Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 7

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- , . N ' N ~I~ndAt Last -The "Lost Bison" Tise wod bison, granddaddy of th-e familiar plains b uffalo, big.- 5cr (6 f cet iigis, 12 feed long, 2,300 pourids), blackcr, sud wool- lier, once ranged in imilîlions ft-rmtise Horn Mountains lu Ca. - .nada's subarnc t thie Color"- Ado plaleaus. Buit sucis was tise miîaugiter as civilizabioni moved westward tisat in tise U.S. bbc li wç,ood bison did net live ouI tise Ahiietecnth century; ouily lu Ca- naadid aî few bundred, prolect--, cd by law, struggle mb otise twentiebb century. Tise decline of tise survivors biegan in 190>6.wisen Canada, ub11smarting- a reluctaul U.S. Cýongress, boughbtishe last suirvi-- in ierd of plains buffalo lu tFie U.S., loaded bhieu into cattle cars, sud sbippcd tisem 1,200( milJes te W,ýaiuwrighb, Alla. Somne years laber a genetically ignorant Ottawa bureaucrat add- ed tise plains bison to tise bord c)f woed bisou. Tise ueweomiers swam-ped tise wood bison. By 1949, inbreeding had lef n nwupure--blooded. 'bison atlia- iascae rhoads - tise zoologicial jname cof tise woodlland species. For years, boe lingercdlia rusybe in s remote valley somne cf th~e wood bison bad cape hybridization, but noue WalqS vavet- found. Tiseni in 1957 wildlife officeîs,'1 taking an set-l ceusus of buf-- fatlo, spolled some anirnais iii the northwestern cet-net- of tiseý Wood Buffalo National Park in, et-biset-n Aberta. Tbey were 73 mi"les freux 1tise uearesb isybrîd berd, separated fron ib by mus- - keg swarnps sud lakes tia are jýimpassable e-xcept in winler. Thley were big sud black; could b,!ey be unisybridizcd wood buif-- LasI year a grounilepdbo erosscd lise muskeg te find eut. Five bison were shot and brougist back to Otawa for stu- dy. Fiually, last month, a zoo.- logisîs' report confirmcd tise homre: Thiesere pure-blooded worod buffalo, îndccc. Neow, Canadian conser-vation- hs b ave Jaunched a' crash pro-. gram bt find tise animnals anw and îslated range wbera bisey could survive and even rebuild their ranks. Once lise site basý been selected, a, winterlinme tLrac.- to-train expedîbion will cross Vie f.rozen muskeg bat-rien le, brng eut, young cows sud 'bulîsý to stant new iserds. Tise old berd wlll lie leIt te, continue its figst, for racial survival. Nol f an freux tise wood buffalo's pressaI range tise wboopiug ct-anc (wvorld pýe.- puilabion: 40) nesîs sud batIes ïon ils rigist te isplace on.lise Q. Huow cani 1 case thse ardut- îaes job of ironiing pleats lu dresses? A.You ,should eprec muSless difficully if you use g;ome, paper clips to isold eaclh epleat lu place. Tisese eau be, lippcd ou sud off quicklyansudl qcasily, sud leave ne marks, YOUR LEADER., PLEASE - Re-- cent addition ta the mion from outer spaýce gambiit is represent- ed _by a worker's helmiet and large drill 'bit. They Didn't Forget "iieLonely"! . Neac tise Tibetan border in a vwind--racked sud bîtterly impo-. vrshedt Chinese village called Spt-ng-f--Wnca ragg'ed, baHf- taedlittie g i rl stumnbled through tise streets cairrying a beggat-'s cane and cotton bag. iPFecausc se -was deaf and dumb, sise bail n wa,ïrning of attack when ildo'S were set upon bier and so bier legs w,ýere always t-aw sud bleediug. When hlet-bgr n dJid not Ibring in euough fond or coins, she was beaten uinm-erci-- iully by aun -Id hag .whnowd lier as R Slave. Named "GWa - gwa" (LLtt Lonely) hy other street beggat-s, tise girl wý'as tise offspring of c irssauýdinig Tibetan chieftsin and a Monigolian girl who gave h-er' awywhen she was a baby. Un.-- tii she was 10 or 12 (no onse knows hier exact age), Liftile Lonely lived iu ber own world of sil'ence, criniging at its ihorý- i-ors yet unable to cry- out l pain or anguisis. The story is an old and pi il-- e-ully f amiliar one in Chiina, but tbis one bas a happy ending. One nigisl Little Lonely laipped at the door of a Bri'li'Sh-Ciiu Inl.1nd mission, Tht-es spinster ruissionaries led ber inside ta the lighit and warmnti. Tisey ,veco- tise sîsters Evan.-geline and Fran- cesca Freucis, and their friend and f ellow mnissionai-y, Mildredl Cable. Ail tht-ce were se appail - edA by Little Lonely's pligbit tisat îthlat 'Lhey imme-diately, began bat-gaining through a local man- darin tLo buy ber away from ber wner. The sale was finally made at, the askinig price of 10- .shillings ($1,40) and ise girl's namne Was cbangcd tb TOPSY- Sisowered wifis love su-d at- tention, Little Lnnely1, wisose ewnamne in Chinese chat-acIers mieans "Love Bondic," became a happy, healtisy cbild. Taugbt ta write Englisis wnrds and ta speak tbrougb sign lauguage, tse accomipanied ctise indomi- FOR RELIGIOUS AR'S SAKE - MB agent Bill Robinson, bock Io camerc,, anid Fai-herWil William B. Davidsan, aissistant poster of HoIy Narme R.C. Churc'h examine "Maîdonna and Cild," ai bronze and mosaic work by Leter Raymier. It is top pr-ize wn in this year's National Rligicius Art Exhibition. Robinson iond the priest begacýn the show to encourage- worth-- -hile religious art. This year, 200 ortists entered, tabe ms<sinnaries on 'théir tra-- Vels to oto-h-wy placeýs arnund Ibhe Wnrld until thiey re-- tired and went boit-s 1 Englanid. In Engfland, Miss Cable died in 1,952, sud tise Frencis sisters tokh Topsy to live witiis tiem in Dor- set. A bcok, "Tise Story of Tep- sy," as wvritten about he'r andc she bcamýi-e a natuiralized Britslis subject with tise officiai narae of Eileen Guy. And it waâs under this namýetisat last week she was iuiformeud n tise finial act of kindness nf lier-benefactorsý. Under the ternis of ihecirwii wbficb was prnb)ated aftet- Ihe dleatis -withiina 1montis ofeci ùther- of Evangelinesud Et-au- cesca Fr-enchs, Topsy, nnw 42, be- came tisebeueficiary of a $42,70Où trust fuud. This was t-ougisly 30,-- 000 limnes tise anunt of ber ori- ginal mat-ket pi-ice in China and it brougcht witb it a flood 0f" bîtterweet emories. Askecd for her reaclion 1 tLise bequest, Topsy wrnle out a sn tenc usu Isle namens she fbad always called tise sistei>s: "an Law sua ManaEva gone to HTea- yen with Jesus.3" Whi se if tisere \vas any-, th ,iug in parlîculat- thaltse wauted to spend somie of ber mouey on, as aai,,n, laborinusiy wrote eut more wot-ds: "re wonl, short Chineosefrc. Karvest 0f Misery In P n slai ThsePost-GLzette(2set-lesuson mnigrjant labor briugs iulodrns tic fccus tise fact' that a greal s nl d lbenretically ceulilgbtened sttPenuisylvania,alü shws isou- sands 0: f men, wnrnen and ecýhul- diren to be exploited like beasts of burden. Tu s well--documented report, Frank M. Matthews, 'Harrisburg Correspondcent of tise Pos,ýt--Gz- ebte, bias' brnuist ouI: -iat, between 6,000 sud 7,000 Southeru Negroesansd Puierto Ricanýs at-e brougbt North in rickýety velices to wnork oni Peu-- njsylvania fat-ms from Juiily 10 Octolper for starvation wages. Tbey "arrive broke and leaVe boe"Mr. Mattisews reports, with 'tise piblances tsey est-n in "sboop-labDor" gsoing mb lb1f, e "compauy store" operaled by tisa labor recruiter wiso briugs ýýtbe-m TisaI it isýn't uucoînnon Io sec au eigbl-earo' wolùg in z field, bis legs -wrapp)ed in guLnu)y sacking or an nid muner tube tû probect bbem from thistles. TisaI Peunsylvania bias no mnim=umi wage law for arcl bure workers, neonimii-um .age lawv. applicable 10 ciildren work- ing lin agricultureasud n uneux- p 1 o y n ,ise nitîcomnpensation-fot- wscsmigrants eau] qutalif 1y. Wissb scisooling cbildiren of m-igrjant workers obtaini is mapde iav,ý'aiale by charitable f unds and Ibis source of finsurcial aid appears bo be dlryîug up. Tise Sîste Public Welfsre De-- parirnt opextes foudy-care ceuiters for mgatcbîldreu up to 14 but biset-e is uotising for ynuingsters of bisese workcrs lu six counlties. Efforts of tise State Labor sud 1lndusbry vDepa rtIment resulbed l L 1tise closing of a niurnbie ofabn dioned, bat-ns sud cbicken bhouses wis-icb migrant laborers hj a ea- cd "býorne." Now isey bave suiclisuue" as scrceeus, s wsater spigot for as, many as 20 people sud eigbt by len-foot cufbicles in wbicis as nmsny as eigbb pet-sous live. Last year tise Iouse approved a legisiative package bo better condlitions of mi-igranit laborers but tise Republican seustors, cars atbuned to wisbes of fat-m-- et-s who elect tisem, kilied al of It exicept ipaymcnb of $1 s day te local scisool districts for, cacis mrigrant pupiL. But wbat ueed tise Senate car;e, fo, sMr Matîbiews concludes: "Tlise, mig-rant Ïs tb'e laudles farmeýLr, tise -voteless citizen, tise '! 7 , e, , hi. 1 ; , tis e b A WAPM WELCOME! SENIOR CITIZENS IN RETIREMENT- Preston Springs Gardens is air kiddresiî of distinction a haven of comfôrt and content. Private bathroomt.s; luxu:rlous sitting roomns on b)edrocom floors, spa-. eJouis, well-fuirnlslied lobby. About two verts of terraced Iawns. Our traïin- ed comrpetent staff uinder tMe super- vision of regsstered nurses is cap- able of servlng ail buit those requlring hospital or institutions]l care, M6ntisly rate for single roomns 1150.00 to $200.00, meals includedl. Write foi~ further informiation sud il]ustrated pamphlet. Preston Springs GaI,çlens. Pr'ti, naîo AGENTS ATTfENTION greetïing, card, cosmetie and othier sales people. NEW presonial- ized picture lamp. Made fromi any size nèetive. Ideal gift foýr Christmas, Birthday, Wedding, Mother's Day, any occasion. Tasteful Ëdeign, hand ruibbed wooden base. For bedroomi, living room,. TV, etc. Easy to seli, 40%, com,- mission. Free dietaIls. Wýrite Skvlune, 461?), St. Catharinie W., Montreal, Que, ,WE hv a f ew territorles still open for agents to sell Our Premlum Quai- ity Fsrm Seeds. Complets fine of al Paroi Seds, liberai commiiissionts. Wýrite to artin Weber Limlited, 330 Pillip Street, Waterloo. Onta.rlo. Phone SIler- Wood 5-6103 AGNISWANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANSA DIAN n mnfacturer offering seamliess Micro-Mesl, hosiery, spectslly packed for, grocery store in beautiful polyethelene isa.Guarsnitsed fit-st quality. Only 56 doz. plus tax. Ssmi- pies on requiest. Box 221. 123-l8th Street. e Toronto, Ont. BAB3Y CHICKS 15-22 WEEI< old pliets, sonie atart- ed isik.prompt shipmnent. Order Februtasy Mafrcis brollers. now. Hatch- td to order dayold chiicks, duai pur pose, sp)ecialtýyeg producers. Contact local, agent, or wýrite BRAY Hfatchery, l20 John Notth, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESSOPRTNIS B.A. On; se-rvice station, porcelain, 2 bay, availabîs for lease, one in Sar- nia, one in Ciatisam, to responîstie party, sorte capital required but, as- sistance availaisis to persop quialify- in.APply to A.A. Hope, BritiaisAAme- rican 011 Co. Ltd.., Chiathiam, or phonle EL,4-3160; eveninga EL. 2-0241 TAXI bsnsprPsumaÉbj ll ie largeat iu Sault Ste. Matris, Ontario., %with a great future dlue to ise recent open- ing of tise Trans-Canada Highway througph lhere and thse expcecd open- Ing of the new airport next year aud thse new International Bridge between here and -Michigan Soo tise f ollowivng yvea-ýr. IF initerýested wrmite Sault Rad(io Cab Ltd.,,257 Queen St. Eý IDEALERS, Salesmen & Parmiers to sell chieksansd turkeyý pouls for one of the oldest sud wel estabilished l atch- eries in Canada, Offering tlise bes fruhle ayer sud, ail olier' popui- lai, breeds of cblcks sud turkeys. Lib. e1ral commissions paid. Apply Box Num- ber 224, 123-1,801 Street, New Toronsto, TAXI BUSINESS OA K VIL LE 6 C,-.R taxi service. Excellent tut-nover. Circie Taxi, 4 Cowan Ave., Oakville. VI. 43241. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SUMMÉR resort on fIay Bay, kn own as' Biakewood Lodge, accommodates 40 guesti (dining hall); 2-acre site wlth 300' waterfrontage. 111 isealtli forces sale of tibis popular resort. Bruce J. Wagar Pesitor Napanee. MOTEL, 9 tinits plus 3-bedroom living qusrters,. well located on No. 2 Hligis- w7ay tsear 'Napnnee; nicely furislsýed, broadloom,. TV. Grosslng 80Q-1000 YePar round bulsinless. Bruce .7. Wagar. Realto , aanee RE.ÇTAURANT FOR SALE AIR coniditinneci, fully equipped, sests 52- Turnover 63,000. Long leaise on Main Street ai $7000. Fil prie,,512,500 - haîf cash. Fasteat expandling town in Western Ontalrlo, ýriLced lowv for qulck act4on.,Box 250- Godecrici, Ontario. DRY cleaning plnt, w itis cold siorage unit, in Napanee; 2 apartiments and store for extra revenue; thriviug busi- ness. Bruýce J, W a, ealtor, Napa- ncee COINS WEpay $3 for 1925 Canladhiickl compflets buylng liai 10 cents. Crown Stamrp& Coin, 81 Queeni St. E_, Tor- -HoW can l'i Q. Ho canI remve dsc-1 A. Wash thoroughly with soap and water, anid dry. Then mix a paste of poWdered bath brick aud lemlon juice. Rub the discol)- ored parts vgrul with this; rinse off wvit h cold wýater. Q. HOw canIi remnove darh streaks and n onx-greasysmde froim my paýstel-cooued ex r ed walls? A. Ani ordinary art-gui et-a ser, rubbed litly over these BUSINESS 'PROPERTY FOR RBTÇ - GROUND floor offices.. Cûex,'~a Reasonablet-euit. AUterations te sut, M4osi progressive town lu West ern On- tario.,.Write P.O. Box 500, Pat-ola, Ont, CHAIN SAWS WANT A BARGAIN? Goverument sugr- plus chain aaw chains. New. 36e>. Casi be sisortened. Cost $42,00. Threc- $20.00. Six - $35.00. Sample ?7.50. Post- psid. Order todayi Quantlty llmilted. Wilam Slack, Hague, New York. DEALERS AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Dealers sud salesmien 10 seli ehicks sud turkey poults for oue r0f tise oldeat establislied and iargest Hatcheries iu Canlada. Ofterig tise beat frauchlaed egg breed, il popular dusl purpose sud brolet- breeda, tut-. ltey goulis. Liberal comimission pald. Apply Box i nmber 220. 123-lOttiS Bt-est. New Toronto, Ontarl1o. DOVES D)OVEýS, Rîngnieck $5,00 pair, iwo or~ miore piri $4.50, wites 57.50 pair. Cashi wlth ordler. Rois Barkey, 619 Car. niegis Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION EARIN up to $100 weekly ,as. sparetimne Business Assoclate. No experlence, kiaeded, Pleasant work. No zeiilng. Ap- plication information $2.00. Cavery, 920 Reset-voir. Crauston M0 Rhiode is- land. FARM EQUIPMENT "DEPEND-ýALITE" gasoline asud propane driven ll(giting plants for fat-o nisd homne standby. AIso separate genera- tors for, tractor belt or fpower take,-ofe drv.Brtiger Industries. taiod 282" HENSCIIEN RD 0 ditcher. Fuly lxy drauîic. Ilinlch bhuckets,, Ipowered isy a nwvFord MjrDiesel tractor sud coplete farn tiliug eupe'.Usedl les ýtlissu 300 bout-s. Csipacity over 7500 fI. per hiour. Muit sacrifice. Oscar Gibson, Scotlaud, Onrlor. FARMS FOR SALE FAREM for sale. 100 acres, good bulld, iug.s, il workable land, 20 acres oewîy seeded pasture 25' acres fali wbe-at. Wil el]wlihcrop, ip ame nssd livestock. Write Peter Van Wyciseni R.R. 1 Southld. CIOnt. FARMf, 50 acre,~ saudy loama, a Il work. able. Rock weil l, ah odem iconlveni. selCs large bouse sud bat-n Rani Ging"ericis Zurich. Ont.C. R.R 3, Ph1one! 90-E-7 LINDSAY-3 MILES 100-ACRE fat-m. over 90 workable, baru 50' x 80', steel stanchions sude water bowls. 8ismbrick bouse, coal fur,- nace. $18,000, hiaitdlown. O'Connor & O'Connor, Realtors, 47 Lindsay St., Lindsay. Ont. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS XMUAB embossad pla.stic table «over., Extra large. 54 x 72 iilches. Leud gaiety to your Xmias festivities. Wash- able. Bave your linien. 2 for $1.00 - Also 3 x 12 ft. plastic utililty sheet. 101 uses l,owesýt prie yet. 2 for SI$1,. Postp)aidý . Mouey back guarsuise. Gil- bÈr Preducis, 126 Wellington West, Toronto. ELECTRICIANS OTTAWVA WE rseire imssslately cjualifîled electricians for major construction sudÉ isousing projects ini Ottawa. Ctreut' rate 52.60 )pet- hour. Contact us tm- mediately. FEDERAL ELECTRgC CONTRACTORS LTD. 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA P.2-3953 HATCHING EGGS W\ANTED - FIockownîers to supply Oua 0of tlise lag1,-eitrdI(itch- ar'ias lu canada with is'atclssg eggg. Ail breeds required - egg irceds. dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds. Exý-tremsljy large premiiumi pald. Apply Box Nismier 225. 123-it Street, Nexv 'Toronto, Ont. HUNTERS DEER sud imoose isuters; for accom-. modlation lunisousekeeplng cottages near Algonqin Park apply Arthtur Siimourd (guide-), Madaw3,aska, Ont., INSTRUCTION EARN M-'ILe] Bookkeepînig, SEalesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewvritijsg, etc.îLes- sons 50fý. Ask for, free circular No. 33. Çannadin Correspondeuceý Courses. 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII tise ot-ment of dry eczeMa rashes sud weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczrma Salve will Dot disa.ppojnt your. Itching, scsiding sud burnljng ecze- mia, sonse, tingwormj, pimjpleýs sud foot e1czema \,lll respond readlly tfe tise stainless odorîass raniment, regardlesa of liow stubisorn or hop)eless theyi seemi, Senit Post Free ->n Reeîïpt of priCe- PRICE $3.50 PER JAR 1865 St. Clair Aveniue rest, TORONTO - WANTED. 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN ufeigfrorü il muscular pains.,Iet-- ibritis, net-vous tension. GET)QIIE RELIEF] Wt or'Free BalJoupas sample today. NATIONAL PRODUCTS 346 Sabiston Street Nanlaimo, B.C. GOOO ADVICE - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMhATIC PAINS OR NEURIT1IS 5HOWD )TRY OIXON'S REeDY. MIJNRO'S DRçUG STORE a a a IO EP > RA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Burlington, Ontoric Applicaieuis are.vtedfein 0 Helstered N ,urts *Certified] Nursing Assat * Appîy dit-acter t nu(, l joseph Brant Museumi 1240 North Shore Bpive. WILL NUTRIA BE VOUR FUTURE? A tise igus point te a brig-i sud bt-S-i liat at-etfor tibs is xuy fui. Bât succes wlfl aome oely tbreugh pt-o-,)e* bt-eedlag miethloda, quallty fudto stock, plus a progli-anhbsed î ou seunG te you s s ra'tios. qe. usu Dfot- e busInes s ametids. We eft- ail exclu- myre breeders plan 'Special- offen tijse ewiso qlty atnyouLr inule an dat-r o 'opeltstvs achr'plan' W-r5te.: Canaclian Nutria Lid. Rý-.. Rerlcuoud 11111l. Contarlo. OPPORTUNITES QhPPORTUNITIES unitdavisI tL ougi Tise Franchise Bu3flletin. Ci..5 ada's only francisýemazie Wrt todsy, Box 223 123 lOti S t-est, Nev? Toronto, 0Ont. OPPORTUNI.TI)ES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. BE A HAIRDRESSER Grea.t Opportunuty Plessanit dlgnifisd profession; good wages- T1tiousands 0f successful Am.nerics's raei ytn Wlsrite or Cal],u. re MARVEI.HIDESIOSIIO 358 Bloor St WV., Ttionnt 44 lngSi.[., Hailto-n 72 Rideau Street. Ottaýwa AUTLIIORS invitad subi MýSSai typs incuig pes)frbookpub.- licaltion. Reasýouabl aim. tcke Ltd., Ilfracomnbe, Englaud ,(lpstd. 1898), FREE Bookiats: Ou Life. Deatis, Boul, Pell, Bible Standaý,rd, 2105 Souislui t- Plisladelpisia 4 8,Penyvua WANTED: Will psy cash For your old 1,959 telephonme. ditoryof your towr or communlty. Write or mail to W. B,. Alger, 346 sabitnSt., Naunaio, 5.C AýDULTS! Persornal IRuishet- Good t,3 assot-tnieit for 52.00. Flui qaliy_, sesled package plus freea Bi-usControl booiet ia nl dIcatalogue of àanpplles. Western Dîstributora. Box-24-TF Va- gina,Sak UNWANTED 1-AIRk VANISHED sway with Saca-Pelo.Sa- Pelo is different. It doasa no t issolv-e on remiove hait- from isthest-face, but pentrtres aud, retardÉ g~3tof un- wa>ted liait- Lor-Beer Li LW., 5, i67 Granville, Vanmcouvat- 2, B.C. ADULTS: Free son~ples, rice liai on persohnal HygýciecSidrs. pea. As'sortmient $1.00, mailed in plain, wealed envelope. Cotta7 Comnpanïy, Boe 1089, Salr "C",, Torouito 3 PHOTOGRAPHY PARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, QNTr. Filmns develop ed sud LI magna prit-us,400 12 magna pit-ns 600 Reprints 5,ý escis. KODACOLOR Develoing ro Il 9R (not lncuidlng pt-luis). Color pt-mits 300 sacS extrla. Ansco sud Ekiachrome 35 m.m 20 ex.- nosuires mountad lu Élides $.2.Colos prlnfs from s1fdes 32$ escis. oney re.- funded lu Fui] for unp-ite negativée. PROPERTIES FOR SALÉ CATTLE ranch foi, sale. Sltt1ated lis laiilto1a's lkentucky bius graîssIt- miake st-es, 1,000 accès deeded lasid. 2,000ý koes pastire aîiJabe. Twoc -Jaal lakes. Good well. Hay crop faillute un,- kslowni. Hereford stock. Modern homre, Hfydro, good roada. Will consîdar tradeIL as pasýt, li~ omie, car, what have y(ou. Apply F. Il. Etickson. Ovetton, SALESMEN 4WANTED COMMISSION Salasmen Wanted. Teu ssII Ciemicals for Septic Tanks, Ceas-- pools,_ Tolaits, Sewes etc., Protected territotie. L. G. Dumari & Co- La--- vigne,, Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL ESTATI TOrepresent us lu your 'own district, large commnission paid on every sale, You can est-n good cor1îmissioii Üt ý'our spare tinie. WXrite for patiicu1st-u to Epwot-th Reaity Liimlted, Oweni I;ound Ontario, Sclesme'n Wanited TQ REPRE:SEN«tTHTIIS LD RELIABLE FONTHILI NURSERIES TFERRITORIES OPEN IN BOTH TOWN ýAND RURAL DISTrRICTS COMMIýSSIONS PAID WEEKLY NOJW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL 1960 ArnO 8PRING 1961 Stone and We-llington Lrd., P.o. BOX 40 FONTHILL ONT. U.S. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA Low summier rate.s te Dee.. 1, Spacial December asud Janoai,' rates,. Write for brochure. LillanM- Mlian, 538 Bayshore Dr., Colony Apt, Fort Lauderdale, Floridai. ISSUJE 43 - P960 Macyûb-eVWo*r nitng Baýckache h' 0âa ncauswIî y z erder, excessa'aciddwsîirmi in t1ise systeni. Te acahdis- turbed resteor thtirad-ut sd eay e-aded felnmay sea(n fellew. ha thlim te talte Dedd'î iny us Ddd's simli h iduys1n. ma siction. Thaben ol es]bllrsl heîtar-werk etter. Gp Ded' Kine Pll nw. . :OLASSIFIED ABVERTISING s N N N N -N.- N N N -t N N N N N N N N -N s N s N N S' N '-N -i '1 '1 N I N N NOR5ES AND ASSISTANTS ýYÉ,4TED

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