fsocitie on o Amain -lectto e-fithe nwe oie: rsW . T E .se1for W .M.S. wokrs. The oveseas Folowiag the banquet thé e j etremend(-us bith rate t}at. is reý- - theu no ltC socuitioCn treldl a electcd e- office w rPresiden t . Bd work wili be under a Board of goup joined la a sing-sonig led by i ting even g-reaten problem a 4D thi, ther a Oro n em uniy n tr latheH. Samuel; ; Vce esi sett.and IWorld Mission. The new Board eofjMr, Russell Osborne. M s. R. Stew-field. Ecenomically, we have -prob- Thusda evnin. Dnin th evn-Rei; Screary LelieAsitt ndWe-men will be for ail United, art of Ida introduced the head table le-ms, hce said. "Twenty percent of cing the group eiected a aew siate1 treasurer. Mrs. Ruth Taggant. Dm.- Chuncli women ce-mmitted te- the guests while Mn. R. Moffaft intre-- lef the cars on the, ne-ad today areý -oef officers for the coming yvear ectors appeintcd to the Association work e-f tbe Chuncbi at home in Can- duccd officers from ncigbbourng paid for, the nest. financed. If a alonig with arnanging othen events wcre: adia and overseas. In the local County e-ntnizatioris, Funther te- great depressiçin eccunred these, -under their spoaisorship . The As- A motion by S. B. Rutherford and ciiunch. women will set up a budget the pnogram wene piano seeifOns wý'ould have te- be turnnd e-ver, but sOrion ink dning to oercomingh -. H. Barlow was carnietihl te-ce-ver local werk and W.M.S. AI- by Jim Crydlermnan and wbistling svhat anyonie we-ild dIo withl them, winer eaon ndwiI aie-be-d h bicb the Ore-no Athictie Associa- location and necessary expeases. A musical selections by Miss M. May- ne- ene knows. Rcligiously, we have annuai five dollar banquet later la tion are te- again operate the Yre-ne-nwmgziecmiig1h i.nrdefPtroru'.Telatrmr hnsinmryrs than ever i November. IRinik during 1960-61. A tbnee-man j sie-nary Me-nýolthly and the W. A. Bul- pr)iovcedlme-st enjoyable and broulglit More," lie claimed. committec,,Nwas set-up te- le-ek afteri letia wiii be publisbed by tiie Board lan entirely differecnt form e-f renter- -Some people, lie stateýd, thin!k *The meeting on Tbursday was the arrangemnent for this opération e-of Women with a new edîtor as the'ltainmient te- the 9170111. Mn. Hary thait we are the e-nly ones *who ever oedbyMrs. H. Barlow. vice- and to conduct its running unngprs itcns are retiina soon. Dur. Wade ef Newîton ville, president e-f had troubles. History howeven dis- presi ent -f t e Ass ciaton. rs. Ithe inte . ThS com m itte w as'ng the next fou nteen m onths, wve, the D urham Services. a t d s d im tbs an here Le referr d t Ro-ss Gilbant. acting secntary, read 1 ce-mpe-sed ef Messrs. W. H. Carman, should strcngtben the prescait Or.: hairrnan for theceig the 14100 B.C. wben the ebosen thw min utes ef the îast annual mneet.1 Ken Lauzon and Charles Armstrong 1 ganizatie-ns hy study, cntbusiasmi,! Mn. Elmore Sco(-tt e-f Hope Te-wn- people,thJeswrelasan ce-operatien and an executive 'te slip .introduced the gues't speaker,.ie' i 8 BC he hy1gi moton as is- psse tat uivfuurcnees.Rev. F. Banister. wPIeeit slavery for seventy' yea's Folwn hsportione-thteAsoitobodteaua ie At the afterne-on session, the wor- j In opening his address the spjeak- (Out e-f these bad ~as lie said, came_ý meeting reports werc receivedJ dollar banquet whicb date bas been slpsrie-sprsne yMs r s tatdtaes epewudj(otne ae4 froi a numnber e-f ceach',es la con- set as November 29th. The purchase Whilf-ed Boewma rnd b rs. odfreydpag 4 netion with hockey and basebaili ef twe- banquet tickets ase- ce tilles WB fe-wman e-f nfiad ** £odr tea mns sponsered by thé A ssociation tli c older te- a s asons skating pass SBw ing Uic scpe ef ou h medU M during the past year. Those report, e1h nn. ',en enat pe- fte- al the werld te-ether," the 2 3 C hl ia re n J o i n Jjun uor ing en varie-us teams were Bruce 1 tefteOon iueSaigChristian's marcbing orders, Mrs. Gcrry, Charles Armstro-ng, Thelma Club informed the meeting that thIC. S. Patterson urgedc us te- buîld Forrester, Mrs. R. J. Taggart and Figure Skating Club would cater te-bide instea4 ef wsls- s e-f M,,arvin Luain. Considerable discus- the banquet. She did, howcvcr, n reaclingpo c. fc v c 'e 1sioi \vas îieîd ini connection wvith ommriend that in the future they viws e-f be-oks and fiicllirnsoc et wieb some recrkome amtioowei-e wuld like te-sec the Athiete ie and ways eof using tfims- tt,-nion sumIprlrgamwt b aeig n htte h was drawn te- centres across Canada The first meeting o-f the Juniorlfor the next meeting. Each mnember nid frsem rvsta nx ya. nir rocdsfomte aqutand everseas where W.1S. ivorkers Hlorticulturai Society was beid la fis asked to, bring se-me eut o-ut fig- _________________________ce-ul be used by the Athietic te are husyv and morwoke are the Girl Guide Room e-f thie Coin- tines,.reseeyte s ami- Police Truetees. It was poi-nted e-ut ninTi st-b osdrto eedled as 'ieachers5. mur,(-and ev- uit etr t7:0p n nng a Christmas scene. that the s'ub-division la this area fo1ix er r.R .TgatI angelists. Radlio wçrk la iii ceasing Tlursday. Octofler 27. attended b y Tenx th a aa prt olth wèk.-1s twenty-thre enithusiasi ilsad Tc nex ieeting Xill be leld l lad been acccpted under te con- te- le-ek after the dist-ribution of the 11 Icîjtn-boys the Oddfeillowvs Hall on Thursday,. Plattersoti closed with Noembr 2t1 t 700-Forthi ditions that a form eof municipal 1banquttces M.F . ction Ioebr 4hat70.Po-ti water was te- be aupplied. Isucî a qetcet.M.'.E.Lct nte- "pray as. if it ail depended \vspti cag fth ude Mrs. Falrbrote-br eutlined some o e -fetilng cacixmemnber is asked Ltjm wytmws-idlarput a che ! ilunr eld o o.wokamfi aldpn systm w - nt insýtalied the le- ollrda hc ilb edb nGd er it al ehne tc rk planned for t-be year. Su- bring 25c membershlp fee, a pencil, sizes %vouid have\to be extendcd t onnecionwlh the banquete-fl voit. san Gilbant was appointed as acting se-me scrilibling paper. a few te-et-h 15,000 square feet rather thani 7,500 Ai1l secretaries reperted briefiy president e-f thc Society' with Ani- piu-ks if possible as. weli as the sqaefeet. «This would reduce t-be- Thé president, Mn1. E. HI. Samuel, and the themne bymui 526 "Tby lig nette Jergenson as. acting ;eûc-tary. christmas card figures and a pair pr,2sent fifteen lots te- six, they said. appeinted Mn. Bruce Gcrry te bold de-ince-me. 0 Lord" was introduced. e-f scissors. Deput-y-reeve Savery' meved the j a reýgistr-ation aiglit for ail boys1 A duet %was sunig by Mrs. Edwiard Mrs. Fairbrot-ler gavýe adémon- f irst readîng ef the fly-law with who are interested in piaying biock- Feley and Mrs. C. P. Sýwallow and s;tration o! the preper miethod te Parentq are welce-me 3,f any o! Ceurcillor Dent moving th-e second eyv this ce-minig winter. The purpose ceurtesy report given by Mrs. S. J. plant a liyacinth bull in a pot for these meetings. We arepead.t read&ng. The Reeve epened thé ses- e-f Uic registration is te- give ftie Lancaster. Miss Janice Beelt-d forcing.Me hcbec ebr e u nînecttieasedt SSion te- disceussing t-le by-laýv ý hicb athletic an idea wlat tcams shlud ef ber week at Scie-ei for Leaders was given a buib e-f his e-wýn %which denccd bY tile ge-ed tura eout. We- ,,as given aessent te- be sent te-'t-éb e sponsered this year. The r elu inl W hitby. ile proceeded t- pa t M to ! h p e e v r ul a k e Denrmnoef Municipal Affairsit.--tion niglit la te- held this Friday E-xplorer leaders are urged te- at-- makinig cttogsef geraniums was N',ovcniber 24t1 and cacl ueneb is for thir cosîdertion rie-rte- te ee in athie- Oronio Commaunity - tend the Expie-rer Expedition ataIese-n ee-uae t-bigafed.a- ~strn.MS.Ibd rono Ratepayers Qrorio Cornmunity Swvi mmirig Pool Fund:- (At1t4t.n.n±ailflontionslitdofn f1ront+ flanbVe*ft1lý T s. .4 .4 -s --s -4 s. Vollume 21, Number ID4 Donations to'date $6,670.72 . $7,000 , $9000 -$l 1 -IoS

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