Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1960, p. 1

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Volume 21, Number- 32 Thursday, Qct<ber 20 1960 01 OronoHorticulture To Pbtm Junior Group The Orono Horticultural Society~ ~met on Tuesday v ih oi this week in the Odidfellow's Hall with ap- proximately fifty present. The mneet- ing opened with the singing ai God Sae the Qieen an(]. words of wel- cerne by the president, Mrs. Carl Billings. Mrs.. Billings also spoke ai the three Horticultural flower beds which are so attractive now and have been al summer. She thanked the men responsible. The presidenit called an Mrs. IFairbrother ta speak on the f arm- ing ai the Junior Horticultural So- ciety and it was decided ta hold this -meeting the iourth Thursday in each rnonth. The first meeting will be hield next Thursday night, Oct- ober 27th in the Orono Municipal Centre iran '7 p.m. ta 8 p.n. Any child between the ages ai 8 ta 16 years in Orono or vicinity may eone. Parents are asked ta encour- age their children in this project and bath boys and girls are *,nast welcorne. The first meeting each ch4id is asked ta bring a 5 inch flower pot. They will be given a hyacinth bulb and shown haw ta plant it. During the year differerit clemanstrations and competitians ýwill be carried eut and the meetings should prove most interesting as 'well as educational. EstelcLaPenf ound Aiter anifineiss ai more tian a yenr, M'viss Estelua Peiounld oai R. 1 Newcastle. passeci away quictiy ut flec Oshawa Genemal Hospital on Saturday, October l5ti, 1960. R. BarrabaII's Celebi aie' Local Artisis Attend 251h Airniversary Sketchiag Tour A very happy event took place -ai the home ai Mm. and Mms. Luther Bamabaîl Saturday evcniug wben tic nembers of their fanily to- getiar witi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood and their iamiiy gathered ta honour Mr. and Mms. Roy Barmabal an the occasion ai their 25th Wcd- ding Anniversary. Miss Penfourid was bmr and ed- ucated in Darling-to1n and was the During the evening Mr. Neil daughter af the late Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Lakefield. in a iew remrks Sinon Penfound (nee Acy Rundle. explaineci the purpose of the gath. For sarne years priar ta the war she èring and escorted Roy and Frank'te was on the secretarial staff Oi ta their chairs. Mr. Sid Barraball Stuart and Wood ai Toronto, and d a short address and on behali was closely associated with the Tor-' ofeal rsne h upie anto Y.W.C.A. Gof l, pre fsented theysurrisd During the war years she was Mrs. Russell Gimblet, Courtîce aIid chosen as secretary ta the Govern- Mrs. Wallace Barrabail, pJlaced be- rnent Inspection Board ai Oshaw.ýa. fore themn a beautiful three tiered Following that she went ta Orano te ednoae make lier home with -1er 9 ister, ednca. Mrs. Melville H. Staples, iu order; that their nether, Mrs. Sinon Peun Tebie n ro1ec nd found, might have constant care suitable replies ai thanks. A delie-J and cpompanionship thraugh hier de- bous lunch' was served and a very1 clining years. ipleasant evening came to a close.y Th Acased was a,~c otiveoin the work of the United Church and held ifle memberships in the Wo- meu's Mîssionary Society and the Woman's Association. She was for some years secretary af the local' WA. as well as recording secretary of the W. ai Oshawa Presbytery and first chairnan ai the cammittee on Christian Stewardship ai Bay ai Quinte Conference. As long as health perrnîtted, Miss Peniound discharged lier many du- During the business part ai the tics with quiet efficîency. Hler ha- mneeting it was decided ta hold a bitual readiness ta forego personal Christmnas meeting vwýben there will couvenience in order ta pramote be competitions regarding Christ- the welfare and happiuess ai those mias table arrangements, doar dec- ai friends, especially the members oratians etc. The date was tenta- with wharn she worked, eiideamed tively set at Navember 24. Also dur-.lher ta the hearts ai a large circle ing this part of the meeting a ,ýr fhe lsl ki mmiaefml of $25.M3 was dona4ed ta Mrs. Surviviug are her sister, Mrs. M. Faidimether for the funior Organi- H. Staples (Muriel), R.R. 1 New- Zation. castle, and four brothers, John E. and 1Roy ai Toronto, Clamence ai -NTCourtice andW.Allin QkOshawa. I , rs. Pairlirother demonstrated -ind spake on F41l flower arrange- The funeral service was leld at ments and they were very beatuiful the Marris Funeral -iapel, Bow. manville, on Tuesday, October 18, Skie then called on the three prize and was conducted by Rev. Basil junior piize winners at Orono Fair, E. Long pastor ai Orano United eongratulating tlem and pesented 'Churcl. Internent wXas in B3owman- their prizes. They were Susan Gil- ville Cemetery. bart for an excellent scrap book; Palîbearers wete Messrs. John Karen Lee for the Toranto Daily 'Penfound, Brooklin, Simon Pen- 'Star prize Essay; and Troy Taggat, found, Oshawa, Lamne Penfaound, -for the second prize in the Essay Whitby, Alan Strike, Bowmanville, contest. Donald Staples, Orapio and Glen Wîggins ai Don Milîs. Mrs. Jennie Norton siowcd pic- tue fthe trip sle and hem lus-, r haLns o z han,- oad tken t1his curnmer Ihrouzicr ,tie Maritimes. They were intemest- ing, and Mrs. Nortaon's cammentumy moest cujoyable. The meeting losed with God suve the Quecu and a social tine wus cujayed over a cup ai tea. Boys and girls piease dan't forget thc Junior Horticultural meeting on Thursday eveninig, Oct. 27t1 at 7 p.m. Corne and bring a pal. For any furtier information cali Mrs. Cari Biliings, Mrs. Norman Aluin, O0rono or Mrs. Fairbrother, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Six Teamn Groupi The prospects for Lakesiare In- temmediate hockey look tic brigit- est fiti years foilowiug- a meetinig on -Monday niigit lu Port Hope. Repre- sentutives of six clubs unuinousiy agmccd ta formma Lake shore ioop wiici will begin operation ou Nov-1 enier 25th. Sigiiying ticir wiliiingncss ta foarn n icugue wcre representatives iran Orono, Bowmanviile, Cobourg OýýIawa, Port Hope and Treniton RCAF No)t rcprescnited ut tic meeting wcmc Lindsay andc Lakefield who; have until November i ta file-en-1 t>oUring Cernent For New Swini Tank During the past week work lias been progressing at the new Orono SSwimming pool with the installa- tion ofithe steel framework. This 'was compfleted the first part of the week and the cernent floor was poured on Tuesday. On Wednesday the contractors w,,orked on the walls and copings 5y guniting with cernent. This is a fairly new process where the cern- ,nt is blow on the walls undc-r pres- sure. This process eliminates the use ai forrns and is reputed to glve the rnqst satisfactQry re.suits- To Answer Water Queries The Orono Police Trustees are holding three evening ses- ,sions this coming week when they will answer questions pertaining ta Municipal Water in Orono. Anyone, seeking in- formation on Mýuic(ipal Water is invited to present their queries at these mreetings. The Trustees will be at the Orona Cammunity Centre on Manday. Tuesday and Thurs- day frarn 8:00 o'clock until 9:00 and invite ail questions. This is your, chance ta ac. quaint yourself with the pro- posai. tries. Orona are as yet nat certain to whIere their home ice will be but it hias been mentioned thiat it could be Newcastle. Mr. Dane Pound at the meeting asked thiat Orono play only a single schedule \vith each gami-e counting four points. Hae also wvishied ta start as ai January, lst. Orono W.A. Turkey Supper, Wednesday, Nov. 2nd Thc October meetinig of tic Wo-- rncn's Association ai the Orono Un- ited Church. wa-S hid on Thursday evening, October l3th, ut thc par- songe with 16 ladies present. Mrs. H. Allen, the Presidlent wns in tic chair. Sic eiecomed the ladies and tlankedi Mrs. Long,, for invitiug tic meeting ta lie at hiem home. To open tic meeting, hymnn 493, "'I uccd Tice Evcry Hlour",was sung- and the Lord's Payer repenlt- ed in unison. A letter wa)s rend byý 'tiecGcorespouding . secmetary, Mrs. <"~-.~wjn, ran Mrs. Joan Cauvier, -~thaiking tic W.A. for a check re- cecived by tic Evcintg Auxiiary for Cohehp in catering ta tice Hockey banquet. Mrs. C. Wood gave tic devotianal message. Sic basedl hem remiarks on the 4h Chapter , verses 6-7 ai Paul's letter ta tic Philippianis, "Have no anxiety about aniyting, but1,n11cv- crything by payer and supplication w.ith than1ksglig ict vour requests be mnade kniown ta Godl. Anid ticl pene ai God whici passeti ail un-1 dcrstandiuig will kecp your heurts andl mindis in Christ Jesus". Hymui 577, "Came yc Tlankfuil People Corne". was. sunig. Tic sci!p- turc rendiug wns tic 14,5ti Psalm and failowing, Mvrs. Woodi conitinued witi reudinig a most apprapriate article wrîtteni by Gregory Clark, "To Tîce with tic, Voice ai TJianks-. giving". After lendiiuýg ini prayer she closed ticheDevotional vwith lymn 151 "For tic Beauty a i theEarth". Tic president, Mrs. Allen, tnnk- ecd Mrs. Wood for a very worth wi,,ile message. Tlic tumkcy dinner was rrmaugcd for and cýommittees forrned. Tic price ta lic $1.543 for uduilts and '75c for children undier 12 vears. Mms. Tamblyn and Mrs. H. Allen wvere nppaintpcd deleg-ates ta tic W.A. Presliytery meeting ut Ajax on1 Wednesdlay, November l9th, wlhen Mms. C. S. Paterson, president aif Domfinion Board wili be tic speaker momning and nftcmnoau. Mrs. Irwvin invitcd tic W.A. ta la id thieir November mee-ting ut hem hýome ou Thursdcay eveing1, Noven- ber lOth. Meeting closed witi Mlispal Ben- idictiau. Four members of the Orono Art Class, along with tlheir instructor, attended a weekend gathering at Burleigh Falls at whichii ifty-six art enthiusiasts were present frorn East-Central Ontario. Those attending fromn the Orono group were Mrs. James Rickaby, Mrs. R. J. Taggart, Mr. Donald Staples and Mr. E. H. Sarnuel. Mr. Bennett, the local instructor, also attended the weekend Seminar and was one of three fistructors. The seminar was held on bothi Saturday and Sunday at Burleigh Falls and is spansored by the East- Central Ontario Arts andl Crafts As- sociation. This Association ïakes in all Art groups frein Oshawa to B3elleville andl north ta lPeterboro. The East-Central Association held a surrmer' weekend similar. ta this fall session in Burleigh Falls and are now planning such a sketching week-end for the wInter. The Orona group aIl report an excellent outing and spectacularl colour in the Burleigh Falls area. AI full tIwo days of sketching was con-ý ducted and local art enthusiasts arel now veiwing their new sketches. Blod Donors Cil-Hc Ted., Noreinher 2nd; Bowmanville and District Branch aif the Canadian Red Cross Society are once again organizing for their Blood Donor Clinic. MNembers ai the Orona Red Cross Branch are co- aperatlng with the local executive in the drive for volunteer donors. Authorized as Second Ciasnmail, Post Office DePartment, Ottaw Subcription in Canada $1.50; in US. $2.5(> To wnshipu Appoints New Assessor For 1961 New 1ndustryw Estabtishes hIOrono Mm. Douglas Simpson, Orono and Mm. Jacobsen, Newcastle have en- ýtered juta a new business and have establisicd withîn the Village ai Orona. ISimnpson and Jacobsen lave set up a srnall waod-wamking plant iu tle Flux Mill on Main Street iu Orono whici was fammely occupied by Mmr. E. Neilson. The new iudustry located lu the Flux Mill on Satumday and is naw lu epematian. The iudustmy is eugug-ed lu makiug dispiay units of plywood and other nateriais. Tiey alsa do furniture efinishing and decomut- îug ut the present tirne. Previaus ta locating in Omano the group were working aut of New- castle in Glanville's Feed Mil., Orono Mission Band Thc Mission Baud meeting was ieid on Manday aitemnoan in the Sunday Scîool Auditorium oi the Orono United Churdli with Miss Sharon Simpsoii, president, lu tic clair. Tic Mission Baud purpose was re- peated and Mission Band hymn sung, led by Sharon Allin, Co-ýk lection was taken up and dedicated. Tic Woship period was taken by Sharon Aluin, Dorotly Dunlop, Sharon Simpson, Curol Gilbank, El- aine Forrester, Janice Rutherford and Mrs. McLaren. Theme is 11o substitute for blood -~ Sheila Barrabali led ini prayer and it cannot be nianufactured. In 'order the minutes of tie last meeting ta insux-e that no one in* need of were read by Janice Rutherford. liiq-giving bletxY wlII go without, the Camai Gilbaak gave the treasurer'sI local Branch mulst meet its quota oi repart. 250 bottles an November 2nd. Mrs. McLaren then appointed thel If you are bctwcen the, ages aifallowing gmoup leaders. Elaine For-1 Clarke Township Council on Moni- day niglit, received seven applica- tions for Township Assessor. The Councîl voted ta accept the appIl- cation ai Mr. Alred Jalinston of Pontypool and passed a resalutiGii recommending this appointnent ta~ the 1961 Council. Mr. Jolinston is presently the As- sessor in Manvers Township and will conduct these duties in both. Townships. Reeve Walkey felt that Mr. Jolinstan would meet well with the public. Other applicants were Messrs. Heat. Wilfred Craig, Làrneý Pernault, Lloyd W. Burley, Charlee D. Rankine and Wilfred Hawke. Discussion on Mosport Ltd. in ther north of the Township camne before Council and revolved around asses- ment and roads, 'inta the property, Counçillor Foster stated that the Township should show interest and fix up. roads into the site. "We want ta keep this business in the Town- ship", hie said. "It wlll mean paving roads and preparations should lbe started.Y Councillor Dent suggested opening the ninth concession road but ne action was- taken in any dir- ectian in this rnatter. The clerk, H. E. Milîsan, asked Counicil tao consider having a solici- :tor present for the summing upi after the vote on water on MaLnday,. Octoer 31st. Cauncili atthorized the lerk to abtain a solicitor Wvho wilI be preserit during the time the poh is open. Cauneillor Poster urged Cauneil for action on a Winters Works >r- gram an~d in his remarks criticizejý everyone connectedl with the Towti-. slip. "We are the poorest business- men .-.. let's get to work," le saidý "We are spending rnoney and get-. ting nothing for it.' He stated that ,hrough the Winter Works prograiM the governments will assist wîth 75 per~ cent of thie labour eost~. "Why clen't we aoeept this?" Coun- icillar Poster stated "We are just a bunch ai littIe boys afraid to speak out, it's about turne we went ta work. ii -- -..,i. "-, ana in go5s.,neitti pleaeUbeiv~..-ka.iy.. -. oiyn ana u ..I i J pt-teeSaeyadCek plan te attend this clinic on Wed- Gilbank. Leaders then chose their DI.E.utyMilvSo avery ad er ts nesday. November 2nd Iran 1.30 groups. -ELMlsnaedweetc pm. a 430 prn.in tie iteroontwenty-ive percent, was coring or 6:30 paix, ta 9 p.n. in the even- Mrs. McLaren told the story:1 fran. To this Cuneillor Poster stat- ing at the Lions Centre an Beecc Four Thosn orse Stalîs. Topics ed. "The peaple, ,wha wouldn't coin- Ave., Bowmanville. were assigned for the next meeting, plain if it was spent ln tic right~ papers given out and the mneeting way." Transportation toanad iran the closed with benediction. Reeve Walkey asked how nucli eliie illbc rovde onreqest Th oficrs hic wee apoit-maney should be spent on such a clinc wile prvide onrequst. T a off iers mwingwere apfoi- prograin. Councillor Poster said le cd at aPreiautSheiaro iasfol- didn't cure as long as gaod value Contact any of the followi'ng and loas resin, r ShGlank;Sepsou was obtained. "When you get 75 per mrake your date ta "Save a Lufe": ar a eterfmi ;Gilakpero- çent assistance, wîy not take 1t-* Mrs. W. Rudel, Newcastle 3.551-, rJnc uhefr;PprCn said Cauncilior Poster. Why no& Mrs. Norman Aluin, Orono 15310; or veor Dorothy Dunlop; Press Sec- spend the money now whien we gert Mms. A. F. McKenzie, Grono 1472. retary, Elaine Forrester and Sharon 75 per cent assistance ratier thani Allin. doing the- work iu tic sumnmer when we have ta pay the wioe cost? "Don't spend 10 cents now and Drsia4 , .ve thc taxpayers$1.0.h ad Drama ~roup have thc bcst temritary lu the D ra lul-%a G o u jo- Prod% ucin cýmcountry and here we sit aimaid te cpnd a iockie." He sugg-ested tiat T r e ne A t P a vf s thi assistance could be used for a Thre Ou-bie ActPla V nw Township garage and ather work. H. E.* Mîlson stuted that the road Tue Bowmunville Drarna Work- out thc yeam. The fimst ai these is ta budget was already overspent. shop wIill hld its next, meeting on- be Mr. Murray Davis, producer ai Councillor Dent suggested tlint a Thumsday, October 20. ut 7:45 p.m.Itlic Crest Thieatrýe. Who wiil speuk!special 1 miii rate be added niext iu the Liens' Centre. A cordial wel- ta the group an November 3. yeam for 'sudh work and that it be cam-e ta attend this meeting is ex- The drama club members 'Wil started the iirst ai the year. The, teudcd toalal those lu Grono nnd prciduce tîre auc-act pînys ou i miii wouud allow $15,000ta t be district Who arce interested in urna- Decem-ber 9. The cast liave been spent whih oul b directcd te teur damnatics. chosen and are busy,'practîsing, but sidewalks and otier phases. This dama group was formed uew members are stîli welcamep. as In the discussýýi obth Reeve iast year. Most ai the meetingsthm is plenty af work ta lie doue. Walkey and Counci(iýllor Poster stat- werc spent studying Thorton Wil- Buck-stage, crcws are uecded for cd tint thce intr Vcar!ks por der's "Our Town." Vuiaus scenes this production and mare diectors wvould flot be assumed for next ye-ar. irarn this play were dramntized, and uctors wiil bie needed for the It wus suggesteci tînt Foster and giving the members a ch-ance ta try pînys which will lie praduccd afteýr Dent be a camýnmittee ta look into a their lhand bath at acting and dir- Christmas. Winter Works program. Befare put- ecting. The club also invited guest Further information can bc oli- tiug before Counilii Reeve Wuikey speakers ta discuss sudh aspects ai ta1iued ifran Mrs. Margot Samuel, asked Couudll's comments. the theatre as acting, directing, Orona 227, or frorn-Mrs. Jean Shemi- Deputy-reeve Suvery said lie did lighitiug, fiat construction,_ and j dan, Bowmanvilie UMA 3-3588. The nat feel liké speuding a lot afi mon- mnakcup. A dem~onstration ai pup-j eistration fee il, $5.04 ($8.430 for ey. Councilior Stone said le cauldln't petry was unother righligit ai the famiiy membc-rships aud $3.503 for sec the point ai gaing inta a lotaof programme. students) - The meetings are the deit. III slould not like ta go out of This , year thc club wiil concen- first and third Thursdays ai cacl Council leaviug somethiîug for tmte mare au the practical workof nanth. If you are at al intemested, $omeene else ta puy for." "I1 wouidj play production, but there will aiso camne ta the Lions' Centre at 7:4151 nat favour gaing into delit and, i be tlirce or four speakers throug-h-1 p.m. ou Tlumsday, October 20. 1 (Continued page 4) Orono Commurtity Swimnming Pool Fund: S19 i, 000250 1, ï.otýU vit vaut; 4) ï ,PiVVU uonamons mo ciare ", uca-iplc ;PZ0 vvu ýbl-iuuo $12,500

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