Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 5

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%DrMfIN VJ KI VTIMIrTI.IURYAY. 1LV 7t. a 0 I O-MKied On FaimS- in Donald M. Goul LOCAL NEWS Durham County During YeQrl Member of the Woodstock Fire!Ms B. Long returned to berBetQ atyF l01 ________________________DeprtmntDonld . Mac') home Tuesday, atter being a patient cld, lnative of Woodstock, 602 1/2 il, th-e Oshawa General )3losFuetal. 1n the Duiirham Cotinty Farm Ac- p)orts Of highwayý accidenits \wth 4 Jths ,p~e away at Vic& c.dentSuvy that was completed F, 1 J. bing k- lillcd and 8S beinigitoria Hospital, London on Thiursday M1\r. Cal Flintoff. Elliott Lake, l in the spring of 1960. There were em~i nured(. There wvere 'IlJUnle 30, ilis 30th yearJJ. He hlad Mýrs. È-a1-,e,- )raniton, Windcsor, IIIQ onie hundred reports sent in for a;(cciets on the counlty loads with aeeni i healih for the past two:Mrs. Coninelly, Toronto were in Or- and',-,3z.Gve O Q Duhm ony, by the Far'm Ac- 2 temnporary inuis13o h months. ono atteading thie funeral of ile cident Reporters. The alarming wnhproads with '2ftlci late Mr. Os. Cowan. 0 fato le eot a ht1 arl et enaeote n l'uy at the most peact wfte report was tDuha 1 fam n ts beingro red ngandeinjry Born iiWoodstock, lhe was a son Mrs. Johin Forrester, David andI tyý duriing the period of March lst, with a fatal report being given. an. te)atfMrLaowd.Hebnaecpedig hiswek tpopOxwrekoredinCueanCunraeid1 airod cosin acientNîrre.e oud.Oxoraylor, onie MrDo.uayoraDoglsandnd 1959 thirough to February 29th, 138S1 days off \work with total vd ratcalyai islie res pL ey'singtin \er c f permarient farmi injuries. These are wpry dainage of $16,859t0 iimd a haîf lhad ben a mnerber of REAOý4 "" LP R C 196. the fdiurs orD3rfarm- eup-e bad .nedica rbiîs for$609100 a' nttlWosokadfrteps erKrfedv OA L R IC tn- thhiue o uha on vr eotdfrDra onyle Woodstock- Fire Departmnent. Mrs. Johin Armstronig went bg ty, so that they are that mnuch more ~ a rut of accidents that the re- '-rior to this 'he was eiployed at plalne Saturday, to Tirmins f0 visit f aar ingur2ies sarsuofcciadntsr porters did report for this survey. LaFrance Textiles Ltd. for several liet son andi family. I aiy nuresa areut f cidnt alîes audse fumccieswr eyerMrs. A. Lloyd and lier three involving farm lpeople. largest audse fu ac ie s ý,eý ,w h eeie i V f w r ' M l e The survey report was divided follOwing closely behind were îhe Survivîng are bis wîfe, the form 4vsGready.nghe ot , 1 ist-Ir-Mls. ackAt- M~r. Milton Elliott, Bowmnaiville; homne there were 18 accidents witb of the falîs and stumbles resulted in fathe Laene Gud Oxod is Miin Klvy Trntr3 one of them giving a permanent in- temrporary injuries 'while in the .a et Lawcrce Buless xfore; tWO ted rcentl with M rs. onrmtokhu. ua aRA ~ X~-Oo,£ jury and 15 temporary 'injuries re- 1case of the ,iotor vehicles there hcothprs e)OshGeorge.Gould, Wood- a mbe56f sulted. Around the farm buildingsIwr 7ftliisad ltathd4ck anid Joseph ,in Aberta, there were 31 accidents with the temporary injuries. Fire and ex- 78!, ] S-. AexWSttn-petWefst high percentage being a'ound theiplosions did cause considerable pro- days. l eek WtnMx.tad Mrs. bai-n and in the fai-m yard. One of perty damnage while being caughit Th~e funeral was beld Saturday A-cheWto BtyAJ n D ~ O O O~ those accidents was fatal and 1 re- in farm mncahinei-y did result in 1U IVfl rom thle M.D. (Mac)Wtedwn hy eure sulted in permanent injury for, the two permanent inju~ries and large Smith Funeral Home at 3 o1uk LrrWith er dospn.tthey eekend la person involved. At thle same time, number of temnporary injuries. Act- t sriecnutdb e.G .Ooo 18 temporary injuries did resul.it ually, totalling al accidents invoîv- Pearce of 014 St. Paul's Anglican Uoo The niumber of injuries arouad theling farm mnachinery of any type, 'ýllrch and interment la Oxford- Miss Audrey Billings. Oshawa Is~ yards and the implemnent sheds and such as being bit by themn and be- centre cemletery. spending holidays at blioe o na shop were dowa with only four and jing run over, or being~ caught gave Ooo temporary injuries. About the farm 1Iported. LocalNew spent the weekend àwith Mr. and1N OD fields, lanies and the bushes and I Some .of the causes of thec acci- wt r.A .Ormodadwt around the orchards, there were 922 i dents wýere f aulty equipment, sucli Mr Gerald Robinson met thm enethe Le Durinodankud Oh dent~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~te an 1prmnntijuy Tre tpsi bidtgsaouehefrm.seod lcei teopnigraeMisBeta an staig 0 accidents with 20 emporary injur-tas overloadled wiring, lack of sýuccess at the Woodbine on Tuesday wedn in Tiiy Uie Chrh les ein reorte, oe ftal cci gurds, worn parts, weak f loors and1 niglit Mhen hie drove "Braelet" t omniî,o audy eildien were hurt in te schooll F ulty operation seem to cýase a11 f U t e eveing.- This race \vent in i Coursea O L Suiinie Couse t Pterbrouh.g yards and in each case, they didlnumnber of accidents and somne off a littie over 2.07 and was the sec- Msa at1te 11onocolt Derbin lue. 1Conigratulations -fo Miss Judy aePre. .........4fr29 acî1 ieprecftgupo rvnTamblyni,,daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 d[ent for DurhalýM County. Perhaps mllatchles and smoking, imisjudge-1Iio T1lno asigGrd1 cth wre placernasfr fata amer ont. - theMr. and Mrs. A. MýItll and fam- Il Theory of Music examination, 1 cies wronend1o1ames Lkn tthe equipment -nvolv- liv are spenidîng two we-eks holiday with lst Class Honiors.94.oLde I. f*J fi wa o te îgwas nd b -was in , the varions accidents, t theherctag nWstLk.Ms.Rt . odc,'re a, Ladies ocasins - Diress rigtex ieauiîer. Color of he outy.Thee ereil -e I oto cr ws b fr te mstU.S.A. spent this week wîith Mr-. and q'q uibue - cream or white. Sizes 4 to 9. Week End i MUrs. M. H-. Staples and Mdiss Stella Special. Pair ....... ............l9 H AVE YOU HEARD?o SUNSIPUN ICE CREAM By Slverwood's - la selling for I only 9c a brick 0 (With. any purchase of One Dollar or over of Produce)j AT CORNISWS THIS WEEK-END ]BARGAINS IN DRI We have a good choice i Stmmer Dresses ity materials-and the newest in colou'rs and styles. regular $29.95 for oniy. .. regular $19.95 for only. .. iregular $ 13.95 for' only. .. :eC> r 12.95 for only. .. regitlar $9.95 'for only.... COTTON and SILK BLOUSES 25 Cotton and Silk Blouses on Sale. Your choice for ...... $2.50 COTTON SKIRTS Ladies' Cotton Skirts, printed or plain at greatiy reduced prices. CHECKED SHORTS Ladies" Checked Shorts, sizes 12 to 20. Regular $2.95 for $2.00 COTTON CREPE PYJAMAS Ladies' Poikà ' Dot Cotton Crepe Pyj amas in colors of red, na y and green. Regular $4.95 for ..- $2.95 CH'INO PEDAL PUSHERS Three pair of Women's Chiijw Pedai Pushers. Size 10 and 12 in beige. Regular $3.95 for .- .$1.95- COTTON PANTIES- Girls' Cotton Panties with ray- thread. Size 8 to 12 for ...29c. BLUJE DENIM JEANS For, girls with elastic waist in sizes 4 to 8. Regular $1.75 for $1.00. SUN TOPS. -For Girls in white with em- broidered trim or striped. Sizes 8 to 14. Regular $1.00 for---75c. Evenings ' Friday & Saturday weInsdy rm s PjLASr FIannel cloths, sni cleaning se,- $2.95 I hazardous piece of equilment in . U use with 1 reports, while terac tor bad 12 reports for ]Jurham T1 f Ho1I B 1.17 dJ n County. Other pieces of equipment l i U»ieiOe included various tyýpeýs of live s ýtocki slîpping on rugs in the h-ome. o-A roo Pr er lawvn imowers, buzz saws, -tractor, drawn mowers an-d other pieces of- lai-m equiprnent. , This coming- Wednesday mornI 1ngat the Orono Park a>ike rdeo Co Anyoewsbn urther detailed wllbe- eld under the guidance of 1 onfat hio n my rf tesaeCorporal CorneOI of the Ontaioo ifrmateteon iysn ranch of thre Provincial Police.. 'Tlis rodeo will f on th eprmnto I uh- test the skill of the childi-en in the Use of Itheir, bicycles and thepr ture n Bomanvile. icipan!ts \will be coniduCted flirougli a'Inumber of tests. A winner of the O ~ rodeo -wil be coenbinhe gonel U Switb the i-ghest number of m-arks i t he conteýst. The rodeo w-ýiil getu undrwa at 10 o'clock. s. They are g-ood quai- condition of the bicycles an ihe, Don pas her up adequize of its brakes and or. fi Don' pas tem P - mechancial and safety features. In - this the childi-en are 'aslced to bave ~ $19.95 theur bikes in tip-top shape. If ..$ 13.95 The rçdeo is- beîng beld for those i ... 10.95 children who- are enrolled in the f SSrimmer Recreational program S$8.95 whicb is being held each morningfl -$5.9Fortthe r.e extra help is need- TIC TABLECLOTH ed to help with the judging at tb0 i-backed Plastic Table various points of the coatests. A total of twelve persons are required ootjh finish for easy and any parent Who could spare<j1- -alloped edge. 52 x 52 at short period for this mornint larej 54 x 72 priced at $3.50 asked to contactMUrs. Marv/ unn.1 DRIP-DRY SUNSUITS For girls of 100% Dupont Da- cron fabrie, wasliahle. They dry, quickly and need littie or no iron- ing. Frilld across back. Sizes 3 and 3X. Priced at......$2.95 MEN'S STRIPED JERSEYS In red or grey, size M & L $1.59 MIEN'S SPORT SHIRTS In Dan River rayon and cot- ton. Sizes small, medium and large Priced f rom ..... $4.95 to $7.95 SWIM SUITS For Ladies in different styles of printed cotton or elastie. These are priced f rom .. $8.95 to $12.95 Men's and Boys' Swim Trunks in blue, black and wine. Price $2.95 Ail Day tron~s Mna NOTICE As f ~ridy, ulth the Orono DuIMP will be closed nàrd %ilI not be open to he public s§ it bas been. in the pasti This asrebs. been necessar1ý in ord tbat a more sat- isfactorY~ disposfarea may beo- eratedi. OSôno Police Trustee COMING EVENT Tlie Ladie 'of Orono/ United Chiurchi Eve îng Aux)iiýl y have been invited f0 atbierïeeiijoyable visit with D ýa Morris a 4t ber cot- tage on VW dnesdla,July l3tb. Pleas meeta, theT vn Halla lIITEDGIIURCN Orono Pastoral Charge M imister Rev. Basil Long SUN DAY, JULY lOth CH U1CH SERVICES Kirby -9:45 a.m. orono 11:00 a.mn. Leskard -2:0p.m. SLJNDAY SCI400L Kirby -11:00 ~m Leskard -2:00 p-. Brush Rollers with 8 roller pins - mnakes soft fluffy curîs, 4rollers to a card reg. 59e for 49C~ Nylon Combs, packag 1e of five. Total retail value 8Oc. This week-enid special pkg for....39e. Towels Solid ColQr, assorted in size 20 x 40 inches Regular prie 59e. on Sale for- ........49c. Plastic Table Cloths, assorted patterns. Size 54 x 54 inches. Regular price 69c. for ......... .... 59c. Aluminum Tea. Kettles, Non-Scald. Regukar $1.75 Week-end Special ý..................... $1.59 Waffles in flavou rs of Orange, Chocolate or Vanilla. Assorted. Pound for......... 35c. ORONO 5r.. TO $L.OG STO'~ o -5 s I OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS AO IL ORO NO TIN sHOPl Ail Kinds of- SHEET -METAL WGRK PLUMIBING FIXTURE'S PUMPS and PUMP REPAIRS PIPE and FITTING$ IVRAIN CLEANERS B.-IL PAINTS Etc, Phone FIRE EXTINGUISHERS R.E. LOGAN$ Prop. 11816 Or onoa, Ontai1o ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N - N N N N N N N s- N N 'N N N N N N * N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N <s A N "s - - N N N N A N - N 's Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, Dresses, il i ,ORONO WEEKLYtIMES i 1

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