Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 7

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-LfoIks Stili Like 'To Travel By Ship Motfolki thîircof the airlines astaliring business awvay fs-cm passeýnger steamrers. But net se FenhLine ufficiais. As one of thmput il: "The e peepie planes haul aross the sea the moDre people want to taire 'a >1ip for a, quiet, resîful journeyv On. ai,ýhip mnan says thiere is ne more cempetition than between slmmille and creamn. Indeed in dhe senise that speed and leisure are copposed in mood ai least, the irlnes and the shipping comn- panies are selling -very different cîoditfies, though both are classed as transportation. Tour- isi t ravel has been jumaping se fast thlat even while air traffic încreased markediy the Shi lunes have niade their own gains. Eastb-ouLd travel (atir and sea) eross thie Atlantic went fromr 'i77,000 passengers in 1953 te 1,126,000 in 1959. Andl the fact that many peo- ,PIC' wanit to, go aI 1.ast on.e way by fshil-p was confirmed by a îîumber of passengers aboard the "Flanidre" i-returning from nLe Hveto New Yor-k. Some hnd had only thee weis wr a European trip but itili wanted the experience cf an cecan voyage. Some w. verc oid hiands freely preferring the lei- surely -oniforts and fine food Of a sea-going h o t e 1. Among theni was a gentleman \w-,ho rcossed first ini 1892 and ge~s et leat once a year - always byv bp TheP sea loyers pint eut aise týhat they ran tLaire t.heir cars along -- plus ail the luggage they Went - so being independ- eni ti train and plane cennec- tieDn,. 0f ourse Soune cf tle 0 e- 'way piane-plus-ship travelerq tvhoose te tari wVith the se?. voyage saying that ih "eases" theinto a trip abroad and they can fiy home quicirly once the-y eUart back. In any case it appears that ,.nt,way-by-sea travel has > genuine avppeal and that ir and' hip linos are goilug 10 Win mu- tuai1 gains froixn current negotia- tiens te facilitat. round-tnip ira- volej packiageâ of thia type. Jobs-Not Wages -Tii. Big Issue *Ouilines cf settlement of the- * 21-week r tile in East Coast gbipyard of the Bethehem Steel1 Corporation ulnderlirie a iruisan *'bout cureni labor disputes. It Is that onfe cannot understand these contesis by thinkin,& entire"- * ly in terms of differences over wages and hours. To be >sure, the unions go throughthie ituai of demnand'bng pay increases 'and fringe 'bene- lits. And managenment digs ini its heels to hold these te what t thinks il van live with. But wjhere the bargaining really becormes grini is ovetr Whapt news accounts often dis- misi a sentence as job seur- RIVIERA TAI.S -- Members of ci too-too formai Par,-ia club weair swîmsuiti with tailS 1k these. It's a big thing around S. Tropez on the French Riviera. ity, s eniorit y and work rules. These' clauses in the contract determniene lt ybat a workcer gets for his job but often whe- ther he has et job. They may deteririi whether the man laid off is a young worker With ai first child to sup- port or ani oldfimner wfth a year "~ two te go te quallfy for iË peniaofi Or thcy imay determine whether manage-ment can eut down the, crew on & new mk- chine enough to meet coompétition Ini priclng tht, product, aye an 4diterlal i tii Christian Science, Monitor. The. preýssure ocf m-odem nd- trial deveiopment workm 'In -a eircie, Higiier payroll cozte puuii icompainies to intalli >nore and~ more automnatic pro>Ceses an& in1achînery, The introduction «t tlieae arouses fears on the part &of- employees who may h. di- placeed, and thLy resist in wayx that mnay defeat their own ulthrn- &te interesti. To resolve these dffleultiet and smooth the 'way cf Dpôrtmea calis for more than mýechaniical irigenulty, elIectrenic geniu5 or financial knowhow; it caLla'alzc for human engineering - forý careful jog analysis, patient en- plaýnation, sonietimes r-etraining,. and a great ïiumber cf adjuatsï- ments for the wiorker and hlm famnily. It lis a process that need.s to taire place ail through ii. work year, net soleiy whena long-term contracýtis aexpirlng. 0 - CLAS AGENTS WANTED liEN and wiomen Demonastrate and laçl oin, new Jiffy Electrie Teapots. Freîc demonstiator to persQns wth refereni- Ms.fluribert Agenicies. okvle eLuhNova Scotia * ARTICLES FOR SALE IDESTRO-YE" for ose in outdloor toil. 6ta. Eats d ovï to the earth, savea cloaning. Directions. Thousianda efý "sera, Coaat te coast. price $1.0u per eanl, poatpa(id. Log Çabin Products *1ý22 Yorkc Road, Guelph, Ontario BABY CIIICKS N?ýF 10w Bray prices on Ïd-ld u %t ,rted chlckF. Prompt shipmont, &1',o te order. Book asummer Brolers now. ,ee local agent - or write ry 145*01- try, 120 John North, Ilamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORrtUNIýTIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS!I OWN AND OPERATE A coi.Metorfed Unettended, Wîestifighouae Laundlroflit fqulpped Lauridry Stort, Net $4.00048,000 AnnuaIIy. Wýrite or phone today for WUi infor-rik tlin about unattended coin-operate0 WVestinghouse Launidromiat quiPPeci laundry store opportunrities in yo-ue emniitiýty. 'fou 'manaýge in yotur pare ftme - whilo n iieting bigh inconie. We tinaude 0ý'0% oi your total purchas0, f er yoe lngttfinanciling pemIod st Iowest îmonthly 1instaliments. YVou re- oeive training aud advice froin a na- tionial organization that lias hl,-Ped over 8500 nmejpand women 1k YOti 40 iiito business for themiseives, No exc- perienca' neces$ary. ttodest Ïlnvest- ment. Thîïs provels new profita, be automiatte busieness )f£ers a moneY Mahingx oppetinty to anfyone wI10 wants .te own his own business Corn- pure our complete program. ALD CANADA LMD 34 Advancs Rood Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 ÇANIS FOR SALE <CANOE8, tough mugged fibreglsas, 1% At. long, 37½ m ich beamn, easy to carry, offly U3 lis. "$170.00 delivemed". Nia. ï£ara Portager, 2041. Cardan St.. Nia. gaera Fail, Ont. Phone EL. -9895. CATALOGUES XALN»D Narnasfor Free Catalogues, 0f ewnerai bMerchandise, Glfts, Toys, $1oveltiee, etc. Near wholesale prives1. .7 .PantoJa Co., 1245 Ade. Avenue, Ervonx 61, New Yorkç. CONSULTANT - REAL. ESTATE ESSNA ervice vacation &suld ainsi f1prupertlos, lengeaýtexrecei atiefied ciente. Fred H. Reidi, Emkesr TEVictorfa S., Toronto. D005 FOR SALIE ~effJ8T8RED Toy Pometranfian puppicai, aine eekgod light orange COoUr.'> Cmeos,Woodstock.L.76769, ~FARMS FOR SALE 94 ACRES, 10 miles eoutl o f Ciuel Ph, ecd zoil, bak barn, !9 r6omed lious-, Gzlled well,, nie<e pond, gr'avel pit on Sauck end, close te 0ichool and churc'h. licAfislter, 5M0 DflndnAsSt., Galt. -188 ACRES, 105 boan soUl, balanceY 1#apbe bufsh aýnd posture. Insul-brick Miuso wth hot water, lectrielly. Good 4arn sud set of iniplemnents, including 8e a retor., Twenty acres spring crep. Ï<8,00.00 dowu, full price $8&000 . J. eutta, Eroker, Durham, phions 9-34." 1 50-ACRE FARM LOCATED 5 mles froni tic Shakos- pearan Feýstival City of Stratford, Al W.e within the Ist fiva years. la pro. âucing over 7,000 bushela of grain plus xli the. pagture, hay, requIred~ A good barn, double garage und brick trip- Itx. This fan a auho purchased aitla sr1op conisting of 120 acres 0f grainý, *5 acrels of hay, ental ineome of ovee %900 plus living quartera witi ail clty convenioncos. Pried at the going rate tif land In ttus area, plus the crop. Apply to Box 214, 123-ith Street, New Toronto, Ont. .100 ACRES good lovel dlay loani, ChOICQ snrming ares souti of Barrie. 7 rooni brick 5ouse oUl heateti. Largo barn and, oether buldings. Wator luinhousanld ,table. Close to school snd village. Apply to Mr. T. Fred Nelsort, R.R. No. 1 U PAOntario. This sdvertisemont Me publ$alied frec as oflO of tho mazny benefits of: THE AI.LIED SERVICE$; (CANACA) 142e DUNDAS STREET FAST, LONONL, ONTARIO. Sasy Thot Ees ' Make Perfect Pets Britain's ,,,oîves-of the streamt -another name for the wvriggl- ing, snake-lij<e fish m-ost people cali ees-are becoing qston- ishingly popuilar as petsý. "Anl ee! make-s a perfect pet and manly teenager"S ere and elsew.here are takîng te themi," says an aquari.st "Eels aýre ean and they'll eat aniythinig."ý They'll certainly eat anything -fish, flesh, fowl or înisect. FARMS FOR S»ALE 100-ACRE fan for sale in thures county_ Ont. Excellent land,yog orehard bearhig, goed trout treanm, fine buildings, hydro, close to towif, highway, churchea, schoo1 bus by-a« Resi buly; early possesaion. Box 21s 123-th Street, New Tooto, Ont. 195 ACRE, natural drainage, tari fer cale atuted on Hîighway 7- and 8 ha. twTeen Kitchoener and New Iamburg, Plenity Spnin% Watèr and Driled Weil, Red Brick 2 torey houa., equigpoG wth pressure syteini. uree piece bath,> iarge bank barn. Contact Earl Hlonda. r-icli. Baden, Ontario ONE thndred acres, tilecl' drained ciiolco lay loani, on iiilg1hwa, Perths Coun.ty Barn 45' x 85' steel sterichiens, 2 silos, driva shed and other buildings. 8-roomiet brick house. new oil fumace. bath and cuphoards, hot sud cold water, large Iawn with 55 inapie treem, 37 registcmed, qccredited, Uisteci, 1101- stein, crop and eçluipmrent.. W. Bogie Nwn.Ont. Telepilione Milverton 36 FARM MACH#NERY FOR SALE EBERSOL'S / MILVERTON Ebersol $now Siowert Iberbol F e ixers Ebersol Ilectrie Hammer Mlli Ebersol Feed Carta EBERSOL FARM IEVATQRS EBERSOL GRAIN THROWÉRS EBERSOL SWIVEL FEEIDINQ CARRIERS Ebersiol Sead Mixers Ebarsol Threasher Siradderb CïaSwtIi Farr C ratas C.aw11ell Waya Crates Caawell C&ttie Curriara Contact your Dealer or WVrite Ebersizl Farm Equlpmient Compny. Limnite, Milverton, Ontario, .Pholne 771. PLORIDA PROPIERTIES rOR SALE 7LORIDA - Top location, main uigls- wgay for fish camp, motel, cafe, sight- aceing boats, ever f a im ü u a Wakulla (4prings, $15,000 wth termne. Box 187. Tallahasaee, Fia. FLORIDA - <INear Qcala) CENTRAL -Florida, imeieveloped. bigl roling ranch land,. 320 acres. $85 per acre. 15 acre farin with bouse $2,50Çl. MaIny others. Sun Land Realiy of Fier. Ida, 813 'N. State Rd. 7. W, Hollywood, Florida, FOR SALE - MISCEI.LA*4504J5 WA'ICH I.-og alzwm for your car. Mvakes sneak thieves sun. Eusarte lastali, any make. Oniy $5 95. Pestpaid. AIdlm etAgency, Box 388, StatiOn "I" SHO£ POIS1 ïllItE your shoes in 20 second,,! Jar of ;lltposable poUahl pads 69f. lFor Fret Catalogue Write: Duffy, , 111,' Dea;n Street, Brooklyn 16, New York. IIELP WANTED COUPLE wanted te came for grounids ziud poutry, 8 miles frorm Oraugevill*. In exchange for siervices,. Modernl$' oquipped cottage, hydro, heat sud telo' phone. Suit yousag couple or pension- ea. Write M. Stark~, 178 Hamuptoni Ave.; Toronto 6. LABORATOUT TECHNICIAN laspî-ie. cately - 5 day. week. Appiy - or Intenent. Uxbridge, General foptl Lybidgc, Onitarie. MACHINER'i FOR SALI-- FEED PILI.S -suPLUjSstock .ofiiOW Tomnado No. 15 feed" i1le, bal beuring wltbhep- *per. mu8i sell $4ù-0. Senti for ctu lar. Faderai, 185 King E,, Toronto. * , MEDICAI. 0000 RESULYS PROM TAKINO -DIXON'S REMEt»' FOR RIIIUMATIC PAINS ANDP NEUIETIS. MIUNROIS DRUIG STORE, 335eINOTA . $1.25 Express Clilcf POSTI ECZEMA SALVE BANJS!1 the terment of dry eczinu rashies and vwoeplng ahk i n trouleti, Post's 1 Eczeaua Salve wiil not disappeint you. ltebing, acaling sud burn1ng ecze. ine, acrie, ringworm, lihples and foot eeczeir.a wlï 11 rospenti readily~ to thîe stainles. odorless ointsient, re3ardless, t how stuhiemu or iopeleas they seein, Sentt PoU ;iFret on Receipt et Fric@ PRICE $1.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1965 t. Clair Avenue ta.t TORONTO NUTRIA Bonnyview Nutria Mutafions YOUR opportunity - Thity pregnanti femalos aviliable, litions guaranteed. ,'rop quality, pairs or tries. No btter wto ck aallable ai auy prive- Charlotte grunt, RR 1, ing, Ontarie. NURSES TRAININO SCHOOLS F ARN TO $65 %WEEIC as PractIcal qurs,. Leamu quickly ai homo. No higli $cehool neceasary; ne ago lit. Write fra rfre. hook1ot, leason sampies. PF» rraduete Scbool of Nursing, Room 9el- W7, 81S Wabah. Chiago, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LE:ADiNG scIioGI Great Opperhunhty 1,earr. lalsdressing Plaln ignfiýed profes;sion; godc wges rhhusautis of su.ccesaful iMalrvel Gradustea Ameir!ia's Greatest Systen SIlustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cafl MARVEL *4AIRDRESSIt4G SC$400L 35? Boor St W., Toronto Branches: 44 Ring st. W., Hamiltonl 72' Rideau St1reet, Othawsý ADULTSË Personial Rubber G9ooda. 36 assontinonit for $2.W0. Finesi qfuallty. îested, guiaranrteed. iled sm plain aîed package plus free Birtli Contre] h'ýe)oollet and cataloguje of su pplies. WVesternt Ditributons, BOX 24TrF Regin s sak. BOY Trouble? Girl Trouble? Love Trouble? Doui't siffer zt day longer wheni expert advice can ;jeeltaiuied Se easiy, quivekly, and cieaply De- laying sud Sunglng van imesn-n tta loas t youm chlane. Sen-d ime reur probleni %with 5.00for tprompt Per~ sonialized anl oi f what's wreng sud what te do. STRICTIY CONFIDEN TA.A. C. Maýrtin. Box 184. MrVTCei- DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL need..[quines snvted Lon'sDrga 471 Dapifosth Toronto jLADIES -DmsFemale Pla 80. Lyon's rugs, 471 Dnforth, Toronto. ,,joIN the Slxth Sense Club for s'uc- ceas. Questions snswered. Confidentla. Enclose stamnped envelope. P-.. Bot 131, lmanotick, Ontarlo."> GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension miay cause 75% Gof scns. Perticularly alseepiessnesai, ittery-nes a nd 1lrritability. Sieep, calin your nerves ith apa,10 for ?1.0, 10 for $4.00. Lyon'rODruigs 471 Dan.- f'orth, Toronito. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 21, #ALT, ONT. Films deveîoped anld 8 magna prlnts 40t, 12 magna prints 60 Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Deeolgroll 90ç (net ineluding printa). Colorprints 3Q0' each extra. Ansco and E.ktachrpxne 35 mim. 20 - posures rrounted i lnidas $1.20. Color prints freim slides 32e each. Money re- fundcd ln f ull for uniprilnted negative5. MiORE than any one stinle item, tiihe bir-ds you have ini your laYl'ng houses are going to make the dciff ereec b- tweefl profit and ls, dOur mnost out- staniding breeds for imaximum e-gg pro- dution: Kimber K-137, Tweddle 400, 'wede401, California, Grey X White Leghiorn, It will pay yoiu to put in Sum-n mer and Fall chieka thia yeazr. Egg prices wiil be very profitable this FaIl andl Winter. Also available, maU popular dual pu1rpose breeds. Broler chicks: FIrst generation Vantress ' Anbor Âcres White Rock, Vantress X NichOls No. 108. Turkey poulta3: Bronze. Siarted puilets, aul aZe5. Cataloguie. TWEDIILE CHICK HATCHERIitS LTD. FERGUS ONTARI O PROPERTIES FOR SALI 8WN'TERS! 456 acres of deeded land for sale, goQd. deer, inoose duck an.d pbitrldg hunting, accessi'b1e by car, brie o? the best private locations inI t1is area, Idoal for a group of inen vvanting A private hunting groundl. Write to V. A. McMurray, Gilmiour, Ont. LOOIING for 't place to rlaOver. looking trout stream In 'Huron county, 2-storey briqc home, rmod1em conveni- onces. stable, about 2 acres of gardon land, rasuberries, amnal fruits, fots of tiees ndiçîfowers, ternir, Richard fln- gramn, Wroxeter, Ont. SUMMUR RESOITrS CH4AUMONT PERRIER INN Sfte, Marguerite Statlin, m'o. VISZT tiis iovely Svisa<Chaet Iun; ïtuperh location in heart of Lauren- fians. Excellent food, swinauIing pool wils be ' àh private bah., good fishing, rlin,goâ ilu vecnity. ates $6000 te $7800 sveekby, Amiericas{Plan. Writo direct or teiephono Hudson E- 7595, Toronto, for, Information. Le Montcicir MOST OUTSTANING ESORT IN FAMED STE. AýEE VILLAwiE 1,Legé,t ýïmmn9 oolIn thz Le1-s retins 3diid ba .o S.llluinated '-lubive-ten-tcoutnt %cosiest ecitail binage. tlaIs be>'ond comparem. . idlug, ,'boatirùg, imovies. golf and driving ranige nearby. i. Social sud aponta prognani undera dh-reç,er. $Y.Siien thoatre. art cenltra, nause for -dancing. 8. Ctliollc and FProtestant churchea lu thi.village. *UcadsgVacation At Ressenable Rates 'N WrtPor Polder R. T. coiiag" LeMonteaiîr, e. Adele, PI.* OISDARDEN Lodgo. Amarican Pl, homo cooked meals, godfisi av>, .R. 2 Manitoaiaing, Ontario. DIVINE Lak-o Lodgo, fmeo illustratt« iterature will show you wha thtie uinique and encianting place bas t4p offer. Port Sydney, Muskoka, Outarlo. TEACHERS WANTEO PROTESTANT Teacier for S.S. No. 1* Mýelauction, six miles west 0f Siel- bumne on mnain uighway. Shah. salas-y required, sud inspecter or principal, Write Willls Teetes-, Sec. Trea,, R.R. No. 1, Rivervlew. TEACHER, Prote-stant, wlthh ntenmqi- fliate diplomna and te aýci as principal. Session 1960-61. Apply 9iving f ull par- tivulasso W. Hlogg, sec.-Treas, Jolî- ethe, Quehed. SKEAD Public Sviool requîmesý a Leach- or fer September for, a ene-romr chool, 20 miles nos-hi of Sud(ibu-ry, Ont. Minimum salas-y $3,200.00 iad *100.00 încrments up te s1ix yeas-i' exPerien)ce. "Grades 1 ho 8, for 32 pupi]s. Speciai co-tficates %wl ho ack-noewedged. Ap- ply te. P.S.S. No. 1 MacLenînan. c/o OI. R. 'Matte, Skead, Ont. S.S. NO. 'i SURCHIELI. LAKE REQUIRES teacIser te comm1ence Sp tomiber for Grade e o5, Approximate enrolment'25. NEWT fully modern two-reom schoal lu new nminlng commtunity ocated aumn- mner resort ares, apps-oxlmaiely 78 miles wesk e« FortWliaon paveod blgiiway. lIaily husansd train servie, Attractive salary. AýPPLY shatlng qualiflcationq, expert- once, last inspectes-, te: A. P,. BRAUTIGAM NO. 1 BURCHELL LAKE C/<O.NORTH4 COLOSTREAM MINES LTD., .IA5HABOWIE, ONTARIO TO~WNIP Schiool 4rea oet Gillies r,- qulres teacier for on. rooinu chool, Enrolment 2â-30 pupils, situated 0Y Hlghwny 588, 25 miles frein Fort WiL- liam. WRITE tAing salas-y èxpected n quallfications. Mm. O empe, 54 1'reas., Hyniers, F.O., Ontarie, ONE PkOTESTANT TEACHPR FOR GRADES 1 TC S FOR I4AWK J]JNCTION PUBLIC SCItOOL »0 minute drive frorr.ieTrn-ad. llighway Ne. 17,. nostliiof sauli Sh*, Marie. PLEASrg stahe quialifications sud salamy, nlso namo .f your asat inspecter. APPL.Y ho R. P. Biron, chaIrman (US4 No, 1 Townships 27 andh 28). DISTRICT 0F AIGOMA HAWK Junciticn, Ontario. $1 ,OOO.OO Awarî:: tyTeoiViews THE TEUI4-AGEWS OWI4 MONTHLY ILLtusT8AT . 0NEWS LUTTER 14arelg yovu ichance to discuss youe ,vi*wgi, Intareste, iobbios/ expenricey, *aupitons, 4eitrs, etc. with ether feofl- ora &round the world. Have fun-and wl 1P ri es toc. If Vol> wsnt a cancer, s job, friend4s, m onty, funi - Taçil Vltwt an mhelp Adults tf00 cari effloV ift damer-n whet la in thse heart s ad mmndt of ouf yeu ng people - 0or they cen send a <05w to tflaIr favorite teen-agers, tend $1.0,Ojor years ;ubFcription or U, cents fer' ampie copy fo: 'TEEN'VIEWS, DEPT. W_,P.O. BOX 23, STATION "D", 'OTTAWA, CANADA ISSUE 28' - 1960 chane ou r , silvetil portable The Olivetti Letterc 22, the portable portable, 1wi seligit aind slimi, \yoU'l1 positively enJoy swinging iàat voul), side.- The Olivetti Studio 44 is the elloice of niiany wh prefer a heavNier machJine, yet atijli Whnt orbility. Bothi machines provide aifl the important featuntis o! offie- size typewniters, Plus special Olivetti features that sýave tie and mk for neater typing, suchi as lf1-line and 4afletr spacing that let yoin rsert orilitted l ettes-s andexr words. Eachi cornes ini a distinctive travel case. Cbme ct'in and see for yourself why "It's sc, nie te type (1n an Olieti!" Choo1se ycur Olivretti ortle AI botter stoeos everywhere, or wvrite OLIýVE-TTI (CANA.DA) TD 481 University Avenue, Toro-nto 2- Onkctii. .. ....... . ------------ s N N N N N N N N N N N N N s, s N N N N N N s, 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N 'N N N 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N '~1 r Ni N N s N N N N

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