Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1960, p. 2

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ORONO WEEJCL.Y TIMES TNIJR~BDAY. OCTOU~R ~ 1fift~ Oshaw Mayor Supports Orono Clilidren To HoId Vemna Dyer gels 'Every Child In Sunday Verna Dyer Wls aglr0 the late Elad Vanflusen Dyer and &Imo' heie U~/ICE H II weenEllen Jane Wells, died erySna khoo' Th meEF H llo we n orning, October 9. at the Port Hope Hospital. Mayor Gifford endorses campaign I underpriviledged1 chiidren and a- She had been in failing heaith spousored by the Oshawa výý oard of This camîing Manday evening, Oc-,duts who are in iess fortunate cîr- for severai years, but had recently Education "Every Ch-,ild in Sunday ber 3lst, Hallowe'en, the chiid-I eundfo mtrti oLn School." and he writes aur itizens ren of Orono are asked ta assist cuotacesSre urued teroM armota np tu-y are beconýin- addicted ta t an aver- witji the annua~l LU NICEF. *&nd con-ý The chiidren af Orono are asýýed where she had visited. friends and1 powering desire for secunitv,' They ribution Thii.s hqa been carried ot ta assst it theý UNICEF Hallowe' eaisad a ppadqut teek it th-rough finauciallvet)nOro for the past three years4 en by abtajnirg aUIE o n el ments, through goverumens n and is again being organjzed this identification card and ta accept do-< new forms ofleiiain.jyear., nations of pennies and silver h-i Mrs. Wells %vas bonn at Garden This desire for security in thet place af the abundance of candy and Hjill, Ontanio, and was a grand- i.ateriai things of li11e is a strictîy Through the UNICEF fund thorf.Teebxsmy epce wgtra James Dyer, who foun- chik en longwiththei parntsit. ThesOnnoboxsmmuue iyCkenteI p e ilg n oeae h defeusive poe~ aea potut iassigati ath e vr treocok nMn eeidsoeadWole -U If we succeed in trans-plantiung mtime_________________________ t aur hope for future securty from day. They are asked ta have îhem Mjýrs. Weils was an accomplished f Vhe church, where it belougs. ta the the Sunday Schoal ai his or herlnturned by fine a'clock ait nig'ht.liiimusiciain, having compased the materiai thiugs ai lufe, we may iind choice will teach him a better z-e-IfThey are also ta be returned ta the words and music for mnany sangst that ai»- civilization will slow down lationship with the members ai his., Commnunity Centre. bath sacred and secianr. She also1 and nesîst change or iurthen :.ro- famnily, with his parents and withl Those who answer the familiar ""rote a large number ai paems, and1 gress. We must look ta aur church ', zic il s a whole, and will givedo jga o~yngtcna- sang in, bath the Presbyterian and and religion for aur security and for lmn the basis af that future secun- sist With the success ai the UNICEF Mlethodist chairs as a soloist. a et leerre a d in e h n it3T hicha he sa e ies n d. wi Hallowe'en by having change for, She is survived by her husband,j aifte. makshiawabett recitzen. hose who 'carry the identification j Fred W . W ells, 34 North Street, Each hour that a child spefids luOsaanies card and'the-UNICEF box, P art Hope, ta whom she was mar-1 The UNICEF Hallawe'en was fiist ried 40' years ago last June. Mrs started in 1955 whenq a total ai $15,- Helen Dawson, wif e af Dr. Walteri 000 was raised. This has gnawn T. Dawson ai Tononto, whase fatheri si nce that time when last year, 1959 Dr. Dyer, was Principal of Albert children in 1,500 Canadian commun- College, Belleville, for many years, Make dairy foods ities colietted a sum ai $200,000, is a cousin. Mrs. Wells kept in close Thjs moniey is used ta pravide_______________ daily foods milk, drugs, medical supplies andse htheyugretaeafl MEVRneeded ioods for those in dire need.seththeyngretaesel ITH The support fýr UNICEF is again esconted across street intersections W ' ---- ~ asked for with the co-operation of ln the Village on Hlaiiowe'en nigh1t the local children and the lacal par- Mtrssaeas se ab x ONTARIO CREAN P.@DUIICRSP ents. tra careful an Monday ashide MARKEING OARDWe also understand that a, Safety flock the street, many withthi DIPESEYINi see CIAMPDOUC NSPatrol is being organized by some ai vison obscured thraugh the wearing the older chikiren in the Village ta of a mask.1 Canada Lynx Retuin To Lindsay Aiea Aiter an absence aif weillaven a woK twas stateu, iîau already been campleted by the Counties. Street lights came up for discus- sion with the resuit that the Trus- tees are ta make a tour ai the Vil- lage ta determjne where other Iig1hts might be ueeded. A number loi requests have been made for ad- quaite ui a ei±rur, ine 'ania I-.ynxhlas returned ta the Lindsay A maton was passed ta advertise IFkwest District. the fact that Standard Timne was ta' 'ame juta, affect in, the Village'at On October lOthi, a female Can- midnight, Saturday, October 29th. ada lynx \vas killed near Kinmouuit. Conservation Officed Wallace Scott Iu the H-yd-ro meeting the mana- of Kinmount identified the animal ger. Ernest Dent, infarmed the and brought it ta the Lindsay Dis. Commission that the uecessary wvire trîct office, where it is being held for the Main Street south recon- in cold storage. strueion was on hand and that the work would be doue in the r'ear- fu- The occurrence ai this species in t.ure. this area has been suspected sinceT September llth, 1960, when a va- The manager also poiJnted out eatinin Scrbaciig failyre.that three new transiormners Wvouid ported sighting a large cat-like ani-haetbcprâsdfrhéhe- mal crossing the highway near phase service ta Curvpiy Wood Pro- Furnace Falls, lu the Tow.ýnship ofI ducts. This would be necessary as Snowdon. The animai was descrjbed threir demaud was încreasing. as being 2%/2ta 3 feet inheight with A motion was passed ta sell a a short tail,' pointed ears, and un- twa thousand dollar bond lu onder usually large feet. It had a peculiar (hat thie two projects could ho pald gait and was different from anY- for on complétion. hing they had seen before lu the wild. The observers, hawever, wvere quite confident that they had sig-ht- ed a lynx as they had -aecome quite used principally in scanves and coat unterested lu a captive animal Whiie trimmings. risiting the Lands aud Forests ex- iibit at the Canadian National Ex- I i S uunlawiul ta kili lynx except bibition this year. license and by quota only 9etby the *1 c E i j- The Canada ln il d u sized c-at meaisuring f rom 21/2 ta 4 feet lu length and wýejghing fromr 15 ta 35 pounds, uisualliIght grey iu calounation Sprinkled wýýith pale brown and aiten a p-iuikish bull hue in toue. They have a short tail wvith the tip) wholly black, large padIded j iurr v feet, prorminent ear tuifs, andI a ruf f af long browu tipped hairs ou thie sides ai the head. Raither a slow' mav-iug iorest ani- mal. it retreats, pneipitately bath, as au ludividual aud as a species be- fore the advauce af man, pneienriug the dense couifenous fonests. Its chances- ai bejug observed by man, are iuther 'limited by its nocturnal clme.I-t is also an excellent habits and its capabilities as a tree swimmen. The staple food ai the lynx is the caryiug hare commanly called the snowshoe rabbit, which it Ë~unts on the suaw ajded by its large feet smnalli îmamals such as mice, squir- wihact as srîowshaes. Uther nrels, Skunks audi even langer preyý like foýxes are tWsôo taken wheu pro- curable.1 The lynx,, is ýstjil cansidered a* valuable iurbeaner and iu season its fur is dense and lu strous, ana~ is under~ the authonity ai a trappiug Depantneuit ai Lands and Forests. Grono Weekly k, 1'. ~iri L>UO\o NOTICE elo Orono, Citizens, On motion by the Orono, Police Trustees St and- ard Timne wilI corne into effeoti the Police Vjllage of Orono at 12 clock midlnight,, Saturday, October 29. Trustees To, Consider Additions To Street Ligluts Thle Orono Police Trustees met 1 Works program which now is ta be on Monday night in theHyr0f sent ta the Provincial government lice with ail members presen.t. AI for their approval. Word on the ap- this meeting theJI'rustees gave their! proval of the projects is expeeted final check ta a programn of works, back within two weeks. tu b e0 u ndw e raK en undçc r thje W inlter ______________________ Iiil the correspondc-e Word wae received thai a fifty percýent granl touuh with a number of her former lis to bc receivedl on the sidew-aii clasmaesof Albert Colleg'e, Belle- which was completed thisý year. Thil -Ville, andi hadi recently visîted an construction on Main eStreet nortii aidý ro atMrs. Olive Caven, mo saround rA $50u000, widow of the late Re-v. P. N. Caven. of Londan, Ontario. A letter was also recejved f'rom The funerai was held on Tuesday, the Counties Road department stat- October 11, at the W. C. Ross Fun-! ing that Maii street south 'in trhe eral Home and burial was in the Mill Hill area is ta be brushied andi family plot at Port,. Hope Union sa nd removed from the road. This ý 1 OftONO WEEKLY TIMES

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