'R.aIIy Fine Way To ".-,,quire A Library An odId and interesting sit- uation bas just corne'to 1rny at- tetin.I secms we have se k-,indc of state departmrent %c- cveditation" systeut for stand- ardizing our highý schools, and one, high schools failed to mieet the requirements. The physical plant was al new; the gymnasi- urn was commirodjous and exten- sive; the sîgn *janitor" on the func-om door had b(-,een properly changed to "c-ustodiani"; anid the percentage incereases for tkeachers had been duly institu- ted. Everybody thought the pro- grainm'was in high gem-aradthings w,,ere fine. But in order to be "'accr.edîted"' as an A-number-one institution of learinýg, there had to be a certain number of volumtiies in the library. 1This itemn had been eected. Tr-uc, theyv had built e room for the library, and had set up many shelves aiong the walls. They had some 'big tables with chairs, and the lighting was fine. But somehow the comnmittee >nd the officiais hiad not hap- pened to be the booky sort, and during- the expensive prepara- tions nobody had thought mnueï about a library. It was-n't until the officiai state tabul-ation Came dïow.n framn the higher echelons of cul- lure that this subject came up. Then word went about that just es soon as th-,e school had the boo.)kshIelves filied t he category wffould change, and the high sehool would be as good as any în the state. Under the accepted rnethods ef modiemr education, this pres- ented no real problem. A house- to-house appeal was made, a nd everybody scrimnmaged around the sheds and attics, and in one heads-up, closely. organized, ef- fective carnpaign, books were gathered and the shielves were filied. Irnmedîately the schaol was rer-ated and is now in tiptop mshape, ready to send forth schol- Rrs with the best of thern. This is really a, fine way ta0 acquire a library, It has theý ad- vantage of being--quick, and you don't waste tirne browsing. Somne years go my wîfe and 1 were drlving aver a back, road anld came upon an auction. We had qvidently mnissed the better part' iffy-Knit Set uk.-.ýf, la 1I Spark ýyour beý-,droon1o scheme with this Welo-oo set-ar Ose rugg alonle for hal,1en JIFFY-KNIT set, dlone on 2 neediles, wears like ion. Use -rug cotton or oId nyl ohse, Pattern .509: directions 31-inch rug, stool and seat-caver. Send THI711RTY-FIVE CENTS (amscannot be ac(ceptLed, use postal note for safty) for this pattern ta Laura 'Whieeer, Box 1, 123 ighlteenth St, New Toronto. Ont. Print plainily PATTER-N C H, vyour1 NAM1E ad AD - ÜRE SS. JUST OFF TI-E PRESS! Sendc now 1forI.aur eciiu, nw 1961. NýT(eeiecraf t Catalog., Over 125 dinstaochet. uit, ee- rooie, qLit,wav -fshos omfurisirsstoyvs, ifts, baz- aarbit. PlusFE -- instruc- tions for sxsmarýt veil caýps Hiuirryý, seod2çnw of it, but the auctioneer wasiý laboring 'aliant.ly ta dawin the last few pennies be cotid, and he was at the momfen)t stmîv- ing ta get 30 ce-nts for a paste.- board carton, of used jelly tum- hiers, but he had ta ]et them go for a quarter. We watched hlmi dispose of a number of shim- ilar bhot items, and then, he said, "And now, if yau %will step over to the front door, we wil iel Mm. Libby's fine iibrar 'y!" l'le word library strucek a note, for the ancient, tumble- clown, w,,ell-use-d littie farmbouse wouidn't sýuggest ta any passer- by that it beld a literary, or even literate, connection. It looked like a mail-ordler cata- log-ue residence at best, with any dlouibts at al on the side of the New England Homestead in the odd years when. they offemed five years and a bridlai weatb bush for a dollar. But a "lib- ary" had been prom-ised, and wme noved to the front dloar. A lean individuai wha was helping heid out three books ta the auctioneer; and he raised them so al could Sec. "There are over 500 volumes in this library, he said. "They are al in topnotcb shape, cdean and nice.- Some of them have scarce- ly been read. They cav,,er ail sub- cects. Here is a comnplete educa- tion for- anybody, and I would like ta sel] the complete library to acebidder. Howmruch an-t1 offemed ? There wvas no respanse. Clear-ý ly, the gatherinig was not the kind ta acquire eruidition in this way. You could sec that people- recspected books, and felt they were ta be held in awe. Some of the n iight have likced ta buy, a book - but to face the chance te acquime 500 of them in one fell swoop was taa rnuch. I haîf expected te hear some vaice pipe up and ask.for flic total weight, which might be a belpful statistic. But nobodly opened bis head. The auctianeer teased and cajaled. My wife said, "There mrust be, a book there somewheme ,yau.'d like to bave!" 1 remember I gave a wise an- mwer, ta wvit: *'One to 500 isa better ratio than you get in a, bookstore>!" But ber remnark be- guiled me, and 1 tbough of poor jM. Libby, w&ha- seemed te be the sadl man sitting off ta one side of a chopping block. We had no way ta know w.hy he was thus disposing of bis ltetimne effects. But bis. libmary, natural- ly telling the kind of man heQ was, the preclous l1abors of so niany mnaster intellects treasur- cd iup and perused over so0 manyj years ef kerosene lamps, was pot attracting any notable' at- tention1 witb the vulgar cowd. At least samne token bid sbiould be made. I.heard myseif calling, "Five dollars!" and 1 held rny hanci up wth fingers apart so there would bc naormis- take about the amount. A cent apiece! Mrn Libby looked pieased, and 1 was grlad. The auctioneer hesi- tated one small moment while lie assessed the prospects, and hie quickly decided he was ahead. "Sold!" ble barked, and evemy- bodly looked at me wiitb what 1 took toi* be respect and envy. In a trice, I had ceased being a tmnsient, stranger, and had be- camne a well-known a-wnter of 500 books. 1We faund a great many novels by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southwortb, and tbings like that. There was-a leatber-bound Goldsmith which ,l imagine is a collector>s temi. Jioseph C. Lincoln pevailed, asi ld ane Grey. We gat the Cap- py Ricks series in toto. But ta0 tell the truth, at $5 Mr, Libby eheated me wben be conveyed his library, On the other hand, It is nice ta know that in m--od-. cmn tim1es, so have wvewagd th-is motley collection heiped ta "acei"a high school. One corner of my attic is dlean again. -By John Gould in the Chris- BUTTERFLY STROKE - Mermcid with wingqs, Sandy Lawhun gives her owvn version of the butterfly stroke. She entertains visitors at Weekie Wochee Springs. With ber air hose handy s;he stays under like a fish. 4,iGEFR My coliumin this week has paint at the beginning, paint in the middle and >paint 'at the end. Sandwiched, in betw,ýeen is a strangýe bird, fan mail letters, and a lovely drive. About the paint ...For mnonths I hiave been itchinig to get a paint brush ini my hand. Every roorn in this bouse lias been literaily screaming for à paint job and I had been wo0n. dering how rnuch longer I could stand it. 'Why didn't we havTe it done? Weil, quite franikly, we couldn't afford it. Neither could Partner tackle the job, Spiritr was wiliing but not the joints, One day's painting and he w ould have been too, stiff to move for a week. Arthritis is an u-npredict- ableeimaster. Partncm iswokn on a job outside mnaking wrells, f(or the basemient windiows. It in- volves a terrifie amount of heavy work with twQ-inch planks, fit- ting and ta-rring the, wooddig- ging and mouinding the heavy dlay soil, cutting a.;nd re-setting' the sod; heavy work that Part- ner seerns quite able to do. But to xield s, two-inch paint bmush, that wouidl be another story. Il wasn't sure I couid cdo it either but I was' detemmined to try Af- ter ail I used to do ail the in- teirdecoraing at Ginger :Earm -and some fnte outside oo But I was ten years yonethen and at a certain stage in one's iife ten yeaýrS 1ma1kes ïalot 0f difference. Welli, to cut a long storyý short, I tackled the kitchen first. Tt is ten b y twelve and has eigh1-teen cuphoard doors! W'%oiderftily cvenient uintil it~ cones toy painting them. I chose a lovely shade of liglit turquoise for the walls and white for thewod work. And it reaily looks won- derful - barring a few smieams of paint here and there. Anyway, it's dlean, it's bight, and its liv-, aýbIe. But oh dear, what il mess at times. in a kitchen you can't, remnovýe everything and get ont witb the jobs. You have ta paint and live witb it too. O ne day everything mnovable was on the kitchen table and the, overfiowI in' the dinning'-room. We had a sandwich lunch on TV tables in the living-room., Next room 1 attack1ýed wa the ma,-in bathroom - same colour as ýthe-,itchen-, turquLoise anicf white. That waýy 1 economnized in1 paint. The colour schem,--ie is e- lieved by pink toweIs, ýoýPap ad toilet paper, interc!hs-tgeaibie with ylo.Mrrr ihsand so on were imemov,ýed ancd the bathroom closed for the ùura- tion. This wvas possible as we' have a two-piece wasbiroom off the main bedmoüm. While work- ing I wore a diark redi smock. Anyonie looking, at it knew ex-I iictly what colour paint I wqas usingi 0f course I1 ran into a few, difficulties as I have to) use a chair ta taden - cant keep rny balance on aRtplddr i that emnainis to be d onc naY)w Jla dlean-up job, At least forL those ISSUE 441.- I1960 two room11s. ButL my Painting, Vm afraqid, will be like a serial story -to be continued. I Nowv for the strange bird. Partner saw it first and called me to look. It was the sîze of a robin, rusty-red breast, brown- ish back andowingcs, hopped and ran like a robin and ýwas with other robins, In fact it 'was a rob- in, of that I arn sure. Th'en what \vas strange? Well, the head and throat of this robin were pure white. Maybe it was trying to be an albino bird and hadn't quite made it. Fan mail .. sever-al lIetters arrived last week, ail of thern welcomre. One each from Sea- forth, Kincardine, Kenora and the Dep)artmnent of Agriculture. Reader-friends are very kind - I do appreciate your encouraging words and good wishes. ".J.L.B." bas been writing about twice a year for at least flfteen years. We enjoy hearing from hinm and his wvife. Next a loveily dr-ive. ,. eighi- bou.ùs irnvited us to go along for a drive ta Freelton. That took us acnoss country through famil_ iar teýrritory, criving towards the "Mo/Iuntaqin" north of Milton. At Highwý,ay 6, we went toward1s East Flamboro to a lavelyiy park we hiad neyer even hecard of be- fore - 'Lambert Parli". It is the resuit of one m-an's dreamr and ingenuity. There is a grand ce- ment-iïned swimming pool which utilities a naturai creek -and is controlied by floodgates. There are Plso swings, tcetor-tortors, picnic tables galore, brick bar- becues and plenty of shade trees, Gomning home wIe drove through the Cedar Springs hioli- daY resort. Private property, ow d d perated as a comcm- unîty project near Kilbride by people who have bought lots and built summer homnes. It bias just about everything -- golf cour-se, ski runs, s.wimming, tennis, base- bail, pavillon and community hall. and nature trails, ail amý'ong the beautiful cedars frorn whlich .it gets its namne. This was once the site of a pawder mil] which blew up in a terrific explosion ýýn 1884. The scene of the tragedy remaiiined idie until 19241 when its Potential as a holiday resort -,was fstrealized, fuifilling a life- drearn of Mr. WV._D. Flatt. There are niow over e.ighty summner cottages, somie of them iner ized. A iovelY spot. Yawring IS, Good For YouI Because he wa sn't sleleping well, a Swedish pi'ofessor had e speciai record made «?. people, yawning. Whlen he2 went to bcd be played it -- and slept like a log! A psychologist who has made a stuidy of insomnnia telîs goe, some other interestlng facti, Yawns are infectiouse - the sight of someûne yawning miakes others yawni. Watclng a baby yawn often makes miother yawn A doctor, states, that yawns are healtby. "A gaod wide, open- mouthed yawn is a splendid, thing for the boad,"lhe sas, I greatly improves the blod cir- cu-laion.", Phi'ysiologists say that yawning is a reflex, the saine kind of In- vaiuntary mechanism as a sneeze or gasp. Soietimes it denotes boredomr but usualiy it is anc of nature's mos-t evidlent de- mnands for a rest. Somne years ago a dôoctor, study- ing yawnis harj a film ymade of a girl petendinig to yawni. The filmn was made at slow, at aver- age and at fast speeds. The girl was seen stretching hemself coin- fortably in accompaniment to her faked yawning and achieved such realistic resuits that she actually mnade hierseif yawn., Whien the filmn was shonmta a ciass of thirty-six students in ýa darkened raom, haif of wýhorn wer'e graduate nurses, wý,elve of them yawned as they watched, thirteeni reported that îal-thoýugh they refrained from yawning they feit that they wanted to, while the- rest si the flilm made- them fieel relaxed and tired. And atter gleaning these facts, Pim no-t feeling so alrttyself niow. Ah, dear! Mystery 0f The ""Laughing Deatli"' A mysterious diseaýse known as the "Lauighinig Death" bas e- sulted in 30,000 tribesmnen in Australian New Guinea being forbidden ta - move ?about 'the country, The disease bias affe c ted wvomien more thian m en, causing a seriaus shortage of prospective, wives. Consequently, the tfribes- mien have been roamr.ing ta othftr areas in search of wivles, spread- ing the cdisease. The govern- rnent's answer bas been ta force the tribesmnen to curb their ro- miantic ambitions until a cure is found. The disease is a nystery ta scientists. AIl they known about At is that "the victimis succumb ta uncontrollable bysteria." WAIST 4595 29"-4C' SHORTER, fuller? These new, Faîl skirts are perfect for youl Tbey're shaped ta ýslirn yo-Lý srnairtly, to fit wvithout aiteratiot et waist, hips, in lengtb. Printed Pattemn 4595: For hall sizes - 29, 31, 33, 35, Q7/,4- inch waists. Size 31 slim isklrt 11ý4 yards 54-inicb; flared Ple/ yards., Sen~d FOR-TY CENTS (stampr cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this paten Please pint plainly SIZPEr NAME, ADDRESS, ST'YLE NU?4BER. Send order ta ANNE ADAM9, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Taronto, Ont. - SEND NOW! Big, beautifuýe COL OR-IFIC Faîl and Winteg atenCatalog 4as over 1106 styles to s ew - ýchooi, career, balIf-sizeCs. OlyII 35(' Get your tickets to the Royal Horse Show no w. Seat choice is best no w. You'il becertain to seethiscolourful champion of shows, with its spectacular horsemnanship by 'internationaHiy renownied jumpping teamns if you order your tickets now. Added attraction at the Horse Show this year: Duncaa Renaido, the famnous CISCO KID-Hollywood filmi and telvi- sion star. A con ven ient ticket order form is included in this ad,. FUIlit in, mail it in, for your Royal Horse Show tickets. Do'ý It now-! PLEASE RESERVE FOLLOWING SEATS: Riüyail A jricifltural Wiqter Fir, RoY al Coli s ;, Toronos28. Canadi Nome Ar TER NOÇ01*1 s eafotl s eator, ';J saturday, Nov. 12 u $50 - ot NoySv. 19 t $1.500, luie ear, ne reCaruCd seatfer«Iha faltaing uformaaces- Saturday morniivgs, Novemlaer 12 and 19; aternoono, Novemtaer 11, 16 yow 18 special admission Chge-generol adm vO C'r(Adolts 75c chidren 25c) plus SOcC ctei EYNNGSNmber aiSeat, abro ,5 Sot., Nov. 12 1 - - ... hoe., NQvv.17- ----- .,. Mon., Nov. 14-----.- ~,Nov, 18------... Tue,, Nov. 15 - .FI,,, 3 NV. 19------ S tORe - . . .........-.. .. . . . . . . ROYAL AGRICULTURAL wiNTERK*,FAÎ RtNOV6iw T 0R 0N TO Q. IHow can 1r sv~bIao %euff marks, dabs of craýyOn, an<ý Pencil Unes from a waxe4 f1oore A. Rub over thest iwlth a Mil :eldf-polishing floor wax.l'-Th, wavx dissolves the mer 1ks ane blends with the rest of therf1oo* without leaving a bare spot. YOq cpan use this remonver onasphal1 an~d other tili floors. For Hcsf-Sizes iPINEDPATTE"4 f N