_____________________________________ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUR$DAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960 ~Federation Dîrc The regular rnonthly Direotors' M/(-ýeetng of the Durham County Feti- eration of Agriculture was held on October 6, at the home o! the Prei tient ani his wife, Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Mvalcolm, Yelventon. After the mnutes of the last meeting were read anti approveti, reports wene presenteti by Mr. Eani FROYAL THIS THIJRS TO SAT. OCT. 27 - 29 Matinee Sat. 2 p.m.__ "HERCULES" in Color STAR RING STEVE REEVES ALSO 'LAUGH WITH THE CLOWNS"l- Complete Shows 7 e 9:.15 eçtors' Meeting Bradshaw, District Supervisorc the Cooperators Insurance Assoc Mr. DaIrynmple, Agriculture Reprý ~sentative >and Bruce Taylor, Dui hiam County Member taO .F.A. Mr. Bratishaw reported on Ci oper-ators Insurance activities in tih county. He stresseti the neeti of se' eral new agents ta adequately cove Bowmanville MA. 3-5589 NEXT MON. - WED. Aduit 7 & 9 p.m IAduits 65C Students 50c COMING SAT., NOV. 5, 10 a.m. 2 p.m, TwO full-length children's features in Color "Little Red Riding Hoo-d"' and "Cobbler and t he Little FoIk'p SAVE CASH AT RED &WHITE SAVE CASH4 Al- REDf&l -~ iLJIT,.i' the county. He reported the Insur- way by the first of the year. trophy. > ane Cmmitee iadoffeed rizs Brce aylr reortd 0Delegates chosen to attend the anc hee mnits e had the re ries 'e alr eote nth- O.F.A. Annual Meeting on October 1 tuer f agents sllt ru rat ept Fecleration Zone meeting held at the 31 ' Novrember lst ani 2nd, were numer'o!polcis t rualpeoleWelcome Court Motel on October 5 Bruce Taylor, Harvey Malcolm, c. before Nov. 18. He also gave a brief Resolutions were presenteti and en- Clarence Allin, Mrs. Kathleen Dor- e- otutline of a new Farmi Retirement dorsed which will bc lorwarded to reil andi the Jr. Farmner representa- r- P1~n wichwil son b pfere tothe O.F.A. Annual Meeting for its tive. Farmers, tievelopeti by Co-operators oisdionAreluo psnt ýo-'1»surance. Assoc. on request from codrmDamin.A eouti ast prsnt- e the Ontario Federation of ed fomDuhan outylat prn It was decitiet to holti the Dur- v- ture. This will be a plan Agrebyil okng rd t e llwasn !a ~hm County Feder' nAna *r frmer by siti wheeby rchad tabe alowe asan expense Meeting at OronoonNv be26 eachyea setin wih CLA.at time of pîanting or as a capital Plans will be madie ta arrange for eachyeara definite amount ,o! expense depreciateable over a9 peri- a noon banquet andi Mr. Howard money, will provide themselves od of ten years for incarne tax pur. Malcolm has been askedti t be the *witli an annuity at retirement age, poses, hias alreatiy been placed guest speaker andi give an accaunt payable with a choice o! options. among those ta be- presented at the of lis impressions gteeidrn Further details a! this plan will be Annual Meeting. Bruce also report- his recent trip ta England, Sco'tland, forthcomning inter. ed that a rebate of 9 cts. per bushel Europe andi Russia , 1He wîll also for ail wheat sold in 1959 would be show pictures taken on the trip. Mr. Daîrymple reporteti on Farm returned by October 31. One mii- This shoulti prove a very interest- Management Plans and saiti le had lio bushels af the 1960 crop of ing feature of the i'Annual Meeting.- spent most of the day previaus in wethsbe xotda oto Toroto iscssig plns ithof-20 cts. a bushel but hati this flot Bruce Taylor was again appointeti ficials of the Dept. of Agriculture. been tione it is estimateti the price ,ta represent Durham Fetieration as H1e saiti the Dept. hati corne ta re- o! Ontario wlieat coulti have drap-, Member ta the O.F. alize the importance of this proIect ped ta $1.15 a bushel. and arena preparedt t make 'it a A mast tieliciaus lunch was, serv- pato h epniiiyof each M.Dlypewsak tretie by the liostess, assisteti by Mrs. parto! liercspnsiîliy M. LYlryplewas ske tare-Lawrence Stapies and Mrs. Floydi Agriculture Representative. It 'is port on the 4-H-Auto Club which the Stinson. Tlie thank' of those pres- felt that having tlie Agriculture Fetieratian liad hielpedti t sponsor. ent was tende-edti t the hostess by Representative in charge rather H1e saiti the club lias 15 members HwriMiom than bringing in a stranger, will be anti an achievement day will bce oadMlom muncli preferreti by the farmer as lielti on October 22. The Federation An invitation ta holti the Novem-. the Agriculture Representative ai- tiet-iict tc provide a ù '-j hy for the'ber meeting at the home of Mn. anti neaiy lias the confidence o!ý the higli boy or girl in this club anti Mrs. Raîpli Larmer, Nestieton, wvas farmers ln lis caunity. if this atideti asked Mn. Deirymple ta select this acoepted witli pleasure. responsibility places tOO great a burden on the Agr. Rep. the Dept. will give him an assistant. nt was al- s0 felt it would be better ta start In a smiail way with 25 or 30 farmers the first year rather than f ollow the- original plan of the 100 farmers which woulti be nccessary ta fin*- -j ance the plan. After tiiscussing this mater hoouglya motion was passed endorsig the plan andti a ' co-operate fully with Mr. Daîrymple anti lend i hm al assistance ntossible. it was feit that those farmers who are Ïiow using the Farm A,ýccaunt f1 Book- should be given prefePrence tai enroil in the plan. A Eist of those wishing ta enroil was stanteti anti now enrolleti. If the enrolment shoulti run considerably beyanti the requireti number 'possibly' the Dept. of Agriculture miglit consitier giv- in- Mr. Daîrymple a mucli neeieti assistant in the immediate future. 409 HuFrnESet orGCnAD It is hopeti the plan wil be under LOCAL NEWS The Red Cross Blood Clinie wlfl be held'in the L"ions Centre, Sowe- manville on Wednesday, November 2nd. Yotur donation is urgently neeaJ- ed. For further information contact Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, Orono. The Bowmanville Drama Groupq has postponed their November Srd meeting until November lOthi. ThLdS was necessitated as Mr. Murray Davis could not attend on Novem- ber 3rd. Miss Jane Knox -enterainedl a- round twenty girls last week at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Kay Geach. After the bride-to-be opene-d lier lovely gifts and thanked those- present a social time Was enjoyed. Mr. Wmn. Rjddell anid Mr. Armn,3id Hollngswrthattededinstalatioa services at Whitby recently, ----- ----- -- P.iri rL. z wr1 0LISVE CSH>A RE SAV CAS ATRED &WVfHIESAVE CASH AT RED& WHITESAVE CASHAT RED& WHITE SAVECASH AT RED&WH I' BEST BUY - SAVE 26c- LIBBY'$ - 48 oz. tin FANCY TomatoJuice BEST BUY - SAVE 26c - LIBBY'S- DEEP BROWNED Beans 20j oz tin FEATU RE - SAVE - 11 or- bottle Libby's Catsup 3 for 79c 5 for 89c 2for -35c FEATURE - LIBBY'S - 15 oz tUn Co oked Spaghetti 3, for 49c Libby's - 15 oz. Uin Fancy Peas 2 for'37c Libby's Fancy - 15 oz. tin- Fruit Cocktail 28C Robin Hood: - Ail Flaàvouirs- Royai DeLuixe G4ke Mixes 3 for $1,0OO CORN ISI-'S% Libby's Fancy- 15 oz. tin Cream Style Corn 2 for 39c. Libby's - 20 oz. tin Sliced Pineapple 17ec f~o BaJ - Save 3c i)O. I. Gemr Margari ne 4 1") 85 c Oraloo, ntarlo phone il121 Finest Hallowe'en SHELL OUTS avallable at Red & White Food Stores Best Buy- Save lOo MilIko- Skim Milk - 3 lbý. Instant Powder 89C Best Buy - Save 6c Westminster - White Toilet Tissue 4 rolia 43c Best Buy - Libby's f rozeti Green Peas 2 lb. uoly bag 49c Feature - Save 4c Alcan Household - 24 ft. rall Alumninum.. Foil 31c Featrre - Save lic Solidi white - Saico 7 oz. tin Tuna Fish .3 for $1.00 Feature - Saico Mandarin ORANGES 2 tins 39c Feature - Save 4c Jet Spray.- Tin BON AMI 65 ci Feature - Save 7c Giant D e'tergent > 81 c Fete- Save 4c0 Sunbeam- - 12 to pkg. Cinnmon B uns A.Ve: r-e,.4 A-r R-D & WIHITE SAVE CASH AT 7-D & WHITE SAVb CAçH RED WHITE SAVS "---7AT RED MÎ7~ ITE Swift's Premium - Tender Grown - Oven reacly, Roast or Fry ( 2 - 3 [lb. average> CHIOKENS î lb 33C -SWift's Red or Blue Brandi Beef SIRLOIY STEAK, OR ROA ST1b 5C WING STEAK < OR ROASTlbvc Swift's Brookfield - Pure " Skîiess - lb». pkg. PORK SAUS'-AGE lb 49c> (With a free 10o off coupon ini every package towards your next purchase of doz. "egs) $wlft's Cello - 1 lb. package Prreâ,rnium FRANKS 49tPc :M (With a f ree Hallowe'en mask in every package) Fancy Grade For Hallowe'en Mw 6 qt basket 59-Pqc Ontarjo No. i SmaII - 10 Ilb. mesh bagX YELLO"-'W O JNIONS 33c Nutritiaus - No. 1 good size - per head GREEN CABtBAGE *09C > Newi Crop Florida Seedless GR'A P EF RUI1T 3 for 23c Hallowe en PUMPKINS Pricedj according ta size WE HAVE A SIZE AND A PRICE TO SUIT YOU LiBB3Y'S FROZEN FOODS G RE N pEý1A s 2 lb po i bg 49r.~ STRABER I's 15 o kg 39c ATfýX 1)O 'S.AV1E cASA-, RE D & w > àE S AYE CA S H Kr R E 0&WHI TE -w z o w oe I.- z '9 o w '9 w 1- z '8 o w 1- z o <hi '9 = '9 o w e w 1- o w w 1- z '9 o w '9 w z J.. z '9 o w Éll&.CZýw A-r i2cn -Q,&Vç: hamw Air C>Cr% e- UU Li M 1 M t:ý L) & VY 1- f ý L , >ç Ab ki